• Published 1st Mar 2016
  • 434 Views, 18 Comments

Dear Diary - Mr Tech

have you ever asked yourself, what's in a filly's mind while she is living in ponyville of all places? Take a look inside and find out...

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page 6

Author's Note:

this chapter may be a little darker than usual, you can skip this anytime you want... this is just a minor world building chapter

…I’m not sure why, but my parents didn't return home last night. Today is Sunday and I’m on the lookout for them. Remember when I said that I didn't use my gun often?BRX DUH PDGH! QRW ERUQ!

That sentence came to bite me in the butt. *sigh* Today was fine until someone came to my attention. I’m pretty sure it’s someone rather than something, because it’s been following me since noon and it tends to always stay at least two hundred meters away from me.*thump* Speech to text machine running out of batteries...Darn...
It’s disturbing to look at it directly, but I manage to get a few details. Other ponies tend to ignore it for some reason… What if they can't see it at all? I’m not sure, but I have a feeling that it’s the nightmare fuel like that will trigger Ponyville’s panic alarm if it's seen by someone other than me. It’s really hard to stay calm… Five…glh glh glh glh GLH

Anyway, it wore a black robe and judging from the body shape, I’m 95.6% sure it’s bipedal. He wore a really creepy smile, has a white face, his left eye is black with a straight line connecting into his fixed black lips. Did I mention the maniacal smile? It’s right black eye was screwed up so it look like a smile with a straight black line that goes over it’s head.
glh glh glh glh GLH
Wait, I think I see him. *creak* Darn, it’s gone again. *sigh* I just don't know who would want to follow a four year old around town, it’s seven p.m. now, and mommy and daddy have still not returned home. I’m a little worried... And scared. Four…
*BANG* Ha! I’ve got you now! Wait… Darn. He vaporized the bullet that came from this stupid pea shooter. *crack* And now it’s eyes are glowing… Dang, he’s disappeared. *grunt* Three…
Sorry daddy, but I think I need a stronger gun. You might think that talking to it would be a smart choice, but that’s the thing, he can’t be approached. Once I draw near, he would just disappear into thin air, and then a huge sharpened rock the size of my eye is flying at my general direction, fast enough to kill, and nopony is there to witness it. Please don't punish me for using your sniper…
*thump* *thump* *thump* *thump* *thump*

Guess who’s back with a sniper rifle! *creak* You're in my sight creep! *BOOM* I’m surprised my eardrum is still intact this close to the explosion… Okay… There’s a hole in the creep’s head… But he is still staring at me. Fuck! I don't care what they say about swearing! A creeper was just shot between the eyes and it’s looking at me as if I threw a small potato at it! *sniff* Two…
It's hard to stay calm like this. *sniff* I don't want to die, but I'm going to. I’m going to die, inside my room, killed by a creature nopony else can see.BHV BRX DUH

Wait. Was that? Yes!!! Mommy!!!! Daddy!!!! You’re back!!! You’re here!!! *sniff*qhaw wlph,phwdo


Of course we are dea- what’s daddy’s sniper doing here in your room?

You can't hear the shots?*shiff*

There’s a reason a suppressor was in front of the barrel...

Dear, why is my sniper in our daughter’s room?

I was asking the same question…

There’s a creep that I can't approach tries to seriously injure or kill me and had been stalking me since noon… I’m sorry daddy but my m52 can't seem to even touch it…

That creep you talked about, was he a bipedal robe wearing guy with a white face with a black creepy smile?


dear, stay calm… Mommy will give you a new weapon tomorrow ok?

Where did you get *sniff* those anyway? And how did you know It’s a him? you promise?

L nqrz brx'uh vfduhg...L surplvh... Odxqfk surwrfro: 5133s...*tump*

dfwlydwh surwrfro: p3p0ub u3p0y4o wlph vhw wzhoyh krxuv...*beep*

kh'v forvhu wkdq zh wkdxjkw…
I know you are scared, but you have to be strong and don't give up...
zh zloo pdnh vxuh kh zloo qhyhu wrxfk rxu gdxjkwhu, iohvk ru phwdo... kh zloo eh ghdg lq wkh qhaw wzhoyh krxuv, wkdw L vzhdu...