• Published 22nd Mar 2016
  • 724 Views, 26 Comments

A Filly's New Hope - Mocha Star

A young filly's life is changing faster than she can understand and the changes within herself are going to change Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 30


The sound of a staff striking against a tree sent birds into the air and critters scurrying into their burrows and nearby trees, in the evening light some were going to stay in after their scurry. Another strike and finally a smaller squeak ended the ruckus.

“Nicely done,” Trek said as she smiled through her armor to the filly before her, “this imaginary friend of yours seems to be getting better and better, just like you,” she said with a wink.

“She’s not imagination-ary. She said she’s been wif me forever, so that’s a long time; more than I know, she said. But… She said I’m getting better without her help. That last hit you missed and whupped on the tree woulda been super hurting on me.”

“You dodge like a chimera, Nova. If I ever did strike you, I’d be more afraid of you hitting me, with…” Nova grinned as her staff landed a strong blow across Trek’s armored back, buckling her knees with a shocked grunt.

Nova hopped quickly towards Trek and spun, bucking at the soldier's helmet. She felt her strike connect and she toppled forward onto her chest with a giggle. “She told me you’d fall for that!” Nova giggled as she scurried to her hooves and turned to face the mare… then screamed louder than she had in days. She turned and galloped as fast as she could through the tall grass and to Tree, who was dozing by the cart.

Tree, startled awake, hopped to his hooves and looked at Nova, who was moving faster than he’d seen her since the gryphon event weeks prior. “Nova?! What’s wrong? Where’s Trek?”

Nova tripped and tumbled several lengths before she skidded to a stop on her side. Wincing in pain she looked up to Tree. “St-stranger... danger.”

Tree sighed and cantered to her, helping her up and brushing wet grass from her sides and some dried grass from her rump. “Okay, you saw a stranger. You’re safe now. Is Trek talking to them?”

“No! You don’t get it, Tree, they took her! She was there, than another mare was there! It was a swappersoo, like in that story about the mare who was switch with her sis and… it was so scary! They coulda swappersed me too, we have to rescue Trek,” Nova shouted as she turned to gallop ahead. She galloped, galloped, galloped, then stopped and huffed.

“I’ll let you down when you tell me what happened, calmly.”

“I did. I was training and then she was gone but somepony else was there,” Nova said slower but still loudly.

“Fine, where were you training and I’ll ask trek what’s, oh, there she is. Trek,” Tree called as she approached. Nova’s expression was awash in confusion. “I heard you were foalnapped and replaced? You look like you handled yourself well,” he chuckled, “I think it’s about time you told, showed, Nova why you’re always wearing the armor.”

Trek rubbed her helmet and groaned as she tossed Nova’s staff to her; the filly caught it in her invisible aura without any noticeable effort. “You know, you have legs as strong as your spirit, Nova.” With that, Trek took her helmet off and the magic was dispelled in front of Nova, who scurried back and beneath Tree.

Before them stood a green unicorn with yellow mane and amber eyes. “Hello, Nova. My real name is Lime,” she introduced herself as she levitated her helmet to her back, “I’m still Safe Trek, but that’s my codename, just like yours is Grape Juice. Can we keep this a secret?”

Lime and Nova looked at each other for the most silent half minute the filly had had in a day before Nova finally spoke. “So, how old are you?” Tree laughed while Lime blushed.

“Well, I’m older than you’d believe,” Lime replied with an awkward smile.

“Yeah...” Tree said poking Nova in the back, “you don’t ask a mare her age.”

Lime chuckled sweetly. “Or she’ll say something crazy like she can’t die, or something, right?” she grinned through clenched teeth.

Tree looked at Lime with a raised eyebrow. “Uh, right… anyway, it’s all out in the open now, so there’s that done and gone. Let’s get packed up and back on the road, as long as you’re done with your sparring match, that is.”

Nova grinned and nodded, beginning to regale Tree with the story of her gallant victory over the forces of evil as they trotted back to the cart. With a heavy sigh, Lime replaced the helmet and looked at her green forelimbs. As they faded to white she looked at the filly and stallion walking away.

“Yeah, I’m just old enough… I hope you’re watching her closely, Miss ghost,” Lime said to her right without taking her eyes off the filly. “...Yeah, and if she gets lost on the path who’ll end the struggle? Who’ll fix the problem that they don’t see? … Right, right, I’ll just stick to it. I really wish you’d stop egging her on to hurt me though; she’s actually beating me and leaving welts.

“...It wouldn’t be so funny if it was you!” Lime grumbled as she entered a quick trot.

“What was that, Trek?”

“Oh, nothing, Tree. Just, working some kinks from the armor that Nova just dented.”

“You dented her armor? Great work, little sis!”

Nova blushed and looked to her left, a wink, then to her right. “Thanks, Tree. It wasn’t easy but ya gotta be smarterer than the pony you’re fighting… even if it is with a stick.”

Tree stumbled and restrained a laugh. Trek whacked him against the back of his head. “Don’t even think that thought or I’ll show you what it’s like.”

“I-I’d never even think of thinking of such a thing, ma’am.”