• Published 1st Mar 2016
  • 477 Views, 9 Comments

Short Stories Collection, vol. I - fallen starr

A collection of stories that tend to not meet the 1000 word count minimum. Stories will be tagged in the chapter.

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Harmonious [Slice of Life]

The snow on the street blew into the Canterlot shop as Rarity left. The dull sky was darkening as the pegasi above worked on the clouds that were due to bring a fresh layer of show for the Hearth Warming season the next day. She sighed as she locked the door. The next few days were sure to find her cooped up in the small flat she had obtained as the storm ran its course.

She had just started down the street when the voice of a small filly caught her attention. “Mama, look at this coat! Can I have it?“

The mothers pensive expression was lost on the filly, but Rarity saw it. “This is the one?” she asked, biting her lip. “I don’t think the shop is open, so we will have to find another one.“ The filly’s expression fell as the pair started to walk away.

"Wait!” Rarity called to the pair if earth ponies, magically unlocking the door. “I never turn away a customer.“ Holding the door open, she smiled warmly. “Please, come in.”

The mother looked ready to protest, but the filly had already ran in. As the young pony admired the clothing, the mother turned to Rarity. “We can’t afford your shop, ma’am.“ Rarity simply smiled.
The filly ran up to them with the coat from the window. “Look mama!”

Rarity bento talk to the filly.“You know, dear, that coat isn’t very warm. I made it for those ponies who don’t actually go out and play in the snow.” The filly looked appalled at the thought of ponies not playing. “How about this one instead. It is highly fashionable, and—"

“Is that the one Sweetie Belle has? It is, it’s the same one!” Looking at Rarity, the filly practically gushed. “I love her so much. I have all her music and posters and I know a lot about her.“ Turning to her mother, she added, “Please mama, can I have it?”

“How much?” the mother asked.

“I think, considering how devoted to Sweetie Belle she is, it can be free.”

The mother blushed. “No, you don’t have to do that. I will pay you.“

Rarity smiled. “You don’t understand, darling. There are only two of these coats in existence. I made this as a prototype for Sweetie Belle. So to price it would be impossible. And really,” Rarity said, lowering her voice as the discussion continued, “everyone needs a coat before this dreadful storm hits.“

Taking the coat, the mother seemed lost for words.
“Now, if I could get your name and address? It is nothing important, just something I do with all of my clients in case something isn’t satisfactory.”

The mother looked unsure, but nodded. “Rosemary. 182 Harper Lane. And…thank you. Truly.“

Rarity smiled at the sincerity in Rosemary’s voice. “Don’t think another thing about it.” Rarity glanced at a clock on the wall. “Oh my. I’m terribly sorry, but I seem to be very late for a very important dinner date and must be going.“

Both mares jumped as a voice called from the door way."It’s okay, silly.” The pink mare hopped over to where Rarity was standing.“You know we’ll wait on you. I was sent to make sure you were okay though. You’re never late.”

Rosemary bit her lip. “I’m terribly sorry to have kept you. Acorn, come along dear.“

When the young foal walked into view, Pinkie let out a gasp. “That’s Sweetie’s! You know she’s going to kill you when she finds out.”

“Oh, not if she wants any more free clothes from me.”

Rosemary stopped in her tracks.“You gave her that one of a kind coat, for free?” Rosemary asked. “How does your business stay afloat if you give all your products away for free?“

Pinkie interjected before Rarity could say a word. “Rarity does charge people. Her clothes are really expensive.”

“Not that it matters. Now, the storm is set to begin in a few hours, and my friend and I simply must get back to the dinner party.”

“Na, you know Twily doesn’t care if we’re late. Oh yeah, I was supposed to tell you ‘Shy is going to be late. I bet she’s there now, though, cause we’ve been talking. Dashie and AJ are outlining what kinda contest they could have since Dashie has flight training in the morning and…”

Rarity held up her hand. “Pinkie, please.“ Turning to Rosemary and Acorn, she smiled. “I am sorry to suddenly be in a rush. I really must go. Enjoy the coat, darling.”
Their table was apparent the instant they entered the restaurant. Unlike the last time they had all been together, though, this was different. It wasn’t shouts that drew attention to the table, but laughter.

Rarity grinned as she took her seat next to Fluttershy. This was how things were meant to be. This is what she and her friends should be like.

Things weren’t just as they were before, no.

Rainbow Dash would be traveling across the country with the Wonderbolts. That just meant they would have to go to every game possible.

Pinkie Pie was taking over Sugar Cube Corner as Mr. And Mrs. Cake expanded. She wouldn’t be able to freely travel as much as she could now. But they would still write, and it was only a three hour train ride from Canterlot to Ponyville.

Applejack would need her friends close as she dealt with the death of Granny Smith. Still, with the winter season here, Applejack would travel and visit her friends when she could. When she couldn’t, she knew they were just a letter away.

Twilight and Fluttershy were the only two Rarity still worried about. It wouldn’t be easy for Twilight once the news of her relationship got out. Scandal and speculation would be everywhere.

And Fluttershy…Rarity held back a sigh. Moving to Canterlot to care for an aging parent couldn’t have been easy. She had been forced to leave all of her animal friends, her cottage, her entire world.

Rarity’s own business had gone from an apparent slump to having a new order at least once a day. And the school dances were just around the corner.

Rarity didn’t know when they had all got so caught up in their personal drama. When their own struggles became more important than helping each other.

They had fixed that, though. After all the fights, all the shouting and other horrid things they had done to each other, they were here again.

The six of them, living, laughing, loving one another. Rarity felt sure that, no matter what the future held, they would never forget the last year. They would never forget what they had missed, the important moments in one another’s lives they hadn’t been there for. She was also sure of one other thing: they would never forget to support and depend on each other again.

After all, even as Pinkie stuck her tongue out at Twilight andApplejack waved a piece of pie in front of Rainbow Dash, they were what they would always be. Best friends.


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