• Published 22nd Mar 2016
  • 723 Views, 26 Comments

A Filly's New Hope - Mocha Star

A young filly's life is changing faster than she can understand and the changes within herself are going to change Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 31

“So then I rolled to the side and used my staff to whack Trek on her flank. It didn’t hurt, cuz she has arnmor, but it made a loud noise and she tripped and fell in the mud!” Nova burst into laughter as she trotted beside Tree while Trek trotted behind, covered head to forehoof in drying mud and clay.

“Well, that explains why we have a golem following us.”

“Half golem, Tree,” Trek replied as some dried mud crusted from her faux coat. “So, I can sense the next waypoint; we’re almost to Las Pegasus finally. Who’s excited to see the city?”

“IamIamIam, mememe!”

“Well, if I’m half as excited as Grape, then I guess we’re in for a grand excursion,” Tree said with a smile.

“And I remind you that you’re only to stay a day, then it’s time to return home. This trek has taken an extra week than I was planning on and from what I hear, this Apple of yours is gonna be a ‘might upset, reckon?” Trek mused.

“HA! You sound just like her.”

“She does not! I know my Apple and she doesn’t sound… entirely like that.”

“Oh? Y’all wanna have a mare with a country accent?” Trek said in an extremely convincing accent.

Tree stumbled to a stop, the cart pushing him a couple of extra steps as he frowned at Trek. “Don’t do that,” he said flatly.

“Aw, Ah s’pose it’s only fair that Ah stop makin’ nonsense’r by golly Ah’ll have ta spend a night under tha stars alone.” Tree’s knees buckled and he nearly fell as a look of adoration crossed his features. “Well,” Trek said in her normal voice, “looks like it’s the accent that gotcha and the mare next?”

“N-no, I just… have a thing for country mares.”

“Whatever, let’s go! I wanna see a cloud city,” Nova interjected as she took a quick canter down the beaten path. “I wanna eat some cloud food, too. And have a pegi-back ride!”

Trek looked to Tree and mouthed the question. Tree leaned in close. “It means pegasus back ride.”

Trek made an oh face, understanding a little more about the mysterious filly she’d gotten to know so well.

“Okay, we should be there by nightfall. I had a room booked at a quaint inn for us to stay in last week, but now it seems that we’re a week behind thanks to sight seeing and trade talks-”

“Hey, those trade talks got my family another trade route through Whinney Hills, and we’re way off track from there.”

“A fine negotiator you are, I’m sure. However this is not negotiable, Mister Appletree. We have to leave by tomorrow night or I’ll leave without you. I must report back, face to face, with my local commander back in Canterlot.”

“Alright, alright,” Nova snorted, “you’re both so much like adults! C’mon, let’s race… last one to that tree is named Tree!” She took off in a gallop before Tree could grumble.

“See ya there,” Trek giggled and quickly trotted behind Nova, catching up but not passing, easily. The cart squeaked as Tree made to move faster, it’s resistance making him sweat slightly as he struggled to catch up.

“Wow… It’s more amazing than I would have ever imagined. A cloud city over a earth city and regular trade between them both. It’s like they both have trains between them only, and it’s ponies!”

“Yeah, I’ve seen it since it was a town and it’s still impressive.” Trek sighed as she stood tall, gazing at the cities.

“Heh, you’re a riot,” Tree droned, “Las Pegasus is easily four hundred years old, and it wasn’t always here.”

“I meant Lost Pegasus, the earth city below it. It was called Barbed Seas and I was joking,” Trek replied flatly, “I read it in a book.”

“Wow! You can read, too?! You’re so awesome, Lime… I mean, Trek.”

Trek giggled and patted Nova on the head. “That’s nice to hear, Grape. And, yea, I’m literate… Just another skill I’ve picked up over the years.”

“My friend says you’re as old as dirt.”

Tree laughed out loud while Trek looked behind them with a scowl. “Tell your friend she looks like-”

“Now, now,” Tree interjected before it could get heated, “let the filly have her fun. If her friend says you’re… more experienced than us, then so be it.”

“But, she didn’t say experiumced, she said mph-” Tree placed a hoof over Nova’s mouth and smiled warmly.

“Once is enough, sis. Don’t push your friends luck.”

“Ptuh,” Nova spit onto the ground, “I don’t like that, you tasted like yuck. And my friend says she’ll getcha next sheshun… whatever that is,” Nova rolled her eyes and huffed. “Are you two gonna be fighting forever or can we get to the city and have some fun?”

“Grape, I think we should leave the mares to talk it out while we go ahead. I’m sure Miss Trek wouldn’t mind talking with your friend and catching up,” Tree hinted with a wink, “in about four minutes.”

“I think I like that idea. Give us a chance to ‘talk it out’, as t’were.”

“Fine, it’s agreed,” Tree said hitching up again. With a tug the harness was taught enough and he began to trot, following Nova, down the path.

Once they were nearly out of sight. “You old cow! How can you have her call me old?! You’re one to talk…”

“Well,” Tree asked Trek when she’d caught back up with a smile, “how’d it go? Work your issues out?”

“Yeah, you could say that we really hashed it out.”

“...She said you tried to hit her with your staff,” Nova sighed. “You’re not gonna be friends at all, are you?”

“What? We’ll be friends, we’re just having a quarrel about what is right to have a filly say. You’re too young to be using such language about an experienced mare, such as myself.”

“...I’m not telling her that,” Nova said sternly, “that’s mean words.”

“Good job, Grape,” Tree praised her, “you tell her who’s boss.”

“You are, Tree,” Nova said innocently.

Trek snorted into laughter as the city loomed closer.