> Miraculous Equestria- ML and MLP Crossover > by SilverSwirls > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Mistakes Between Universes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ponyville, a beautiful peaceful town in the middle of Equestria. Everypony trots around the village, mingling with others. Some ponies buy new clothing, some even eat some different foods. In the morning, the Rainbow Kingdom glistens from a distance. The crystals shine brighter than the Sun. Inside, Twilight and her friends hang around the castle, doing normal chores. Twilight flips through a new book she found at the Canterlot Library, seeming very focused on the plot. Rarity, brushing Opal's silky fur, opens her "Journal of Inspiration", where she writes down an idea for clothing, looking at the crystal-like curtains. Applejack tugs a rope, which is wrapped around a crate of apples and cider, and hands out the cider to everyone. Everyone takes a huge sip, slurping it all down. Pinkie hops around, holding the cup with her mane. Fluttershy sings a lullaby to the critters around her throne. Rainbow Dash flies from the door onto her throne. All give a large sigh, knowing how boring it is in the castle, now that the map doesn't have any missions. Rainbow groans, "Ugh! There is nothing to do!!" "Yeah! We should do something, like get a new mane style!" Rarity asks. Everyone screams, "NO!", knowing that they would hate getting new styles, again. Twilight closes her book, handing it to Spike since she finished it. She gets up, going through her shelves of books, trying to find one that she has not read before. RING, RING Twilight turns over, not knowing what it was. "You girls hear that?" says Twilight Fluttershy replies, "Yeah, what was that..?" "Maybe that was your diary thingy-contraption that Celestia gave you?" Applejack points out. Twilight goes to the dusty box the diary is in. She remembers she hasn't written back to her in years. Opening the box, trying to brush away the dust, coughing. She blows on the book. Using her magic, Twilight flipped through the pages, seeing that only Sunset has been trying to get to her, asking for advice, but they haven't talked since.. She then flipped to the recent page, where she got the message. "Hey Twilight! It's been years since I've talked to you..and I hoped to reach to you, but you never answer. Hopefully you get this message, it's sort of urgent. There are these 2 girls, seeming to come from Equestria. They've been acting strange, probably knowing our Canterlot friends have our powers. They've been making others do what they want, having them be their personal servants when they don't know it. I hope you can help us, since we haven't been able to stop them for weeks. Thanks Twilight. Your friend, Sunset Shimmer." "G-girls.. It's Sunset, and she needs help." Twilight states. Everyone looks up, confused. "Are you sure you're up to going back there again?" Rainbow asks. "I have to. I've let them down too many times to count..." Twilight hesitates. Rarity says, "Well, we are here to support your decision, darling. We will be here waiting as always." She flips her mane and winks. "Can I go again too?" Spike asks. "As much as I'd love to have you on board Spike, this time, it should just be me. Thanks for offering though Spike, it's really appreciated." Twilight smiles, knowing that this task will be harder than her other adventures. A couple days later, they are all ready for Twilight's departure to Canterlot High. Applejack packs snacks for her adventure, knowing she wouldn't need it though. She packs apples, apple pie, apple fritters, any apple desserts possible. Twilight thanks her for her assistance, smiling to her friends. "Thanks girls. I'll be back before you could say the Pinkie Promise." She waves, as everyone either waves or hugs. Spike hugs her hoof, saying "goodbye." Then, before anyone knows it, she goes through the portal. Everyone, at the same time said, "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye" depressingly. They all left to go to their houses. None came out to the castle, since then. They promised to only go back once Twilight did. "Hahahaha!! I cannot believe how foolishhhhh that princessssss is.. Ssssshe doesn't realize that the wiressss are..a bit..re-programmed in the portal. Her role as princesssss, will be MINE! Muhaha!!!" A mysterious pony pops out of the darkness. Her mane, black as midnight. Her wings, so blue as the swamp nearby. Her eyes sparkle green as her soul. No one even knew her name, because no one has ever seen her. Ever. "Princess Twilight, I'll make sssure of that." She hisses, and goes back into her cave, filled with spiders, and darkness. She was pure evil alright. Twilight twists and turns around the portal, going into a universe she has never seen before. Back in the castle, the portal malfunctions, and breaks apart. She spins around too many times to count, and ends up on a hard concrete floor. She doesn't remember what happened after that. Twilight wakes up, looking at her hands. She thought she was in Canterlot High, but sees that she is outside of a huge building, a school perhaps. "That isn't Canterlot High.." Twilight thinks. She looks around. There was a bakery to the left of the school, a mansion nearby, and a huge triangle-shaped building, with weird holes around it, and a pointy top, almost at a shape of an "A". She didn't know where she was, and she knew for sure she wasn't in the Universe where Sunset was. Twilight stood up, wobbling around when she did at first, but got her grip. It might've been her imagination, because she saw two figures. One with red and black spots, and one completely black with a touch of gold. She thought she officially gone crazy, and she's probably dreaming. They seemed to be flying through the air, with some sort of, circle with the shape of a ladybug, and a silver staff. The two figures ran faster than a cheetah, and went from roof to roof. Twilight ran, following them to know who they were. Then, she sees a close up of them. A girl, a girl with bluebell eyes, and shining blue hair. Her costume seemed to have a ladybug style to it. She was holding a yo-yo, and just as Twilight thought, a ladybug yo-yo, and earrings the same style as her costume, and a mask as well. The other one, a boy. Taller than the girl, he had green eyes, with cat-like ears. He wore a completely black suit, with pockets, and a belt as some sort of, tail perhaps. His staff was silver with a pet mark on it. And what seemed to stand out to Twilight, was the black shining ring, with the same paw print as the staff. They both seemed to work together against, another weird "villain." Twilight watched in awe, as she has never in her life seen this before. In the end, she watched as the girl used her yo-yo to make a dark butterfly, into a light butterfly, making the whole city she was in beautiful once again. They both fist-bumped, smiling at each other. They went their separate ways, and didn't seem to come back. Twilight followed the ladybug girl, who went near the school when she started off. She didn't see her, but she saw another girl, same hair color and eyes, with a small bag come out of the same place the girl went into. She went to a classroom. Then, another guy, same hair color as the cat boy had, and went into the classroom right after. Twilight, confused, waited outside patiently, as she thought this mysterious situation through. "Foolishhh. Very foolishh. Ssshe went to, the Quantiverseee? Oh, well ssshe will witnesss some good people in the cccity called...Parisss.." The swamp green and blue colored pony came out again, this time, into the light. She seemed to have pointy teeth, with a snake tongue. Perhaps, a snake pony. "Good luck Princesss Twilight..Good luck...muhaaha" The pony went back into the fog, disappearing once again. "What do you mean the portal broke?" Rarity asks. Applejack points at the portal. "See for yourself!" Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Spike tagged along too. "How are we supposed to get Twilight back? No one is smart enough to fix this weird contraption thingy." Rainbow concludes. "Oh no..what if...she doesn't come back?" Fluttershy, looking down, says. They all panicked, pacing back and forth. "Let's go to Canterlot. It's best we tell Celestia about this." Rarity says. Everyone nods. Before we knew it, they were on a train to Canterlot, still panicking for their best friend's life. Will she come back? Will she be able to survive without the portal? Will they ever see Twilight again? > Meeting Miraculous Faces > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everyone trots back and forth, pacing through the echoing halls. Outside, clouds started to cover up Ponyville. Winter Wrap Up just passed by, so spring must've come. Rain sprinkled down Ponyville, everypony going indoors. By the time the dirt roads became vacant, it started to pour, hearing a little thunder in the distance. Spike looks outside, having a concerned look on his face. Spike asks, "Will Twilight be ok? I wish I went with her!" "No Spiky-wiky. She must've went by herself, so she wouldn't have put you in danger. Spike, you've done your job." Rarity states. She hugs Spike, while he starts to tear up. The Mane 5 paces harder than ever before, since the thunder scares them. They hesitated for a bit, and turned to the portal. They all huddled together and hugged, looking terribly depressed. "Ahh... The distress makes me feel glorious. Let us...go to this Quantiverse. The mysterious pony, seems to have no name. No one has ever heard of her. The pony wore a large black cloak, and then, a portal came through the shadows. Then, before anyone could blink, she went in. Her shelter became pitch black, like it was a nothing in the universe itself. Twilight stayed outside of the school. Then after a minute of waiting, the bell rings. Two girls come out, one looking like the young girl Twilight saw before. Then, another two friends came, one that was the young boy as well. Twilight runs up to the blue-haired girl. The girl seemed creeped out, while her friend left, not noticing she stopped on the way. Her bag rumbled, as if something were in it. The girl grabbed it, making it stop. She tried to walk away, but she tripped on a step, falling on her back. "Let me help you there." Twilight takes her hand out and the girl grabs it. "My name is Twilight Sparkle, princess of F- I mean, just Twilight!" Twilight stuttered. "Uhh, bonjour! Je m'appelle Marinette!" Marinette says. "Pardon..?" Twilight questions. "Sorry, thought you spoke French." She scratches her head, "Hello! My name is Marinette. Nice to meet you!" Twilight tried to wonder what French was, but she forgot. She shook her hand. "I saw you coming out of the tunnel out there, and I need some help. I do not know where I am, I don't know how to get back." Marinette was about to speak, but Twilight interrupts, "I saw these two people who seemed superhuman! They are like a ladybug and a cat!" Marinette hesitates, "Oh! Ladybug and Cat Noir? Yeah, they help out Paris from supervillains!" They both decided to tour around Paris. Marinette kept tripping on many rocks or cracks, but Twilight always helps her up. They both go around looking at the Mayor's hotel, her role model, Gabriel Agreste's, mansion, and even the bakery she lives in! They all had so much fun, and it seemed that they definitely become friends! They were all super happy, until her bag rumbles again. "Is something wrong?" Twilight asks. "Oh, no. I have to go, but I hope you like your stay here in Paris! You have my number, bye!" Marinette runs off, without a reason why. Twilight follows her, trying to figure out why. "Tikki, what's wrong?" Marinette asks. "You can't make friends with someone trying to stalk you! And, you didn't notice the villain outside?" Tikki responds. Marinette scratches her head, "Oh no! I didn't.. Tikki, spots on!" The ladybug looking creature spins around, going into Marinette's earrings. Before Twilight knew it, she became into a girl with a ladybug costume on, with a yo-yo. It was like the girl she saw when she came out of the portal. Twilight hides, while Ladybug uses her yo-yo to jump from building to building. Twilight, shocked, senselessly follows Ladybug around. After a couple of minutes of following her, she sees the black cat once again. Ladybug and the cat go off into the distance. Twilight, breathing heavily, couldn't follow her. She was still shocked that her new friend, Marinette, became a superhero..How? How can that happen? "The cat must be that young boy walking out must be that Cat superhero.." Twilight thought. She continued to run, and learn more on what has been going on. “Cat Noir!! Use your staff to trap the villain...This must be the new classmate that joined school!” Marinette mentions. Cat Noir says, “Anytime m’lady.. Anything for you..” Marinette punches Cat Noir, trying to get him off of his love trance. Cat Noir thought it hurt, but he could deal with it. They try to have this new villain stop moving, and of course, Ladybug saves the day by crushing the akuma wall, and de-evilize the akumatized villain. Twilight was thrown a newspaper the next day, saying this: News Reporter says: “Once again, our superheroes save Paris from another villain! How will we ever thank the Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir? safety is all we need!” “So that’s their name..? Ladybug, and Cat Noir? I must know these people. We all need to know who is behind those masks,” Twilight thinks, then she heads off. Twilight goes back into the school. She’s late, but she’ll do anyways. She goes right into the same-sized classroom she saw Marinette come out before, and then barged in. “Who barged in at such a time? We are in a middle of a very important test!” The teacher says. “Marinette, we need to talk,” says Twilight. Marinette, scared, walks outside, with everyone looking at her, smirking in the distance. Twilight says, “I know who you are Marinette. You are Ladybug, the girl behind that red and black mask.” The pony with the cloak walks out of the portal. She looks left and right. She looks at her hands, seeing her odd looking 5 parted hands. She walks slowly, getting used to her new legs. Then, she goes straight to an odd villain. "This must be the villain...This man has things I need to know, to get what I want. HawkMoth, give me your power, tell me what this world is.." The mysterious pony walks into the building, and shuts the door. > New Secrets, New Tales > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marinette looked at Twilight shocked, and nervous. She thought she was alone de-transforming the last time. She scratched her head, sweat running down her forehead and cheeks. "W-what?? Me? Pshh, Ladybug is not me! She is probably older, and way more good looking!" Marinette said with a struggle. Twilight turned her head, looking confused. She knew what she saw, who she is. Twilight pats her shoulder. "Don't worry, I "pinkie" promise to keep your secret Marinette." Twilight smiles and winks, while saying. Marinette gave a slight sigh, and nodded. She smiled, still shocked and nervous. The two talked about Marinette's adventure and how she became Ladybug, and giggled and laugh about Cat Noir, the cat superhero. They walked around, practically all around Paris. Then, out of no where, Adrien, a blonde-haired model, waved at them. Twilight smiled, but Marinette hides behind Twilight, being super shy. Twilight looks behind her, confused, and laughed a bit. "Marinette, what's wrong? Isn't that your friend from school?" Twilight asked. "Y-yeah! B-but..Oh come here Twi." Marinette grabs Twilight's hand and pulls her around the alley. Adrien, confused, walks away to the mansion nearby. Marinette tells Twilight about her "obsessed" crush on Adrien. Twilight, giggling, also asks if there other people she should know about, when some shadow appeared near the building. It was Alya! Alya is Marinette's best friend from the beginning of the year, who is trying to find Ladybug's identity. Alya, looking a little jealous, asks about the "new girl." Marinette replies, "This is Twilight! She's new to Paris, and I was just showing her around!" "Ooh! Does she know about Ladybug and Cat Noir??" Alya asks excitedly. Marinette scratches her head, nervously, nodding her head as well. Twilight introduced herself to Alya, and they seemed to get along really well. Alya, Marinette, and Twilight continued to walk all around Paris, seeing the one-of-a-kind Eiffel Tower, and all other landmarks. For the rest of the day, they continued to share their stories of their lives, creating a bigger bond between one another. Around dusk, they decided to go eat at Marinette's bakery. Once they got near the school, they saw Chloe and her friend Sabrina. "Eww, who's the new girl? Another untalented fletchling?" Chloe said, with sass. "Excuse me, but we actually have a brain, and know how to label each other, unlike someone!" Alya replies. Chloe stomped away, having Sabrina comfort her on her defeat. "Who's that..?" Twilight asked. "That's Chloe Bourgeois.. She hates Alya and I, after many terrible conversations." Marinette said with a sigh. Alya nodded, and thus tried to cheer both with a Ladybug joke. The three laughed, and went to the bakery to spend more time together once again. "We need to tell Princess Celestia." Applejack says. Everypony nods, agreeing to go to Canterlot at once. The next morning, everyone packs large bags, and heads to the castle. When everyone got there, they went to the Ponyville Train Station, and headed straight to Canterlot. The Mane 5 ran across Canterlot, and barged right through the castle doors. "May I help you?" Luna asks. "Twilight is gone! She went through the portal, and we have no idea where she went!" Rainbow says. "I see, come with me. We must consult with my sister." Luna walks into the lighted hallway. The mansion was dark in late night Paris. There were lights on, but the courtyard was as dark as the darkest cave. She knocked, with a scary tone. A shadow opened the door. He was tall, with a skinny bone structure. With a confused and strict look, he offered the mysterious lady with a cloak in the large house. She sat in the nearest room, and she created a tea cup, and sipped. "How did you do that?" the man said. She didn't answer. "I see you are the shy type. So tell me, what is your business here?" he asked. She points behind a painting, with a woman behind the poster. The man shook his head, feeling a little shaky. "That's my ex-wife.. She is gone, to I don't know where." The lady finally speaks, "Behind." She points at the man's tie. "You are HawkMoth, I suppose..?" the woman asks. The man stares. Quite scared, he takes the woman's hand, and goes upstairs to discuss things. Once he got up there, he takes of his tie, and a purple butterfly, or moth it seems comes out of his suit. The moth, scared, stays right by his master's side. They walked up the stairs, until a dark door comes up. They walked through, and closed the door behind them. Countless white butterflies fly around the room. "Impressive." the woman states. "Nooroo, transform me!!" the man says. Then, seconds after, a man comes out of a whirlpool of butterflies. The man has a black suit, and silver mask. His staff goes with him everywhere, as well as a butterfly pin on his chest. "I am HawkMoth." the man states. The woman, very happy, joins him. She takes off her cloak. Wearing her black dress, and black gloves, she walks right near him, and touched his staff. "One quite powerful staff." she says. "I am Chrysalis, queen of Changlings." Chrysalis states. "I know how you can get back at Ladybug and Cat Noir. Their Miraculouses are your top priority. I can help, but I need one thing. A girl. A purple-haired girl living among us. She is just as valuable as your precious superheroes. Are you in?" Chrysalis asks. "Seems quite important. What shall I do, to take these miraculouses.." HawkMoth asks. "Quite simple, actually. Follow me. I have something in my bag, that can help with our situation." Chrysalis points through the door. Both then walks through, and shuts the door, leaving his staff, which he has never done before. She grabs her bag using a force. Very impressed, HawkMoth grabs the bag. Chrysalis reaches into the bag, and she grabs a short staff, glowing in the dark. "One might call it a 'magician's wand' here in Paris, but this is way more powerful than people know." Chrysalis said mysteriously. HawkMoth, confused goes closer to Chrysalis. "I'm listening." HawkMoth says, right in the eyes. They both stared, maybe in a flirtatious note. HawkMoth and Queen Chrysalis walk right back in the room.. "Dad, I'm home!" Adrien says. No one there, he shakes his head, and walks through each room. One particularly in the room with the poster with a woman. The woman was wearing a gold dress. Sighing, "Mom, how can I get to Dad..? He always is never here, and never tells me ANYTHING." Adrien sadly says. He picks up his stuff, and walks upstairs.