• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 929 Views, 23 Comments

Playin' the Golden Record - Ponycrafter

The Mane 6 learn that the DJ in Las Pegasus is actually an alicorn in disguise.

  • ...

Rest, Relaxation and Records

Twilight woke up late, around 2:00 PM. She turned her head to her left and found that Fluttershy was gone from her spot. She turned right and saw Spike next to her, cradling a small golden statue labeled "Stephano". Worried about Fluttershy's whereabouts, Twilight yawned silently and slid from the bed, taking care not to wake the sleeping dragon.

Why did he take that statue with him? Twilight pondered as she tiphoofed into the kitchen to make herself some coffee before going out to search for Fluttershy. In the kitchen, there was a plate of pink frosted cookies. Only two remained, and she saw AKOSS standing near the counter, the words "STANDBY" flashing on his small control panel. Cookie dough was plastered on his hooves and beaded mane. Twilight smiled and tapped AKOSS lightly with her horn.

"Activating!" He said, scaring Twilight and maker her heart skip a beat. His eye camera spun to life, searching for whoever had activated him. He saw Twilight and turned to her.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Sparkle. You had a wonderful sleep, I presume. How may I serve you?"

"I'd like some coffee please, AKOSS." She said.

"Right away," AKOSS said. "What would you like in it?"

"Two cream," Twilight said. "One sugar."

AKOSS got to work right away, scrubbing the cookie dough from his hooves and mane before starting. His silver body glinted in the afternoon light. Twilight took the time to look around the penthouse. She found Pinkie snuggling next to Rarity in one of the beds, and Applejack slept alone in the other bed. Twilight hoped that Fluttershy and Rainbow weren't hurt. She sighed with relief when she found Rainbow Dash in a ball on the couch. Several cans of Red Minotaur lay empty next to it, and several more on the table. A Ponystation 3 controller lay next to Rainbow Dash's front hooves, and the game system was turned off. Twilight guessed that Applejack had shut off the game before going to bed. Twilight could smell the Red Minotaur off of Rainbow's breath, and she cringed when she counted at least twenty empty cans, one still half full.

"Ms. Sparkle?" AKOSS called from across the room.

"Yes?" She answered.

"If you are seeking Fluttershy, she has gone to take time with sir Yugo."

Twilight's shoulders relaxes when she heard the good news, but they tensed up again at the thought of what she could be doing with Yugo. She had really enjoyed her little "chat" with Yugo on the carriage, and now Yugo wasn't busy pulling a big heavy carriage. What could she be doing with him?

"Oh, um, thank you AKOSS."

"You are welcome, madam."

Twilight blushed at being called by such a name. She decided to go into the bathroom. If she was going out to look for Fluttershy, she needed to look her best. She cantered over to the bathroom door and instinctively knocked before opening the door. She didn't want to have another "Walk in on Fluttershy's private time" moment. When there was no reply, she pushed the door open and walked into the bathroom. Like the rest of the penthouse, it too was well designed. An elegant, marble counter housed a matching sink, and above that hung a wonderfully gilded mirror. Twilight wasn't used to seeing such detail put into such small things. Upon seeing herself in the mirror, she giggled to herself.

Her mane was reminiscent of the time travel incident. Her eyes were bloodshot, but she had no idea why. Her fur was sticking out in multiple places, mainly on the chest and knee joints. After a quick shower, Twilight re-styled her mane and was looking like herself again.

"Mirror mirror, on the wall," Twilight said jokingly into the mirror, "Who's the marest of them all?"


Twiilight jumped and screamed when Spike burst through the door, still holding the golden statue that he had before. He quickly slammed the door shut again, and put his back to the door as if something was going to break through. Twilight stood flabbergasted, barely managing to hold back a laugh at Spike's scared expression.

"Spike, what's wrong?" She asked. "And why do you have that silly statue with you?"

"S-sorry, Twi, I had a bad dream," Spike replied. "It was dark, and I had Stephano-"

"Stephano?" Twilight interrupted.

"Yeah, Stephano. Y'know, this guy?" Spike held the golden statue up so Twilight could see. She quickly nodded in understanding.

"I see... Anyways, carry on."

"So," Spike continued, "It was really dark, and I was in an old castle. I had Stephano, and he kept telling me to watch out for the barrels..." Spike shuddered as he went on. "So I ignored him, and next thing I knew, there was this monster pony chasing me! I tried to hide in the closet, but a barrel blocked it from being shut. The last thing I remember was screaming 'BARRELS!' when the monster hit me."

Twilight stood flabbergasted. Again.

"What?" Twilight laughed out.

"Never mind, it was just a dream..." Spike said, setting Stephano down on the counter. "So what're you getting ready for?"

"I'm going to look for Fluttershy." Twilight continued combing her mane.

"Oh, coolio. Can I come?" Spike asked.

"Sure, Spike. I hope the others don't mind us going out for a bit."

Spike waited patiently outside of the penthouse for Twilight to emerge. She said she'd just take a minute to tell Rarity she was going out so that the crew wouldn't be worried. After what felt like hours, but was only a few minutes, Twilight stepped out. She was looking great, and Spike set Stephano on a nearby chair.

"Ready to go?" Spike asked.

"Yep!" Twilight replied, trotting over to the elevator with Spike in tow. As they waited for it to arrive, Spike climbed up onto Twilight's back. He didn't feel like walking, but Twilight didn't mind. When the elevator arrived, a loud ding! resounded from the elevator doors, and they slid open, revealing the pristine interior, as well as a white dragon twice the size of Twilight. She hesitated to enter, but she didn't feel like making herself look like an idiot. She crowded in next to the dragon.

The dragon was female; Twilight could tell from the chest and snout shape. Spike paid close attention to her, admiring her white scales and spines. The dragon mainly ignored Twilight and Spike as they descended down to ground level, but a few times Twilight could hear the dragon sniffing her.

She must smell my perfume, Twilight thought. The dragon turned, and caught Spike staring at her. He turned around quickly, blushing a bright red. The girl dragon simply giggled. To Spike, her giggle sounded like a melody of beautiful birds.


Twilight stepped out of the elevator, the white dragon in tow. However, the dragon kept on walking towards the front door of the hotel, stepping out and joining a small group of male dragons. One of them put his arm around the white one before they walked away down the street.

Twilight focused on the task at hand... err... hoof, and managed to pick out Bildar from amongst a crowd of ponies and griffons checking out. She motioned to him, and he slowly but surely made his way over, joining her and Spike.

"Hello," Twilight said.

"Good afternoon. Can I help you, Miss?"

"Yes," Twilight said. "Did you see a banana yellow pony with a pink mane and a cutie mark of three butterflies?"

Bildar thought for a moment, before an imaginary lightbulb clicked on over his head.

"Yes, I did, in fact. Fluttershy, was it?"

"Mhm. Where did she go?"

"Well," Bildar said, "I don't remember. But I do remember her going somewhere with that big fellow, Yugo. He's Golden Record's conjuration, so I'm guessing they're at the dance club."

Twilight thought for a second. Celestia had said that there was a special dance club run by a DJ by the name of Golden Record. She had also said that the dance club was across the street from her hotel. Looks like this wouldn't be a long walk after all!

"Thanks!" Twilight called to Bildar as she galloped out the door, several confused ponies and a zebra staring at her.

Twilight pushed through the doors onto the streets of Las Pegasus. She gasped aloud at the sight before her.

The streets of Las Pegasus were alight with neon signs, early risers and a dragon walking down the roadway - He was too big to fit on the sidewalk. Several traffic signs adorned the many traffic lights. Pegasi buzzed overhead, doing flips and turns. A pony strummed his harp on the sidewalk, with a few ponies surrounding and watching him. A top hat sat next to him, filled to the brim with bits. Twilight craned her next, searching for the tops of the buildings around her. However, they were just too far to see. The blistering heat of the Neighvada desert. Thankfully, the sun wasn't shining today, so she wouldn't have to put on sunscreen. Twilight then remembered her task and began crossing the road - But not after almost getting creamed by a speeding carriage.

"Sheesh, Twi! Be more careful!" Spike said, searching for a safe spot to cross. He had seen streets like this in Canterlot, but there had always been crosswalks. There were none in sight, so Twilight decided to use a quick teleportation spell. In the blink of an eye, she flashed into existence on the other side of the road. A surprised griffin jumped at the sudden pink flash, but held her head high and continued walking down the street. More speeding carriages whizzed by behind Twilight.

Twilight lifted her head and saw that she was standing in front of the dance club that Bildar and Celestia had mentioned. The black tinted doors prevented her from seeing indoors, and two bulky stallions guarded the doors. They wore black shirts, sunglasses and bold faces. Intense rave music could be heard from inside. Twilight started to trot in, but one of the stallions raised his hoof.

"Sorry, ma'am, but you need to be checked before going in."

Twilight groaned at the delay. It was thing after thing now.

"Alright," She said disdainfully. "But why?"

"There's been an assassination attempt lately." The other stallion said. He moved over to Twilight carrying a long metal rod. He passed it over her body, mane and tail. It beeped several times, but the stallion didn't say anything.

"Assassination?" Spike asked.

"Yeah," The first stallion grumbled. "Crazy zebra tried to stab Golden Record. He survived, though, and he's in 'golden' condition." The stallion chuckled at his own lame joke.

"'Kay, you're good ta go," He said. "And watch your drink in there."

Twilight nodded and pulled the door open with her magic. Instantly she was engulfed in a flurry of rave music and different smells. Sweat, alcohol and even heat assaulted her nose. She focused and trotted in. Neon lights lit the black floors and walls with golden light. Now that Twilight was inside, she noticed that almost everything was either gold, purple, black or cyan in color. White was nowhere to be seen. Before her was a long hallway, with differently colored doors leading to bathrooms and "private rooms". Twilight shuddered at the thought at what was going on in them.

"Wow, Twi... Do ya really think Fluttershy's in here?" Spike said. Twilight nodded, too annoyed at the blaring music to speak.

She continued walking down the corridor, folding her ears back as the music got louder and louder. She could now see the silhouettes of different species dancing on the dance floor, strobe lights making their features visible for only split seconds at a time. Twilight reached the end of the hallway. Almost immediately an orange unicorn trotted up to her, the mare's features barely visible in the dim light.

"Hey there, honey," She greeted. "Anything I can get ya to drink?"

Twilight thought for a moment. "Yes, a glass of water would be fine."

The waitress raised her eyebrow. "Water?"

"Yes, water."

"... Just water?"

"That's correct," Twilight said. "I'm not into alcohol."

Spike giggled at this.

"Also," The waitress said, "He's too young to be here." The mare gestured to Spike, who huffed and crossed his arms.

"What? It's not like I'm gonna drink anything!"

"Don't worry, he won't drink anything," Twilight assured.

The waitress only nodded slowly before cantering away to behind a well-lit counter, seemingly the only well-lit area in the club. Several other ponies and a miniature dragon were also behind the counter. Twilight watched the waitress grab a glass and pour some water from the tap into it, before levitating the glass over to Twilight with her orange magic. The orange glow shifted to purple as Twilight took it in her magical grasp, nodding a thanks to the waitress. She then turned towards the dance floor.

In the dim light, she could barely make out the shadows of different races raving to the music. How would she find Fluttershy in that mess? Twilight mentally facehoofed at her own stupidity.

She wouldn't be in there... She would be sitting somewhere, with Yugo.

Twilight then scanned the shadows for any sign of a giant spectral pony. When she felt Spike tap her shoulder, she turned and saw him pointing to a booth across the dance floor. She could make out the enormous shadow of Yugo's body, standing next to a young yellow mare - Fluttershy. They stood next to a tall golden unicorn, who was wearing a pair of bright neon goggles, also golden. A large bandage wrapped around his neck, and he wore a fancy vest that covered most of his torso.

"Good work, Spike!" Twilight called over the loud music. Spike smiled triumphantly and hopped off of Twilight's back, walking alongside her. Twilight saw that she would have to push around the large crowd of dancers to reach Fluttershy, so she stuck to the walls, trying her best to avoid colliding with anypony. She bumped into a diamond dog, who reached out with his paw to stop her. She looked up at him, hoping she hadn't angered him. She set her glass of water down on a table nervously.

"Hey, you tryin' ta get ova there?" The diamond dog yelled over the music. He pointed with his arm to where Yugo and Fluttershy were standing.

"Yep!" Spike yelled back. "Can you help us get over there?"

"Sure," The diamond dog said. He lifted the surprised Twilight above his head with one paw and Spike with the other. He pushed through a few ponies to get through, but he slowly made his way to Yugo. Upon arrival, he set his cargo on the ground lightly and waved a friendly goodbye before disappearing into the crowd. Twilight smiled back and Spike waved. Suddenly, Twilight remembered something.

"My water! Hang on a second, Spike," Twilight said. Concentrating with her magic, she teleported her glass of water to herself, taking it in her magical grasp and trotting over to Yugo and Fluttershy, who had their backs to Twilight and Spike. The golden unicorn looked past the hulking Yugo and smiled a greeting to Twilight.

"Ah," He yelled over the music. "Thou must be Twilight!" His voice sounded more like it belonged to a king. His goggles lifted magically and Twilight saw that his eyes were actually green, clashing with his entirely gold body and goggles. Fluttershy and Yugo turned to see Spike and Twilight smiling back at them.

"Oh, hello, Twilight!" Fluttershy said. She could barely be heard over the intense music. The golden unicorn had an idea, and he trotted up to the DJ booth, grabbing the microphone and turning down the music a bit. A confused crowd of dancers looked back at him, as well as Twilight, Yugo and Fluttershy. Spike was too busy sniffing Twilight's drink.

"Excuse me, subjects," the DJ said, "But we are taking a break from this music. Help thyself to the drinks."

Annoyed groans were heard from the crowd, but they slowly made their way to the bar, where the staff were starting to take orders. Twilight waited patiently for the DJ to descend the ramp to his DJ booth, smiling at Twilight all the way.

"Hey there, I'm Golden Record," He said. "I see you've already met Yugo, my guardian. Fluttershy told me all about you!" His smile seemed to glow in the darkness. It was starting to get creepy now.

"Yep, I'm Twilight. I came here looking for Fluttershy," Twilight said, before lifting her glass and gulping down her drink. It tasted a little funky, but she pushed the glass aside and looked back to Fluttershy. "I was worried that you were hurt!"

"Oh heavens no," Fluttershy said back. "Yugo wanted to show me this nice dance club, so I followed him here." She hid behind her pink mane. "You're not mad at me, are you?"

"No, Fluttershy!" Twilight said back. "Spike and I were just checking on you. Don't wanna get lost in this city, you know?" She giggled nervously as Yugo made a low grumbling noise.

"Well, I'm perfectly fine," Fluttershy answered, patting Yugo's side. "I don't like the music, though. It hurts my ears."

Golden Record stepped forward. "If thou desire, I can play a slow song." His voice reminded Twilight of Luna's royal Canterlot voice. Fluttershy turned to him.

"Oh, that would be lovely!" She said with excitement. "Maybe Yugo will find a special somepony," She giggled. Yugo's eyes shifted to pink as he moaned happily.

"Very well, I shall engage the music," Golden Record said. He trotted up the ramp again, grabbing his microphone with his magic. "Pardons everypony, but we will be playing a slow song now. Then we shall return to the music you all like," He said with his seemingly prince-like voice. He flicked a few switched with his hooves, and a red light glowed on the dance floor. The flashing panels turned a brilliant red and gold as a slow song started up. Spike told Twilight he had to go to the bathroom, and he left to go do his business.

A few interested ponies and a pair of dragons gathered on the dance floor, taking their partners and dancing slowly to the music. Yugo wrapped his wing tentacle around Fluttershy's hoof.


"Oh, I couldn't..." Fluttershy said.

Her opinion didn't matter to Yugo as he led her to the dance floor and started dancing with her. She eventually gave in and began moving to the rhythm, wrapping her hooves around Yugo's shoulders.

"Cute, are they not?" Golden Record said, appearing behind Twilight.

"Oh, yes," Twilight replied. "But isn't Yugo a ghost?"

"Not exactly."

Golden Record then went on to describe what Yugo truly was. It turned out that Yugo was a magical beast, summoned by accident and tamed by Golden Record when he was just a colt. The two formed an unbreakable bond, matchable only by Celestia and Luna. Twilight and Golden laughed together as Yugo leaned in to kiss Fluttershy, but stopping when he remembered he had no mouth. Fluttershy compensated by pecking him on the snout with a little kiss of her own. Yugo's heart melted - Again. When the song was over, Golden Record excused himself to the DJ booth. Suddenly, Twilight felt very tired, as if somepony had used a sleeping spell on her. The intense dance music that started up shook her awake well enough. She looked up and saw Fluttershy dancing with Yugo on the floor, but she was still Fluttershy, so she didn't go all-out like the rest of the group did. Spike appeared, tapping Twilight on the hoof.

"Hey Twi, I'm back," He said. He saw the drowsy look on her face. "Hey, you don't look so good. Wanna take a seat?" He asked. Twilight groaned and plonked herself in a booth next to Spike. They listened to the music and watched the crowd dance. Soon enough, Fluttershy and Yugo walked over. Fluttershy was visibly sweatingm although Yugo showed no signs of exhaustion.

"Oh, my! I've never danced like that before," Fluttershy said as she sat down next to Twilight. Yugo was too large to fit in the booth, so he sat on the floor instead. Fluttershy took one look at Twilight. "Twilight, are you alright?"

Twilight didn't answer as she passed out on the booth's table.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Golden Record resembles my OC. If you look at my pic, imagine him like that. And yes, there will be a scene of the Mane 6 dancing in the near future. And yes, Twilight was drugged in case you weren't paying attention.

Plus, if I get enough comments and votes, perhaps I will make a more detailed scene with Fluttershy and Yugo. Perverts :3