• Published 12th Mar 2016
  • 2,344 Views, 9 Comments

Miraculous Equestria- ML and MLP Crossover - SilverSwirls

Twilight and her friends get a new message from Sunset. Of course, Twilight goes through her port al at the Rainbow Kingdom, but once she goes through, something happens. Next thing Twilight knows, she is in Paris, as a human, seeing two figures..

  • ...

Meeting Miraculous Faces

Everyone trots back and forth, pacing through the echoing halls. Outside, clouds started to cover up Ponyville. Winter Wrap Up just passed by, so spring must've come. Rain sprinkled down Ponyville, everypony going indoors. By the time the dirt roads became vacant, it started to pour, hearing a little thunder in the distance. Spike looks outside, having a concerned look on his face.

Spike asks, "Will Twilight be ok? I wish I went with her!"

"No Spiky-wiky. She must've went by herself, so she wouldn't have put you in danger. Spike, you've done your job." Rarity states.

She hugs Spike, while he starts to tear up. The Mane 5 paces harder than ever before, since the thunder scares them. They hesitated for a bit, and turned to the portal. They all huddled together and hugged, looking terribly depressed.

"Ahh... The distress makes me feel glorious. Let us...go to this Quantiverse.

The mysterious pony, seems to have no name. No one has ever heard of her. The pony wore a large black cloak, and then, a portal came through the shadows. Then, before anyone could blink, she went in. Her shelter became pitch black, like it was a nothing in the universe itself.

Twilight stayed outside of the school. Then after a minute of waiting, the bell rings. Two girls come out, one looking like the young girl Twilight saw before. Then, another two friends came, one that was the young boy as well. Twilight runs up to the blue-haired girl. The girl seemed creeped out, while her friend left, not noticing she stopped on the way. Her bag rumbled, as if something were in it. The girl grabbed it, making it stop. She tried to walk away, but she tripped on a step, falling on her back.

"Let me help you there." Twilight takes her hand out and the girl grabs it.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle, princess of F- I mean, just Twilight!" Twilight stuttered.

"Uhh, bonjour! Je m'appelle Marinette!" Marinette says.

"Pardon..?" Twilight questions.

"Sorry, thought you spoke French." She scratches her head, "Hello! My name is Marinette. Nice to meet you!"

Twilight tried to wonder what French was, but she forgot. She shook her hand.

"I saw you coming out of the tunnel out there, and I need some help. I do not know where I am, I don't know how to get back."

Marinette was about to speak, but Twilight interrupts, "I saw these two people who seemed superhuman! They are like a ladybug and a cat!"

Marinette hesitates, "Oh! Ladybug and Cat Noir? Yeah, they help out Paris from supervillains!"

They both decided to tour around Paris. Marinette kept tripping on many rocks or cracks, but Twilight always helps her up. They both go around looking at the Mayor's hotel, her role model, Gabriel Agreste's, mansion, and even the bakery she lives in! They all had so much fun, and it seemed that they definitely become friends! They were all super happy, until her bag rumbles again.

"Is something wrong?" Twilight asks.

"Oh, no. I have to go, but I hope you like your stay here in Paris! You have my number, bye!" Marinette runs off, without a reason why.

Twilight follows her, trying to figure out why.

"Tikki, what's wrong?" Marinette asks.

"You can't make friends with someone trying to stalk you! And, you didn't notice the villain outside?" Tikki responds.

Marinette scratches her head, "Oh no! I didn't.. Tikki, spots on!"

The ladybug looking creature spins around, going into Marinette's earrings. Before Twilight knew it, she became into a girl with a ladybug costume on, with a yo-yo. It was like the girl she saw when she came out of the portal. Twilight hides, while Ladybug uses her yo-yo to jump from building to building.

Twilight, shocked, senselessly follows Ladybug around. After a couple of minutes of following her, she sees the black cat once again. Ladybug and the cat go off into the distance. Twilight, breathing heavily, couldn't follow her. She was still shocked that her new friend, Marinette, became a superhero..How? How can that happen?

"The cat must be that young boy walking out must be that Cat superhero.." Twilight thought. She continued to run, and learn more on what has been going on.

“Cat Noir!! Use your staff to trap the villain...This must be the new classmate that joined school!” Marinette mentions.

Cat Noir says, “Anytime m’lady.. Anything for you..”

Marinette punches Cat Noir, trying to get him off of his love trance. Cat Noir thought it hurt, but he could deal with it. They try to have this new villain stop moving, and of course, Ladybug saves the day by crushing the akuma wall, and de-evilize the akumatized villain.

Twilight was thrown a newspaper the next day, saying this:

News Reporter says: “Once again, our superheroes save Paris from another villain! How will we ever thank the Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir? safety is all we need!”

“So that’s their name..? Ladybug, and Cat Noir? I must know these people. We all need to know who is behind those masks,” Twilight thinks, then she heads off.

Twilight goes back into the school. She’s late, but she’ll do anyways. She goes right into the same-sized classroom she saw Marinette come out before, and then barged in.

“Who barged in at such a time? We are in a middle of a very important test!” The teacher says.

“Marinette, we need to talk,” says Twilight.

Marinette, scared, walks outside, with everyone looking at her, smirking in the distance.

Twilight says, “I know who you are Marinette. You are Ladybug, the girl behind that red and black mask.”

The pony with the cloak walks out of the portal. She looks left and right. She looks at her hands, seeing her odd looking 5 parted hands. She walks slowly, getting used to her new legs. Then, she goes straight to an odd villain.

"This must be the villain...This man has things I need to know, to get what I want. HawkMoth, give me your power, tell me what this world is.." The mysterious pony walks into the building, and shuts the door.

Author's Note:

Eek! Next chapter! Hopefully I did good ^^