• Published 11th Apr 2018
  • 440 Views, 1 Comments

My Little Pony: Atlantis - Mr_Wright

The IDE team discovers what they believe to be the remnants of the lost city of the Alicorns and Triax Defence launches an investigation to find the mythical city of Atlantis.

  • ...

The Rising Part 1

Chapter 1

The Rising Part 1

Antarctica - Earth

Cadance stepped off the elevator that lead down to the recently discovered ancient outpost. "Major Storm Chaser is inbound, twenty minutes out." Someone said over the intercom. She walked by and checked on a few people before heading to the centre of the outpost.

"You see? Nothing." Fluttershy said standing up and walking past Cadance.

Nova turned and started following her. "Fluttershy, get back here."

"I could sit in the chair all day, and nothing will happen. It's a waste of time. Excuse me, Cadance," Fluttershy said walking out of the room.

"She's not even trying." Nova said turning to Cadance.

"She's the one who discovered the gene this technology responds to," Cadance said.

"Yeah, well, she said she wish she never had it." Nova said.

"Really?" Cadance said.

"I know. Can you believe that?" Nova said.

"We could always test you a third time, Nova," Cadance said smiling.

"That's very funny." Nova said.

"We have only found a handful of people who are genetically compatible with the alicorn technology," Cadance said walking towards the center of the room. "And despite your heroic efforts to interface ours with theirs, we need every one of them to sit in this chair," she placed her hand on the ancient device. "Including Fluttershy."

"What am I supposed to do? She's afraid of the thing." Nova said throwing her arms out.

"This chair controls the most powerful weapons known to human and ponykind" Cadance laughed. "I'm afraid of the thing, but every time someone sits in it, we learn something new about the alicorns who built this outpost. Fluttershy should be proud she's genetically advanced."

"It's not more advanced. It is a random characteristic." Nova said.

Cadance smiled. "This really bothers you, this whole gene thing, huh?"

"Oh, clearly, I am overcome with envy." Nova said sarcastically.

Just then Daring Do walked into the room. "Ah, just the people I need to see." She said, before turning and leaving again. A few seconds later she returned. "Come with me." She pointed down the hall. Cadance and Nova moved to follow. "We've got closer and closer to finding the location of the lost city, but it turns out we've been looking in the wrong place all along," She said entering her lab and walking up to a whiteboard. "Now, we thought we had the coordinates of where to find the city that the Alicorns went to when they left Antarctica."

"But, we went to those coordinates and there was nothing there," Cadance said.

"Because it's not there," Daring Do said.

Nova looked at Daring Do. "Duh." She said.

"What are you saying, Ms.Do?"

Daring Do continued. "It's not there, because it's not in this dimension. It's in another dimension."

"Atlantis," Nova said shocked.

"Atlantis," Daring Do confirmed.


"Apache, Blackhawk, Cobra, Osprey, 03DNF..." Rainbow Dash said flying her helicopter over Antarctica.

"It's a lot of training for the Antarctic." Storm Chaser said looking out his side window.

"It was the one continent I never set foot on." Rainbow said.

"It's one of my least favourite continents." Storm said.

Dash smiled. "I kind of like it here." She said.

"You like it here?" Storm said with a look of surprise.

"Yes, sir. We'll be there in about ten minutes," Rainbow said.


"Look, we've been through this. I'm not the one," Fluttershy said, trying to get away from Nova.

"Keep moving," Nova said pushing her forward.

"I'm a doctor. A medical doctor." Fluttershy said managing to break free.

"There's nothing to be afraid of." Nova said grabbing the back of Fluttershy's shirt.

"You don't understand. I break things like this." Fluttershy said.

"This device has survived for millions of years intact. It WILL survive you. Now, sit down, close your eyes, and concentrate." Nova said pointing at the chair.

Fluttershy sighed and sat down. "Again, nothing," she said, starting to get up.

Nova pushed her back down. "Okay, this time, just try to imagine an image of where we are in the solar system." She said.

Fluttershy sat back and closed her eyes. This time the chair lit up and leaned back. One of the drones on the far side of the room lit and started flying around. After nearly hitting a few people it made its way up the elevator shaft. "What did I do?" She said.

Cadance, who was in the elevator at the time, saw the drone fly by. "Get us back down there!" She yelled at the elevator operator.


"All inbound craft, we have a rogue drone that can seek a target on its own." Rainbow heard over the radio, "Land immediately and shut down your engines. This is not a drill. I repeat..."

"It's too late. Hang on," She told Storm. Pulling the helicopter up and causing the drone to go under them. It then turned and started following them.

"Break right," Storm said, gripping hard on the handle next to him. Rainbow turned. "I said, RIGHT." He said

"I'm getting to that, sir." Rainbow said.


Cadance ran up to Nova and Fluttershy. "I told you I was the wrong person," Fluttershy said.

"It doesn't matter now. Just do something," Nova yelled.

"Like what?" Fluttershy asked on the verge of tears.

Cadance bent down and looked Fluttershy in the eyes. "Okay, Fluttershy, concentrate on shutting that weapon down before it hurts someone."

Fluttershy closed her eyes and tried to shut it down.


Rainbow and Storm had lost track of the drone.

"I can't see it," Rainbow said.

"Pull up, pull up." Storm yelled. The drone flew past and started following them again. "What about now?" He asked.

"Now's good," Rainbow said, pulling the helicopter up just a few feet from the ground. The drone couldn't pull up fast enough and crashed into the snow. Rainbow landed the helicopter and shut down the engines. "Sir. What the hell was that?" She asked.

"Wait for it." Storm said holding up his hand. Suddenly, the drone flew out of the ground and started at them again.

"GET OUT!" Rainbow yelled, unbuckling herself and diving out of the helicopter. Storm doing the same on his side. The drone suddenly shut down and skidded to a stop in front of Storm Chaser.

Rainbow and Storm got back in the helicopter. "That was...different," Rainbow said, breathing heavily.

Storm leaned back in his chair. "For me...not so much."


"I think I did it." Fluttershy said, opening her eyes.

Scootaloo ran up to Cadance. "Captain Dash is reporting the drone appears to have been incapacitated. Major Chaser's helicopter is unharmed, and on its way again. Seven minutes out."

Cadence sighed. "Thank god,"


"Frank," Daring Do said as Storm walked off the elevator.

"Daring, the names Storm Chaser now, remember? Warm welcome." Storm said.

"It wasn't me. How did you manage to..." Daring asked.

"Keep my ass from getting blown out of the sky? The exceptional flying of Captain Rainbow Dash. She likes it here." Storm said.

"Exceptional? You like it here?" Daring Do said turning to Rainbow, who just shrugged back.

"What say we cut to the part where you start talking real fast," Storm said.

"Ah. Cadance's in here," Daring said, leading the way.

"Hey, don't touch anything." Storm threw over his shoulder at Rainbow.

"Yes, sir."


"I figure the Alicorns packed up their entire city and left somewhere between five and ten million years ago." Daring Do said.

"In their...flying city?" Storm questioned.

"Yes." Daring confirmed. Storm just looked at her. "What?"

"Flying city?" He asked.

"Well, keep in mind this is the race that could raise and lower the sun and moon at will. They did everything big." Daring said.

"So why did they leave?" Storm asked.

"Why did they leave? Who knows? We know the Alicorns in Equestria were under attack. Maybe some of them were trying to start over, seeding life in a new dimension. Maybe that's what Alicorns do. The point is, we know where they went." Daring said.

"After all that time, is there any hope of actually meeting them?" Nova asked.

"Well, who knows, but isn't that enough reason to go?" Daring said.

"Well, I've been choosing members for this expedition for months, Miss Do. I'm not the one who needs convincing." Cadance said smiling and looking at Storm Chaser.

"Well, I'm convinced. Have fun." Storm said.

"It's a little more complicated than that." Daring said.

"We need Site 15 to get there." Nova interrupted, "The outpost you and the other Rainbow Dash used to get to your home dimension and is now sitting in the middle of nowhere gathering dust. I've since determined that it generates it's enormous power from magical energy deep beneath Equestria." Nova said.

"That was a waste of a perfectly good explanation. The answer's no." Storm said.


"The second I shut my eyes, I could see." Rainbow heard Fluttershy say. She walked toward her voice. "I just felt this power I've never had before. I had it dancing all across the sky. It was magical, it really was. I mean...well, they are lucky. I don't know where it came from. I just tried to concentrate, and the drone shut itself down." Fluttershy said.

"Fluttershy? So, your were the one." Rainbow said.

"Rainbow?" Fluttershy jumped upon hearing her voice.

"You're the one who fired that thing at me." Rainbow said.

Fluttershy started backing away "Look, we're doing research. Working with technology that's light-years beyond us, and we make mistakes. I'm really, really sorry." Fluttershy said.

Rainbow calmed down. "Well, next time, just be a little more careful, okay? What the heck was that thing anyway?" She asked, hugging Fluttershy.

"You mean the drone?" Fluttershy asked. Rainbow nodded. "The weapon the Alicorns built to defend this outpost. You do have security clearance to be here?"

"Yeah, yeah, Major Chaser just gave it to me." Rainbow said.

"Then you don't even know about the IDTs?" Fluttershy asked.

"The what?"

"Frank, you know jumping directly to a dimension requires an enormous amount of power," Daring said.

"Yes, I do. Find another way."

"There IS no other way."

"There is a reason we shut Site 15 down. It doesn't use the Palnerovian Cycle. Meaning you'll need the same amount of power to jump back here. My sister and I were lucky we managed to find a power source large enough to get us back to Equestria. You would have to set up an Interdimensional Transporter and find enough energy to jump you back here. Would you be able to do that?"

"This isn't just some other civilisation we're talking about. These are the Alicorns. I'm sure they have something that would work. I mean they had to have gotten there somehow. Besides, who knows what else we could find."

Cadance stepped forward. "The potential wealth of knowledge and technology, it outweigh anything we've come across since we found Triax Island."

"Well, if you go through with this trek of yours, odds are it'll be one-way."

"Yes, we know, but the benefit to Equestria and Earth is far greater than the risk, Major," Cadance said. "And it is a risk that every one of my expedition members is willing to take."


"We think the gene was used as a sort of genetic key, if you will, so that only their kind could operate certain dangerous or powerful technologies." Fluttershy said, tapping at one of the computer screens connected to the chair.

"So some people have the same genes as the Alicorns?" Rainbow asked.

"The specific gene is very rare, but on the whole, the look very much like we do. In fact, they were first. We're the second evolution of this form, the human form Alicorns having explored this world for millions of years..." Rainbow moved to sit in the chair. "Rainbow, please don't."

"Come on, Fluttershy, what are the odds of me having the same genes as these guys?" She said, sitting down. As she did the chair lit up and leaned back.

Fluttershy looked at Rainbow, her mouth open. "Quite slim, actually. Don't move." She said running out of the room and returning with Cadance, Nova, Storm, and Daring Do.

"What's going on here?" Cadance asked.

"I said don't touch anything." Storm said.

"I just sat down, sir."

"Captain," Nova said approaching the chair, "Think about where we are in the solar system."

Rainbow closed her eyes. Suddenly a holographic star map appeared above the chair. "Did I do that?"


"We could be on our way to discovering an entirely new ancient civilisation." Cadance said, as she and Storm Chaser walked down one of the many hallways in the outpost. "At the best case scenario, we meet actual Alicorns who are willing to help us, but if we don't...Major, we need her." Cadance said.

"Sorry, Cadance, I need Daring Do here." Storm said.

"I'm talking about Rainbow Dash." Cadance said.

"Oh. Don't you have a dozen or so people already who can use the Alicorn technology?" Storm asked.

"Yeah, with concentration and training, they can make it work, but Rainbow Dash, she does it naturally." Cadance said.

"You know, I've checked into her record." Storm said stopping in front of the elevator.

"I know about the whole supposed black mark in Saddle Arabia. She was trying to save the lives of three servicemen."

"Disobeying a direct order in the process."

"I have read your own file, Major. Please."

"Right. Okay, it's your expedition." He said stepping onto the elevator. "You want her, you ask her."

"Uh, that's the thing. I have."


"Also, I have another favour to ask." Cadance said handing Storm a folder.

He looked it over. "You do realise she quit, right?" He asked.

"Oh, she'll join. Trust me," Cadance said.


Rainbow was in the helicopter doing some preflight tests when Storm got in.

"This isn't a long trip, so I'll be as succinct as possible," He said.

There was a moment of silence before Rainbow spoke up. "Well, that's pretty succinct." She said.

"Thank you." Storm said.

"I told Cadance that, you know, I'd think about it." Rainbow said.

"And? So? Well? What?" Storm said.

"With all due respect, sir, we were just attacked by an alien missile, then I found out I have some mutant gene, then there's this IDT thing and these expeditions to other dimensions..." Rainbow said.

"You know, this isn't about you, Dash. It's a lot bigger than that." Storm said.

"Right now, at this very second, whether I decide to go on this mission or not seems to be about me." Rainbow started up the helicopter and put her headset on.

"Let me ask you something," Storm said reaching back and putting on his own headset. "Why did you become a pilot?" He asked.

"I think people who don't want to fly are crazy," Rainbow replied.

"And I think people who don't want to travel to other dimensions are equally as whacked. Now, if you can't give me a yes by the time we reach Mcmurdo, I don't even want you.


A grey car pull up to a house set back in the woods and a man in a uniform stepped out. He approached the front door and knocked. There was no response. "Sir, back here." Another uniformed man said, pointing to the back yard. They walked around the house where the found who they were searching for sitting in a chair, painting.

"Lieutenant Apple Bloom?" The man asked.

"Retired." Apple Bloom said, not turning from her painting.

"I'm Sergeant Fisher," The man said.

"Air Division?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yes, sir." Fisher said.

"Want a little piece of advice, Sergeant? Get re-ass'ed to the IDE. That's where all the action's gonna be." Apple Bloom said. "Out there."

"I'm..uh...under orders to bring you to see Major Storm Chaser, sir." Fisher said.

"Never heard of him." Apple Bloom said.

"He used to go by Frank. He says it's important. They found Atlantis," Fisher said.

Apple Bloom stopped painting, put the brush down, and and turn to him.


"Shining Armor, if you're watching this, it means General Navic has been kind enough to grant you security clearance. I'm not going on a diplomatic mission to another country. I'm going to another planet in another dimension by means of a device called an IDT. Millions of years ago, there was a race of being we call the Alicorns. They came here from Equestria to learn more about our world. We don't know why, but they left for another dimension somewhere between five and ten million years ago, taking their entire city along with them. That city was called Atlantis."

"I have been assembling an expedition team in order to try to find Atlantis and hopefully, the Alicorns who left Earth all those years ago. I want to do this, Shining Armor, with all my heart. You know me well enough to know I could never turn down an opportunity like this, but I wanted the chance to tell you..."

Shining Armor stopped the video, got up, and walked to the phone. He dialed Cadance's number. "The cellular customer you are trying to reach is currently outside the coverage area." A computer voice said over the phone.

He hung up the phone and sighed. "No kidding."

Just then the front door opened. "Dad, I'm home." Flurry Heart said. She came into the room. "Where's mom?"

"She went on another business trip. She'll be gone for awhile." Shining Armor said.

"Oh, that's right. I forgot. Well, Red is having a sleepover and she invited me. So, I'll be heading over there." She said heading upstairs.

"Not before you finish your chores." Shining Armor said.

"I will." She yelled back.


Site 15 - Equestria

Apple Bloom and Fisher were on an elevator heading down to Site fifteen. The elevator stopped and they got off. They walked over to a desk where a man had them sign in.

"We have to take a second elevator the rest of the way." Fisher said. "It's a long way down."

"Yeah, I know. I've been here before." Apple Bloom said stepping into the other elevator.

"Uh, of course." Fisher said.

They rode the elevator for awhile before getting off.

"Right this way, sir" a man said waving Apple Bloom towards an office.

"Major Chaser. Lieutenant Apple Bloom." The man said entering the office.

"Retired." Apple Bloom corrected.

"I can see that." Storm Chaser said. "I've been thinking about retiring. You know, start getting my thoughts together. Maybe write a book. You ever think of writing a book about your exploits in the line of duty?"

"I've thought about it, but then I'd have to shoot anyone that actually read it." Apple Bloom said. Storm Chaser stared at her. "That's a joke, sir. Most of my work the past five years was classified."

"Yes, of course."

"Major Fisher mentioned Atlantis?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Down to business. I can do that." He turned to the man who had brought Apple Bloom in. "Bring Cadance in."


"Listen, I just need a couple of minutes to finish my work, and, not to be rude, but you're not helping by standing there." Fluttershy said to Sergeant Kathlyn, one of the few Rybakians within Triax Defence.

Colonel Summer walk up to Fluttershy. He was an older man with orange skin and greyish-yellow hair. "Everything in here has been double-checked and triple-checked and cleared for takeoff. Leave it alone." He said.

"Look, Colonel, no offence but I, uh, don't answer to you." Fluttershy said.

"She said the same to me, sir," Kathlyn said.

"That's what your sidearm's for," Summer said, walking away.


Rainbow walked down the hall to the transport room passing Colonel Summer on the way. "Colonel." She said as way of greeting.

Cadance walked into the room. "Can I have everyone's attention, please?" The crowd went quiet. "Alright, here we go. We're about to try to make a connection. We have been unable to predict exactly how much power this is going to take, and we may only get the one chance at this, so if we're able to achieve a stable connection, we're not going to risk shutting the IDT down. We'll send in the robot probe, check for viability, and go. Everything in one shot."

"Now, every one of you volunteered for this mission, and you represent over a dozen cities. You are the best and the brightest, and in light of the adventure we are about to embark on...you're also the bravest. I hope we all return one day having discovered a whole new realm for humanity and ponykind to explore, but as all of you know...we may never be able to return home. I'd like to offer you all one last chance to withdraw your participation." She looked around and saw nobody move. "Activate the Transporter."

The IDT hummed to life and arcs of electricity shot through it.

"Let me make myself clear, Captain. You are not here by my choice." Summer said to Rainbow.

"I'm sure you'll warm up to me once you get to know me, sir," She said back.

"As long as you remember who's giving the orders." Summer said.

Rainbow smiled. "That would be Cadance, right?"

He just stared at her and she smiled back.


Cadance walked into the control room.

"Nice speech," Storm said.

"Thank you." An orb of light appeared in the centre of the IDT. "This is it," She said smiling. Looking over at Nova who was watching the screen showing the IDT with a blank expression. "Seriously, Nova, calm down. You're embarrassing me."

"I've never been so excited in my entire life." Nova said sarcastically.

The orb grew until it touched the base of the IDT. "We have a connection," Tact said. The room cheered.

"Send the probe." Cadance said.

The probe moved forward into the large white orb. "We have telemetry," Tact said.

"What is it we're looking at?" Cadance asked looking at the screen.

"Switching to zero locks. The radar indicates...a large room."

"Structurally intact?" Daring Do said.

Nova looked at the screen. "Environmental sensors say there's oxygen, no measurable toxins. We have viable life support. Looks like we're not getting out of this."

Cadance looked at Storm Chaser. "Cadance, you have a go," He said.

"Thank you...sir."


"Let's go people. We don't know how much power we've got left." Colonel Summer yelled. "Security teams one and two, you're up first. All other personnel will follow on our signal. Once on the other side, keep moving, clear the debarkation area. On my lead..."

"Hold on, Colonel," Cadance yelled. "We go through together."

"Fair enough." He said approaching the orb. Raising his gun he walked into the orb, Cadance following behind him.

"Frank, if it's not too late for me..." Daring started saying.

"No" Storm interrupted.

"I can just grab my..." Daring asked.

"No." He said again.

"Kit." She finished.


Rainbow and Scootaloo walked up to the orb.

"All clear. It looks good." Summer radioed back.

"Expedition team...move out." Storm said.

"I'm glad you changed your mind, mom," Scootaloo said to Rainbow.

"Yeah, it would be boring without you," Copper said.

"What? You think I'm gonna let you two go on an epic adventure to another dimension without me? I think not," Rainbow said.

Suddenly the ground shook violently. Rainbow grabbed the railing near the IDT to keep herself from falling.

"What was that?" Scootaloo asked.

"I don't know, but it can't be good." Rainbow said.


Lieutenant Panzer entered the control room and approached Storm Chaser. "Three ships just appeared on our sensors and are firing on the site. They're Greymark."

"Greymark, how? This place is supposed to be top secret," Storm said.

"Well, apparently it's not as 'top secret' as we thought," Daring Do said.

Another explosion shook the facility. "It doesn't matter how they found us. The core was already unstable because we were using it to connect to Atlantis. Now, it's gone critical," Tact said.

"Will shutting down the IDT stop it?" Storm asked.

"No, the core is too unstable. We can't stop it now."

"Right," Storm said, turning on the intercom in the IDT room. "All expedition team members, proceed through the Transporter immediately." He flipped a switch and activated the site wide intercom. "This is Major Storm Chaser, all personnel evacuate this facility immediately. I repeat, all personnel proceed to the main level immediately. We have a code three, this is not a drill, repeat this is not a drill."

People started leaving the control room, leaving only Storm Chaser, Tact, and Panzer.

"That means you two as well," Storm said.

Tact stood up. "No offence, sir, but we clones never leave a brother behind. You may not be a clone, but you are certainly a brother. If you're staying, so are we," Tact said, saluting Storm.

"Tact's right, sir. We been through hell and back together. We're stayin' here," Panzer said.

Storm smiled. "Right, let's see if we can buy ourselves some more time."


Rainbow looked out at the crowd of people in IDT room. The military personnel same fine but the civilians were starting to panic.

"Copper, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle," Rainbow said, waving the four over to her. "Copper, I want you to head through the IDT and tell Cadance and Summer what's going on. Take some of this equipment with you." Copper nodded and walked off. "Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, help get this equipment though the IDT. Mission critical equipment first. If it can be replaced on the other side then leave it. Sweetie Belle, you know what we need. Scootaloo, you're with me."

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom walked off. "Alright everyone listen up," Rainbow yelled. "We're going to start sending people through. Two at a time, three seconds apart. No one goes through without carrying at least one piece of equipment. Let's go!"


"What's the situation?" Sunset Shimmer asked upon entering the control room, Dr. Wiseman following behind her.

"The core's gone critical, and once it goes, all the magic trapped beneath the site will be released, and you of all people should know what happens when you release a huge amount of magic at once." Tact said.

"Get up," Sunset said to Tact.


"Get up!" She repeated. Tact got up and Sunset sat down at the computer. "When we built the site, I thought something like this might happen. So, Dasher, Neon, Twilight, and I, found a way to convert the magical energy under the site into explosive energy." Sunset said.

"How is making the explosion bigger going to help us?" Panzer asked.

"Magic can't be destroyed. It can be absorbed or turned into something useful. Since no pony can absorb this much magic, we'll have to convert it into a different form of energy. In this case a large explosion." Sunset said.

"Major Storm Chaser, this is Colonel Silver Wing, do you copy?" A voice called over the radio.

Storm headed over to the radio. "This is Major Storm Chaser, go ahead." He said.

"All but two of my shuttles are in the air. What's the hold up down there?" Silver Wing said.

"We're making sure the expedition team makes it through. Also, Princess Twilight ordered the archive hard drives to be pulled during a code three. There's still a team down there." Storm said.

"Colonel, this is Sunset Shimmer. How far from the site you?" Sunset asked.

"Not far, why?" Silver Wing replied.

"Do you think you could make it to Site 49 in twenty minutes." Sunset asked.

"Site 49? But, that's hundreds of miles from here." Silver Wing said.

"Can you do it or not?" Sunset asked.

"If we push the engines, maybe, but I wouldn't recommend it." Silver Wing said.

"I would, because in about twenty minutes anything within about a hundred miles of this place is going to be vaporised." Sunset said.

"But, what about that village of reindeer?" Silver Wing asked.

"We already talked to Site 49 and it seems they got the old tram running again. They're evacuating them as we speak," Storm said.

"Got it. Don't wait too long or you won't make it out in time."

"Don't worry about us we'll be fine. Now go!"


Storm collapsed back in his chair and laughed.

"What's so funny, sir?" Tact asked.

"Oh, it's just that if Rainbow hadn't switched assignments with me, I'd be sitting in a lecture hall right now and she'd be here. Wait till she hears what she missed out on."

"No offence to the Colonel, but I'm happy you're here. You are more capable of handling a situation like this."

"Ha ha, you're probably right. Knowing my sister, she'd probably fly right up there and take those ships on herself."

An alarm went off on one of the computers. "Three more ships just appeared on our sensors," Tact said.

"Greymark?" Storm asked.

"No, there was no hyperspace window. They just appeared. Wait, what?" Tact said.


"They're ours. They're DNFs. Two class fives and...the class ten? IT doesn't make sense. Even if they heard about the attack the moment it started, Equestria is on the other side of the planet. It would take them a couple of days to get here."

"Besides, I thought the class ten was still under construction," Panzer said.

Just then one of the dots on the screen disappeared. "They just destroyed one of the Greymark ships. They are radioing us." Tact said.

"Hey boys, thought we'd drop in and see how things were going. Looks like you got a bit of a problem here." Rainbow Dash said over the radio. She sounded younger than the other Rainbow.

"Sis, it's good to hear your voice. How did you guys hear about the attack, and more importantly, how'd you get here so fast?" Storm asked.

"There's a Diamond Eye agent aboard one of those ships. He risked his life telling us about this attack. We have an extraction team heading out to get him as we speak. As for how we got here, you have dad to thank for that. He finally got those old Jump-Sats working again."

"Alright listen, the reactor has gone critical. You need to stop those ships. We still have people working down here and we need more time." Storm said.

"We blew the tens weapons systems with that surprise attack of ours. It also took out a few other systems as well, including shields. We're trying to get them back now. AJ and Trip are commanding the fives and Applejack is currently moving hers between me and the nearest Greymark ship to buy us more time to get our shields working, but she won't last long under that kind of fire. Drone teams nineteen through twenty-eight came with us and are in the air and I've recalled those shuttles you set out. We have a few human jets onboard, but no one to fly them and I was hoping that there might be some pilots aboard those shuttles who can."

"There are. Okay, send shuttles two and three to Applejack's ship. The men on those shuttles where on the surface when the attack began and some of them are badly hurt. The moment it becomes too dangerous for AJ to stay, have her jump. We need to get those men medical attention ASAP. You said you have an extraction team, mind if I ask who they are?"

"Uh, well...you see, the thing is, we didn't have time to get an actual team. So..."


"Are you sure about this, CJ," Silver Moon asked looking over the edge of one of the landing platforms on the ten.

"Relax, I do this all the time," Cloud Jumper said, pulling her goggles down over her eyes.

"In your pony form. Have you even tried this in your human form yet?" Redwood asked, putting on her own goggles.

"Well, no, but how much different could it be. Don't worry, just do what I do." CJ said.

"Why would I worry? We're only skydiving into the middle of a war zone. What could go wrong?" Silver said, pulling her goggles down.

With that CJ jumped off the platform, Silver behind her, and Red behind Silver. Shortly after jumping CJ pulled a surfboard like object off her back and attached it to her boots. Using the board she glided across a nearby cloud as if it was snow. They went from cloud to cloud as they fell, getting closer and closer to the Greymark ship.

"They don't call me Cloud Jumper for nothing!" CJ said.

"Girls, do you copy?" Storm asked, his face showing up on their HUDs.

"Go ahead, sir." Red said.

"Rainbow thinks you're ready for this. I, however, would not have started you on this mission. Anyway, you know what you need to do. Get in, get the agent, and get out. You have eighteen minutes till the reactor goes. We'll have a shuttle waiting to pick you up outside the main hanger. Good luck." Storm said.

"Thank you, sir," Silver said.

"We should be close enough," CJ said, placing her board back on her back. She switched to her Pegasus form and used her wings to slow herself down, landing on the Greymark ship gently. "Alright, that cloud under you should slow you down enough to land." She said, looking up. She watched as Silver emerged from the cloud and landed on the ship. Looking up again CJ notice that the cloud had broken apart. "No, I thought the cloud was thicker than that. Without that cloud Red won't be able to slow down enough. Silver can you slow her down with your magic?"

"I'm trying, but she's still falling too fast," Silver said. "Can't you fly up and get her?"

"The winds to strong up here." CJ said.

"We just saw you fly." Silver said.

"That wasn't flying, it was gliding, there's a difference." CJ yelled back.

Suddenly, a black and red drone flew by, caught Red, and set her down on the ship. The drone then emitted and holographic image of an earth pony with an eyepatch.

"Thanks, dad," Red said.

"Yeah, Lieutenant General Angry, that was awesome!" CJ said.

The hologram turn toward CJ. "Since this was your plan, you were supposed to account for everything. That was in your training, right? Or, perhaps Frank is dumber than I thought. Anyway, you make a mistake like that again, and I don't care who you're related to, I'll shoot ya." Rick said. He then turned to the other. "Me and Major General Pinky Pie are the only ones watching your backs, so be careful and good luck."

"We've got incoming!" Pinkie Pie said in a singsong voice.

The hologram shut off and the drone flew off.

"Let's do this!" CJ said.


"Let's go people!" Rainbow yelled. "Let's move it!"

Apple Bloom approached Rainbow. "This is taking too long. We need to go faster." She said.

"You're right, go ahead through and tell them we're going to start sending them through four at a time. Take these with you." Rainbow said.

Taking the bags Rainbow had handed to her, she headed through the IDT.

There was another large explosion and some of the equipment fell over. A few people, including Fluttershy, stopped to pick it up.

Rainbow ran over and pulled her up. "There's no time. Leave it." She said.

"But, its medical equipment. We might need it." Fluttershy said.

Sighing Rainbow looked around. "Sarah, Satvei, over here." She called.

"Yes, ma'am?" Sarah said saluting. Satvei walking up beside her.

"I know you and Satvei were tasked with carrying the other IDT, but we need to move this medical equipment. Satvei do you think you can carry that and this?"

"I will do my best." The large wolf said, bowing his head.


"We've got a problem," Panzer said, coming into the control room with a group of people. A few of the had minor injuries.

"What happened?" Dr. Wiseman asked, hurrying over to them.

"That last explosion took out the stairwell. This group just avoided it, but we're stuck down here." Panzer explained.

"Communications are down, too." Tact said.

"Is there any other way to reach Rainbow?" Storm asked.

"There's me." Someone said.

"Screwball, what are you doing here?" Storm asked.

"Oh, you know me, always trying to help." The filly said.

"So how about you snap your fingers and fix this whole mess?" Panzer said.

"Can’t. For several reason. Popcorn?" Screwball said smiling and holding out a bucket of popcorn.

Panzer just stared at her.

"Hey, more for me. Anyway, I've been updating Rainbow this whole time. She's aware we're stuck down here and is wondering what you plan on doing." Screwball said.

“You could teleport everyone out.” Panzer said.

“Like i said i can’t. Believe me, if could could prevent this whole thing, I would, but I can’t. For one, the magic beneath us is interfering with my magic.” She said.

“That does make sense.” Sunset said.

“What about the popcorn?” Panzer asked.

“It was supposed to be ice cream.” Screwball said.

"Well, the only way out is through the IDT. Unless someone has a better idea." Storm said.

"AJ's ship just jumped, the Tens shields are still down, and Rainbow's taking fire. Bay is moving his Five to take AJ's spot, but we're running out of time. If we're going, we need to go now." Screwball said running out of the room.

"Sunset?" Storm asked.

"Done." Sunset said.

"Everyone, get moving. Let's go!" Storm yelled.

The group of them were running towards the IDT room, when another large explosion went off and the ceiling collapsed. Once the dust settled Sunset got up and looked around. The group that Panzer had found were with her. Storm, Panzer, Tact, and Dr. Wiseman were on the control room side.

"Wiseman! Doctor, can you hear me?" Sunset yelled.

"We're fine, Sunset. How are the others?" The elderly man asked.

"They're fine. Hang on, I'll get you out of there." Sunset said moving a few rocks.

She was pulled back by Rainbow. "There is no time, Sunset."

"Rainbow's right. You guys need to go now. I have another way out of here. Sunset, Wiseman will be fine, don't worry." Storm said.

"No. I won't leave him!" Sunset said moving a few more rocks.

Suddenly another explosion shook the site and more of the ceiling collapsed. Satvei ran over and used his large body to protect her for the falling debris.

"Go now!" He said.

"You saved me. Thank you," Sunset said hugging him. She notice him wince in pain. He had a large cut down his side. "You're hurt, I'm so sorry."

"He's fine," Sarah said pulling Sunset up.

"Scootaloo, get everyone out of here." Rainbow said.

"What about you?" Scootaloo asked.

"I'll be right behind you, go!" Rainbow said.

Everyone except Rainbow ran off down the hall.

"Are you sure you can get out of here?" Rainbow asked Storm.

"It's risky, but yeah. Listen, on the north wall of the IDT room there's a silver refrigerated briefcase with wood trim. Find it and take it with you. It's a gift, but don't stay too long, it's not worth your life." Storm said.

"Got it, good luck, sir." Rainbow said running down the hallway.


"This is your plan?" Tact said as they entered a large room with a starship in it. The name Meadow Brook stencilled across the side. "The Meadow Brook is nowhere near ready to fly."

"Who said anything about flying?" Storm said as they entered the bridge.

It took Tact a few seconds to realise what Storm was talking about. "No, no, no, no, no, no! Do you know how dangerous it is to open a hyperspace window under ground. Besides, the hyperdrive hasn't even been tested yet." He said.

"Can you do it?" Storm asked.

"There are still areas of the ship that are exposed. If we jump now there's a chance we'll be ripped apart. Maybe, if I put more power into the shields. I could shut off artificial gravity and dial back the inertial dampener. That might do it. It won't be a pleasant ride, but it should work." Tact said.

"Good, everyone strap yourselves in." Storm said.


"Shuttle four, report." Rainbow said.

"No sight of Wood's team yet, ma'am." The pilot said.

"Damn it, we can't wait anymore. Get back to the ten. Rick, recall all drones. All shuttles and jets report back to the ten immediately. We're jumping now!" Rainbow said.

"Hang on, there they are. We got them, heading back now." The pilot said.

"Good, make it quick." Rainbow said.


Scootaloo came through the matter-stream in Atlantis.

"Scoots, where's mom?" Copper asked.

"She's right behind me." Scootaloo said.

The matter-stream started flickering then Rainbow came flying out, apparently having ponied up at some point. The matter-stream shut down, Rainbow landed hard in the middle of the room, and she returned to normal.

"You okay, mom?" Scootaloo asked hugging her.

"I feel weak, just like when Twilight had drain the magic out of me, but other than that, I feel fine." Rainbow said.

"Magic may work differently in this dimension." Copper said.

"What happened over there, Captain?" Summer asked

"Three Greymark ship dropped in out of nowhere. Major Chaser ordered the base evacuated. Site fifteen is destroyed." Rainbow said.

"Do you know if Storm made it out?" Summer asked.

"No. I Barely made it out myself." Rainbow said.

"Well, I'm glad you did." Cadance said helping Rainbow back up.

Rainbow looked around the large room. Some lights started coming on their own.

"Alright, teams one and two, secure the immediate area." Summer yelled. "Everyone else, find a open space and park it until instructed otherwise."

More lights turned on. "Who's doing that?" Cadance asked, looking around.

"Security teams, any alien contact?"

"Negative, sir"

"Team four, negative, Colonel."

Rainbow and Nova walked up a flight of stairs and more lights came on.

"The lights are coming on by themselves," Rainbow said to Nova.

People started spreading out and searching the city. More lights and consoles coming to life with each room they entered.

"Cadance, you have to see this," one of the scientists said over the radio.

"I have a lot of things to see. Just be careful." She said approaching Nova.

Several consoles in the room activated. "I didn't touch anything." Rainbow said, holding her hands up.

"Relax, Rainbow. It's like the entire complex is sensing our presence and coming to life."

"This has got to be the control room," Nova said. "This area could be power control systems, possibly a computer interface..."

"Hey, hey. Why don't you find out?" Cadance said.


"Cadance, Colonel Summer. Could you come down and meet me, please? We're three levels down from you."

"Right away."


"We've only been able to secure a fraction of the place. It's huge." Summer said to Cadance as the entered another room.

"So it might really be the lost city of Atlantis?"

"I'd say that's a good bet." He said walking up to a nearby window.

Cadance looked out the window. "Oh, my goodness. We're underwater."

"I'd say we're under several hundred feet of ocean. If we can't transport out this could be a problem."

Nova entered the room. "Colonel, Cadance..."

"We're underwater," Rainbow told Nova.

"Yes, I was just coming to tell you. Fortunately, there is some sort of force field holding back the wa..." She stop once got a look out the window. "Water. Oh, that is impressive, isn't it? Uh, Fluttershy has found something you should, uh, see."


"...in the hope of spreading new life in a dimension where there appeared to be none. Soon, the new life grew and prospered."

"It's a hologram," Fluttershy told them. "The recording loops. This is my second time through."

"What have we missed?" Summer asked.

"Not much."

"...exchange knowledge and friendship," The holographic human form Alicorn continued. "In time, a thousand worlds bore the fruit of life in human form. Then one day, our people set foot upon a dark world were a terrible enemy slept. Never before had we encountered beings with magic that rivalled our own. In our overconfidence, we were unprepared and outnumbered. The enemy fed upon the defenceless human worlds like a great scourge, until finally, only Atlantis remained. This city's great shield was powerful enough to withstand their terrible weapons, but here we were besieged for many years. In an effort to save the last of our kind, we submerged our great city into the ocean. The Atlantis Mirror was the one and only link back to Equestria from this dimension, and those who remained used it to return to the dimension that was once home. There, the last survivors of Atlantis lived out the remainder of their lives. This city was left to slumber, in the hope that our kind would one day return." The hologram faded away.

"Huh. So the story of Atlantis is true," Nova said, "a great city that sank in the ocean."

"It just didn't happen on Earth," Fluttershy added.

"Well, the Ancient Greeks must have heard it from one of the surviving Alicorns."

Sweetie Belle walked into the room and whispered something in Nova ear.

Fluttershy activated the hologram again. "Let's see it again from the beginning."

"STOP! TURN IT OFF!" Nova yelled. Fluttershy did. "Power levels throughout the city are dropping like a stone."

Colonel Summer turned and looked a Nova. "What does that mean?"

"That if we don't stop everything we're doing right now, we're dead."

To Be Continued