• Published 14th Jun 2012
  • 508 Views, 1 Comments

This is War - ElectricSound

This is something im working on, just wanted some opinions on it, if you guys like it, i'll continue

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Chapter 1

It’s been ages since light has shone on the desolate wasteland once known as Equestria. Princess Luna has been M.I.A. since the attack started, and our beloved Princess Celestia was taken from us by the Changeling queen. That is when all hell broke loose, the changelings took control and then separated us against each other. The Pegasus Empire, Earth Pony Army, and Unicorn Military have been at it for over 20 years. Our only hope lies on the Elements of Harmony, and their wielders, lets just hope that the war hasn’t torn them too far apart.

As the bombs dropped from the Cloudsdale war carrier, the Earth ponies took positions of defense against the attackers. General Macintosh took his aim at the cannons that were firing at Sweet Apple Headquarters and released a hailstorm of fire upon it.
“Commander, we are taking heavy fire from ground forces, we are awaiting orders.” A yellow Pegasus with pink hair stated as she saluted the Commander. Then the cyan colored Pegasus turned.
“Issue order 397, concentrate on the headquarters, we cannot risk the chance of another revolt.” She commanded, “this time, you will not survive. “ She said to herself as she glared at the great installation that had once been the farm and home of her dearest friend, Apple Jack. Then she shook the thoughts from her head, “that was in the past Rainbow, we must move on.” She thought to herself, “prepare the sonic atomizer.” Then the pegusi scrambled to their positions and started preparing the horrifying weapon.

The air was met with a high pitched buzzing sound and a yellowish colored pony shouted “retreat” and began to run for the opening of the underground, her red headband flowing behind her. General Macintosh stood his ground as everypony else ran for cover, then he shut the doors and continued to fire upon the Pegasus war machine. Apple Bloom ran to the doors and tried to open them, then the ground shook and made her fall, she got up and slammed into the locked doors trying to open it with all of her might, tears streaming down her face. “He can’t be dead, he can’t be.” She sobbed, then Apple Jack took her in her hooves, “he knew what he was doing Apple Bloom, he wanted it this way” she said trying to hold back the tears. “There’s no time to wait around, we must continue to the underground bunkers if we ever want to have a chance of winning this war” Apple Jack ordered.

Meanwhile back in Canterlot, the Unicorn Military began to plan the destruction of the Pegasus Empire, if the Unicorns take out the Pegasus, then the earth ponies will have no choice but to bow down before the power of the Unicorn. The leader of the Unicorns stepped into the counsel room, her black and purple streaked hair tied up in a ponytail, with her leader of War, Trixie, right behind her.
“How are we to destroy Cloudsdale, Twilight.” Trixie asked.
“That’s Ms. Sparkle to you!” Twilight demanded, “Do I look like just anypony you can talk to, if it wasn’t for your power, you’d be on the front lines right now, so learn your place, and don’t forget it.”
Trixie bowed her head, “yes Ms. Sparkle, as you command.”
After Princess Celestia was defeated and killed, Twilight was never the same, she started practicing dark magic, and became obsessed with power. She could have saved the Princess, but she didn’t possess the power, so she made certain that it wouldn’t happen again, and she became the most powerful Unicorn in all of Equestria, or what was left of Equestria that is.
“So, Ms. Sparkle, how are we going to defeat the Pegasus Empire?” Trixie asked again.
“Simple my dear Trixie, we shall learn the magic of the changelings, and then we will infiltrate the heart of Cloudsdale and take them down from within. I knew the foul changelings would come in handy.” Twilight said as she walked slowly to a chained changeling, “See, after they came to power, it only took a few tries, but I figured out how to determine which ponies were ponies, and which were changelings, and from there, containing them was easier. All you have to do, is put them behind a love field, they feed off of love, so behind this, no love can break through, not that there is any left in this lurid land that we call home. And don’t forget, that all traitors will be killed on command.” Twilight said as she tightened the chains around the changelings neck, then put him back into the cellar, “Now tell your little friends that we will be acquiring their cooperation.” Twilight said to the changeling as it ran to the other changelings.
“Ms. Sparkle, the armorer is here, she requests an audience with you.” The guard Unicorn stated, “shall I let her in?”
“Yes, see her in.” Twilight commanded, “Ahh, Rarity, it’s been too long, so how are the adjustments coming to the armor, we can’t risk any casualties.” She said.
“Yes Ms. Sparkle, it has been long, and the adjustments are coming along nicely, the dragon scales have shown themselves to be the hardest of all materials, and Spike is finding more scales for the armor, and then I will use my duplication spell to make the armor.” Rarity said as she knelt before Twilight, “may I ask if you have heard any news from the front lines, about my sister, is Sweety Belle okay?” Rarity asked with eyes closed, to hold back the tears.
“I am sorry to say, but she has been missing since the battle of the Everfree forest, and that has been three months ago, she knew what she was doing, and she died an honorable death, she will be remembered through our victory.” Twilight proclaimed.
Rarity fell to the floor, tears flowing down her cheeks to the floor, “how can this be, she was so…so strong, where is her body, can I see her before she is buried?”
“Her body has not been found, but her platoon was sent to the marshes, so that is probably where her body lies.” Twilight said, “now let’s get that armor ready, so we don’t face more casualties.”
Rarity picked herself up and trotted back to her work station, she stared at the picture of her little sisters graduating day from the Academy, and she kissed the photo, and went back to work.

“Commander, the Earthpony headquarters has been terminated, we are waiting for the orders to send a ground patrol to search for survivors.” Fluttershy stated.
“Very well then, send the second battalion to search.” Rainbow ordered.
“Sir yes sir.” The Pegasus said before she left.
“Battalion two, you are need as ground patrol, suit up and move out.” The intercom stated as the second battalion suited up. This specific battalion had an orange pony with purple hair, who went by the name Scootaloo. “Another ground mission again.” Scootaloo muttered to herself as she flew from the takeoff bay to the ground. As she landed she saw destroyed apple trees through the dust fog that had settled in, and she saw a wooden harness with the initials BM on it. “Oh Big Mac, why did this have to happen.” She said to herself.
“All clear over here.” A distant voice shouted.
“Same here.” Another voice sounded.
“You all go report, I’ll stay on the lookout this time.” Scootaloo yelled as the other pegasi flew back to the base.
“I just wish I could change this all.” Scootaloo whispered to herself.
Then a shudder came from a nearby tree, as Scootaloo came closer she couldn’t believe it “our old club house.” She shouted as she ran toward it, once she entered it she had tripped the laser trip wire and set an alarm off in the Sweet Apple Headquarters, then she stumbled into another trap that swept her up in a net and knocked her out on impact with the roof. A figure stepped out from the shadows, “can it be?”
Apple Bloom heard the alarm and bolted for the exit, “don’t you worry ‘sis, I got this under control.” Apple Bloom said to herself.
Apple Jack was with Pinkie Pie, the arms dealer for the Earthpony Army at the time the alarm went off, “That’s from the club house, the foot soldiers will be there in seconds.” Apple Jack told Pinky, unaware that Apple Bloom had told them that she had strict orders to go alone.
When Apple Bloom found the club house, she burst in ready to fight to the death, but to her surprise, standing in front of her was Sweety Belle and Scootaloo.
“Why are you all on earthpony territory.” Apple Bloom asked, “are you tryin’ to find our secret hideout?” she accused
“No, I actually escaped the Unicorn militia to come and find you two, I don’t want to fight anymore, we must stop this war.” Sweety Beele stated.
“Yes, we must bring our friends together, and find the elements of harmony.” Scootaloo said.
And with a strange silence falling on them, the Cutie Mark Crusaders banded together again, to help save their friends, and the whole world.