• Published 26th Mar 2016
  • 889 Views, 7 Comments

Everlasting Night: If Nightmare Moon Ruled - Violetkat

Nothing would stand in Nightmare Moon's way, not even the Elements of Harmony. With one mighty crash of her hoof, she destroyed them. Left with no hope, Twilight Sparkle feels defeated. Nightmare Moon has won.

  • ...

Hope for the Future

Twilight Sparkle and Rarity were in an awkward situation. Talking to Amber Glimmer was very difficult. The night blue earth pony seemed to understand little of what was going on. Perhaps in a different time, Twilight would have gotten along with Amber - they seemed to have very similar interests. However, at the moment, it didn't matter one bit.

"So, what's your special talent?" Twilight asked, gesturing towards Amber's cutiemark.
"Umm... studying. And stuff. That's good, right?" A fake grinned was plastered on the tall mare's face.
"Amber isn't even clever," Melody declared loudly. Had she been listening in on their conversation whilst talking to Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie? "She's actually pretty stupid, and barely ever concentrates. She didn't do well at school."
"Hehe..." Amber stammered. "But Melody's quite the airhead."

Twilight was rather confused. These three ponies, especially Melody Jayheart, seemed to have indefinable personalities. There also seemed to be quite the competition between them. Oh well. She returned to speaking to Amber. "Is this true?"
"Well... maybe a tiny bit. That's okay though, right?"
"Of course darling, we were just trying to work out how you could help us."

"Maybe I'm not meant to help."

Twilight and Rarity exchanged a glance. It did seem possible. Melody and Glittering Moon both had unusual, special powers, whilst Amber was a regular earth pony. But somehow, Amber had befriended the other two - she must have something. Or were none of them important? Could any of them have what it took to take down Nightmare Moon?

Their conversation continued, with Twilight and Rarity learning irrelevant information about Amber Glimmer. "It is quite the challenge talking to her." Rarity murmured to Twilight. Well, murmured loudly. Twilight glared at her, but then realised that Amber wasn't even listening. Instead, she was examining the large bookshelf in the corner of the room. "Umm, Amber?" Twilight asked awkwardly. "Do you think you could come back over here?"
"It would be rather tragic if you didn't. We need to learn all about you so that you can help us rid Equestria of Nightmare Moon!" Rarity added.

Amber slowly plodded over, but just as she reached Twilight and Rarity, Applejack called out. "I think we've had long enough - agreed?" Twilight sighed, and, glancing at Rarity, nodded.

As Twilight looked around the room, she sensed something different. The other ponies seemed - different. Still miserable, still angry, but more determined than ever before. Had something happened that she wasn't aware of?"
"We should share what we learnt about eachother," AJ continued. "Rarity, Twilight - would you two like to go first?"

"O-of course!" was Rarity's awkward reply. "So, well..."
The unicorn was shaking.
"We gathered that Amber's special talent is studying," Twilight found herself covering for the other pony. "This could help us... somehow. Oh, and she really likes books."

There was a long silence.

"I'm not sure if we can use that to our advantage," Applejack replied honestly. "But, moving on! How about we hear from Pinkie and her group next?"
"Gladly!" Pinkie Pie replied, incredibly loudly. "So, we learnt that Melody's special talent is something to do with sensing emotions, and, y'know, stuff..."
"She seemed very guarded," Fluttershy trotted over to Twilight and whispered. "And very wary of us. She seems to have little trust in other ponies. But really, I think she's a real sweetheart."
"Well, as you can see," Twilight replied. "Amber wasn't exactly giving us helpful answers either. Do you think that any of these ponies really hold the key to saving Equestria?"
"I'm not sure," Fluttershy murmured. "But don't lose faith yet, Twilight. Everypony is special... I believe in them. Even if nobody else will."

The two of them stared at eachother and then Fluttershy blinked slowly, before going to sit back down near Melody and Pinkie. "So, what about Glittering Moon?" Twilight asked worriedly. Rainbow Dash begun to speak.
"So, she told us-"

Smirking a little, Glittering shoved the pegasus out of the way. "I can introduce myself," she grunted harshly. "So, as you all know, I can change pony type at will, without any side effects, and I'm a powerful fighter, a great flyer, and I know lots of spells. I have it all. My cutiemark is a moon because of my general love for nighttime - I just feel so much safer and happier in the dark."

She sounds just like Nightmare Moon, Twilight fretted. Then she froze, and it hit her. No... she reminds me of young Luna. I can't think the way I've been thinking about Glittering Moon - or any of these ponies. I have to trust them. We have to join together to survive. Apart, we will crumble. As one, we may just have a chance of thriving.

Twilight took a deep breath, wondering what small voice in her mind was foolish enough to urge her to do this. "We have to team up. All of us." The purple unicorn announced.

"As friends?" Hope glinted in Fluttershy's eyes.

"No, just as allies. I wish it was everypony for themselves," Twilight admitted. "But it isn't. I'm ready to take that step forward, to save Equestria."
"Then so am I," Rainbow Dash agreed. "I'm sorry my grieving for Scootaloo got in the way. I'll do this for her."
"I'm in too," Pinkie decided. "I know I haven't been myself, but seeing you all unhappy made me just so angry. I'm Pinkie Pie - and I know what I'm meant to do with my life. I can't do it yet, but I will, soon, when this is all over." Pinkie's mane was still flat, but her eyes shone with hope.
"I'll help out. I need to protect my family," she glanced at Rainbow Dash. "If anything happens to Applebloom, I swear I'll get my revenge. I'm ready to fight to the death if I have to."
"Darling, this is just oh so mature of you!" Rarity smiled. "I'm in! I might be able to teach that ghastly Nightmare Moon some fashion style whilst I'm out there!" Rainbow rolled her eyes.
"And of course I'll help," Fluttershy whispered nervously. "However I can... I mean."

"Then that's that settled." Rainbow raised her head high. It was then that Twilight realised how doubtful the three new ponies looked.
"You have to trust us." Twilight spoke. "It's the only way."
"But I don't trust any of you!" Melody replied, her eyes wild. Fluttershy's ears flattened, hurt by this comment.
"Oh, come on! You're such a stick in the mud!" Pinkie squeaked.
"I hate you all." Melody grunted.
"Why, because they know that I'm better than you?" Glittering sneered, giving her friend a playful nudge. "Anyways, in all seriousness, this entire 'rebellion' thing seems plain stupid. Why should I risk my life to save Equestria? I only care about my family and no pony else!"
"I might consider it," Amber sighed. "But it would get in the way of my studying. Perhaps you should find some more capable ponies to take care of this."

"We're plenty capable!" Glittering smacked the taller pony with her wing.
"Are we?" It suddenly struck Twilight how terrified Melody looked. She looked unhealthily anxious.
"Think of your family," Pinkie Pie blurted out suddenly. "Think of your friends - and anybody or anything else you hold dear to you. They might never see a single cupcake again unless you help them out."

At this, Melody suddenly began to tremble. "But I could be putting them in danger by going against Nightmare Moon."
"It won't happen." Twilight insisted.
"We'll protect them - that's a promise."

The unicorn still looked faint, then she whispered. "I guess I'll do it."
"Then I will, too." Amber added.
"Ha! I guess I'm in!" Glittering did a cartwheel in the air. Rainbow smiled a little and copied her.

Maybe things were finally looking up - Twilight didn't know. But she had to believe in herself and her acquaintances.

We can do it.