• Published 29th Feb 2016
  • 3,496 Views, 36 Comments

A Song and An Apple - TheOneAJ

A three day weekend with and old friend/flame, Rara, Applejack will understand her old campfriend more than ever before

  • ...

Part 1

With an irritated moan, Applejack tried yet another street down Californeigha before it got dark. Still, dispute the setback, it felt nice that she would be spending some quality time with her old camp friend—and secretly, old flame—the popstar, Countess Coloratura. Whom Applejack knew better as Rara. However, during the trip, it never sat well that she kept her three day weekend plans from her other friends.

She certainly would tell them when it was over. Till then, Applejack just wanted it to be her and Rara this weekend. If she could only—

Slamming on her breaks, Applejack finally found it. The front entrance wasn’t much, just a mailbox with the address numbers Rara lived at. Which lead to a gate hidden by a bush so dense she was surprised she spotted it at all.

Relived, if not a little exhausted from the driving, she pulled up to the gate. She pressed a button, and waited for about five seconds.

"AJ?" Rara's voice echoed through a speaker.

"Yeah, howdy—" the gates immediately opened in front of her.

So with a smile, Applejack drove forward. Once inside, see saw her friend, looking a little tired, dressed in a pair of jeans and plain blank shirt, but eagerly awaiting her.

"Oh, AJ," Rara cheered as soon as Applejack stepped out of her truck, "I'm so glad you could make it!"

"Yeah," Applejack responded as Rara slammed into her with a hug, "pleasure to come. Thought, you could have been a bit more specific in your directions."

Rara pulled away and blushed. "Hehe, yeah, I probably should have, come to think about it."

Applejack shrugged. "It's fine, I get it. You want your privacy and all. Though, if I ever come again, my friends will probably want to tag along, you know?"

Rara sighed.

Applejack flinched. "Oh, hey, Sugarcube, I didn't mean to sound rude, I—"

Rara held up a hand. "No, no, I'd be happy if you brought some of your friends along next time. More the merrier!" She then placed her hands behind her back and kicked a stone. "It’s not so much that I hate getting too much attention, I just wanted some one-on-one time with you while I could... Since it has been awhile."

Applejack scratched her neck. "Yeah, sure has." A bitter taste hit her mouth. She had thought about the last letter she had sent to Rara while they were kids. "But that ain't important! What matters is we're here now. Only got two nights and three days ta catch up, so let's not waste it by mopping."

With a small smile, Rara nodded, "I'd like that. I'd like that very much be—" Her smile quickly widened. "Well, how about I show you around? You got any bags?"

"A few in the back." Applejack said, heading towards her truck.

"Here, let me help," Rara offered.

Applejack snorted. "Nah, I got it! Or ya got some butlers to take care of that?" Her face flattened as she saw Rara frown.

"Oh what, AJ? You think I have servants to wait on my hand and foot every hour?"

Applejack shrank back. "Well, I..." A snicker from Rara caused Applejack to shake her head. "Ha, ha, just as funny as ever."

Rara bursted out laughing. "But seriously," she said looking over to the back of Applejack’s truck, "I wouldn't mind giving a hand."

"Alrighty then. Although, it ain't that much." She then looked suspiciously at Rara. "So, you don't have, like, any hired help?"

Rara shrugged. "Not really. The house isn't that big. Besides, I like doing a little hard work for my keep. I'll hire someone when I'll be away for awhile on a tour. But mostly, I do everything myself to keep it clean."

Applejack then looked to her friend’s home, finding it to be a lot smaller than she thought it would be for a popstar of Rara's status. It was still larger and more luxurious than most middle class suburb families’ homes, but not by much. With only two floors and what looked to be less than 3500 sq ft. in length, it seemed very small compared to some of the homes she had passed by on the way over.

“I see… Wait, you live here by yourself?”

Rara nodded. “Yup. Was just me and Sven from time to time before you helped me get rid of him.”

Applejack grinned, but then said, “So, not even your parents?”

Rara froze. Then, after taking a deep breath, she nervously answered, “Um… nope. Well, I mean, it’s not like I can’t live on my own. Geez, AJ, we’re practically adults! And don’t you more or less already run your own farm?"

Applejack puffed out her chest. “Not just any farm, the best apple farm in the country.”

Rara rolled her eyes. "I don’t doubt it. But yeah, as soon as I could, this became the first thing I bought for myself. Oh, you should have seen Sven when I first had my eyes on it! He wanted me to get something much more grand and extravagant. Something that could hold the largest parties when needed. But I was firm," she spun around her home's entrance, "this would be the place for me! I could have any of his so called 'events' at a community center or something, but this is where I would live."

Applejack laughed along. "That's nice. So where you want me to put my bags then?"

A goofy grin plastered itself on Rara's face. "About that... I do have a few guest rooms for you to choose from. However, well," she grabbed Applejack's arm, "how about first I show you the other reason I wanted this place so badly?"

"Um... Sur... sure."

With a warm smile, Rara pulled Applejack along. Meanwhile, Applejack began fighting with her own feelings she knew she would need to deal with sooner or later; her crush on Rara.

There was no doubt about it. Even when they were kids, Applejack had felt some other connection besides friendship with Rara that drew them together at camp. She liked Rara back then. Even more so now that they were friends again. Once Rara had ditched her vial, Applejack though no face was more beautiful. Yet, a part of her knew it was never meant to be. That is, if the last time they made contact had anything to do with it.

"And here is my backyard!" Rara announced as they stepped outside.

Applejack whistled at the setup.

For as simple as the front had seemed, Rara didn’t seem to mind spending a pretty penny on the back. They were surrounded by a finely trimmed grass yard with a couple of palm trees. A brick laid path that led to a fire pit, circled by a fancy in place crescent bench. A picnic table, grill, horseshoe pit, and there was even a recently pitched tent. Surroundings the tent, hotdog buns and marshmallows.

“What do you think?” Rara asked, nervously twiddling her fingers. “I mean, I wasn’t sure if it would be your thing. But, if you like, we can camp out here tonight like we did back then.”

Applejack rubbed her chin. “Um, you do remember we slept in cabins, right?”

Rara lowered her head. “Yeah… But even with weeks to plan, I couldn’t—”

Applejack placed a hand on Rara’s shoulder. “I never said I didn’t want to. Even if it ain’t the woods, camping is camping.”

Rara’s face lit up like a Christmas tree. “I’m so glad you like it! Oh, I haven’t even shown you the best part!”

“Best—” AJ’s question was put on hold as Rara dragged her along to the edge of the property.

“Part of my choice in this place was the seclusion, but this,” she gestured over the ledge of her yard, “this is what sold me.”

Applejack looked to where Rara’s arm had been waving. One look, and she was too awestruck for words. Out beyond, the sun had nearly set into the vast ocean.

“Whoa!" Applejack said, moth hung open. "I hadn’t even realized how close we was to the ocean. Explains them teens I saw in bikinis.”

Rara giggled. . “Well, technically, this isn’t beachfront property. It’s still a bit of a walk. Although…” She leaned into Applejack’s ear. “I know a little shortcut.”

Applejack looked away so her friend couldn’t see her blush. “Well… Well now.” She took a quick breath, then joked, “Maybe you and I can go fer a midnight swim or something?"

As Applejack laughed, Rara lowered her head. “Um… Yeah. Sur… Sure. I… I promise… Sometime this weekend we’ll… I’ll… Brr!” She shivered as the sun dipped past the waves. As it did, a cold breeze blew between them.

Quick to act, Applejack said, “How about we get a fire going? Then after we toast some mellows, we can start catching up?”

Rara twitched her lips. Then, she slowly, looked back up. “Yeah, that sounds perfect.”


“You can’t seriously have only know Sapphire Shores!” Rara said after she stuck her fifth s'more into her mouth.

Applejack pulled her next marshmallow away from the flames. "Never said I didn't know her songs. Just not the one singing them.”

Rara put a hand on her chest. “AJ, you wound me that you never knew who I was!”

Applejack threw a graham cracker at her friend. “Oh hush now!” Rara laughed and fired a few crumbs back in retaliation. “Never said I didn't listen. And I’ll have you know, your hit of Bad Shipment was one of my favorites long before I knew who you were.”

Rara giggled. Then stuck out her tongue. “Oh, did someone go through a bad breakup?"

Applejack chuckled, but it was a nervous laugh that soon dampened both of their moods.

At that, Applejack silently swatted herself on the inside. Hard.

Things had been going well for the past four hours. They shared all of their adventures they had over the years. Even if Rara didn’t believe all of her Canterlot High mishaps, Rara made up for it with adventures of her own that couldn’t be real. Rara had even took Applejack inside to show off some of the rewards and souvenirs she had collected from around the world. Afterwards, Applejack did likewise with some photos she brought along of her family and friends. Along with numerous ribbons from state fairs and rodeos she had won. Then, to make it all better, as they waited for their hotdogs to cook, Applejack pulled out her guitar, and Rara sang a song.

All the while, Applejack hadn’t once thought about her hopeless crush. Till Rara had to make that joke. Which brought back memories of her first, true heartbreak…


It had been about a year since their last Camp Friendship. This year, though, both girls were about to start the seventh grade. Before the first day, a young farm girl was frantically scribbling down a letter to her best friend before her grandma came up to make sure she was asleep.

Dear, Rara,
Boy, am I nervous for tomorrow. First day of a new school and all. Personally, I don’t see why I even need to go. I already know everything I could ever want about running a farm, and it’s not like I really want to do anything else. Besides, I know Granny Smith would be happy to retire. Course, she still wants to make sure Apple Bloom knows how to make her special apple jam first. Speaking of, little Bloom and her friends never fail to amaze us with how adorable they are. Just this morning, they released all the pigs to try and become pigranglers. Thankfully, Mac and I rounded most of them up before they could escape. Both the pigs and the little girls. I had a good laugh when I told them a ghost pig might come a steal away naughty little girls...
Granny didn’t like that.
Still, all in all, it was a good last day of summer.
Though what about you? Still going to the city with your uncle or something to try and make it big? Sure wish you could come and live and make it big in Ponyville with me. Shucks, wouldn’t that be something, if we both lived in the same house? Next thing you know, we’ll be getting married.

Applejack had hesitated putting that last part in.

Truth be told, it was at the last camp where Applejack realized that, indeed, she have a crush on her best friend. However, since she also knew most girls didn’t like other girls, she had never said anything.

Instead, she decided to try and act… What was the word again, flirty? Either way, her idea was to drop subtle hints. Much like her brother did with his crushes. She would see how Rara would react, then go from there. Who knew? Maybe Rara would be swept off her feet and actually come down to Ponyville to marry her.

Sighing dreamily at the thought, Applejack finished her letter.

Well, best be getting to bed. I’ll write again once I hear about how your first day went.


Love, AJ. <3


Halfway through that year, Applejack had lost all hope of hearing from Rara again. At that point, all she could wonder was if she had made her friend uncomfortable by saying she wanted to marry her. She later wrote another letter asking if Rara was okay. More importantly, to see if she had said anything wrong. Instead, the letter came back the next day, labeled Return To Sender.


And that was how Applejack felt her first heartache. Though it only lasted for about a week, it was almost as hard of a time for her since her parents died. However, she soon found herself able to move on with her new group of friends. While it still stung, she convinced herself that their letters got lost in the mail. After that, there was nothing either of them could do about it, so that had been that.

Yet, having brought it up, Applejack began to wonder why Rara had never tried to write back. She hadn’t moved from Sweet Apple Acres. Even if one letter from her got lost, Applejack saw no reason as to why Rara shouldn’t have tried again.

“AJ,” Rara interrupted the silence, “you okay?”

Applejack blinked back to the present. “Um… Oh, oh yeah! Totally, fine!”

Rara flinched at the words. “Oh, well, okay…”

The two stayed silent after that for a while, till Rara said, “You know, it’s getting late, want to call it a night?”

“Sure,” Applejack nodded, “I mean…” her eyes widened as she realized that only one tent had been set up. Not that she didn’t notice it before. Howeve, it now occurred to her what it meant. With her current state—

“Are you coming?”

Applejack shot up. “Er, yeah! I’m comin.”

Rara chuckled and they made their way inside. Where—much to Applejack’s relief— two sleeping bags were neatly set up side by side with each other.

“Sure has been a fun day so far, huh?” Rara asked, crawling into one of the bags.

“Yeah,” Applejack said, not realizing how flatly she put it.

“I mean, we’ll have more fun tomorrow.”

Applejack’s eyes widen. “Hang on now! I never said we didn't have any fun. You hear?”

Rara clasped her hands together and looked down. “Oh, um…”

Applejack sighed, plopping herself on the adjacent sleeping bag. “Okay. So I guess we won’t get any peace until I get this out of the way.”

Rara followed behind. “Alright. What is it? I’d hate it if I did something wrong.”

Really wrong. Applejack bitterly thought to herself. She then said to Rara, hands behind her neck, looking at the top of the tent, “Why did you stop writing to me?”

Rara gave no response.

Applejack moaned. “Gosh darn it, Sugarcube!” She felt her eyes water, and looked to the side of the tent. “I mean, I’m sure you had a good reason. But, it's not like I ever moved. I just...” Her chest start to feel heavy. “You know, never mind. I can—”

“I'll tell you tomorrow.”

Applejack blinked. “Huh?” She turned around, and saw Rara fidgeting with her hair.

“If you… If you can just give me this one night, AJ, I promise, I’ll tell you tomorrow.” There was another long pause. “You deserve to know. Just… Just promise me that, even if you don’t want to be my friend afterwards, you’ll try to understand my reasons. I can’t stop you from hating me, promise me you’ll try not to forget me as the girl you went to camp with.”

Applejack’s stomach cringed. "I…” She began, slowly reaching a hand out. Only to pull it back. “Now look. Maybe it’s bad or something, but don’t you fret. You hear? Nothing you say will make me think any less of you than I do right now.”

Rara zipped herself up in the sleeping bag. “Thanks, AJ. See ya in the morning.”

“Yeah...” Applejack motioned as she got herself comfortable as well. “See ya, Rara…”

Author's Note:

So this will be my entry this year for Everfree Northwest writting contest. This year titled, scribblefest 2016. Comments are welcomed.