• Published 23rd Feb 2016
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Sir William and the Broken Alicorn - Opium4TmassS

The knight Sir William De Molay and his Squire Aurora Rosewater are forced to take on an evil forgotten broken Alicorn.

  • ...

Owllings and Knock-Off Ponies

The plastic figure of Celestia traveled across the cardboard paper colored an off puke shade of green. Normally the poorly made doll wouldn't be able to do much of anything, let alone move. However with the help of the black hoof speckled with white spots holding it. The cheap crappy toy awkwardly hopped along the paper.

"La-la-la," said a high-pitched voice coming from above it, "what a beautiful day it is." While another hoof came next to the first one, holding a just as badly made Luna doll. "Why hello princess Luna," The voice above the figures said again while wiggling the Celestia doll. "I was just saying what a beautiful day it is."

"Yes it certainly is Princess Celestia," said Constellation becoming gruffer as it shook the darker pony. "I certainly hope nothing bad happens."

Their was a slight pause as another figure was placed on the paper. This one was of better quality than the other two. Painted black with white dots the third toy was walked to the others. "Mwahaha," said the voice again, "I Constellation has returned. and now princesses I will take my revenge." The hoof pushed the dark Alicorn over the cheap knockoff of Celestia, gloating while making the black doll danced on the white one. "Victory is mine."

"Hey you can't do that to my sister," said Constellation going back to her gruff voice again as her hoof jiggled the Luna doll around. "Me and the other princesses will stop you." Two more cheap dolls were placed upon the paper. The forth was painted lavender and smaller than the other ones, the fifth was a light pink. "Get her!" said the gruff voice shoving the three dolls at the black one.

"Ha!" the voice shouted in triumph, "no princess can stop me." And with a flick of her hoof, the black Alicorn doll tossed the other three dolls, scattering them all over the place. "Equestria is mine!" the voice insanely laughed.

"Noo! Not the Princesses! Not my wife! You defeated them all!" said Constellation using a more manly voice this time, while a sixth doll was brought in that looks a lot like Shining Armor. Better condition than the others, but still not as good as the Constellation doll. With the help of the hoof holding it the toy moved closer to the black one. "What have you done evil Alicorn that I find myself strangely attracted to."

"Haha! Now that I have defeated all the princesses, Equestria is mine, and you and me will be together forever," she said moving the two dolls together. "Well you did destroy my wife and my sister, but okay." said the Alicorn going back into her manly voice once more. Constellation made kissy sounds, while making the two dolls touch faces. This went on until Cosco entered.

"Master I...," said Cosco catching Constellation quickly grab some items and pull them under her, "you're doing it again aren't you." said Cos. More of a statement than a question, "We talked about this."

"I don't care, its my stuff," whined Constellation moving her back towards her companion. "I can do what I want with them."

Cosco rubbed his temple. Even though he was made of stone he could feel a terrible migraine coming on. "Constellation," he said in a voice as smooth as honey. in order to conceal what he was really wanting to say. Which was. "I'm gonna find something sharp and heavy if this keeps up"

"It would be really embarrassing during the planning if we had to stop everything and tell your legions of undead armies that the battle is placed on hold, because you wanted to play with your dolls."

"Their collectables!" Said Constellation. "I can do both!"

"That is IT!" Growled Cosco holding out his stone paw. "Give them to me THIS INSTANT!"

"NO! I don't wanna!"


"Fine! Fine!" She said pouting as she gave her toys to her companion.

Cosco took them while glaring at her master, "You can have them back after we're done conquering Equestria. Now pull yourself together." And with that he took off, leaving her alone on the parapet.

Downcast Constellation looked outwards towards the barrier that separated her world from the other, alone and silent. This went on for a few moments until she brought up one of her hooves.

"I have a confession to make Constellation," she said using her manly voice again. "What is it?" She responded back. Bringing up her other hoof. "I never really liked my wife and sister. I always had a crush on you. Even if I never heard of you before."

"Why Shining Armor, you say the nicest things," said Constellation bringing the two hooves together, as she starting to make kissy sounds again.

"Con!" shouted Cosco.

"I'm just sitting here!" she shouted back.


Hoover Hoovington was part of a small race of owl-like humanoid creatures that living near the edge of Equestria with a terrible reputation. While not evil, the race of owlings are well known for their cruelty. Mainly because their culture has such strenuous traditions that would drive even the smallest infraction made by any outsider on their way of life, into a savage fury of eye-gouging retribution. It didn't help matters that genetics had created one of the most adorable species in Equestria. Making a ponies first encounter with them overcome with a desire to grab them and give them a great big hug. Which to them was one of their biggest blasphemies.

Usually the conversation, upon seeing one for the first time went something like this: "Aww.You are just the most adorable thing I ha...AHHH! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF! HE'S PECKING OUT MY EYES!"

And so down throughout the history of Equestria the ponies and the owlings have never gotten along because the ponies have unwittingly either insulted the race: "Greetings! I am part of a delegation from Canterlot wishing peace upon you...Aww well aren't you just the cutes....MY EYES! MY EYES! GET IT OFF!"

Insulted their way of life: "Greetings! Princess Celestia apologizes for any transgressions we might have accidently done, and wish only to learn about your....GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!

Insulted them by making peace on a Tuesday: "Celestia would like to resolve the rampant eye pecking around these parts. Surely we can fig....MY EYES! MY EYES!"

Or they just found it funny: "Princess Celestia humbly request that you please stop peckin....HE'S PECKING OUT MY EYES! STOP IT! STOP IT!"

Princess Celestia was about to quarantine the area, writing off the species as hopeless. When the owlings discovered something the ponies had that they didn't. Money! And with the finding of said money. They starting relaxing most of their harsh taboos. Much to the happiness of the pony population who all of a sudden started enjoying an upswing of ponies with their eyeballs still in their eye-socket.

Hoover Hoovington ran a small store on the outskirts of the wild frontier, selling everything any adventurer or average do-gooder might need in their quest for general do-goody..er...ness...thingys. Magical Swords from long dead conquering kings and queens lined one of the walls glinting from untapped potential. Armor that has seen a thousand different battles were arraigned along another. Some ring you were supposed to toss into a volcano in order to stop a great evil that no one really paid attention to sat on a display case in the middle of the store collecting dust. Shiny shields that silently spoke of the horror's of wars. Along with food, Medical Supplies, clothing, guides maps. and of course the most well known Adventure's book "Is that a Borworm Parasite digging through your Stomach or are you just Happy to see Me? And other humorous What-Not-To-Do Adventuring Tips."

Surprisingly most of his business had nothing to do with adventuring. Instead Hoover Hoovington found a great deal of his income from the sale of highly specialized female armor. The kind that was composed of two leather strings and a small metal triangle that barely covered anything, yet somehow manage to deflect any arrows or sword strikes to the entire body, while also giving curves to a pony that never had curves before. More surprising than that, was the fact it wasn't even bought by adventurers. Usually it was purchased by snickering couples, blushing and giggling madly as they would look over each one meticulously. Hoover was sure most of the ponies that bought it never went on quests or adventures. If they did it would be very localized ones that happened in their bedrooms. Like the quest for the hidden sock kind of adventure.

The bell above the door rang sharply as Sir William and Aurora Rosewater entered, bringing Hoover out of his dozing. It had been a slow day for him and the warmth of spring had lulled him into a little nap. The scent of more bits into his wings activated his Five bits for my grandmother. Ten if you don't want her to peck out your eyes. smile.

"Welcome! Welcome all to Hoover Hoovington's House of Heroes Supplies," He said using his special Let's-just-give-me-all-of-your-money-now-and-save-time voice. "What can I do for you on this fine Equestrian day?"

"Merchant we are in need of some dire assistance for a grave and terrible evil that threatens this good and noble land of ours," said Sir William. "Any help you give us will be greatly appreciated in this darkest hour."

Hoovington's eyes glazed over, with his mind working full steam to understand what is being said to him. "Does he uh talk like this all the time?" he finally said asking Aurora. "Or did he eat some of those purple mushrooms that grow out in the fields. I try to warn ponies who are new to this area about that. After all they grow from cow sh..."

"Anyway," Aurora interrupted, "we came here looking for help. I was told you had information about local legends and stories."

"Oh I see. I must have put out the wrong sign today," said Hoover looking disappointed.

"Which sign? What are you talking about?"

"The one that says I give anything away for free," Hoover said glaring at the two ponies. "Now if you aren't buying anything I suggest you get out of my store this instant."

"Rude Knave!" bristled Sir William, "how would you like to feel the flat of my blade Truth upon you." Drawing out his sword, that made a sound like a rusted can slowly moving across a blackboard that had parent issues.

"How would you like to spend the next three days looking for your eyes," Hoover Hoovington shot back feathers standing up.

"Both of you stop it," growled Aurora. "Mr. Hoover we will buy something. But you have to tell us everything. And you," she said turning towards Sir William. "Since when has your sword been named Truth?"

"It has always been named Truth, or rather TRUTH was always its name," said Sir William proudly.

"Not it hasn't. You just named it," Aurora shot back.

"Never! Ever since I defeated the unnamed creature of in the cave of No Return..."

"We found the sword in a trash bin after escaping Sunshine Hospital. You know right behind that old theater that performed all those great plays."

"Nonsense. TRUTH was handcrafted by the Queen of Nazeroth in her eternal quest to destroy the conquering darkness."

"Whatever," said Aurora giving up, "just let me know next time. So I guess Truth, sorry TRUTH is the name of the sword"

"Excuse me," said Mr. Hoover butting in, "as much as I am enjoying this. You did say you would buy something."

"Yes, yes I did. But first I want you to tell me about Constellation."

"What? Those stars in the sky thing? I'm afraid that never interested me. I know about the big dipper but that's about it."

"No. I meant what do you know about an Alicorn named Constellation? She apparently was some evil alicorn that Celestia and Luna beat a long time ago and now she's returning. Is their any information about her?"

"Hmm," said Hoovington rubbing his chin, "I do remember something. Let me go check." And with that he went behind some curtains that separated the front and the back where the living quarters were. It was short time before he came back holding a book under his wings. It was an old tomb, obviously handed down from generation to generation. On the cover in faded gold lettering was the title which read "Bosses and Baddies. A guide to low level monsters." With a loud thump Hoover Hoovington slammed the book down on the counter, causing a small cloud of dust to rise overhead. "Let's see," he mumbled to himself while pouring through the pages, "Ah here we go," he said. As he began reading.

"What does it say?" asked Aurora.

"Says here that Constellation arriveth after the falleth of Discord," said Sir William. "With her armies of dark knights and mercenaries. She attempted to conquer Equestria but was stoppeth by the two Princesses, at the Battle of Ruby Canyon."

"Stop that please," said Hoover Hoovington, "all those thees and thous are giving me a headache."

"Why this is how a knight properly communicates to the commoners around him. And no one is more proper and I."

"Rrrriiiggghhttt," said Hoover Hoovington turning towards Aurora, "from now on I'm just going to be talking to you.

"Her armies were defeated and she was imprisoned in a magical cage cut off from the rest of the world that was created by the Elements of Harmony," said Aurora Rosewater reading along while ignoring both of them.

"And that's really it," said Hoover Hoovington closing the book with a snap. "There's not much to her it seems. More of a footnote in Equestrian Conquers and not an interesting one at that. Now about you buying something."

"But what was the deal with that message she sent? She obliviously feels she has something over the princess. Something that makes her unstoppable. If we can find out what it is we can warn them."

"HA! HA I say!" Said Sir William, "it would take weeks to reach Canterlot from here. Whatever the danger it is up to me to stop it...err stoppeth it."

Their was a moment of silence as Aurora and Hoover stared at sir William standing their with his chest proudly puffed out.

"Why do I get the feeling he doesn't get a lot of fresh air," said Hoover Hoovington eventually. "But their is something we can do to find out." And with that he left the counter, walked over to a section of the store that sold magical items. After a bit of rummaging through an old chest he smiled in triumph as he produced a small grey globe. "Ah. I knew I still had it around here somewhere."

"It's a pretty glass ball," said Aurora, "but what does it do?"

"Before I tell you what it is. I want to state for the record that I did NOT find it next to a small pile of ash from a young wizard who wanted to test out her new fireproof robe by making fun of a dragon. I was NOT following her because I needed a good laugh. It was given to me by a little old mare who only used it on a Sunday. But anyway this is a bona-fide one hundred percent crystal ball. That can be used to see the future. Or one of the futures anyway. They tried to tell me about how it works, but honestly I got lost with all that math."

"That's all well and good, but how do we use it?" said Aurora.

"You know I'm not sure. But I do have a theory," said Hoover Hoovington. Taking the globe to the counter, he produced a small cloth he began to polish the globe till it shone brightly. "Now then let's see if this works." And slammed it on the counter repeatedly. WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! "HELLO CAN YOU HEAR US?" WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! "SHOW US THE FUTURE OF CONSTELLATION!" WHAM! WHAM! WHAM! WHAM!

Whether it was the correct way to activate the crystal ball or it just wanted to live. A magical wave of swirling grey rushed out from the ball enveloping the room. For a moment the three were lost in what was apparent smoke. Confused as to what was happening and what was going on, they stumbled around lost for a short while. The smell of burning filled their nostrils, mixing with the smell of an unseen horror going on around them.

"Foul magic," said Sir William, "where has this globe brought us." Turning around and around in the mist trying to get his bearings.

"I can barely make heads or tails of this place," said Hoover. "If I listen I think I can hear something."

The three of them stood silent, listening. It was faint but unmistakable. The sounds of fighting, screams of pain, clashing of weapons. Somewhere close by a battle was going on.

"I think I'm starting to see something," said Aurora pointing to her left. The other two looked at where she was pointing. At first they couldn't see anything in the fog except more fog. But then, slowly the smoke started to clear. A part of a castle pierced the mist of war. Rising out like a ship in the night. But a heavily beaten ship. Scorch marks and rubble piled up around the wall and on top of it stood a well known flag. Tattered, burnt, ready to fall apart from the smallest of gust. the flag of the two princess stood still in the windless sky.

"This is Canterlot?" questioned Aurora. "But this doesn't make any sense. I don't understand any of it."

"This must be Constellations doing," growled Sir William. "She has conquered Equestria."

"But, but how? What does she possess that can stop Celestia and Luna in their tracks?"

"I'm not sure," said Hoover Hoovington, "but I'm willing to bet that if we follow the bodies I'm sure we will find out."

"What bodies I don't see any...," said Aurora stopping as she final saw what Hoover Hoovington was talking about. A short distance away a figure laid on still on the field. Obviously the fighting had brought her down as the body sported arrows and sword strikes across her body. Approaching it the corpse it started to become clearer as the heavy fog began to drift away. "OH no! No! No! NO!" Cried Aurora picking up speed. Fearing that she knew who was dead on the field of battle.

Twilight Sparkle lay dead from her wounds, staring out at things only the dead can see. It was apparent she died fighting, considering the state she was in. But regardless it was all for a lost cause. The three of them stood their silently for a moment. Contemplating what this meant.

Aurora put her hoof up to her face fighting her tears and her nausea. She never liked Twilight Sparkle, becoming the symbol to everything she hated in Equestria. The symbol that eventually drove her to Sunshine Hospital. But she didn't want her dead either, especially like this. "Oh my Celestia! Oh my Celestia! Oh my Celestia! Oh my Celestia!" She chanted over and over again. Too stunned to move. Too much in shock to think."

Sir William was the one who brought her out of it. Gently holding her up away from the corpse. "Aurora stay with me," he said with surprising compassion, "I need you here with us. We need to figure out what she is doing so we can stop this. Can you go on?"

It took a few moments for Aurora to finally settle down. Taking a few deep breaths to relax her. nodding she gathering herself up, reached over and closed Twilight Sparkles eyes. "I'm ready," she said finally letting herself become numb to everything.

Twilight wasn't the only one she spotted. Along the path they found other ponies that died in the war. Some too disfigured to know who they were. But their was quite a few she did know or knew. Almost losing it again when she saw Rainbow Dash's body lying broken on the ground. "How could she...how could anyone possess this kind of power?" Asked Aurora finally.

"From the way it looks they didn't even have a fighting chance," said Hoover Hoovington.

"This wasn't a battle, this was a tragedy," said Sir William

"But how can she do this?" said Aurora

"Over their is our answer," said Sir William. Pointing further away.

Two armies were massed further away from them. One was a huge army in black armor marching slowly and deliberately onwards towards a smaller army in white and gold growing smaller by the minute. In the middle of the smaller army, even from this distance it could be plainly seen. Celestia and Luna were their. Fighting with everything they had.

Aurora wasn't familiar with the tactics of battle but she knew a last stand when she saw it.

Their in the back of the invaders stood Constellation. Charging her army forward, laughing with each pony killed on the field.

"But what is so special about them? What makes them better than Celestia?"

"Besides the fact their not as fresh as the other army," said Hoover Hoovington, "or their surrounded by a green aura. Other than that I haven't a clue."

"I don't follow you," said Sir William.

"I forget you ponies don't have as good of as us. Really look at them. I mean really, REALLY look at them."

Squinting Aurora Rosewater and Sir William tried to pay more attention to them. It wasn't easy trying to get a good look through the thick fog. But in snatches and glimpses they were able to piece together what he was talking about. The lack of skin, the old worn armor, the missing limbs and rotting bodies.

Constellation's troops didn't so much as fight but more fall upon their enemies, ripping them apart one by one. Taking any damage to them in stride as they went from one pony to the next."Their dead!" shouted Aurora, "She's commanding an army of the dead. How is she doing this?"

Which apparently was the wrong thing to say as it brought unwanted attention from Constellation and her soldiers. "Uh-oh," said Hoover Hoovington as a small force began to disengage from the others and shamble towards them, "I think running would be a good thing right now."

Hoover and Aurora sprang upwards preparing to dash away from the undead ponies, unfortunately they were stopped by Sir William who had rose to face them head on in battle. The three of them collided with each other, tumbling downwards...

The greyness receded back into the crystal ball and Equestria resumed its normalcy.

And back into the shop they were, forming a pile on the floor. "I'm certainly glad Owlings don't wear trousers," said Hoover, "because I would be needing a fresh pair right now.

"What was it we just saw?" asked Aurora, "I mean is that really going to happen? That's horrible! We must tell Celestia at once!"

"With what?" Said Sir William, "their is no way we can get her the message in time. It just us, and that will have to do."

"You two?" said Hoover Hoovington face in a weird expression as if he was trying to hold something back. "Against that? Hold on just...just one moment. I'll be right back." Hurriedly he rushed behind the curtain again. The sun shined brightly through his windows silhouetting his body onto the curtain separating the rooms. Clearly Sir William and Aurora Rosewater watched Hoover Hoovington clutch his stomach, bend over and start to laugh.

A loud peculiar sound the owlings made as he guffawed loudly in the other room. As the ponies could clearly hear and see what he was doing. After a moment, Hoover Hoovington started to call to someone else further off. They listened to another sound of running feet approaching Hoover. and another owling was clearly seen on the curtain.

The both of them chattered away in their language for a moment when the curtain was pulled away slightly. Aurora watched two heads peek out at the both of them for a short moment before they disappeared back to the other room, and more shrieks laughter was heard. This went on for a short while until finally Hoover Hoovington reappeared. Approaching the counter as he wiped the tears from his eyes. "Sorry about that," he said, "I just remember something important I had to do."

"I bet you did," grumbled Aurora.

"I'll tell you what. You don't have to buy anything from me. As a matter of fact, I'll even loan this crystal ball that can be used to track her down."

"How do we useth it?" Asked Sir William.

"Stop that!" said Hoover Hoovington, "first, no more talking like that around me. Second, if you succeed we get to use your likeness in the promotion of our store, and ditto if you fail."

"You mean if we both die you still want to have us endorse you? How?" Said Aurora

"Publicity is still publicity. As in don't be like these two when fighting off a dark and twisted evil. Use Hoover Hoovington's House of Heroes Supplies. I can already see the promotions for it. And I promise if we find your bodies we'll bury you in the front of the store. More of an example of what not to do when adventuring."

"I can see no fault with your reasoning," said Sir William, "agreed." as they shook. Picking up the crystal ball Sir William looked it over, running it along his hooves. "How does one work such an object as this?"

"I do know how that works with it. Just ask it where you want to go and it will point you in the direction. And if it doesn't just give it a good smack."


The wind was starting to pick up as the left the store. Carrying a chill in it that went right through Aurora. Was it a foreshadowing? Was it telling her this is way over her pretty head? She didn't know. But she did know it was time to put her hoof down.

"Well he was a strange one," said Sir William. "One ant short of a picnic. But it taketh all kinds to move the world as they say...eth." Wisely ignoring the glare coming from Aurora "Anyway let's see if this thing works."

Holding the crystal ball next to his head, he whispered. "Take me to Constellation."

The crystal ball vibrated slightly while changing to a bluish color. They watched a blue dot slowly fly out, hovering right in front of them. "Well then I guess we follow that thing," said Sir William, "FORWARD!" he cried drawing his sword as he marched on.

"No," said Aurora stopping the glorious campaign in a few feet.


"I said no," Aurora said again unable to look at him in the eyes. This was much harder for her than she thought. "You saw the future, you saw what she can do. She has magic, she's an Alicorn, she has this terrifying army with her. And what are we? A crazy pony who thinks he's a knight. And a unicorn who can use a bit of magic." Turning away from him, looking at the forest looming in the distance. "This isn't like the enchanted chicken of Nestle, or the sorceress of whateverville, or the monster goat from noplace. This is real magic, real evil...I don't...I don't want to lose you," she said almost whispering the last part.

Sir William stood their silently for a moment, watching the blue dot. "Maybe you will get to Celestia in time," he said finally. "Somepony needs to warn her." And with that he strode on.

"You're just going to get yourself killed," she shouted at him watching as he walked away, "Crazy pony."

"Never Surrender! Never retreat!" Sir William said to himself following the floating dot.

It was when the shop disappeared by the trees that he heard the sound of hooves pounding the ground. A slightly panting Aurora Rosewater appeared in front of him.

"Well I can't have you facing your death along," she said catching her breath. "I still say you're insane. And maybe I am too for following you. But come Tartarus or high water we're a team you and I."

Putting his hoof on her shoulder. The two of them stood their for a moment before letting go. Words weren't said because words weren't necessary. It was the emotions and memories that was most important between the both of them

The two of them marched forward.