• Published 23rd Feb 2016
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Sir William and the Broken Alicorn - Opium4TmassS

The knight Sir William De Molay and his Squire Aurora Rosewater are forced to take on an evil forgotten broken Alicorn.

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The whispers of battle

It was a black place.

I mean all black and not the cool black either. Nothing like the gothic black clothing you bought from certain stores in the mall. Nor the kind of black you wear when you wanted to write terrible poems about how no one understands you, or listen to music that sings about how the corporations are wanting to buy your soul, and also to watch movies about sad beautiful vampire teenagers complaining how bad life is for being a beautiful teenage vampire. This wasn't that kind of black. The only poems you would write in this place would go something like: Gee it's really black in here, I can't see a thing. I wish somepony would turn on a light. But would probably make it all rhyme.

Except for the white spots that ran along her mane and body. The Alicorn, whose name was Constellation blended almost perfectly with the background. If it wasn't for her moving across the parapet walkway she would have been almost invisible. Which proves that she was evil. Good ponies usually find someplace nice and warm to build their sanctuaries at. Preferably near a beach where they can ogle all the cute females, (or males, depending on who you go for.) When not doing their general goodness.

As a matter of fact this place is so evil that if you take evil and multiply it by infinity with another evil infinity and then add a one to it, It would be this place. It is that evil.

Constellation at one time would have laughed her maniacal laugh over her newest threat she had planned for the two sisters. Having been imprisoned here for well over a thousand years which would have made even the mildest of villains justifiably cranky. But she did not, having long ago decided not to be that type of evil doer. The kind that after capturing the hero would tell them everything they needed to know on how to stop them, before locking them away in their dungeon, usually unguarded, with the keys easily within reach of the hero's sidekick, love interest, or trained ninja spider monkey named Eric, take your pick.

No! She learned the error of her ways. She was going to be a villain that actually gets things done.

Constellation quietly scanned the world around her. Absently watching the vortex of churning black magical energy that closed off her castle from the rest of Equestria. It was the two sisters doing in the final battle with them so long ago. Taking not only her freedom to do what she wished, but her horn and cutie mark as well. Becoming known as the Broken Alicorn before her being vanquishing from the world.

That final battle cost her more than just her armies, horn and cutie mark, but also her magic. But not completely, after centuries of concentration and willpower she had regained a lot of what she had lost. A lot, but not all of it, certainly not enough to take on the princesses again. But enough to fit her plans.

Her loyal armies of ponies that stood beside her in battle, slain and buried on the grounds around her. "Soon my friends," she said. "We shall pay them back for everything they had done to us tenfold. Soon the rivers of Equestria will run red with their blood and I shall personally wear Celestia's horn on my head. A fitting replacement don't you think."

"Ahem," said the stone small cat sitting next to her, "that was a pretty standard villain speech. Rivers will run red with their blood? Who says that? Seriously? Next you will be wearing a black cape and tying maidens to train tracks demanding that they sign over the orphanage to you, while twirling your mustache."

"Thanks for ruining the moment for me Cosco," Constellation snorted angrily. "Any other parade you want to rain on? Want to go criticize my wardrobe? Laugh at the paintings of me? Well go inside right now if you want. Might as well tear down everything else."

"Temper, temper Con I'm only trying to help," the stone cat said stretching itself. Created by Constellation a few hundred years ago when she had gained enough of her magic. It was a tool she used to help her with this new way of thinking. After spending the ages to reflect on her faults, and observe the mistakes of others various villains after her.

She realized she needed a new approach to evil. No more leaving out clues for a group of kids and their dog to find as you dress up as a monster to scare away tourists. No more leaving the two meter tall exhaust port opening of your battle station unguarded for a small group of rebels to destroy. No more stupidity. She is a villain who learned from her mistakes as well as the mistakes of others. And that meant unlearning everything she was before.

"Sorry Cosco. That was a good line and I have been waiting for so long to use it."

Cosco started to clean himself but stopped when he realized he had no fur to clean. Which kinda sucked. Being shaped into a cat had given him behaviors of a cat. Even though he had never seen an actual cat. He tried to figure out why he had an addiction for small shiny things that went squeak, or why he insisted on a litter box in the main room, that just sits there unused. "This must be one of those cosmic philosophy things," he mused, "probably a lot of math involved in it."

With a huff he walked over to his master. As she used her magic, the Alicorn's face contorted in concentration, being much harder after the destruction of her horn. But she was able to do it. Creating an altar from the stone's that made up her castle, black like the rock that formed it. It wasn't really that good of an altar, rather plain actually. She wanted some sharp pointy things to be sticking out of it, and maybe a few pony skulls too. But that is what the old her would have done, and she knows where that road leads too.

"Fetch me the book Cosco," said Constellation fighting the urge to let out an evil laugh.

"What's the magic wwwooorrdd?" her familiar asked. "You know I can sit here all day," he continued on. Ignoring the dirty look she gave him.

"PLEASE!" she ground out the word through her teeth, "would you PLEASE be a dear and fetch me the book."

"Your wish is my command my lord," he happily replied while scampering off to get what she asked for.

Her lips formed a tight smile, as her mind brooded over her carefully made plans. This was her time, her moment. And not even the two sisters and the elements of harmony can stop her. An tight shrill escaped her throat as the image of a burning Equestria laid under her hoof.

"I heard that! You're doing that evil laugh thing again," said Cosco returning.

"Sorry! Sorry! Caught in the moment," Constellation said with her cheeks flushing a bright red. The book was place on top of the altar as she began to rife through the pages. "With this book we shall bring my fallen army back."

"I saw that movie with you remember? Its amazing all these other dimensions we are able to look around in. Maybe we should check up on that internet thing that was mentioned in that other world."

"Later I promise. First things first, we raise an army of the dead, conquer Equestria, then we'll see about getting a internet provider," she said also intrigued by this google thing she saw.

The book was created from inspiration from other worlds like Cosco had said. It was such an easy thing to do she was surprised she hadn't thought of it before. Focusing herself and her magic as she chanted the words to a very dark and dangerous spell. Words that could drive a pony insane, and not the cool kind of insanity either. The words for the spell numbered in the thousands in a dead language long forgotten, but can be summed up into a few simple equestrian phrases: HEY YOU! WAKKEY! WAKKEY! THE BUS WILL BE HERE IN AN HOUR!

The last of her spoken words faded into the blackness of her domain. For a moment there was silence, an awful silence as if her world was gathering its strength, readying itself to leap at her. When suddenly green lightning flashed from the sky downwards, striking the ground, ripping ugly gashes in its wake. Stone, sand and rock were tossed carelessly aside as a dark and dead place was opened to the world of the living. "IT WORKED!" Constellation shouted triumphantly. Daring the universe to stop her.

A sound came from the opening to the dead. It was an awful sound. A sound created by nightmares, a sound that could rip the skin off of a normal pony. The sound twirled and whirled becoming words. Spoken words of the damned. "I'll ask one more time," said a voice like a thousand wendigo's crying out for the right to devour your soul. "Who ate all the potato salad?"