• Published 29th Feb 2016
  • 3,496 Views, 36 Comments

A Song and An Apple - TheOneAJ

A three day weekend with and old friend/flame, Rara, Applejack will understand her old campfriend more than ever before

  • ...

Part 2

The next morning, Applejack woke up to the heavenly smell of bacon and eggs. With it, the realization that today would be important.

All through the night as she tried to fall asleep, with Rara mere inches from her, Applejack could only wonder. What could be so bad that it would cause Rara to stop writing?

Did Rara had some kind of cancer or incurable disease? What if she had let her new fame get to her? Or, what if she was a vampire? Applejack chuckled at the last idea. Till she realized that stranger things had happened to her since Sunset Shimmer came to CHS.

With a deep breath, Applejack carried herself out into the crisp, warm morning air. Where Rara—fully immersed in the sun to Applejack’s relief—was humming a love song as she cooked.

Applejack stood still, savoring the moment. She was mesmerized by Rara's beuatiful voice. Maybe whatever Rara had to say wasn't that bad. Not that she doubted anything could make her feel less. But, while it lasted, she was going to enjoy this simple moment. Before anything changed between them.

“Oh, morning, AJ!” Rara said as she caught her staring.

Applejack stumbled for a bit, then pulled herself out of the tent. “Oh, howdy! Sleep well?”

Rara smiled. “Yeah. Want some breakfast?”

Applejack nodded

The two soon dug into their meal in silence. After a while, Applejack began to speak. Only to be interrupted by Rara, “Say, you want to go for a swim today?”

Applejack bit her lip. “Um, sure. Sounds fun, I guess.”

Rara closed her eyes and slowly nodded. “I hope… I mean, did you bring along a swimsuit?”

“Er, nope. Didn’t think you’d live near the ocean.” She then muttered under her breath, “Something else you could have written about.”

Rara must have heard, because she flinched. “Well, I have some bikinis you can borrow. Third door on the left. Just... Just take your pick.” She shot up quickly. Not even bothering to take her plate, she raced inside. “Meet me back here when you’re ready!”

Applejack started to say something, but Rara was already gone. Still, even as Applejack made her way inside, she could clearly hear her friend crying in the distance.


After a short debate between a one-piece and two, Applejack slipped into an orange bikini. With a beach towel in hand, headed outside. Where Rara was waiting anxiously for her.

Taking a deep breath, she pushed her emotions aside and gazed. Dazzed by Rara’s slim and beautiful body exposed to the elements, Applejack didn't move. Her friend stood in a purple bikini top and bottom, along with a purple necklace and blue sandals.

“Hey, Rara.” Applejack finally muttered. She step outside the house, fighting to not sound stupid. "You look nice.

Rara gazed at AJ for a moment, then blushed. “Thanks. Um… Nice choice of… Anyways, ready to head down? Gorgeous day.”

Applejack smiled. “Sure is.” She looked towards the yard's edge. “So where’s this little ‘shortcut’ ya mentioned? Hope it ain’t a rope ladder off the cliff.”

Rara laughed. “No. It’s even better. Come on.”

With that, Applejack followed till they came to a large rock. Which, upon closer examination, she realized was a door. Once Rara opened it, the smell of seawater blasted their faces. Looking inside, she saw that a path of stairs lead downwards.

“Whoa.” Applejack whistled. “That come with the place?”

“Nope. Had to build it myself. Just got the safety rail installed last week.” She began her descent. Applejack followed suit.

All the while, the two girls didn’t say anything to each other. Till at last, they made it to another rock door. After some fumbling, Rara unlocked it and lead her on. Inside was a small room. Or perhaps cave was a better word. There wash just a hole in the ceiling to let in light. Along with a pool in the middle that Applejack had a feeling contacted with the ocean.

“Um, nice place you got here.” Applejack nodded as Rara took a step towards the water.

Back turned, head tilted down, the popstar rubbed her shoulders.

“AJ…” Rara said quietly.

Nervous, Applejack took a step forward. “Look, Rara, if it’s about what you want to tell me, I told you—”

Turning around slightly, Rara dug into her bikini. She pulled out a folded piece of laminated paper.

Applejack squinted her eyes. “What the—”

“Like I said,” Rara began, reavaling that it was a letter, “I’ll understand if you hate me. But your last letter, the one you wrote when we were about to start seventh grade… I did get it. And kept it all these years.”

It took a few moments for the situation to hit Applejack. Once it did, it hit her hard. “What? I—”

“I’m sorry! I know I shouldn’t have." She set the letter down. "But when you said you wanted to marry me, even if there was a chance you were just joking… I couldn’t respond.” A tear ran down her face.

No longer as angry, Applejack approached Rara. “Oh, Sugarcube. I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. I mean, if that’s all—”

“But it isn’t.”

Applejack blinked.

Rara closed her eyes and sighed. “The truth is… I’ve always had a crush on you. Almost from our first day of camp,” she turned to look at Applejack, straight into her eyes, “and especially, right now.”

Waves of emotions began to hit the farm girl. So many in fact, Applejack almost didn’t know how to respond. Though, with her face heating up, she stuttered. “Ya… You do? Cause… I've always had a crush on you too. Just never hopped you swang that way.”

Rara blushed and held her hands together. “I do. Since we were kids. Even more so when you helped remind me of who I truly was at the concert.” She frowned. “I really do like you, AJ. But… It can’t work!”

Applejack glared. “Oh what? Because you're a city girl while I’m country?”

“It’s not.”

Applejack stuttered. “Oh, er… It’s not?” She began to get scared. What else—

In a blur, Rara threw her sandals off, raced over to Applejack, and kissed her.

Eyes widened, Applejack moaned in surprise. After a minute, she allowed herself to melt into the brief kiss.

Once Rara pulled away, fresh tears streaming down her face, she said, “I’m sorry, but you should at least know why.” She rubbed her pendant, then dove head first into the water.

Still a little daze, Applejack shook her head. She then raced over to the pool where she thought she saw a light. Blushing like mad at Rara's wet hair as her friend broke the surface, Apple had to take a moment before she asked, “Um, you mind now telling me what is this all about? Seems just a bit crazy. Not that I don’t mind the whole kiss thing, but you still haven’t explained what the big deal is.”

Looking away, and breathing heavily, Rara answered, “Okay… But remember, you promised.”

“Sugarcube, I told you for the hundredth time. There’s nothin—”

With a heave, Rara pulled herself out of the water. However, instead of legs, out came a smooth, green tail.

With a shriek, Applejack stumbled backwards onto her rear. “Wha… I… Rara? I…”

Resting on the ledge, Rara pulled her tail to her chest. “Well, you deserve an answer. So here it is. This,” she flicked her tail into the air, “this is the real me.” Chin held up, she looked away. “So now you know. I’m sorry, but—”

Rubbing her eyes a few times, Applejack looked at Rara's tail. Once she got up, she laughed. “A mermaid? That all? Phew. For a second there, girl, I thought you were a vampire or had some kind of cancer.”

Rara dumbfoundly stared. “Wha… I’m… um, AJ, I’m a fish! That’s not freaking you out or anything? For that mater, how would it be bad if I was a vampire instead?"

"Nevermind that!" Applejack took a breath, dipping her feet nto the water next to her. “As for the whole fish part, maybe a little. But I wasn’t kidding when I said I’ve seen stranger… Course, you’re not an evil siren or anything, are ya?”

Rara narrowed her eyes. “Seriously?”

Applejack held up her hands. “Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean to sound offensive.”

Rara rolled her eyes. “It’s okay. I suppose most people would assume that if a popstar turned out to be a mermaid, she might have only gained her popularity because she had hypnotic siren powers.”

There was an audible pause.

“That part ain’t true… right?”

“Of course not! I don’t have any kind of magical powers.” She lifted her tail up and placed it in the water next to Applejack’s feet. “Well, aside from going from fins to feet I suppose.”

The pair cracked up till Applejack said, “Yeah, about that…”

“Right,” Rara nodded, “I suppose I have a lot to explain. So I better get started.”


It was hard for Applejack to focus on Rara’s story. She gathered enough to know about Rara having disapproving parents, to her finding said pendent that allowed her change, to moving to land. Which ended her up at an orphanage that signed her up to Camp Friendship, and a few other details in between.

“Are you even paying attention?” Rara snapped when she started to get to the part about her music career.

“Wha! I… Hehe, sorry, Sugarcube. I got the basics, but…” she looked at the tail.

“Too much of an eyesore?” Rara’s hand reached for her pendent. “I can—”

“NO!” Applejack insisted, moving Rara’s hand away from her neck. “I never said that. Just getting used to it and all. Although…” Her face began to heat up as she thought about her request. “Can I maybe… touch it?” She flinched and closed her eyes. Nervously opening them, she saw Rara's face had started glowing a crimson red.

“I… I don’t see why not.” Rara breathing became rapid. “That is, if you think it will put you at ease more.”

“Ye… Yeah. Tot… totally.” With a gulp, Applejack slowly reached out a hand towards her friend’s tail. She paused for a second when she was mere inches away. Then, she closed the gap on what once had been a knee. She felt Rara shudder, but proceeded to run a hand a bit along the tail. It felt smooth, like a newborn animals. Though, she felt a seal's skin would have been a better description if she had ever felt one.

Mesmerized, Applejack continued on for a bit till her hand came to Rara’s torso. Where her friend's human and mermaid half met. Once she touched that line, Applejack noticed Rara starting to giggle. Looking up, she found herself no longer interested in the tail. All she saw was beautiful friend’s face on fire. Which compliment her eyes rather nicely/ All while Rara started back.

Neither able to hold their emotions back, the two moved in. Their l lips locked together in a much needed, frenzied kiss.

However, as Applejack began to embrace her friend, Rara pulled away. “Stop, just… We can’t do this!”

Panting, Applejack frown. “Oh? Now will you explain why not?”

Rara sighed. “Well, how would we even make it work? I don’t care about the celebrity or country girl statues, but that fact still stands that you live on a farm. I live in a house by the sea. I’m always on tour, you’re always at home. Besides, I couldn't just ask you to run away with me. You have a farm and family to look after. Also, I did mention I’m a fish, right?”

Applejack groaned and laid on her back. “Guess you got a point there…” She didn't care about the mermaid part. But, as hard as it was for her to admit, Rara had a point everywhere else. However… “Is it a problem if you don’t live near the ocean? Like, a serious health thing or something?”

“No.” Rara said, laying down next to her. “I mean, I could easily live away from the sea. It’s just a preference thing.”

Applejack nodded. “Well, that is one problem solved.” She noticed Rara holding in a breath. ”Guess it still wouldn’t solve the, who would move in with whom if we ever got married.”

Rara chuckled. “Oh be serious, AJ.”

Applejack laughed. “I am… I mean, not now! That’d just be silly if we started dating today. But, I wouldn’t see why we couldn’t have two house. One being a sort of summer home. People do that, right? Can't see it being a problem for either of us ta save up fer.”

Rara began to twiddle her thumbs. “I suppose so.” She frowned. “Still, you would also have to put up with me being away for months. If not years when on tour.”

AJ rolled over to her side and gave Rara a seductive smile. “Not like I haven’t waited long already.” She reached out a hand to Rara’s. While the popstar was reluctant at first, she did allow Applejack’s hand into her’s.

“Besides," Applejack continued as Rara looked towards her, "nothing lasts forever. Not that I think you’re going anywhere soon. But hey, sooner or later. it may not be a bad idea to end on a high note. Rather than fall from grace like others stars I've heard about have.”

Happy tears running down her face, Rara said, “Could still be a long time before that happens.”

Applejack brought a shaky hand to Rara’s face, “I know. But I’m willing to try. That is, only if you’re up for it as well.”

Rara answered with a kiss. A long, passionate kiss. That soon resulted in both girls wrapping themselves around each other. Arm in arm, caressing each other’s bodies, Applejack’s legs wrapped themselves around Rara’s tail. No longer needing to hold back the feelings they had both felt, they both reaped in the rewards of their patients.

After about ten minutes of deeply making out, Applejack pulled away. She took a deep breath, and asked, “So… We still got ‘bout two days left together…” she gave Rara a playful and seductive smile. “Anything else you want to do, Sugarcube?” She placed a hand into hers.

Rara giggled. “We could always go swimming, love.”

Applejack chuckled and pulled herself up. “Sounds fun. But I don’t reckon I’d keep up with a fish girl.”

Rara giggled. “Well,” Rara placed her tail in the water, “if you had been paying attention, you’d know that my amulet can work both ways. It can give me legs, but it can also give you a tail. Plus the ability to breathe underwater.”

Applejack’s eyes snapped open. “Really?”

Rara nodded and took off her necklace. “Yeah. Just got to leave it up here after the transformation so it doesn’t get lost. Although, you seem awfully eager about it.”

AJ turned away ran a hand through her hair. “Er, promise you won’t tell Rainbow, but… I, er, I kind of have a teeny, tiny… ​fetish for mermaids and I´ve always wanted to be one!​”

Rara blinked many times before she deadpanned. “Seriously?”

“Oh, hush now!" she said over her friend’s laughed. Applejack then felt a pair of arms circled around her neck. Next, the pendent was placed onto her neck. "Least now I have some idea where it came from." she turned her head to grin at Rara, as the two shared in another kiss as Rara wrapped her arms around Applejack.

“Well, I suppose this day is a dream come true for both of us.” Rara whispered into Applejack's ear. “Anyway, just rub the pendent, think tail, and away you’ll go.” She then intertwined their fingers.

Applejack did as instructed, picturing herself in a orange mermaid's tail. “They’ll be murder on the street if this does turn out to be a dream…. Oh!”

With that, a light encompassed Applejack’s legs. A warm and fuzzy feeling ran through her body. It started with her legs being pulled together. Then, the gap that once separated them began to seal. Running down her legs like zipper. This was followed by her now fused legs beginning to turn bright orange. Her feet buzzed next. They flattened out, began to spread out, until they became a fin. Lastly, Applejack gasped and held onto her neck. Stinging for a moment, she felt her lungs adapt to breath both on land and in water. Once the pain had passed, she started awestruck at herself. Human no longer.

“Who-e, gal!” She lifting her new tail up to examine her new tail. "You could have said it tingles.”

“Figured I’d let you experience it for yourself,” Rara giggled, not having let go of Applejack’s hand during the entire transformation. “After all,” she teased, “your fetish.”

Applejack narrowed her eyes in a playful manner. She then wrapped her arms around her, no longer old friend, but new lover. She looked Rara in the eyes and grinned. “Well, who said I’m done feeling tingly from the day?”

Before Rara knew it, Applejack pulled them both into the water. There was much laughing and splashing before the two brought it in. Hands held together, tails wrapped around one another, eyes locked. Then, the two shared in another long, and much needed kiss.

Author's Note:

I blame Ink Rose on this one >.<

also; this picture got some fan art made for it, and part of it is now being used for the cover. Now that you know how the story ended, you can se the entire piece here: Inmage is too large to be shown here >.<

But yeah, been having this idea swim around my head since she did her latest head cannon video, and only now found the motivation to do something like this for everfree. Though, while I had wanted at first to make this story with their ponyselves, I soon realized that the story would probably work better in the human world where magic is a bit less-the-norm.
Though, let me know what you people think (and please like share and comment wherever you can... Oh how I dream of a day i can make 100 liked stories -_-) and let me know if there's anything i can do better since, the only thing greater than 100 likes, is to win at everfree :pinkiehappy:
To that I say farewell, sorry if this was rather short, but I hope for the few of you who took the time to check this out it was, I hope it was worth your time.