• Published 11th Apr 2018
  • 441 Views, 1 Comments

My Little Pony: Atlantis - Mr_Wright

The IDE team discovers what they believe to be the remnants of the lost city of the Alicorns and Triax Defence launches an investigation to find the mythical city of Atlantis.

  • ...

The Rising Part 2

Chapter 2

The Rising Part 2


"Please tell me this is not my fault," Fluttershy said once they were back in the control room.

"No," Nova said.

"Thank goodness."

"From what we've been able to ascertain, the city is powered by three Altium Power Cores or APCs. Two are entirely depleted, and the third is reaching maximum entropy. When it does, it will die too, and nothing can reverse that."

"Just tell me the bottom line," Summer said.

Nova sighed. "The force field holding back the ocean has collapsed to its minimum sustainable levels. Look, as you can see here and here," She said, pointing at one of the computer screens, "where the shield's already failed and the city's flooded. It could've happened years ago, but this section seems to be more protected for some reason."

"What if it fails completely?" Rainbow asked.

"It's a matter of 'when', not 'if'."

"Colonel Summer, you need to order your security teams to stop searching the city immediately." Cadance said.

Summer nodded. "All security teams fall back to my position."

"That's not going to be good enough." Nova said.

"Alright, well, how much time do we have?" Cadance asked.

"It's hard to say. Hours, maybe days, if we minimise power expenditure."

"What about our own power generators?" Fluttershy asked.

"We're working on that, but even with our most advanced, Astrium-powered generators, the equations are coming up far short."

"So we need to find more APCs," Cadance said.

"How do we do that if we can't search the city?" Summer asked.

"If there were more here, we'd be able to detect them." Nova said.

"Can we use the IDT we brought with us?" Summer asked.

"There's nowhere near enough power to connect back to Equestria. We would need three fully charged APCs."

"Well, we did find coordinates to other planets in this galaxy on one of the consoles here," Sweetie Belle said. "Maybe we could rig the IDT to teleport us to one of them. Colonel Rainbow's team has done it before."

"That could work," Nova said.

"Colonel, assemble a team." Cadance said. "We need safe harbour, or better still, another power source."

The Colonel nodded. "Lieutenant Scootaloo, gather security teams one and two. Everyone gear up."

"Rainbow, I'd like you to go along," Cadance said.

"Yes, ma'am."


About thirty minutes later the IDT had been set up and the teams assembled. Sweetie Belle walked into the control room. "Okay, so, from what we can tell, the Alicorns already have a transport network set up. They placed devices they called Mirrors on habitable planets. They work the same way as our IDTs, but on a much more advance level. We've managed to tap into that network and are ready to activate."

"Good, proceed." Cadance said.

"There something else. After we discovered the Mirror network, I did a scan for radio waves and found something," Sweetie Belle said handing Cadance a data pad. "Triax Defence Site 34. Built thirteen years ago and last used ten years ago. It's in a nearby galaxy and as you can see from the report, the generator is almost completely drained. According to the last report, the site was hit by a huge sandstorm and had to be abandoned. They didn't even have time to shut it down, which is why it is still broadcasting."

"So, Triax Defence has already been to this dimension. The Rownola Dimension. Can't we use the Palnerovian Uplink on the IDT at Site 34 to jump back to Equestria?" Cadance asked.

"Wait, if Triax Defence has already been here, then why didn't we just go through Site 34's IDT?" Rainbow asked.

"Because the coordinates we used to get here were numerical, while the coordinate system for the IDTs is Alphabetical. Because we had no way to translate it, there was no way in knowing that this dimension was the same one as Site 34." Sweetie Belle explained.

"Yes, this is great news," Nova said looking over Cadance's shoulder at the data pad. "According to this, the generator isn't so much drained as it is out of alignment. It's an Astrium Accelerator, it accelerates two Astrium particles towards each other at high speeds. The particles collide three hundred times per minute, which generates the energy needed to power the site. Currently however, it is only colliding one hundred and fifty times per minute."

"I’m sorry, I thought you said this was good news," Summer said.

"It is, it mean we no longer need three APCs to return to Equestria, we only need one," Nova said. "You see, we don't have enough power to connect to an IDT in another galaxy. That's not to mention the fact that the IDT on Site 34 doesn't even have enough power to activate, BUT if we could get an APC and connect it to our IDT, it would give our Transporter enough power to make the jump AND supply enough power to Site 34 to power its IDT."

"A forced jump," Sweetie Belle said. "Colonel Rainbow and her team did that once. I read that report."

"Long story short, we find an APC, connect to Site 34, realign the accelerator, and use Site 34's IDT to return to Equestria," Nova said.

"That's fantastic, but the shield is still failing." Rainbow said.

"Dash is right, we need to focus on the here and now. Colonel Summer, proceed when ready." Cadance said.

The IDT hummed to life and the matter-stream spread until it touch the base. A few seconds later Colonel Summer and his team approached the Transporter.

"We also found these." Sweetie Belle said holding up a small ball shaped object. Throwing it the ball started float. "It some sort of camera, it works like our probe. I call it a Kino." She flew the Kino into the matter-stream. "The Kino reads full viability and no immediate signs of activity around the Mirror, but it's pitch black." She explained. "This Mirror network works the same way the IDT network works in Equestria, but instead of sending you to another dimension, it will take you to another planet. This means now that our IDT is online, anyone with these coordinates can jump here. That being said we installed a shield much like the one used on the IDT at Site 56, to keep out any unwanted guests. For now, we're going to use the tried and true system for identification of inbound travelers."

"Let's move out!" Colonel Summer said walking into the matter-stream the rest of the team following behind him.


Arriving on the other side Rainbow turn and looked at the Mirror. It was as large mirror set in stone and they just walked out of it. "Wow," she said.

"This is the device Sweetie Belle told me about," Scootaloo said, walking up to a stone tablet half the size of the Mirror. "She said we just enter the coordinates here and the Mirror will activate. Then, we send our ID codes and walk through it."

"Right, spread out and search the area around the Mirror stay in radio contact." Colonel Summer said.

Rainbow was following a nearby tree line when she saw movement. She motioned Scootaloo to stop then the two start moving forward. Suddenly, a figure ran out of the tree line and stopped upon seeing them. Then another figure came out tackling the first. Scootaloo aimed her gun at the two of them.

"No, please, don't hurt us." The kid said.

Another figure ran out, this one being an adult. "Please! They're just playing." He said throwing himself between the kids and Scootaloo's gun.

"Is everything okay here, Dash?" Summer asked.

"Yes, sir. Just a couple of kids." She said lowering her gun, motioning to Scootaloo to do the same.

The man got up and turned to Rainbow. "Halling."

"I don't know what that means," Rainbow replied back.

"It's his NAME!" Summer said.

"Oh. Halling, it's nice to meet you," Rainbow said.

"Are you here to trade?" Halling asked.

"Trade. Yes. We're...traders." Rainbow said, looking back at Scootaloo.

"Now, how many times have I told you not to play in the forest after dark?" Halling said to the kids. "I'm just glad you're safe." Standing up he turned back to Rainbow. "Tyrone will wish to meet with you. Come."

"Tom, Blue, guard the Mirror." Summer said. "Connect to Atlantis base and let Cadance know we've made contact with the indigenous people."


"Sir, if you don't mind my asking..." Scootaloo said to Colonel Summer as they followed Halling. "I noticed you've got a problem with my mom."

"My problem, Lieutenant, is with her record. I don't like anybody who doesn't follow the proper chain of command."

"Yes, sir."

"What was that mask you had on?" One of the kids asked Rainbow.

"It helps you see in the dark. Check it out." She said handing the kid her night vision goggles.

The kid put them on. "Whoa. Can I have it?"

"No. What's your name, kid?"


"And what's the mask you got on, Jinto?"

"This? Changeling."

Rainbow looked at the mask. "What's a Changeling?"

"You don't know? What world do you come from? Can we go there?"

"I'm afraid not. I come from a galaxy far, far away."


"It's Halling," Halling said approaching one of the tents in the village. "I bring people from away."

"Enter," A male voice said.

Halling, Summer, Dash, and Scootaloo entered the tent.

"These folk wish to trade," Halling said.

"Oh, it's...it's nice to meet you," Rainbow said.

"I am Tyrone Emmagan, son of Tagan." The man said.

"Colonel Summer, Captain Rainbow Dash, Lieutenant Scootaloo," Summer said, pointing at each as he said their names. "We have very few specific needs."

"We do not trade with strangers." Tyrone said.

"Is that a fact?" Summer said.

"Well, then, we'll just, uh...we'll have to get to know each other," Rainbow said. "Me, um, I like playing guitar and soccer, anything that goes more than two hundred miles per hour."

Scootaloo leaned over to her. "Mom, that's not going to mean anything to them."

"Feel free to speak up, kiddo. I'm just trying to break the ice here."

"These people can't help us," Summer whispered. "I'd rather not waste our time."

"Each morning before dawn, our people drink a stout tea to brace us for the coming day. Will you join us?" Tyrone asked.

Rainbow smiled and stepped forward. "I love a good cup of tea. Now, there's another thing you know about me. We're practically friends already."


Summer walked up to Kathlyn, who was looking through a pair of binoculars. As he approached she handed the binoculars to him. Looking through them he saw a ruined city.

"We didn't even know it was there until the sun came up," Kathlyn said.

"Looks more promising than anything else these folks have to offer. Plenty of shelter, nice little valley. Location, location, location, " Summer said hand the binoculars back to her.


"The city of the ancestors is not safe," Tyrone said to Summer.

"We can handle ourselves."

"The Changelings will come."

"Changelings?" Summer asked. Fifteen years ago, Queen Chrysalis fled after aiding in the return of Sombra in Equestria, she and her Changeling army had not been heard from since. Colonel Summer, along with almost everyone else on the expedition team have had almost no encounter with the Changelings and since most of the team were humans from Earth, most haven't even heard of them.

Tyrone looked shocked. "We have never met anyone who did not know."

"Well, you have now," Summer said.

"If the Changelings have never touched your world, you should go back there."

Rainbow entered the tent. "Oh, we'd like to, but we can't. See, here's the thing, sir. We've got ourselves into a bit of a bind, and we may need a safe place to stay for a while," She said.

"Our people have long believed that the Changelings will come if we venture into the old city, but it is a belief we've not tested in some time."

"Excuse us," Summer said leaving the tent, Rainbow and Scootaloo following him.

"Look, I don't care what they say. That city is worth a look, not to mention the possibility there could be APCs there that they don't know or care about," Summer said

"What if the Changelings are the enemy the holographic Alicorn lady is talking about?" Rainbow asked.

"All the more reason for us to have a defensible position should we have to abandon Atlantis. Stay here and find out what you can. Scootaloo, you head back to the Mirror and report in to Cadance. Tell her we'll have answers for her in a few hours." Summer said walking away.

"Yes, sir." Scootaloo said.

Rainbow headed back into Tyrone's tent. "Well, I guess it's just you and me..." The man sitting behind Tyrone stood up. "And him."

"Your leader looks through me as if I were not there." Tyrone said.

"Do I?"

"No...You truly cannot return to your world?"


"Then there is something you should see."


"How much further is this place?" Rainbow asked after about five minutes of walking through nothing but forest.

"Not far." Tyrone said.


"Tell me some good news, Nova," Cadance said as Nova and Sweetie Belle walked into the room she had claimed as her office.

"I can't do that." Nova said.

"The shield has held back the ocean for centuries," Cadance said.

"And probably would've kept going for years more, but our arrival changed that. Now it's nothing more than a thin shell between the buildings and the water," Nova said.

"We stopped exploring."

"The damage was already done. I mean, another section of the city, on the far side, was flooded an hour or so ago."

"Even occupying this room is draining power," Sweetie Belle said.

"We need to evacuate the moment Colonel Summer reports back it's safe," Nova said.

"You're saying we have to abandon the city?" Cadance asked.

The entire complex suddenly shook, stopping just as fast.

"The sooner we leave, the longer that shield holds," Nova said.


Captain Rainbow Dash and Tyrone entered a small cave.

"I used to play here as a child. I believe this is where the survivors hid from the Changelings during the last great attack." Tyrone said lighting a torch he had taken off the cave wall.

Rainbow turned her P90's flashlight on and started looking around the cave. Suddenly she saw something shiny lying in the dirt. She bent down and picked it up. It appeared to be a necklace. "What's this?"

Tyrone looked at it for a second before suddenly recognising it. "I lost this years ago. How did you..."

"It was just lying right over there. It was reflecting off the light."

Tyrone put the necklace on.

"Someone's been busy, huh?" Rainbow said, looking at the drawings on the cave wall.

"The drawings in the caves are extensive. Many must date back thousands of years or more."

Rainbow pointed to one drawing depicting a large ship over what looked to be a city. "Does this represent the destruction of your city?"

"This drawing far predates that."

"So, what? Someone knew it was going to happen?"

"I believe it happens...again and again. The Changelings allow our kind to grow in numbers, and when that number reaches a certain point, they return to cull their human herd. Sometimes, a few hundred years will pass before they awaken again. We've visited many, many worlds. I know of none untouched by the Changelings. The last great holocaust was five generations ago, but still, they return in smaller numbers to remind us of their power."

"That's a hell of a way to live."

"We move our hunting camps around. We try to teach our children not to live in fear,but it is hard. Some of us can sense the Changelings coming. That gives us warning....We should go. It will be dark soon."


Scootaloo was at the Mirror preparing to head back to the village. "Man, days are short here." She said to Tom.

"Captain Dash, this is Colonel Summer. Come in," Summer said over the radio.

"Colonel, this is Lieutenant Scootaloo."

"Where the hell's your mother?"

"She's out of radio range at the moment. I think Tyrone wanted her to see something." Suddenly the Mirror started glowing, indicating that someone was connecting to it. "Get back to positions," Scootaloo yelled to Tom and Blue. "Colonel, the Mirror just activated." Three small dart shaped ships came out of the Mirror and flew in the direction of the village. "Colonel, three bandits headed your way."


Rainbow and Tyrone were headed back to the village, when Tyrone stopped.

"What is it?" Rainbow asked.

"The Changelings." He said.


Back at the village, people were starting to panic. "Take cover!" Summer yelled as the ships flew overhead. He watched as a beam of light shot down from one of the ships and swept up Halling and three others. "Fire on that target!" He yelled. His men started firing at the ships. Suddenly he saw something to his right. He turned and fired, but hit nothing. Then he sensed something behind him. He turned to see a wisp of darkness, but once again it vanished.


"Tyrone!" Rainbow yelled, running after him.

"Colonel,they're on the ground." Someone said over the radio. "They're all around us."

Rainbow senses something behind her, but turned to see nothing. "Tyrone?" She repeated. She felt the presence behind her again, this time turning and firing. Once again, it was gone. She turned to see another one to her right and was about to fire when Tyrone walked straight through it.

"They're not really there," He said. Rainbow lowered her weapon. "Do not trust your eyes. The Changelings can use their magic to make you see things that are not there. We must hurry."


One of the ship fired at the village, blowing up a couple of the tents.

"Colonel, this is Dash. What you see on the ground is just an illusion. Concentrate your fire on the ships."

Summer turned toward his men. "Fire at the ships! Fire at the ships!" He then walked over to Kathlyn. "Sergeant, snap out of it!" He yelled.

"They're everywhere, sir."

Summer pointed at one of the ships. "Forget about them, just take that thing down!"

Kathlyn aimed her rocket launcher at the ship, and fired. The rocket struck the ship causing it to crash near the lake. Just then another ship flew by and beamed up Summer and Kathlyn.


The other ship was following Rainbow and Tyrone. Suddenly a beam of light shot down. Tyrone pushed Rainbow out of the way just before the beam was on top of them. He was swept up and the ship flew away. Rainbow got back up. "Tyrone. Tyrone?"

"Ma'am, the Colonel's been taken." Someone said over the radio.


Scootaloo noticed the Mirror activate again. This time from their end. "The Mirror's coming on again." She said over the radio. "Two enemy ships approaching."

"Let them go," Rainbow responded back. "There are friendlies on board. Look at the Tablet. Burn those coordinates into your mind."

Scootaloo ran over to the Tablet and memorised the coordinates. The ships flew back through the Mirror and it stopped glowing.

"Got it." She said.


Rainbow ran over to the crashed ship. Seeing something moving she aimed her gun at it. Crawling across the sand was a disembodied arm. "Son of a..." She fired at it and it stopped moving.

"Help, help me." Jinto yelled, running up the Rainbow. "I can't find my father."

Rainbow placed her hand on his shoulder.


Cadance walked up to Sweetie Belle, who was standing near one of the windows. "What is it you wanted me to see?" She asked.

"Here it comes." Sweetie Belle said pointing out the window.

"What am I looking for?"

"There." Sweetie Belle said. Just then a column of bubbles rose out of the city. "Another part of the force field just failed. I don't think we have much time."


"How are we doing?" Cadance asked Nova upon entering the control room. "Look, if we can just buy ourselves another day, maybe we could..."

"The city is sacrificing parts of itself in order to maintain these main areas, but catastrophic failure is inevitable."

Cadance sighed. "Never in my wildest dreams did I hope to find the lost city of the Alicorns so completely untouched, so pristine, and we have no choice but to walk away from this?"

"In order to save it," Nova said.

"To save it for whom? We don't have enough power to send a message. As far as Equestria is concerned, we're just going to be missing and presumed lost."

"We'll be back. We'll find a power source somewhere."

"We have yet to hear from Colonel Summer. We've got no idea what's out there."

"We can't wait. It is time to go, now."

Sighing Cadance turn on her radio. "Attention, all personnel. This is Cadance." Suddenly the complex started shaking violently. "Stand by for immediate evacuation." She turned to Nova. "Activate the IDT!"

The IDT activated on its own. "We've got an incoming connection," Nova said activating the Shield on the IDT.

"I'm reading Lieutenant Scootaloo's identification code," Sweetie Belle said.

"Let them in." Cadance yelled.

Nova lowered the shield and Rainbow stepped out of the matter-stream. "Step in, folks." She said to the villagers who were following her. "Move away from the orb."

"Captain Dash...Rainbow, who are all these people?" Cadance asked, watching as the last person step out of the matter-stream and it shut down.

"Survivors from the settlement. We were attacked. Summer and some of our men were taken. What's going on?"

Cadance grabbed Rainbow's arm and pulled her aside. "We are in no position to help anyone right now."

"What the hell's going on here?"

"We were about to abandon the city."

"Going back there is a really, really bad idea."

"Rainbow, the shield is about to fail, and the ocean is about to come crashing in on us. Do you have a better place for us to go?"

"Jinto, you know another planet we can jump to?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes, many," Jinto said.

"He's just a boy." Cadance said.

"I am Jinto."

"She's pleased to meet you," Rainbow said pulling him up to the control room.

Nova ran over to the railing overlooking the IDT room and shouted down to them. "IT'S TOO LATE! THE SHIELD IS COLLAPSING!"

There was a massive explosion causing everyone to fall to the ground.

Sweetie Belle got up. "I'm activating the IDT."

"No, wait," Cadance yelled.

"She's right," Nova said.

Rainbow Dash looked around. "We're moving!"

Atlantis rose out of the water leaving a great wave in its wake. Then everything went silent and the lights came back on. People got up and started looking around.

"We're on the surface," Scootaloo said placing her hand on Rainbow's shoulder.

"I was hoping for another day," Cadance said, looking at them then back out the window. "It looks like we just got a whole lot more than that. Let's not waste it."


Scootaloo walked down the stairs from the control room to the IDT room. "People, listen up," She said to the crowd of people. "No one gets to sit down until they clear two piece of equipment off this deck. Now, let's go."

Up in the control room, Nova, Rainbow, and Cadance were talking.

"The last Altium Power Core is depleted," Nova said, "but limited power has returned now that our generators aren't going to hold back an ocean. Life support systems are working, but the planet's atmosphere is breathable, notwithstanding the inevitable allergens."

"So now can we use our Astrium generators to supply enough power to the shield for defensive purposes?" Cadance asked.

"Not even close." Nova said.

"On the surface without a shield?" Rainbow said. "We're target practice."

"I'm acutely aware of that, Captain, but thank you for reinforcing it." Nova shot back.

Rainbow moved closer to Nova. "I want you to put the coordinates Scootaloo provided into the IDT and when you get a connection send a Kino."

Nova looked like she was going to say something, but instead shut her mouth and walked away.

"Rainbow? A word." Cadance said walking out onto a balcony overlooking the city.

"Let me guess," Rainbow said. "You're not going to let me rescue my people."

"Rainbow, you don't even know if they're alive."

"You don't leave people in the hands of the enemy," Rainbow yelled, "and the fact that we are having this conversation in private let's me know you know damn well that it's wrong and it would totally undermine your leadership, so as ranking military officer..."

"All right, just shut up and listen to me for a moment, all right?" Cadance said putting her hand up to stop Rainbow. "Come on, what do we know about the Changelings? One of the few things we do know is that they are the enemy that defeated the Alicorns. When they first began to use the IDT back in Equestria, they got themselves into trouble. Why?"

"I don't need a history lesson."

"Because the other Rainbow Dash didn't consider the ramifications before she reacted."

"THEY TOOK OUR PEOPLE. How am I supposed to react?"

"And we're defenceless. You said so yourself. How do you know going off on some half-assed rescue mission isn't going to bring them all right back here to our doorstep?" Cadance said raising her voice.

"Maybe it will...but it's the right thing to do. WHY? BECAUSE IT IS."


"If we're not going to do this, and I mean right now, let's just turn tail and pack up, because they're coming."

"You don't know that."

"Our people are in the hands of the enemy, Cadance. Do you know what that means? It is just a matter of time before the Changelings figure out that this is the base of our operation."

"I just need more information. I mean, who knows? Maybe we could negotiate a peaceful..."

"PEACEFUL? ARE YOU KIDDING? We weren't there for more than a few hours before they showed up."

"Is it possible they came because of you? And that one of these people you brought back here with you tipped them off?"

"It's possible."

"See, the is exactly the kind of snap decision I'm referring to." Cadance yelled.

"They're not all bad people...and you know, if we're going to stick around here, we need friends."

"Okay, I see your point," Cadance said calming down. "Now, you see mine. I will not authorise a rescue mission unless I'm sure there's at least a remote chance of success. I'm not sending more good people, including you, to their deaths."

"Okay," Rainbow said walking back inside the control room.

Cadance turn and looked out at the ocean.


Tyrone woke up and found himself in a jail cell.

"Are you alright?" Halling asked helping him up.

"Where are we?" Tyrone asked.

"Any idea what to expect?" Summer asked.

Tyrone shook his head. "No."

"You said the Changelings would come if we went down into the ruins," Summer said.

Halling stepped forward. "Perhaps you should have heeded his warning," He said.

"How do I know he's not the one who told them?"

They could hear the sound of footsteps.

"Someone comes." Halling said.

A male Changeling approached the cell. He was tall with black skin, and long greenish blue hair. As he walked up to the cell Summer took a few steps back. The cell door opened and the Changeling walked in.

"I'm Colonel Summ..."

The Changeling punched Summer in the chest sending him flying across the room. He then growled softly while looking at one of the other villagers that had been taken. One of the smaller Changelings next to him walked up and grabbed the man.

"No, please..." The man said.

They turned and started to leave.

"Take me in his place." Tyrone said.

"No, take me," Summer said getting back up. "We're the ones you're after, right?" The Changeling just stared at him. "I'm their leader." The Changeling turned and walked away, the cell door closing behind him. Summer watched as they walked down the hall.

"They have no need to explain themselves," Tyrone said.

"Yeah, I got that."


"We're receiving visual telemetry," Sweetie Belle said putting the Kinos video feed up on one of the display screens.

"I can't see anything," Cadance said looking at the black screen.

"No atmospheric readings at all," Nova said.

A glowing object appeared on the screen for a second before moving off screen.

"Hey, what was that?" Rainbow asked.

"Rotate the Kino," Nova said.

The Kino moved showing the Mirror floating above a planet.

"Huh, well, there goes that Kino," Nova said.

"It's in space," Rainbow said.

"It's in high orbit around a planet on the far side of the galaxy."

"Are you sure this is the right Mirror?" Cadance asked.

"It's the one Scootaloo gave us, yes,"

"Very well. Shut it down," Cadance said walking over to Rainbow. "I'm sorry."

Nova suddenly remembered something. "Come with me, Captain."

They went up one floor and entered a large room containing several small ships. Rainbow touched the controls on one of them and it activated.

"You think you can fly it?" Nova asked.

"What do you say we find out?" Rainbow said sitting down at the controls.


"Fluttershy, what was it you wanted me to see?" Cadance said walking into the infirmary.

Fluttershy picked up the arm that Rainbow had shot and showed it to Cadance. "These cells have none of the normal inhibiting proteins whatsoever. That gives them an incredible ability to regenerate. I've only ever seen this in one other person and that's Colonel Rainbow back in Equestria."

"What about the movement Rainbow Dash saw?"

"As far as independent behaviour, I'd say that anything she saw was caused by a residual command language in the severed nerve endings. Now, the DNA I got from this arm has a similar structure to the DNA of the Changeling I studied back at Site 10. It seems these Changeling were first, the ones in Equestria coming years later."

"Are you saying that the Changelings in Equestria came from here?"

"I think so. Although, the Equestrian Changelings developed in Equestria, which would explain why they look like ponies and these ones look human. I found something else interesting. These ones don't have the ability to shapeshift. Well, I mean, they do, but they can't use it. It seems the ability is blocked by something in their genetics."

"So they can't shape shift, that's good. Anything else?"

"The being this arm belonged to... I'd say it was old, very, very old."

"How old?"

"As long as the cells are properly nourished, I don't see a life form like this ever dying of natural aging the way we do...and they'd be really hard to kill."

"I don't like the sound of that."

"I don't blame you."


Nova and Cadance entered the room of ships. There was a light humming noise.

"What is that noise?" Cadance asked.

"I... I don't... She was right here," Nova said. "Captain!"

Suddenly the ship appeared in front of them.

"Cloaking tech. You said you wanted a tactical advantage?" Rainbow said over the radio.

"All right, so you can fly that thing. It doesn't mean you can pull off a rescue," Cadance said.

"Cadance... This is why you brought me here."


"Ready?" Cadance asked upon entering the control room.

"I have no idea," Nova said. "This technology is so far beyond us, I mean, we haven't a clue what we're dealing with. I mean, for all I know, we could..." Cadance looked at Nova. "Yeah. Ready."


"Alright, guys, get ready to go." Scootaloo said to the team on the ship. She entered the cockpit and sat down in the chair next to Rainbow. "Transport Ship One ready to go." She said over the radio.

Rainbow looked over at her. "Transport Ship One? A little jumper like this?"

"It's a ship that goes through the Transporter...Transport Ship One." Scootaloo explained.

"Oh, no, no, no, that's all wrong."

"Nova thought it was cool."

"Oh, okay, well, it's official. You don't get to name anything...EVER." Rainbow switched on her radio. "Flight, this is... Jumper One," She said looking at Scootaloo. "We're go to launch."

"This is Flight," Nova said. "I thought we were going with Transport Ship."

"Negative, Flight."

"Stand by." Nova said turning to Cadance. "It's a ship that goes through the Transporter. Uh... Fine." She turned the radio back on. "Jumper One, you are clear for launch."

"Enter the coordinates, kid." Rainbow said the Scootaloo.

The IDT activated and the ship came down through a hole in the ceiling. The ship stopped right in front of the matter-stream, then proceeded through it.

"Be safe," Cadance said.


The ship emerged on the the other side and cloaked.

"Wow," Rainbow said. "This is cool."

"It looks like you've got the hang of it," Scootaloo said.

"I tell you what, Scoots. I know a lot of fighter pilots who'd kill to fly this thing. It's like it reads your mind."

A holographic screen appeared on the window in front of them.

"Did you do that?" Scootaloo asked.

"I was just wondering where we go from here."

"I'll take that as a yes. So how do we find them once we land?"

"Well, I've been thinking about that too."

Suddenly, there was a beep and a small device appeared in a compartment next to Rainbow. Grabbing it she looked it over, before putting it in her bag. "Now I'm thinking about a nice turkey sandwich." She said.

The two of them looked around, but nothing happened.

"Worth a try," Scootaloo said.


Rainbow landed the Jumper a short distance from the Changeling base.

"Here we go," She said to Scootaloo.

Scootaloo got up and headed to the rear compartment where the rest of the team was. "Lock and load."

The rear hatch opened and the team ran out to secure the area.

"All right, teams of two," Rainbow said. "Learn what you can and lay down defences as you see fit. I want to be able to light this place up if we have to." She walked up the Lieutenant Apple Bloom. "Two click, you're clear to talk."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Do not engage the enemy," Rainbow said raising her voice again. "You're with me." She said placing her hand on Scootaloo's shoulder. The two of them headed off to the Changeling base.


Rainbow and Scootaloo watch a Changeling guard walk by.

"I thought getting in was going to be the hard part," Scootaloo said, placing some c4 on a nearby pillar. "That's the first one we've seen."

Rainbow looked at the device they had taken from the Jumper. "The moving dot should be him," She said pointing at the screen. "Go over there." Scootaloo moved farther down the hallway. One of the dots on the screen moved too. "Yeah, that's you."

"So... We've got ourselves a life signs detector."

"We can name it later."


"Captain?" Tyrone said.

"Are you guys alright?" Rainbow asked.

"Is my son alive?" Halling asked.

"He's well and waiting for you," Rainbow said looking around the cell. "Where's Colonel Summer?"

"He was taken by the Changelings," Kathlyn said.

"We don't know where," Tyrone said.

"Well, how about when?" Rainbow asked.

"Not long."

"I knew something had to go wrong," Rainbow said clicking her radio twice.

"This is Apple Bloom. Go ahead, ma'am."

"How about a diversion in a little bit? You're going to need to make some noise out there."

"Yes, ma'am."

Rainbow looked over to Scootaloo. "Rig up some C4 to blow a hole and get these people out of here on my signal, all right? I can find the Colonel with this," She said holding up the detecting device. "There aren't that many Changelings around. I should be able to do this. If I'm not back in twenty minutes, blow the cells and get out."

"You're the only one who can fly these people out of here."

"Yeah, I'm going to fly us all out of here, including the Colonel."

"I'm saying I should be the one to go."

"Twenty minutes, I'll find him," Rainbow said walking off down the hall.


Summer entered what looked like a dining room. There was a table in the centre loaded with food. Sitting at one of the chairs was a skeleton. Looking closer Summer found that it was the man they had taken earlier. A female Changeling came out of one of the darker corners of the room. "You must feel hunger by now. What do you call yourself?" The female Changeling asked Summer.

"Colonel Summer, Triax Defence Earth Marine Division."

"So little fear. Is it valour...or ignorance?"

"We traveled here as peaceful explorers."

"You must eat, yet you resist your hunger. Why?"

"Why have you taken my people prisoner?"

"You trespassed upon our feeding ground."

Summer turned and looked at her shocked at what he had just heard. "Feeding ground?"

"All living things must eat. In this, I am sure we are similar. You feel hunger even now. I can sense it. Yet you resist. Why?"

"Why do you care?"

"Hunger...is distasteful," She said walking over to the skeleton.

"It looks to me like the food didn't agree with him."

"There, we are quite dissimilar, Colonel Summer. We don't require our food to...agree with us. What do you call your world?"

Summer stared at her refusing to speak.

"What do you call your world?" She asked again though this time in Summer's head. She was using her magic. "What...do you call...your world?"

"Equestria," Summer said despite trying not to.

"It is not in this dimension."


"Tell me of Equestria. How many more live there? Thousands? Millions? More," She said smiling. "Our feeding ground has not been so rich in ten thousand years. Your will is strong. This one..." She said waving at the skeleton. "Begged for its life."

"Is that the kind of treatment I can expect for myself and my people?"

"As I have said, all living things must eat."

"Then we're done talking."

"I think not. Kneel."

Summer stood there.

"Kneel.." She said again, using her magic.

Summer fell to the floor.

"I have not tasted such strength in so long."

"Go to hell."

"Equestria first." She said. She then grabbed Summer by the throat and began using her magic to suck the life out of him. Summer screamed.

"How many years must I take from you before you tell us what I wish to know? Or shall I take them all? Where is this new feeding ground?"

"I...won't." Summer said through the pain.

Rainbow was one floor up watching though a small window. Aiming, she fired at the female, then took out one of the guards. The female returned to feeding on Summer. Rainbow looked at the Colonel. He now looked like he was forty years older and looked like he was in great pain. He looked at her and mouthed something. 'Kill me.' Rainbow shook her head. He mouthed something else. 'Please.' Hesitating for a moment Rainbow fired a shot right at the female's hand and right through Summer's throat. The female scream in pain and Summer fell over dead. Suddenly, Rainbow was hit from behind by a stun blast.

"Bring her." The female said.

The male Changeling from before grabbed Rainbow and slammed her onto the table in the centre of the room. Rainbow turned and looked at the female.

"How's the hand feeling?"

"Much better." She said, showing Rainbow her hand, which had already begun healing.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

The female then saw the detecting device sticking out of Rainbow's vest. She pulled it out. "How did this come to you?"

"I don't remember."

Just then Scootaloo came into the room killing two of the guards.

"Light it up." Rainbow yelled over the radio. Explosions shook the compound.

The female screamed in anger. Rainbow picked up one of the Changeling stun weapons and stabbed it through her before she could react.

"That has to kill you." Rainbow said pulling the weapon back out, causing the female to fall to the floor. "How did you find me?" She asked Scootaloo.

"Tread marks. Standard issue. Let's go."

"You don't know what you have done." The female said. "We are merely the caretakers for those that sleep. When I die, the others will awaken." Suddenly her voice changed sounding deeper and more demonic. "ALL OF THEM."

"What's she talking about?" Scootaloo asked. "How many are left?"

Rainbow looked at the detecting device and saw new life sign popping up all over the base.

"Mom, we need to leave."

"Kathlyn, we're on the go." Rainbow said over the radio.

"So are we. Colonel Summer?"



"Cadance," Nova said walking into the IDT room. "We're getting reports in from all over the city. Some pretty interesting stuff. We've only been able to provide power to certain sections, but, uh, even then, the things that are coming up are just..." She stopped when she saw Cadance staring at the IDT.

"I should never have let them go," She said.

"For what it's worth...you made the right decision. Give them time."


"Captain, the Jumper's secure for the moment," Apple Bloom said over the radio. "But we have a bit of a problem here."

"Scoots, take our six." Rainbow yelled, the group of them running through the woods. "I'm going to take them back to the Jumper."

"I'll be right behind you," Scootaloo said running to the back of the group.

Rainbow and the rest of the group made it to the Jumper.

"Get in," Rainbow yelled. Grabbing a light machine gun from Sergeant Cheer, she headed back for Scootaloo.


Seeing something out of the corner of her eye, she turned and fired. Tyrone grabbed the P90 out of her hands.

"There's nothing there," He said handing back the gun.

"I'm sure I saw something."

"Only what the Changelings wish you to see. Firing your weapon will reveal our position. Come on."

A Dart flew over Scootaloo and Tyrone attempting to beam them up. Tyrone tackled Scootaloo, knocking the two of them out of the way of the beam. The Dart circled around and started firing at them, pinning them down. Rainbow fired the LMG at the ship as it passed over them again, blowing up one of the darts engines and causing it to crash.

"Thanks," Scootaloo said.

"Let's try not to make a habit of this." Rainbow said, helping her up.


Once everyone was in the Jumper, Rainbow sat down at the controls. "Okay...now what am I thinking?" The Jumper took off then proceeded to cloak. Before long they were back in orbit. "Everyone okay back there?" She asked.

"We are well enough." Tyrone said.

"I hope that was the hard part," Scootaloo said sitting down next to Rainbow.

As they approached the Mirror they saw thirteen Darts protecting it.

"Crap. I don't think we've gotten to the hard part yet," Rainbow said.

"What can we do?" Tyrone asked.

"We're safe as long as they can't see us," Scootaloo said.

"They don't have to," Rainbow said. "There's only one way for us to go. The moment we activate the Mirror, they can start shooting blind and blow us away on our approach."

"Then how can we get through?" Scootaloo asked.

"We'll have to draw them away from the Mirror and double back." Rainbow said, uncloaking the Jumper. Four of the Dart broke off to follow them. "Be prepared to activate the Mirror on my mark." One of the Darts fired on the Jumper. "Do you see anything like a weapons console over there?" Suddenly, the Jumper fired a drone at one of the darts, blowing it up. "Well, that works."

The Jumper took another hit. "Try cloaking again," Scootaloo said.

"I tried. It must be damaged. Activate the Mirror and be ready to punch in your code on the next pass," Rainbow said, firing at one of the Darts guarding the Mirror.

"What's the range on these things?" Scootaloo asked.

"Enter your code. Everyone hang on," Rainbow said, dodging a shot from one of the Darts, and then firing at the last ship guarding the Mirror.

"We're going to fast." Scootaloo said as they approached the Mirror.

"I know."

They passed through the Mirror, two of the Darts following them.


"Off world activation." Sweetie Belle said.

"Raise the shield." Cadance said.

"Do we have an identification code?" Cadance asked.

"Nothing yet." Nova said. "Wait. I'm reading Lieutenant Scootaloo's IDC," Nova said.

"Let them in," Cadance said.

Sweetie Belle lowered the IDT's shield.

One of the Darts energy blast came through, almost hitting one of the defence teams. It was followed by another shot.

"Give them a few more seconds!" Cadance yelled.

Suddenly, the Jumper came out of the IDT and stopped rapidly.

"Re-activate the shield," Cadance yelled.

Sweetie Belle did and there were two loud bangs, before the IDT shut down.

"Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Atlantis. Please remain seated till the Jumper comes to a full and complete stop," Rainbow said.


Everyone gathered on one of the balconies overlooking the city to celebrate.

"I guess this is home now," Scootaloo said.

"I guess so," Rainbow said.

"I'm thinking of a little place with an ocean view...out of the way."

"Rainbow, Scootaloo, I thought the occasion merited opening this..." Cadance said handing them each a glass of wine. "Compliments of Major Storm Chaser."

"That's what was in that case? I ponied up, dodged explosions, and nearly died, for wine." Rainbow said, taking the glass. "You know what? I don't care, cheers," Rainbow said, before reaching over and take the wine from Scootaloo before she could drink it.

"Hey!" Scootaloo complained. She was going to say something else, but she saw the look on Rainbow's face and just walked off.

"You did good, Dash." Cadance said.

"I don't know about that."

"Hey...there was no way you could have saved Colonel Summer."

"I have to live with it. I'm beginning to think you were right. I have made things much worse. I haven't made us many more friends out there."

"No? Look around you."

"I agree, Captain Dash." Tyrone said, walking up to them. "You have earned both my friendship and that of my people. With our help, you will make many more friends."

"How come I never make friends like that?" Fluttershy asked Nova.

"You need to get out more." Nova said.

"We're in another dimension. How much more out can you get?"

"One more thing, Captain," Cadance said. "Something I'd like you to sleep on. I have a few thoughts on it myself."

"Thoughts about what?"

"Who the members of your team might be."

"My team?"

"Well, you are the ranking military officer now...or do you need to be reminded of that? We need to get back out there, do what we came to do."

"You realise that could get us into all sorts of...trouble, right?"

To be continued.

Comments ( 1 )

Any true Stargate and MLP fan will love this story.

I wish that was true. This honestly feels like the SGA pilot with the names changed, and elements of MLP and SGU thrown in for fun. It doesn't feel like MLP at all. At least it's decently well-written, if you ignore the said tags.

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