• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 929 Views, 23 Comments

Playin' the Golden Record - Ponycrafter

The Mane 6 learn that the DJ in Las Pegasus is actually an alicorn in disguise.

  • ...

All Aboard


The conductor's voice rang loud and clear through the Ponyville train station. The sounds of ponies chatting and steam hissing echoed through the tall room where Twilight and her friends were standing. However, instead of sitting on a train and chugging to a famous Equestrian hotspot, they were trying to understand what was holding up their train. It was probably something stupid. Hoisted ten feet above their heads, with several pegasi mechanics drilling and hammering away at what looked to be the remains of a train whistle. In front of them stood a tall, muscular pony with black cornrows for a mane and a cigar held firmly in his lips. A bright yellow safety helmet adorned his forehead, with a small hole for his horn. Twilight had noticed that his horn was much longer than any other ponies', save for Princess Celestia's. A red mechanic's vest wrapped around his chest and lower body, and a well-kept goatee hid his face. In his mouth, an unlit cigar was held. A cutie mark of crossed wrenches and a train wheel was on his flank.

"Could you say that again, please?"

The conductor sighed. That had been his fourth sigh since Twilight and her friends had arrived, expecting their trains with their suitcases packed to the brim with food, bits and some unneeded clothing.

"Mon, ta train no chugga anytime soon. Ta train tooter wen kablooey." The mechanic's long, black cornrow mane bobbed as he nodded his head.

"What?" Twilight asked. She was getting frustrated now.

"Wagwan wit yo brain, purple mare? Ta train whistle boomed!"

"Boomed?" Rarity asked. "Why darling, is that even a word?"

"Ya, mon!"

Twilight and her friends had been stuck there trying to find out what the mechanic was saying for five minutes now. Nopony had bother to stop and help. They were all too busy trying to catch their own trains, and any staff were busy working on said trains. The mechanic pushed back his helmet a bit and tried again.

"Looka here, mon. Ta train no gwan move fa one week, seen?"

Applejack began to understand what the mechanic was saying.

"So we can't skidaddle 'till that tooter's fixed?" Applejack questioned. The mechanic simply nodded.

Twilight and the gang understood now. They weren't going anywhere until the train's whistle was fixed.

"Aww, come on, brony! How long's this gonna take? I wanna fly around, smell the Las Pegasus air!" Rainbow Dash did a flip in the air for added emphasis.

"Like said, mon. One week."

The Mane 6, along with Spike, groaned loudly. What were they going to do for an hour at a train station? As far as Twilight knew, nothing. The walls were bland except for some lame paintings, and the benches were broken and rusty. There was a food court, but Fluttershy had insisted they bring their own food - she had eaten at the food court once. Never again, she said.

"Twi," Spike groaned, "I think... I think I'm gonna-!"


The rasta mechanic jumped from surprise at the green flames that singed his horn. The rest of the group, however, simply laughed. As expected, a royal letter sealed in a purple ribbon - wait, purple? Why was there a purple ribbon instead of a red one?

This must be important! Twilight thought as she levitated the letter to her assistant who undid the purple ribbon.

In place of the royal Canterlot insignia, there was a picture of a shield and star on the golden piece that held the ribbon together. Spike handed the letter to Twilight's magical grasp, who read it out loud.

Dear Little sis,

Heard about your little incident at the train station. Don't ask how. Anyway, I thought I could help you out a bit. I'm off of guard duty for the weekend, so I have a few royal chariots here at my disposal. The princess said I could use them if i wanted to, but I had no use for them - until now!

How would you and your friends like to take the royal chariot to Las Pegasus?

The entire group gasped aloud, including the mechanic, who let his cool fall for a split second.

"Woah! You gwan take ta royal chariot?! Mon! Das crikey!"

I have three chariots here, enough for your six friends. The chariots were built for three, but I suppose you would want some room in them, right? So, I'm lending you royal chariot number 1.

You'll have tons of room in there, trust me. It's meant to transport VIPs and Princesses. I'm sure you'll love it. You and the gang can all fit in there no problem. It's huge!

I've sent the chariot on its way. Oh, and don't be surprised at the one pulling the chariot!

Lots of love,
Shining Armor

"Well, paint me blue an' call me a raindrop! We're all takin' the chair-yit!"

The Mane 6 and Spike began chatting about what the royal chariots would be like. They had all seen the guardsmen pull regular chariots before, as well as Princess Celestia's chariot. However, none of them had seen a royal chariot! The mechanic joined in on the conversation, just as excited as they were about seeing - and riding in - a royal chariot. However, the mechanic remembered something.

"So ya ponies wan yo bits back?" He said.

"No, that's alright," Spike said. "You can keep the ticket money. Consider it a tip!"

"Ahhh, thanks, mon!"

The mechanic trotted off to help the other mechanics repair the broken train's whistle.

The ponies chatted for a good while, anticipating the royal chariot's arrival. When they were about to give up, they heard a loud call pierce the air.

The girls all jumped, as well as a few of the mechanics. What sounded like a mix between a dragon and a stallion's screech reverberated through the air. The Mane 6 whirled about, save for Fluttershy, who was nowhere to be seen. Finally, Pinkie Pie spotted the source of the noise, pointing with her hoof. Soaring through the air towards them was a chariot. The royal chariot they had been expecting. The Mane 6, as well as the rest of the engineers and mechanics in the repair shop, looked towards the open doors of the train bay.

They all ooh-ed and awe-ed at the wonderful sight. The chariot was huge, a bright regal white, trimmed with real gold and silver wheels, spokes and even doors. The windows were elegantly washed, with not a spec of dirt or grime to be seen. Long ropes were attached to it, leading to something nopony was expecting - a huge spectral pony.

Its eyes were replaced by glowing green orbs, and the feathers on its back were replaced with sharp, metal blades, shaped to resemble a pegasus' wings. It also had a long, thin horn, nearly the size of Princess Celestia's.There was no face on it, save for the eerie glowing eyes. No mouth, no nostrils, just eyes and ears. Its transparent cyan skin revealed a red, cartoon-style heart beating in its chest. No mane or tail were to be seen.

The ponies, as expected, were petrified. Whatever stood before them clashed terribly with the beautiful colors of the chariot. Mechanics around the workplace stopped and stared, and the occasional one turned and bolted through the door. One mechanic even went so far to levitate his wrench, as if to strike the being, but was stopped dead when an aura of blue magic emanated from the spectral alicorn, "wrenching" it from the unicorn's grasp. He stood perfectly still, staring into the creature's eyes.

Five minutes of heart-pounding silence ensued.

Every minute felt like a day. All the while, the spectral pony turned its head and stared at anypony who dared to look back at it. The being occasionally let out an evil-ish, ghastly whinny, rearing up and glancing at the Mane 6, as well as Spike. Spike didn't look back, or at all for that matter - he was passed out on the floor next to Rarity. Fluttershy looked back at the animal, not a scarce hint of fear found on her face. Applejack stood ready to run, as did Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie's hair made a deflating sound, flopping against her head helplessly. Finally, after what felt like years, Twilight spoke up.

"Ummm... a-a-are you here to take us to Las P-p-pegasus?"

The spectral pony stared back, but began to nod its head.

"W-well, let's g-get going then..."

Twilight motioned for the girls to follow her. Applejack hoisted Rarity over her back, while Twilight carried Spike. All the while, they watched the ghostly being, who in turn watched them back, its eyes shifting in its head. The silence continued throughout the entire building. Only the sounds of hoofsteps and heartbeats were heard. When all the ponies had climbed the stairs to the chariot, Twilight slowly opened its door. It slid open without a sound.

Inside were wonderfully decorated chairs and a table, as well as a magically-lit chandelier, which emanated blue magical light. A large window allowed the ponies to see the being's head and upper body quite well from the center of the room. The ponies had little time to admire, however, as they heard another evil whinny from the ghost pony.


"We're goin', we're goin'," Applejack mumbled as she plonked herself into a chair. Pinkie claimed the wonderfully soft couch, and Rarity was put on it beside her. Spike was awake now, standing and shivering on Twilight's back. He didn't utter a sound. Pinkie's hair began to re-inflate as she slowly bounded up and down on the couch.

"Weeee! Bounc-"

Pinkie was shut up my a muzzle of purple magic surrounding her snout.

"Pinkie, quiet!" Twilight yell-whispered. "That thing might not like you screaming with joy the entire way!"

The ghost chortled, as if in agreement.

"Well, I bet I can take him," Rainbow Dash mumbled. "He's just a ghost, no big deal!"

The rest of the ponies remained quiet. When everypony was seated and ready, Twilight was getting ready to call out to the spectre, until she noticed a small, thin cord with a little bell attached to it on the outside of the carriage. A label with big, orange lettering read PULL TO START. Twilight quickly tugged at it. The bell outside rang loudly, piercing the silence of the building and even scaring a few of the bigger stallions. The ghost pony's ears swiveled back at the noise, just before it moaned quietly and trotted around, its large blade-wings unfolding without a sound. Its heavy footsteps were heard as the chariot turned around to face the open doors of the train bay, and without another word, the chariot was harshly pulled forward into the air, light blue magic aiding in the liftoff. As the chariot picked up speed, the ponies were surprised to not hear the sound of wind rushing against the chariot. Everything remained quiet. Not even the chandelier moved.

"Well!" Pinkie's voice startled everypony out of their ghost-instilled stupor. "Since that scary-wary ghostie-wostie pony ain't scaring us anymore, let's have some fun!"

The rest of the group silently agreed. Even the ghost agreed, nodding its head and emitting a strangely cute moan.

"Well, Pinkie, what should we do first?" Fluttershy asked.

"Ooh! Ooh! I know!" Pinkie bounced up and down on the couch, shaking her hoof wildly. Fluttershy giggled quietly, along with the other girls and Spike, before she spoke.

"Yes, Pinkie?"

"Let's play Truth or Dare!" Pinkie exclaimed.

This seemed to calm the crew down. Everypony thought it was a good idea, gathering around the elegant table in the center of the rather large chariot.

"That sounds like fun!" Fluttershy quietly said.

"Just like my sleepover!" Twilight.

"Well darn tootin', alright!" Applejack agreed, removing her hat and hanging it up on a coat rack nearby.

"Aww yeah, I love this game!" Rainbow Dash chirped.

"Oof... I think I might sit this one out, guys."

The girls turned to Spike, the one who had spoken. His knees were shaking slightly.

"I've had a pretty weird day, and I'd love a nap." He said.

As if he knew where the bedroom was, Spike pushed open a random door. Nope, bathroom. He pushed another. Kitchen. Man, this chariot had everything. But where was the cozy bed? Spike shoved another door open in frustration, finally answering his own question as he flopped down on a large, king-sized bed. Twilight giggled and magiced the door shut quietly. The door read "Master bedroom". Around it, two other bedrooms were labeled. Applejack checked in and said that there were three in each room. Meanwhile, Rarity had woken up and silently joined the girls at the table. Applejack took an apple from the fruit bowl placed conveniently in the center and crunched down on it loudly.

"I'll go first," Pinkie said. "And I pick YOU, Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy squeaked silently and hid behind her wonderfully cute mane.

"Truth or dare?" Pinkie asked in her cheery voice.

"Ummm... oh, I'll pick... dare." Fluttershy emerged from her mane.

"Alright!" Pinkie squeaked. "I dare you to go talk to Mr. Spooky pants out there!"

The other four ponies gasped in response. They all glanced out the front window, where the spectre's wings were still flapping soundlessly. It didn't seem to hear them.

"What?! Pinkie, that's dangerous!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Oh, calm down! It's not like he'll bite her head off, or rip off her legs, or tear out her orga-"

"PINKIE!" The entire group yelled. Fluttershy's pupils dilated to pinpricks as she hid under the table.

"What? It's a dare!" Pinkie yelled back. "She has to do it!"

"Well, alright..." Twilight mumbled. "Fluttershy? What do you think, can you do it?"

Twilight peered under the table, spotting a small pink and yellow ball cowering near the base of the table. She looked up at Twilight's voice.

"W-well, if I have to do it..." The rest of the group, even Pinkie Pie, gasped again at Fluttershy's bravery. Even the courageous Rainbow Dash refused to go out.

Fluttershy stepped out from the table, avoiding the glare of the other ponies. She slowly tiphoofed to the chariot door, nudging it open with her snout. The wind didn't sound, nor did any rush in. This drove the crew to believe that there was some sort of magical forcefield around the chariot. Fluttershy stepped out into the windless air, and quietly trotted up to the front of the chariot, where there was a seat built for anypony who was driving via mule or goat. Fluttershy seated herself and cleared her throat quietly. No response from the ghastly pony. She tried again, this time louder.

The ghost pony's head twisted around at an impossible angle, a full 180 degrees, to meet Fluttershy's gaze. This in turn caused the entire pony gang to almost lose their lunch. Its green eyes stared back into hers. Surprisingly, Fluttershy stayed strong, not moving an inch. Perhaps it was out of fear.

"Um... hello." Fluttershy mumbled.

The ghost pony moaned grumpily and twisted its head back around, focusing on the flight.

"What's your name?" Fluttershy asked. The pony swiveled its ears back, then turned its head slightly to stare into Fluttershy's eyes once more. It moaned again, but this time with a friendly tone to it.


"I'm sorry, I didn't hear that..." Fluttershy mumbled, leaning in closer. The pony turned its head more, focusing its eyes on Fluttershy harder.




"Yugo?" Fluttershy asked. The pony nodded its head slowly.

"Well, Yugo, I'm Fluttershy. It's a pleasure to meet you." Fluttershy held out her hoof, which Yugo accidentally smacked with its razor sharp wings. Fluttershy yelped and pulled back, eyeing the miniscule slit that began to ooze blood.. The pony gang inside the chariot yelped as well, fearing Fluttershy had lost a hoof or her entire leg. From their angle, they couldn't see quite well, and none of them dared to try and get a better look. Rarity flopped to the floor, unconcious again.

Fluttershy began whimpering, and tears welled up in her eyes. It was no bigger than a papercut, but it still hurt. This triggered a strange response from Yugo.

Yugo's eyes turned a deep pink, matching the color of Fluttershy's mane. Its head turned a 180 again, facing Fluttershy. Its eyes met hers, and Fluttershy felt something move through her. Something... ethereal.

It felt like liquid fire coursing through her veins. It felt like melted marshmallow pudding in her tummy. Her wings spread widely as she felt an electrical shock reverberate through her body. She felt as if someone, or something, was inside her. All the while she continued to stare at Yugo. A voice materialized in her head, neither male nor female.

I am sorry.

Fluttershy let herself relax as she forgot about her cut and smiled sweetly at Yugo.

"It's okay, Yugo, you didn't mean to."

The pony gang relaxed their limbs when they heard Fluttershy's calm voice.

"At least she's alright," Twilight whispered, staring daggers at Pinkie, who was busy trying to comb her unruly mane.

Fluttershy reached forward again, avoiding Yugo's razor metal wings, and patted it on the head. To Fluttershy's surprise, she didn't fall through as she expected. She instead felt as if she were stroking a dog. Yugo moaned happily as Fluttershy began scratching its neck, eventually flying alongside Yugo and scratching behind its ears. Though Yugo was in its own happy world, its wings still flapped, undeterred. Yugo's heart literally melted when Fluttershy kissed it on the nose, oozing a bright pink inside of its transparent body.

"Eww," Rarity said, now awake again.

"I think he's kinda cute," Rainbow Dash said. "Creepy, but cute."

"I reckon he's a strong feller!" Applejack cheered.

"Aww, he ain't so scary after all!" Pinkie exclaimed. "He's just a cutesie-wootsie little... thing!"

"Now girls, remember!" Twilight said over the happy mumbling of her friends. "We don't know what this thing is, so we're not sure if it's a boy or a girl. Or both."

"Ooh!" Fluttershy's voice yelped in surprise as Yugo's long leg wrapped around Fluttershy, giving her a nice, big, rib-breaking hug. "I love you too, Yugo," Fluttershy choked out. A blue tentacle slid out from under Yugo's wing and began stroking Fluttershy's mane gently. A chorus of "D'aww" was heard as the ponies saw Fluttershy nuzzling Yugo's large face.

"Well girls," Twilight announced, "I'm fairly certain that it's not going to hurt us."

"Ooh! Ooh!" Pinkie's hoof shot up again.

"Yes, Pinkie?" Twilight asked.

"Let's make a bet!" She said loudly. "First to find out the thing's gender gets a week of free cupcakes at Sugarcu-"

"Ooh! OOF!" Fluttershy squealed loudly as she felt Yugo's tentacle slide down between her flanks, stroking her most private of areas.

"It's definitely a boy!" Fluttershy squealed. "Stop it, Yugo, that tickles!"

Rainbow Dash grinned as she realized what Yugo was doing to Fluttershy.

"Does that mean Fluttershy wins?" Rarity asked.

"Yep..." Pinkie mumbled, her pink hair deflating again as she heard Fluttershy's more excited yelps. An erotic moan sparked the girls into action.

"I'm going to bed," Rainbow Dash said quickly.

"Me too," Pinkie agreed.

"Me three", Applejack replied.

"I as well," Rarity spoke in her cute accent.

"Might as well sleep with Spike," Twilight said. "He's probably still scared from... Hugo, was it? Yugo? Whatever."

The girls all said their goodnights and went to their rooms, quickly bunking and falling asleep. A musical of quiet snoring was soon echoing through the chariot. This was interrupted a few minutes later as the door to the chariot opened slowly, then shutting without a sound. Fluttershy stood inside, her mane and tail now slightly ruffled. Her hindquarters were shaking slightly. Her eyes were drowsy and her legs wobbled with exhaustion. From what? I'm sure you know. She made her way to the bedroom on the right, where Pinkie and Rainbow slept.

"Boys will be boys," Fluttershy giggled.