Everlasting Night: If Nightmare Moon Ruled

by Violetkat

First published

Nothing would stand in Nightmare Moon's way, not even the Elements of Harmony. With one mighty crash of her hoof, she destroyed them. Left with no hope, Twilight Sparkle feels defeated. Nightmare Moon has won.

A long time ago, Celestia banished her sister, Luna, to the moon after she lost control of herself and became Nightmare Moon. A thousand years later, the mare on the moon returned. Twilight Sparkle and her companions travelled through the Everfree Forest in an attempt to stop her, but the evil princess smashed the Elements of Harmony to nothingness. Having destroyed the Elements, Nightmare Moon runs free. She is the new ruler. There will be eternal night.

Darkness has won

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Twilight Sparkle watched as the Elements of Harmony shattered before her. She was speechless. Nightmare Moon smirked. Twilight felt burning hatred for this mare, like nothing she had ever felt before, but she couldn't fight - not now.

She wondered where the others were. Twilight had been teleported here, to this weird tower. She had no idea how far away the five other ponies were, or if they were safe.

"Anything to say, fool?" Nightmare Moon's voice boomed. Twilight could feel tears welling up in her eyes. She felt like a failure. Not just a failure to her wonderful mentor, Princess Celestia, but to everyone in Equestria. Just because she had no friends didn't mean Twilight didn't care what others thought. To be honest, the young unicorn hid her emotions most of the time.

"You, you can't do this..." Twilight stammered and croaked, the words fighting their way out of her mouth. "I... won't... let... you." There was nothing left though. Nightmare Moon had won. Even a foal could see that, like the little filly called Apple Bloom that she had seen just this morning...

Aren't you gonna stay for brunch?" Apple Bloom stared up at Twilight with pitiful eyes. The unicorn's heart melted like ice cream. Who could see no to that face? She would do absolutely anything to make her smile. "Fine."

Now she could imagine Apple Bloom like that again, only she was begging Twilight to save Ponyville, and Equestria. Twilight could not contain herself. She burst into tears. Twilight could only imagine how feeble she looked before Nightmare Moon now. She was snivelling. She was wailing. She was defeated. And there was no point in hiding it.

"Where did that oh so compassionate little unicorn go? She sure was arrogant. You had big talk, but where's the fight to back it up?" The alicorn's horn began to glow with terrifying dark magic. She charged at Twilight. Twilight saw no point in defending herself. She stood, ready to meet her fate. Better have a quick death over stay in Equestria during this monster's reign. She shut her eyes and clenched her teeth. Goodbye.

A voice yelled. "Spare her!" Twilight quivered and forced open her eyes. Nightmare Moon's horn was centimetres from her throat. She glanced past the princess, to where Rainbow Dash stood alongside Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Applejack. "Why?" Nightmare Moon snarled.
"She may be useful to us alive." Rainbow insisted, eyes gleaming. Twilight shuddered, wondering what the pegasus, whom she had assumed had been her friend, was planning. It hit her right there and then. All of this was a trap. Those 'friends' of hers had probably been spying on Twilight all along. They had seen that she was planning to stop Nightmare Moon in her tracks. They had brought her here. Just when Twilight had been beginning to trust, she had had everything torn away from her. Never again. If she survived this, Twilight would stand alone.

"Yes, and why should I trust you? Weren't you on the stupid unicorn's side?"

"Well, yes, I was," Rainbow Dash glanced at the other four, who nodded at her, briskly. Twilight noted how much Fluttershy was shivering, how she kept on trying to go back from where they came. Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie also seemed pretty terrified, and even Rainbow had fear flickering in her eyes. Maybe they did still care about her... well, Twilight wouldn't give any five of them the benefit of the doubt. She hated them all. It felt much better that way, it helped the fire inside of her burn brighter. "But then I saw how powerful you are, Nightmare Moon. I've been blinded by Celestia's false promises. We all have been."

"Mhm." The others mumbled an agreement.

"Very well then. I shall try out her magic, and see if it can come any use to me. Her pathetic dragon might even come in handy if we can teach him how to fight. I'll be keeping an eye on you five. Now return to Ponyville and pass around word to meet me at this unicorn's house in twenty four hours. Hope everyone knows how to tell the time, with there being no sunlight and all. Warn them if anyone is late, the offender will face a slow and painful execution in front of the entire town."

"Must everyone attend?" Applejack asked. Perhaps he was worried for his little sister.
"Yes. Everyone. From Ponyville anyway. They must know much about this unicorn."
"Well... she only turned up about a day ago." Applejack replied.
"I heard that she was in charge for the Summer Sun Celebration. I can at least try for information. If not, I'll try Canterlot next. Now, go!" She waved her wing, and within seconds, all five of them were gone.

Nightmare Moon turned to Twilight. "You must be sleepy." She sneered, and, raising her horn, she shot something at Twilight. It surprisingly didn't hurt, in fact, it felt ever so comfortable. The unicorn sunk to the ground, and yawned. Before she knew what was going on, sleep had claimed her, and everything turned blacker than the night.

Always show up

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Twilight Sparkle awoke. She didn't know quite where she expected to be, but she found herself in her own bed, and in her own house. So, Nightmare Moon really hadn't hurt her? Perhaps it had all just been a bad dream.

She peered out of the window, wishing for the sun and daylight, but there were only shadows. Nope, this was no dream. Celestia was gone, and Nightmare Moon was now in charge.

Twilight tried opening her windows and her doors, but it didn't come as much for a surprise to her that they were locked. She guessed she would just have to sit and wait for something to happen. And something sure did.

Soon, all of Ponyville was crowded outside of the library. Twilight tried to hide her relief as she saw Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie Pie amongst them. Why did she feel so much fear for those five? Suddenly, Twilight heard a voice. "Urgh... Twilight! You're back!"

"Spike!" Twilight exclaimed delightedly, rushing over to the baby dragon and giving him a huge hug. "I thought Nightmare Moon had taken you!"
"Nope," Spike grinned. "I've been asleep the whole time. So? Were you able to stop her?" Twilight took a deep breath.
"No. No, I couldn't." She explained to the dragon what had happened. Spike watched gobsmacked all the while, then said.
"And now you don't trust the others? Are you crazy? They saved your life!"
"Yeah, so that Nightmare Moon could use her magic for her own evil deeds," Twilight grunted. "I would have rather have died."
"Stop with the negativity, Twilight. Trust me at least. See how things go today. I'll be here for you."

"Thanks, Spike." Twilight whispered, giving him another hug. Suddenly, she heard the door open. Of course it was Nightmare Moon. She heard the alicorn call. "This way, little pony! We're about to have a very important meeting."

Twilight approached the dark princess, trembling all the while. Spike crept after her. "Now, why don't we go outside, and enjoy my beautiful night?"

Within minutes all of Ponyville was gathered in the plaza. Twilight was at the centre, next to Nightmare Moon. On Nightmare Moon's other side was a panic stricken Spike. "Citizens of Ponyville, please stay quiet. You and you," she pointed her hoof at Applejack and Fluttershy. "Please check that every pony is here."

There was a long, frightened silence as the two ponies took down names. Then they trotted back over to Nightmare Moon. "So?" her eyes glinted evilly. "Is anyone absent?"
"N-n." Fluttershy began, rapidly shaking her head. Applejack nudged her gently. There were tears in the yellow pegasus's eyes, and she stepped back. "Scootaloo isn't here." Applejack told the princess. Nightmare Moon narrowed her eyes.
"Oh really, isn't she? You there," she glared at Rainbow. "Do you know where Scootaloo's home is?"

Rainbow remained silent.

"I said, do you know where her home is?" Rainbow's ears were flattened to her head. Twilight knew the answer. Of course she knew. Applejack made her way over to the pegasus and whispered something to her. Tears beginning to well up in Rainbow's eyes, she replied, "Yes."

"Very good," Nightmare Moon smirked. "Go with Soarin. Bring her here. By force, if necessary."

Rainbow Dash showed no happiness at being paired up with another pegasus. She nodded briefly to Soarin, and they flew off. Twilight feel a twinge of sympathy, but tried to brush it away quickly.

"Anyways," Nightmare Moon boomed. "I have found a unicorn with unusually strong magic. Her name is Twilight Sparkle, and she is the star of the show that I have brought for you. And this is her dragon, Spike. We're hoping to toughen it up a bit, so that he can help viciously defend our borders. Applause, please."

There was unenthusiastic clapping from the crowd. Twilight's gaze locked with Fluttershy's. The shy pony gave a slight shake of her head, before looking away. "Until I am aware of her capabilities, Twilight, along with Spike, will stay in the same library they have been in already for the past day or two. You two seem to find it rather comfortable, anyways."

Twilight and Spike both stayed quiet. What was there to say?

Suddenly, all attention directed to Rainbow and Soarin, who were flying towards them with a limp, screaming pony with them. She was very young, and orange coloured, with small wings. She remembered briefly seeing the filly at the Summer Sun Celebration, hiding alongside Apple Bloom and a young unicorn foal.

They began to fly downwards, and Nightmare Moon growled. "Keep hold of her," Rainbow and Soarin obeyed, but Twilight could see how distressed they both were. Nightmare Moon strode towards the pegasus, head held high. "Would you like to tell me why you were dragged to the meeting?"

"I-I, I didn't know when I was meant to come!" Scootaloo blurted out. "Please forgive m-" She was interrupted when Nightmare Moon kicked her sharply. "Silly filly. I don't believe in forgiveness. Do you remember what happens to those who are late, or don't attend?"

Scootaloo didn't reply. She simply began to wail.

"Hmph, why don't I show you, then?" Nightmare Moon readied herself. Aura began to glow from her horn. She shot a black beam at the filly's stomach. It slightly missed the centre, but Scootaloo still screamed in agony, blood spurting from the wound and wetting the ground. Twilight heard numerous gasps from the audience, and saw that Rainbow was looking away. "How wonderful. Avoiding a quick and easy death? Well, I do prefer seeing as much pain as possible. What a fine show this will be! Don't you agree, Rainbow Dash?" She fixed the pegasus with a deadly gaze.

"Y-yes," Rainbow whispered. She raised her voice. "Yes. Scootaloo was merely an embarrassment. A bad mark on my name. She was like a terrible stain. I won't be missing her."

"Just as I thought," Nightmare Moon grinned. "My faithful subject, I'll let you do the honours of killing this filly painfully and slowly."

The horror was right there in Rainbow's eyes. Nightmare Moon knew that Rainbow Dash didn't want anything bad to happen to the little pegasus. This was probably just to torture Rainbow too, maybe as a punishment for not answering the princess earlier.

Pinkie Pie padded up to Rainbow and gave her a hug. "I'm so, so sorry." She whispered, a single tear trickling down her cheek.
"None of this is your fault, Pinkie." Rainbow Dash replied, embracing her friend back. Fluttershy let out a small sob. Rainbow turned to Nightmare Moon. "Very well."

All the while, Scootaloo had been losing more and more blood. She was screaming and screeching. Rainbow charged at her with great force and rammed into her. Scootaloo landed at Nightmare Moon's hooves. "You always wanted to fly?" Rainbow panted. "Well, you're flying through the air now!" She charged again, and blood spilt out of Scootaloo's stomach. "Impressive." Twilight heard Nightmare Moon murmur. The purple unicorn backed away, horrified.

Rainbow made a very strange noise as she looked down at the filly's body, then narrowed her eyes. The rainbow maned pegasus shot high into the air, before coming straight down at insane speed. She began to shine a rainbow colour, and then it splashed all around her. A Sonic Rainboom? She heard Applejack and Rarity slowly clapping.

Rainbow Dash slammed into Scootaloo, ripping her entire body apart. The filly never struggled. She had accepted her fate. And Rainbow Dash had killed her. Blood and organs splattered onto Rainbow, but she shook them off. She bowed before Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon sighed. "Too quick. Too painless. But that was quite the Rainboom," she raised her voice even more. "Let this be an example to you all. Now, dismissed!"

Here to help

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It had been several days since the meeting, and Scootaloo's death, which Twilight Sparkle was still trying to get over. Something had to be done. However, she and Spike were locked up, and both of them too worried to think straight.

Twilight trotted over to where Spike was eating some very dry bread. Nightmare Moon was feeding them very little, and what she did give them was often rotten. "We have to think of something." Twilight whispered.
"Gotta... think... of something..." Spike agreed.

It seemed both of them were losing their minds.

There was probably a very obvious way out of this that the two of them hadn't thought of. But everything was so crazy. So complicated.

Suddenly, Twilight heard voices, and an orange pony crashed through the window. It was Applejack. Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy followed. "Twilight, why didn't ya just break through the window?" Applejack asked.

Twilight groaned. So she'd been right. "I don't know." She snorted. Rarity face-hooved.
"Or use teleportion magic, darling? My, Twilight, I thought you were clever! You have strong powers, right? Bet you knew that spell."
"Yes... I did..." she replied, embarrassed. "Why are you even here, anyways?" She asked, coldly.

"Wondering what was taking you quite so long!" Rarity exclaimed. "Oh, and we're here to help."
"Nightmare Moon's out o' town for a while. She's off to Canterlot to gather information about you. Seems not many ponies knew anything 'bout ya. Guess keeping yourself to yourself kinda worked!"

"Hmph. I'm always right." Twilight growled.
"Grumpy as ever, I see!" Pinkie Pie bounced over, then quickly returned to standing next to a silent Rainbow Dash.

Twilight lowered her voice and whispered to Fluttershy. "Is Rainbow okay?" She asked, concerned.
"I'd be lying if I said she was," Fluttershy replied miserably. "She's not herself, too busy grieving for Scootaloo. Pinkie's never left her side for the last few days. She's rather sensitive to Rainbow's emotions."

"I guess she's being positive to cheer her up," Twilight muttered. "Acting as if everyone is okay."
"Actually, no!" Fluttershy replied. "Pinkie knows as well as all of us how terrible this is. She isn't hiding the truth. Just look at her mane!" Twilight glanced back at Pinkie - her mane was flat, dull and lifeless, her coat paler than usual. "It's a thing that happens when she's unhappy."

"Anyways," Applejack continued. "With Nightmare Moon absent, we were thinking now would be a good time to find allies. Problem is, most of Ponyville are too scared to even offer help. They wouldn't dare, after Scootaloo...

Rainbow Dash sobbed quietly, and Applejack sighed, her eyes clouded. Perhaps she was thinking of Applebloom, and how she would have felt if she had died. "Sorry Rainbow," she murmured. "Didn't mean to hurt ya feelings." Rainbow glared at Applejack, and the pony backed away.

"Well, someone might help us, right?" Pinkie squeaked. "They'd better..." Twilight was shocked by how threatening those last two words seemed, and began to tremble. Where had the cheerful, laughing pink pony gone? Had she been a lie?

"Urgh, I guess we'll go," Twilight sighed. "But we're all in big trouble if Nightmare Moon finds out."
"If Nightmare Moon was to discover that we're talking to you, all of us would have been torn to shreds already. There's no making the situation worse."
"Plus, if I died... well, at least I would be with Scootaloo." Rainbow whispered, speaking at last. "It's my fault she died."

"Shut up, Dashie!" Pinkie snapped. "Scootaloo'd kill you herself if she saw you moping around like this! She'd want you to stand up and save everyone, right? Because, for some reason, you were her hero. Carry on being her hero, and don't let Scootaloo or yourself down!" Rainbow Dash sighed. "Okay. Thanks, Pinkie." She raised her head, new determination flitting in her eyes.

"Let's just go already," Twilight grunted. Then she trotted over to Rainbow and murmured. "I'm so, so, sorry."

"Good luck." Twilight realised she had forgotten Spike was already there. "Take care."
"Bye, Spike. Hope we meet again."
"Course we will," he replied. Then the dragon grinned. "Rarity'll look after you all."

Twilight rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but smile.

The six ponies made their way out of the window. The villagers who were outside gasped in shock at Twilight's appearance. "Is she crazy?" Twilight heard Bonbon mutter to Lyra. "Celestia knows." the teal pony replied. Several nearby ponies glared at Lyra, and she hastily corrected herself. "Umm, I mean, Nightmare Moon, of course! This is all just a little hard to get used to."
"I'm glad that I don't have to report you to our leader." One of the ponies said.

"Everyone!" Twilight called out. "I need your help defeating Nightmare Moon!"

Everyone was silent.

"Come on, hooves up if you want to join the rebellion!" She began to sweat.

"Twilight," Doctor Whooves spoke up. "I'd surely want to help. But I haven't quite perfected my time travelling invention yet. From all of us in Ponyville, as well as everyone all over Equestria, I'm afraid it's a no."

Twilight sighed, and Applejack whinnied. "Come on, y'all. We can't force them or nothin.'"

The ponies got ready to carry on, when Rainbow Dash blurted out. "Please! Think of Scootaloo!"

The gathered villagers glanced at one another.

"You were the one who killed her," Bonbon whispered quietly. "Even if you didn't want to."
"And we just couldn't possibly rebel." Lyra added. Murmurs of agreement rose from the others.
"Like I said, sorry." Doctor Whooves repeated, bowing his head.
"Now might just be a good time to give up," Lyra continued. "But, either way, goodbye and good luck to you all."

The enthusiasm and fire left Rainbow's eyes as quickly as it had appeared. The pegasus's head drooped. "Okay." She muttered. They began to walk away, when, suddenly, Pinkie turned around and yelled. "Cowards!" She looked almost ready to charge back at the ponies and rip their hearts out, but Applejack restrained her. "There's nothing we can do here, Pinkie," she stated. "Come on, we'll just 'ave to keep going. No matter what Lyra says, we're not gonna give up."
"Surely somepony must have the guts to stand up to Nightmare Moon." Rarity agreed.
"Then let's go already!" Pinkie exclaimed. "We're gonna get ourselves some allies!"


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Applejack trotted up to a large, fat stallion. "Scuze me, but do you know of anypony who may be willin' to help us fight back against Nightmare Moon?" The stallion, whom had a short, pale sandy mane and a brown body with a red and blue underbelly scratched his head.
"Fight back against Nightmare Moon?" he replied in a deep voice. "Seems rather foolish to me. However, I do know of a rather kind young mare who I am pretty sure would always fight for justice. I probably shouldn't be telling you about her though, especially since I haven't the courage to go up against our leader. Anyways, she used to be a student of mine."

"Tell us her name, now!" Pinkie Pie snapped.
"Hold your horses," the stallion grinned. "That's no way to speak to a teacher!"
"Sorry about Pinkie," Twilight shoved the pony out of the way. "Please, please, please can you tell us her name?"
"Be nicer to your friend." He smirked.
"That's it!" Twilight snarled. "Sorry, Pinkie! Just tell us, please!"

He laughed. "Her name is Melody Jayheart. She's a unicorn with very powerful magic. As well as that, she can temporarily transform into an alicorn. But-"
"Thank you very much!" Twilight guessed he was quite the storyteller. "Finally a pony who knows that what Nightmare Moon is doing is wrong!"
"Everypony knows that," he replied. "Don't lose faith in them so easily. Anyway, as I was saying-"

The six ponies cantered away.

"Hey, come back!" He called. They were gone.

"We have no idea where she lives!" Fluttershy whispered.
"Then let's ask somepony." Rarity replied.
"I'm not sure about that!" Fluttershy squeaked, but Rarity had scurried up to a dark blue mare.
"Do you know where Melody Jayheart lives?"
"If you do," Pinkie bounced over. "You better tell us or-"

Twilight groaned, dragging the pink pony away so that she couldn't threaten the other pony. "Oh yes, I do!" the mare didn't even hesitate. "She lives at this address." she got out a pen and wrote on Twilight's hoof. "There!" She grinned.

"Thank you!" Twilight replied. The six ponies scurried off again. Now they just had to hope that Melody was home.

It didn't take long for them to reach Melody's house. It was a small apartment, quite old, and a modest place. Twilight wasn't quite sure how to feel about it, but she approached warily. Applejack knocked incredibly loudly.

No answer.

Suddenly, there was a tap on Twilight's shoulder. It was Fluttershy. The yellow pegasus pointed to one of the house's windows, and Twilight saw a small, pudgy, pale blue face staring back. As soon as the pony realised she had been seen, she quickly darted away. Twilight took a deep breath. "Excuse me!" she yelled. "Sorry to disturb you, but we really need to speak!"
"We're not here to hurt you!" Applejack added. Pinkie began to growl, and Applejack glared at her. "Honest!"

The door slowly opened, and Twilight saw the pony fully for the whole time. She had a pale blue coat with a brown, magneta and violet mane and tail. Her cutie mark was a heart, half black, half white, that was on fire.

"Are you Melody Jayheart?" Pinkie asked briskly.
"Y-yes." The unicorn trembled.
"May we come in?" Twilight asked.

Melody was silent for a few seconds, then she whispered. "Umm... okay?"

A few minutes later the seven ponies were gathered inside. "Is it true you can turn into an alicorn?" Twilight queried. She sure was interested.
"You mean, a pony with a horn and wings?" She replied.
"Yes." What else did you think I meant?
"I can," she replied. "But I don't really, you know, like talking about it..."
"Why not?" Rarity asked. "My, if I had such a wonderful ability, I would make sure it was constantly the talk of the town!"
"Well, you see, I can't like, turn into an alicorn at will-"
"Whaaaaat?" Pinkie interrupted. "Hold up, what makes you so special then?"
"Well, I'm not sure. Something, I guess," Melody fiddled with her leopard patterned glasses. "It may be a concidence, but I often turn into an alicorn when I feel a very powerful emotion. I very nearly transformed back there, when you knocked on the door. I was really scared, you see. That pegasus there," she pointed at Fluttershy. "Well, I suppose she saved me. I looked into her eyes, and, I don't know... I felt safe. I feel as though I can actually trust you guys."

Fluttershy blushed.

"Anyway, when I do transform, well, because I don't have wings all the time, I don't really know how to fly. And I would probably be too nervous even to properly try. As well as that, it really drains my energy, and I feel very sick and dizzy afterwards... it's not pleasant."
"But you must've gotten used to your gift, right?" Rarity replied.
"I guess so, but I shouldn't have to get used to something so inconvenient and painful! I shouldn't have to be always worrying about it!" Her voice was louder now, as if she was about to rage.

"But you must have the power for a reason," Fluttershy murmured. "You must be a very special pony."
"Everypony is special," Rainbow Dash muttered. "Apart from Nightmare Moon."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Melody replied, embarrassed. "So, what brings you here?"
"We wanted to see if you would help us fight back against Nightmare Moon." Twilight said.

Melody whimpered quietly. "Are you crazy? Wouldn't she kill you?"

"I'm not crazy!" Twilight snapped. "You should be grateful that I'm even doing this! None of these ponies are even my friends after all!"

Fluttershy flinched. "But we are your friends, Twilight. All of us."
"Y-yeah," Rainbow Dash added. "And I know you're going to help us avenge Scootaloo! You're brave! You're strong! You're supportive!'
"Why, Twilight, wouldn't we be your friends? I mean, I know your fashion sense isn't quite the best, but still!"
"Twilight, you can trust us." Applejack said.
"Twilight..." Pinkie spoke with utter seriousness. "Why do you think Applejack told you to fall? Why Rainbow and Fluttershy caught you? Why Fluttershy saved you from the Manticore? Why I helped your face your fears? Why Rarity got us across the river? Why Rainbow never left you behind? And why Dashie convinced Nightmare Moon to spare your life? We've been behind you all the way Twilight. I don't apologise for my behaviour. I just think you're a fool not to believe in us."

Twilight took a deep breath. "Whatever you say. Melody, please help us." Melody sighed.
"Sugarcube, we won't tell anyone that you're a part of this." Applejack insisted.
"We won't!" Pinkie agreed. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"
"Fine." Melody growled.

"Why, thank you!" Rarity beamed. "Heh... do you by any chance have any friends who may want to help us out?"
"Umm... I don't know."
"Tomorrow, try to introduce us to some of your pals. We'll go from there," Applejack replied. "We'll be leaving now, then!"

Twilight led the way out.

"I have no idea how well that even went!" Fluttershy whispered.
"We got ourselves an ally." Pinkie replied bluntly. "Now shut up."
"Pinkie!" Twilight warned. The land pony flattened her ears angrily and began to snort.
"There's no way Twilight can go back to her old place with the broken windows. She'll have to come and sleep with one of us."
"Not me!" Pinkie snapped. "I don't need anypony's company!"
"I'm sorry, Twilight, but I'm not one for sharing my room." Rarity said.
"I've got enough ponies at my place already." Applejack decided.
"And you can't fly, Twilight. So you can't come with me."
"That just leaves Fluttershy, then," Applejack stated. "Fluttershy, are you okay with letting Twilight stay at your place? It might be a little difficult with all the animals..."
"Umm, it'll be fine," Fluttershy replied. "I'd love Twilight to stay with me... anything to help her out."
"We'll come to Fluttershy's in the morning," Rainbow Dash decided. "Let's go home now." She flew straight into the sky.
"Goodbye!" Pinkie hissed, and she cantered away.
"Sweet dreams, Twilight!" Rarity left.
"See ya tomorrow." Applejack made her way home.

"Then, let's be going." Fluttershy whispered.

Eventually, they arrived at Fluttershy's cottage. Twilight was alarmed by the vast amount of animals. "Where am I meant to sleep?" Twilight asked, not keeping her exasperation out of her voice. "Heh... on the floor, I guess. I'm really sorry about this Twilight."

The unicorn didn't reply. She flopped down, exhausted on the floor, too tired to complain. She was really worried about Spike, and doubtful about her 'friends.' Plus Melody seemed very strange, and something made Twilight dislike her. Everything'll become clear in the morning. Twilight told herself. Then sleep claimed her.

Melody's Friends

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Twilight Sparkle woke up trembling. Her mind was filled with terrible dreams as well as flashbacks - Nightmare Moon nearly killing her, Scootaloo's death, and the recent meeting of Melody Jayheart. Why is this happening? I should've saved Equestria. But I failed. She glanced around - all the animals, as well as Fluttershy, were still fast asleep. Twilight sighed. She knew she would need her rest for whatever happened next, but it wasn't worth it - not with all these nightmares.

She stepped outside, and stared up at the moon. Why did Nightmare Moon have to be so harsh and cruel? When she had first read about her, Twilight had felt a stab of sympathy for the dark princess. Ponies hated nighttime, but it was Nightmare Moon's job. She had never been appreciated. But now, Twilight didn't care about the past. Nightmare Moon couldn't carry on doing this.

Twilight had no idea what time of day it would actually be, if Celestia was still with them. Either way, the sun hadn't been in the sky for quite a while now, and Twilight felt as though she was gradually going crazier and crazier. "Twilight." Twilight turned around to see Fluttershy behind her. She must've heard Twilight leave the cottage. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" Twilight replied, no emotion in her voice.
"I know that all of us have been making you feel really bad, ever since you came to Ponyville..."
"It's fine," she turned back around, eyes fixated on the moon again. "You were just trying to make friends. But I didn't want friends. I stood alone. And I know that all of you would support me in anyway you could... I just feel like this is something I need to do on my own.

Fluttershy took a deep breath. "Okay," she sounded uneasy and uncertain. "You're still going to go to meet Melody's friends today - right?"
"I will," Twilight replied. "Maybe one of them will have an idea on how we can beat Nightmare Moon."
"Maybe," Fluttershy replied. "... should I leave?"
"Stay, go, whatever you want. This is your home, not mine."

The two of them sat in silence for a very long time. Then Fluttershy whispered. "Umm... this has been nice, Twilight. I'd better go feed my animals." Twilight heard her rush away.

I don't need friends. Twilight told herself. However, as Fluttershy left, she felt her heart grow colder inside.Stop this, Twilight. You don't need anypony.

Twilight Sparkle still needed to convince herself.

A few minutes later, Rainbow arrived. "Hey Twilight," she whinnied. "Is Fluttershy ready?"
"She should be," Twilight rolled her eyes. "She's been feeding those animals of hers for a very long time."

Twilight was about to go get her, but Rainbow Dash swiftly flew inside and came out mere seconds later with Fluttershy. It didn't look as if the yellow mare had been rushing to feed her animals. Was she purposefully trying to avoid Twilight? Were things between them really that awkward.

"I hope the others arrive soon," Rainbow said restlessly. She flew backwards and forwards. "We really need to go meet Melody's friends so that we can beat Nightmare Moon!"

As if on que, Rarity appeared. Twilight was not surprised to see that she was wearing a fancy outfit. "Really, Rarity?" Rainbow rolled her eyes.
"We're basically going to a meet and greet today," the unicorn replied. "I must look impressive to leave a good first impression."

Rainbow Dash snorted. "Fine then, whatever you say, great Rarity. But fashion isn't going to help us defeat Nightmare Moon."
"She's right about that," Applejack cantered towards them. "But if Rarity wants to play dress up, then just to with it."

"Now we're just waiting for Pinkie," Rainbow said. "I wonder what's taking her so long? If she doesn't turn up soon, we'll have to go without her."
"Rainbow's right," Twilight agreed. "We can't be kept waiting on just one pony."
"Well, if I know Pinkie, she'll probably suddenly appear here in about five seconds flat."

"Pinkie!" Rainbow Dash suddenly exclaimed. The pink pony zoomed over.
"What held you up?" Rarity asked.
"I was making cupcakes... duh."
"Cupcakes?" Twilight replied, puzzled.
"Y'know, cupcakes! We're meeting some new ponies."

"Why, Pinkie!" Rarity exclaimed. "I don't think cupcakes are necessary. We're going to be meeting Melody's friends today, but not for a party. It's strictly business! We're going to discuss Nightmare Moon! I mean, it's not like I'm doing something ridiculous so that these ponies form a good opinion on myself!"

Fluttershy giggled. "Are you sure, Rarity?" She pointed at her outfit.
"I don't know what you're talking about!" She replied sheepishly.
"We'd better be going," Applejack cut in. "From what we saw of Melody yesterday, she didn't seem at all happy about agreeing to help us. I doubt it'll take her long to just give up on us."

It didn't take too long to get to Melody's place, especially since the ponies were moving so very fast. Rarity knocked. A few seconds later, Melody cautiously opened the door. "Oh, it's you again." She narrowed her eyes, flattening her ears.

"Try some of my super duper extra tasty cupcakes!" Pinkie squealed, her mane suddenly poofing up, as though back to her old self. Melody ignored her. "Do you want to come in?"
"I want you to eat the cupcakes I made!" Pinkie replied.
"Yep! We need to talk!" Rainbow Dash seemed very determined today.

As they went inside, Pinkie's mane swiftly deflated, and she shoved one of the cupcakes into Melody's mouth. "Good mare, eat the cupcake." She muttered. "Chill," Twilight heard AJ whisper to her fellow earth pony. "No need to be getting all worked up over some cupcakes."
"But there is!" She replied, as, embarrassed, Melody tried to discreetly spit out the cupcake. Twilight had heard Pinkie's food was usually very good, so she guessed that Melody was just uneasy accepting food from strangers.

"So, these friends of yours," Twilight addressed the unicorn. "Do they have unusual abilities, like you?"
"Well, one of them does," Melody replied quietly. "She can switch between a pegasus, unicorn and earth pony. It doesn't use up any of her energy, unlike me. But the other one doesn't seem to..."
"Are they already here?" Applejack asked.
"One of them is - Amber Glimmer."

Rarity was the first to spot Amber - she nudged Twilight and pointed her hoof towards a tall, night blue earth pony. She had dark brown, almost black eyes, a pink bracelet on one of her hooves and her cutiemark was a yellow, shining tickmark. Her mane was blackish brown, tied up with a red bunchie. "Look at her unacceptable fashion style!" The fellow unicorn exclaimed, her eyes huge. Twilight saw Applejack roll her eyes.

"Howdy, are ya Amber Glimmer?" Applejack asked as she approached.
"Yep! That's me!" On closer inspection, Twilight recognised Amber as the mare who had guided them to Melody's yesterday. It made sense. They were friends. "Hello Amber, I'm Twilight Sparkle." Twilight shook hooves with Amber.
"So, you're Melody's little, well, rather, big, friend?" Rarity asked.
"You don't seem very fun." Pinkie added. Fluttershy and Applejack hushed her.

"Yep, we used to be classmates." Amber replied with a smile.
She seems nice - my sort of pony. But now's not the time... or is it? Sooner or later, they were going to need as much support as they could get, so maybe even 'friendship' could help.

"Where's your other friend?" Applejack asked. Melody replied.
"Late. She's always late. Very late."
"Maybe we should start without her," Rainbow decided impatiently. "This is pretty urgent."
"I agree," Rarity nodded. "If this other pony doesn't want to help, so be it."
"I think that we're probably going to have to do that," Twilight sighed. "But doesn't she have a special power? She might come in handy."
"No offence to Amber." Applejack added.
"None taken!" Amber smirked.

"Everypony!" Twilight announced. "I think we should all get to know eachother."
"See, Twilight, looks like you really do care about friendship! Why hide it?" Pinkie bounced, then tumbled to the floor in a heap. "Anyways, if me and Fluttershy-"
"Actually, it's Fluttershy and I."
"Whatever, does it look like I care? So, Fluttershy and me-" Twilight face-hoofed. "...And Applejack, can go get acquainted with Melody. Twilight, Rainbow and Rarity can introduce themselves to Amber."
"How come you get to choose?" AJ and Twilight demanded in unison.
"It's Pinkie - don't question." Rainbow Dash smiled - just slightly.
"Okay then, then let's get started-"

There was a knock on the door.

"If that's Glittering Moon..." Melody grunted, answering it. Another light blue face, similar to Melody's, appeared.
"Glittering!" Melody's eyes flashed furiously. "I told you that it was urgent!"
"Sorry!" Glittering snapped, without seeming at all regretful. "I had some things to do!"
"Like what?" Melody sneered.

There was a long silence.

"Can we please just get started?" Rainbow insisted.
"We have to say hello to our dear pal Glittering Moon first!" Pinkie squeaked.

Glittering got closer. She was a light blue mare with chestnut eyes, a poofy mane and a purple, glittery moon as a cutiemark. Twilight found herself awkward. This young mare didn't at all resemble Nightmare Moon, but she had a moon as a cutiemark, and 'moon' in her name. She hoped whoever spoke to Glittering found out a lot about her, so that Twilight knew whether she could be trusted.

"Out of interest," Applejack spoke. "Who here is the one with the special powers?" Glittering raised her head high, waved her hoof, and announced. "Me."
"Of course it would be the showy one." Rarity murmured whilst fiddling with her mane.
"You're the showy one." Rainbow Dash whispered.

At the moment, Twilight noted, Glittering was in her earth pony form. That soon changed, as suddenly a dark aura shone around Glittering Moon, and everything became shadowy. When Twilight could see again, Glittering was a pegasus, flying around the room at an impressive speed. Rainbow's jaw dropped. "Cool!" then she frantically shook her head. "There's no time for this. Me and Applejack..."

Twilight was on the brink of killing herself. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were just taking the mickey now.

"Me and Applejack will go with Glittering, Rarity and Twilight with Amber, and Pinkie and Fluttershy with Melody. Done! And go!"

Hope for the Future

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Twilight Sparkle and Rarity were in an awkward situation. Talking to Amber Glimmer was very difficult. The night blue earth pony seemed to understand little of what was going on. Perhaps in a different time, Twilight would have gotten along with Amber - they seemed to have very similar interests. However, at the moment, it didn't matter one bit.

"So, what's your special talent?" Twilight asked, gesturing towards Amber's cutiemark.
"Umm... studying. And stuff. That's good, right?" A fake grinned was plastered on the tall mare's face.
"Amber isn't even clever," Melody declared loudly. Had she been listening in on their conversation whilst talking to Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie? "She's actually pretty stupid, and barely ever concentrates. She didn't do well at school."
"Hehe..." Amber stammered. "But Melody's quite the airhead."

Twilight was rather confused. These three ponies, especially Melody Jayheart, seemed to have indefinable personalities. There also seemed to be quite the competition between them. Oh well. She returned to speaking to Amber. "Is this true?"
"Well... maybe a tiny bit. That's okay though, right?"
"Of course darling, we were just trying to work out how you could help us."

"Maybe I'm not meant to help."

Twilight and Rarity exchanged a glance. It did seem possible. Melody and Glittering Moon both had unusual, special powers, whilst Amber was a regular earth pony. But somehow, Amber had befriended the other two - she must have something. Or were none of them important? Could any of them have what it took to take down Nightmare Moon?

Their conversation continued, with Twilight and Rarity learning irrelevant information about Amber Glimmer. "It is quite the challenge talking to her." Rarity murmured to Twilight. Well, murmured loudly. Twilight glared at her, but then realised that Amber wasn't even listening. Instead, she was examining the large bookshelf in the corner of the room. "Umm, Amber?" Twilight asked awkwardly. "Do you think you could come back over here?"
"It would be rather tragic if you didn't. We need to learn all about you so that you can help us rid Equestria of Nightmare Moon!" Rarity added.

Amber slowly plodded over, but just as she reached Twilight and Rarity, Applejack called out. "I think we've had long enough - agreed?" Twilight sighed, and, glancing at Rarity, nodded.

As Twilight looked around the room, she sensed something different. The other ponies seemed - different. Still miserable, still angry, but more determined than ever before. Had something happened that she wasn't aware of?"
"We should share what we learnt about eachother," AJ continued. "Rarity, Twilight - would you two like to go first?"

"O-of course!" was Rarity's awkward reply. "So, well..."
The unicorn was shaking.
"We gathered that Amber's special talent is studying," Twilight found herself covering for the other pony. "This could help us... somehow. Oh, and she really likes books."

There was a long silence.

"I'm not sure if we can use that to our advantage," Applejack replied honestly. "But, moving on! How about we hear from Pinkie and her group next?"
"Gladly!" Pinkie Pie replied, incredibly loudly. "So, we learnt that Melody's special talent is something to do with sensing emotions, and, y'know, stuff..."
"She seemed very guarded," Fluttershy trotted over to Twilight and whispered. "And very wary of us. She seems to have little trust in other ponies. But really, I think she's a real sweetheart."
"Well, as you can see," Twilight replied. "Amber wasn't exactly giving us helpful answers either. Do you think that any of these ponies really hold the key to saving Equestria?"
"I'm not sure," Fluttershy murmured. "But don't lose faith yet, Twilight. Everypony is special... I believe in them. Even if nobody else will."

The two of them stared at eachother and then Fluttershy blinked slowly, before going to sit back down near Melody and Pinkie. "So, what about Glittering Moon?" Twilight asked worriedly. Rainbow Dash begun to speak.
"So, she told us-"

Smirking a little, Glittering shoved the pegasus out of the way. "I can introduce myself," she grunted harshly. "So, as you all know, I can change pony type at will, without any side effects, and I'm a powerful fighter, a great flyer, and I know lots of spells. I have it all. My cutiemark is a moon because of my general love for nighttime - I just feel so much safer and happier in the dark."

She sounds just like Nightmare Moon, Twilight fretted. Then she froze, and it hit her. No... she reminds me of young Luna. I can't think the way I've been thinking about Glittering Moon - or any of these ponies. I have to trust them. We have to join together to survive. Apart, we will crumble. As one, we may just have a chance of thriving.

Twilight took a deep breath, wondering what small voice in her mind was foolish enough to urge her to do this. "We have to team up. All of us." The purple unicorn announced.

"As friends?" Hope glinted in Fluttershy's eyes.

"No, just as allies. I wish it was everypony for themselves," Twilight admitted. "But it isn't. I'm ready to take that step forward, to save Equestria."
"Then so am I," Rainbow Dash agreed. "I'm sorry my grieving for Scootaloo got in the way. I'll do this for her."
"I'm in too," Pinkie decided. "I know I haven't been myself, but seeing you all unhappy made me just so angry. I'm Pinkie Pie - and I know what I'm meant to do with my life. I can't do it yet, but I will, soon, when this is all over." Pinkie's mane was still flat, but her eyes shone with hope.
"I'll help out. I need to protect my family," she glanced at Rainbow Dash. "If anything happens to Applebloom, I swear I'll get my revenge. I'm ready to fight to the death if I have to."
"Darling, this is just oh so mature of you!" Rarity smiled. "I'm in! I might be able to teach that ghastly Nightmare Moon some fashion style whilst I'm out there!" Rainbow rolled her eyes.
"And of course I'll help," Fluttershy whispered nervously. "However I can... I mean."

"Then that's that settled." Rainbow raised her head high. It was then that Twilight realised how doubtful the three new ponies looked.
"You have to trust us." Twilight spoke. "It's the only way."
"But I don't trust any of you!" Melody replied, her eyes wild. Fluttershy's ears flattened, hurt by this comment.
"Oh, come on! You're such a stick in the mud!" Pinkie squeaked.
"I hate you all." Melody grunted.
"Why, because they know that I'm better than you?" Glittering sneered, giving her friend a playful nudge. "Anyways, in all seriousness, this entire 'rebellion' thing seems plain stupid. Why should I risk my life to save Equestria? I only care about my family and no pony else!"
"I might consider it," Amber sighed. "But it would get in the way of my studying. Perhaps you should find some more capable ponies to take care of this."

"We're plenty capable!" Glittering smacked the taller pony with her wing.
"Are we?" It suddenly struck Twilight how terrified Melody looked. She looked unhealthily anxious.
"Think of your family," Pinkie Pie blurted out suddenly. "Think of your friends - and anybody or anything else you hold dear to you. They might never see a single cupcake again unless you help them out."

At this, Melody suddenly began to tremble. "But I could be putting them in danger by going against Nightmare Moon."
"It won't happen." Twilight insisted.
"We'll protect them - that's a promise."

The unicorn still looked faint, then she whispered. "I guess I'll do it."
"Then I will, too." Amber added.
"Ha! I guess I'm in!" Glittering did a cartwheel in the air. Rainbow smiled a little and copied her.

Maybe things were finally looking up - Twilight didn't know. But she had to believe in herself and her acquaintances.

We can do it.

Ready for Battle

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"Okay, so, we need to plan," Rainbow Dash spoke up. "Any ideas on how we could best fight Nightmare Moon?"

There was a long silence.

Eventually, Pinkie Pie spoke up. "We could throw tomatoes at her."
"Not a good idea, Pinkie." Applejack replied. Pinkie flattened her ears.

"I suppose we could use magic," Melody Jayheart murmured. "...but I don't really know. You guys are pretty stupid, thinking that any pathetic plan could take down that crazy mare."
"You talking about me?" Pinkie asked with huge eyes.
"No..." she answered quietly. Amber rolled her eyes. "Nightmare Moon."
"Heh, I knew that!" Pinkie bounced slightly, then shook her head.

"I think that Melody and Glittering are the key," Fluttershy decided. "Their powers are strong, and will shock Nightmare Moon."
"But I don't like transforming!" Melody protested. "Maybe you are crazy!"
"Melody," Glittering Moon spoke seriously as she placed a hoof on her friend's shoulder. "This is our chance to save Equestria. To do something special. To leave our mark. I'm... I'm scared too. But what do we have to lose?"
"A lot," Melody replied bluntly. "I can't do something special, if I'm not special."
"You could be a hero." Amber Glimmer contributed very slightly towards the tense conversation.
"And we all have faith in you." Twilight added.
"Do we?" Rainbow asked. Twilight glared at her.

"Maybe Rainbow is right..." Melody whispered unhappily.
"N-no!" Rainbow Dash stammered. "I'm... right behind you, ready to support!"
"Melody, Glittering," Fluttershy whispered. "Nightmare Moon will most likely be back in Ponyville now. You know I hate fighting... but I don't think we have a choice at the moment."

Melody sighed softly.

"So, what's the plan?" Amber asked anxiously.
"We don't really have one." Rainbow Dash replied sheepishly.
"We just have to go out there and fight." AJ added.
"And get ourselves dirty." Rarity complained.

"But the idea is, you two will lead us," Twilight said. "Amber... I'm sorry, but I think you should stay with us. You're more our equal than Melody and Glittering's..."
This is so awkward.

"Okay!" The night blue pony did not seem the slightest bit hurt, but it didn't make Twilight Sparkle any less guilty for somewhat excluding Amber from her own group of friends.

"I think we should go now," Applejack whinnied. "The longer we stand around here, the more nervous we'll get." The golden land pony was sweating with fear. Then again, so was everypony. "Then... let's go." Glittering spoke doubtful, as she and Melody led them outside.

Twilight wondered where the evil mare was. She was about to speak when a pair of hooves kicked her, right in the head. She just had time to see her friends suffering the same fate before she blacked out.

The purple unicorn awoke in a huge room. She had no idea where she was. Rainbow Dash had already regained her consciousness. She was fighting a dark blue and white pegasus, and by the looks of things, winning. Then a purplish and pink unicorn shot a scary looking laser at her, and Rainbow tumbled to the ground next to Twilight. "What do you think you're doing?" Rainbow Dash snapped.
"Heh," the unicorn replied in a deep and booming voice. "Just helping out my dear friend. You had no right to be disagreeing with her, threatening her or fighting her."
"Friend!" Rainbow snarled. "Likely story! You ponies wouldn't know friendship if it flew up to you, introduced itself, and smacked you right in the face! Which is exactly what I plan on doing!"
"Calm down," Fluttershy had awoken. "We're not going to win that way!"
"You're not going to win either way," Twilight froze with terror as she heard Nightmare Moon's voice. The ponies around her were now all stirring, with minor injuries. "My little ponies."

Nightmare Moon appeared from the shadows. Using the mysterious, dark power from her horn, she lifted Twilight up.
"Hey! Let her go!" Rainbow yelled. She was restrained by a skinny, red and white stallion. Nightmare Moon clearly did not treat him well.

"You escaped, I see," Nightmare Moon sighed. "I must admit - that was quite a simple thing to do... traitor. Anyways, I do not wish to severely hurt you. Your magic is powerful, and I still have use for it. In fact, the ponies of my interest are these two." She pointed a hoof at Melody and Glittering.

She levitated the rest of the ponies, and locked them in a cage in the corner of the room. Twilight began to tremble, and attempted using her magic on the bars. Nope. "We could try working together." AJ suggested. It didn't take long, however, for them to realise that that wasn't working either.

Meanwhile, Melody Jayheart and Glittering Moon were crouched to the floor, horrified. Nightmare Moon smirked. "You two are quite well known throughout Ponyville," she spoke darkly. "Especially you, Melody. So, I think it's time to test your skills. Be aware at what's at risk if you lose." She pointed with her horn at Twilight, and the rest of the imprisoned ponies. "You can do it!" Amber called out unexpectedly. Twilight saw both ponies shake their heads at her.

"Now," Nightmare Moon growled. "Come at me!"

A Nightmare come True

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Twilight Sparkle watched as, hesitantly, the two ponies charged at Nightmare Moon. Glittering's brown eyes glowed with determination, as she shot up into the air. Nightmare Moon chased after her, and shot a beam out of her horn. Twilight's heart leapt as Glittering dodged.

Meanwhile, Melody was on the ground, trembling. "Melody!" Twilight yelled. "You have to get in there and fight, with or without your alicorn magic!" The sky blue unicorn nodded weakly, and charged a powerful beam with her horn. She shot it at Nightmare Moon, and it hit. However, the evil alicorn didn't even flinch. Distracted from Glittering, she counter attacked Melody Jayheart, and it hit the mare right in the head. Melody let out an agonised scream.

She has to get back up!

Beside her, Fluttershy was quivering. Applejack whispered. "We have to go help them!"
"But how, exactly?" Rarity inquired. "We're not strong enough to get out of this blasted cage."
"Rarity's right," Twilight replied. "We can only watch."

Twilight wished she wasn't so helpless. Melody and Glittering Moon were far from ever being her friends, but she was meant to be beside them, saving Equestria, not just standing here. Twilight glanced at Amber. The land pony's eyes were emotionless. It was hard to know what she was thinking, but Twilight guessed she was just as terrified as anyone else on the inside.

Nightmare Moon was nearing Melody. Glittering landed, and with a blinding flash transformed into a land pony. She raced behind Nightmare Moon, and aimed to kick her, but the mare was too fast. Glittering Moon transformed again, this time into a unicorn. She attacked with a beam, which appeared to hurt Nightmare Moon just a little. A drop of blood splashed off of the wicked mare's body, but she ignored it.

Twilight could sense Melody's panic, it was burning brighter and brighter. Her blue eyes were huge, and there was sweat glistening all over her body. She looked as though she was about to pass out. The small unicorn could barely get up on her hooves. Suddenly light begun to swirl around Melody, and Twilight gasped as she made out the shape of Melody's wings.

The light faded away, and Twilight saw Melody in her true form for the first time - still small, still shocked, but with wings. "There you go!" Amber shouted out. "Go for it!"
"We trust you, Melody!" Twilight added. Rainbow, Rarity, AJ and Pinkie nodded. Twilight stared at Fluttershy, who looked doubtful.

"Look how tired she is," the pegasus insisted. "And remember, she can't really fly all that well."
"Why, she'll be fine!" Rarity exclaimed. "She'll get the hang of it! And must I say, she looks so much more gorgeous and divine with those wings! It's quite the transformation! No offence to Amber, of course... she's very special too."

Melody Jayheart struggled towards Nightmare Moon. "You sure... you want to fight me?" she panted. "Do you want me to rip you apart?" Nightmare Moon shrugged. "I'm not stupid. You look rather pathetic. I think I'd rather fight your friend instead!"

She turned around, and began to battle Glittering. Twilight could see that Melody's friend was putting up a good fight - but whether it would be enough against someone like Nightmare Moon, she wasn't sure. "Oh, they'll get through it!" Pinkie bounced up behind Twilight. "They have each other! They can win..." suddenly, the pink pony's voice grew quieter. "I hope so."

Melody Jayheart was flapping her wings, hovering just a little above the ground. She looked exhausted, but Twilight shook her head. This was no time for sympathy. Melody had these powers for a reason, right? The alicorn carried on trying, before collapsing to the ground again. Immediately giving up, she tried a different approach - an attack with her alicorn magic. Twilight sighed - perhaps this would work.

Glittering Moon had switched back into her unicorn form, and was locked in intense, magical combat with her fellow 'Moon'. Even without transformation consequences, Glittering had slowed down, and was showing less enthusiasm to be battling than ever. Nightmare Moon was aiming what looked like a fatal blow towards the blue unicorn.

Applejack tensed. "This might be the end." She whispered.

Suddenly, a huge beam shot Nightmare Moon in the back. The black mare cried out in pain, a giant patch of blood now upon her. She swung around, away from Glittering, to face her attacker, Melody. "Ah, so you do have some power left in you," she noted. Nightmare Moon glanced at the locked up ponies. "I guess I will have to extinguish your last spark of hope."

"Don't try it!" Rainbow Dash yelled. Twilight turned to Rarity.
"Maybe we could trying firing attacks from up here," she told her. She could heard disturbing screeches of agony down at the battlefield. "Melody's shockingly powerful with her alicorn magic, but she's small and young, and very tired."
"She most certainly is going to need some help." Rarity agreed.

They launched their attacks from through the bars, but missed Nightmare Moon easily. After a few more attempts, Twilight sighed. "Never mind, this room's too big. Even I'm not accurate enough to touch her."

The fight was at a standstill. Melody and Nightmare Moon were both loading their horns with power, whilst Glittering Moon was uselessly attacking from behind. Suddenly, Nightmare Moon unleashed her power, pummeling Melody right in the stomach.

Melody Jayheart collapsed.

"Melody!" Glittering screamed, galloping over to her best friend. "No, no, no!" Melody's body shone, and then she was a unicorn again. Glittering lowered her head over the bloodstained body. She then turned around with fire in her eyes, glaring at Nightmare Moon. Then a small sob escaped her. "The battle's over."

"Too weak even to fight till the end, huh?" Nightmare Moon smirked. "Well, then, I guess I'll just kill your pony friends."
"Don't you dare!" Glittering snarled.
"Let her kill us!" Fluttershy called out. "We're not worth it!"
"No," she replied. "I'd rather die than watch any of you seven suffer."

"Don't worry, Glittering Moon," Twilight gulped at Nightmare Moon's creepy smile. "You've been through enough tonight. No... I plan on killing your pathetic friends. However, there is one way to save them..."
"What is it?" Glittering narrowed her eyes.
"Fetch the prisoner!" Nightmare Moon ordered a blackish green pegasus.
"Hehe, of course." He replied in a raspy voice, and flew down a corridor that Twilight hadn't spotted before. She flattened her ears. Who was this prisoner, and what did Nightmare Moon plan on doing to them?

A few minutes later, the pegasus returned, dragging a body behind him - purple, with green scales. Twilight's heart skipped a beat.


She felt faint. Fluttershy let out a horrified gasp. Rainbow began to hurl insults at Nightmare Moon. AJ and Rarity stared at eachother, before backing into the corner of the cage. "Spike!" Twilight shrieked.

Spike slowly lifted his head. "Twiiii-light?" he croaked. "Twi-i-light, where are you? Why are you leaving me? Where are you g-going?" His head flopped down again. "I'm right here Spike!" she called out weakly. "Everything's going to be okay!"

"What do you want with him?" Rainbow yelled furiously. "He's just a baby - let him go!"
"Here's the deal," Nightmare Moon chuckled. "If you all watch me kill this stupid dragon, I'll let you live. You can all live as my servants. Alternatively, he can survive... and I get the pleasure of destroying all seven of you."
"What about Glittering Moon?" Rainbow Dash and Amber Glimmer asked in unison.
"Hmm... she'll die too," the princess decided bluntly. "But you see... what happens. It's going to be her decision."

Twilight's heart lurched.

"So, what will it be, Glittering Moon? You and your little ponies, or the dragon?" Glittering whimpered slightly, then spoke loudly and clearly.
"I do not know Spike. He is young. He is innocent. But I do not know him. There are eight of us, one of him. I'm sorry, everypony, but this is what I have to do," she took a deep breath. "Kill him, Nightmare Moon. Just make it quick."

Those words made Twilight feel as if she were dying inside. She lay down, head in her hooves, and closed her eyes. She couldn't watch. Not this. Then she heard Nightmare Moon. "Oh, Twilight - don't you remember? Watching was part of the deal."

Twilight shook her head. She then felt hooves shaking her, and looked into Amber's eyes. "What?" she snapped. "What's your problem?"
"Just watch. You need to stay with Spike till the end. He would want that." Twilight didn't reply - she stared emotionlessly as Nightmare Moon charged at Spike.

She slammed into him and tossed him in the end. "Twiliiiight! What are you doinggg?" Spike howled. Twilight trembled. What was the dragon thinking? In his mind, was she killing him? What sort of brain damage had he been suffering? How long had he been imprisoned? And... could letting him die actually end his pain?

Nightmare Moon flew high up into the air then shot down at him, ripping his head in half with an air slash. Blood splashed all across the floor, but the evil mare whinnied with delight. Twilight shivered.

Celestia, if you're out there and you can see Spike now, please help him! She mentally begged her mentor.

But inside... she knew it was too late.

Nightmare Moon raised her horn, and aura shot from it, tearing the dragon's tail off. She then stood very still, charging her power. Many minutes passed, then suddenly, she let go, firing at Spike. Twilight was blinded.

When she could see again, the entire room was covered in blood and organs, and there was nothing more than dust where the dragon had been.

"Spike..." She whispered, feeling her sanity vanish. But what could she do now?

It hit her. This was how Rainbow Dash was feeling. And it felt like... a nightmare come true.