• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 2,346 Views, 66 Comments

The Doctor and Whooves - Landpower

When the humanoid Doctor meets Doctor Whooves

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Episode 1 - The Oncoming Storm Part 5

Vibrations coursed throughout the ground as the Doctor woke up. Warm blood dribbled down his forehead. Looking around the collapsed corridor he saw Romana laying unconscious in front of him. Pushing himself up he surveyed the disaster around him. One of the guards lay pinned under rocks. His open unseeing eyes showed that he was already gone. Not spotting Wynter or the other guard he went over to Romana. Her chest moved up and down in shallow breathes. Kneeling over top of her and placing two fingers on her throat. A weak but regular beat could be felt on her neck.

An explosion shook the already weakened corridor. Heaving, the Doctor lifted Romana over his shoulders.
“Let’s get you out of here.” Looking at the collapsed roof behind him he knew there was only one direction to go. Putting one step forward he made his way forward towards the safe room they were heading for.


Doctor Whooves lay immobilized on a cold dark floor with even his eyes refusing to move. Black smoke coiled around his extended legs. Two dark blue feet stepped in front of his face. Shock filled him at the sight of the feet. The only other thing to have feet was the other Doctor and he was still down on Gallopfrey. You are the one we want. The words entered his mind but Whooves was sure that he never heard them. The smoke surrounding him rose from his body and he felt his body respond to his commands. Looking up he saw the figure completely shrouded in the same smoke that had paralyzed him.
“What are you?” The figure looked down at him with no visible face. We are death. We are the destroyers of planets. We are the Storm. It pointed a shadowy hand at the brown pony and four little puffs of smoke shot out of its body and formed little circles. They wrapped around each of his legs. Losing control of his legs he stood up.
“What do you want me for?” The figure didn’t reply and just blew away in an non-existent wind and Whooves legs started to walk him forward on their own accord.

Unable to resist he walked in a random direction until he reached a door. Grunting with the effort of resisting, his front leg rose and touched the door. It dissolved away leaving his path open before him. Once again his legs started walking and took him into the next room. Passing the door he entered a hallway that extended as far as he could see. He tried peering at the sides of it but the entire hallway was surrounded by swirling smoke. Still helpless his legs took him down it.


By the time the Doctor reached the safe room he was sweating from carrying Romana. A simple door blocked his entry and with no buttons he couldn’t open it. Feeling aches all over his body he placed Romana on the ground leaning against the wall. Sighing he leaned against the wall and waited for his breath to come back. Romana started stirring next to him.
“Finally waking up after I carried you here?” he asked. Romana immediately woke up and look directly at the Doctor.
“What have you done to me?” The Doctor sigh again, some people could just never thank him.
“Whatever is going on out there it caused the roof to collapse. One of your guards was crushed and I don’t know what happened to the other two.” Romana looked at his face, covered in blood and sweat. He radiated honesty but she couldn’t trust him.
“That sounds very convenient,” said Romana. “How do I know that you didn’t just knock me out and killed my guards?” Before he could reply another explosion above went off. Both looked up as the more cracks appeared on the roof. They felt more explosions send shock waves through the hallway.
“Look we can argue about this later but if we stay out here much longer we are going to be crushed!” the Doctor shouted.

Looking nervous Romana looked nervously at the Doctor before looking at the door. She got up at went to the door.
“Look this doesn’t mean I trust you. I just don’t want to die,” she touched a seemingly random spot on the door and it slid open. Looking inside, the room was in perfect condition. The Doctor walked in after her to also see the state of the room.
“Oh good, you’ve had the cleaners around before we came around,” he said with a smile. Romana didn’t look impressed with this comment.
“This room was specially reinforced to survive anything. They could drop a nuclear warhead on top of us and we’d be fine,” she said proudly.

The door shut close behind the Doctor and he fell to his knees. Grunting he tried to stand back up but it felt like weights were tied to him. Romana turned around to smugly look at the trapped Doctor.
“I forgot to tell you but any unauthorized personal in this room are trapped in a mass quantum field. It basically means that-”
“It means if I move my mass is increased a hundredfold,” he interrupted. “Now look, you HAVE to free me because you don’t know what to do and this planet is being ripped apart.”
Romana stepped up to him and jabbed him in the chest.
“How dare you?! How can I trust you when you killed my guards and led an invasion against my planet!”

The Doctor didn’t bother to defend himself. She didn’t seem like she was going to kill him but neither would she trust him enough to free him. Romana stopped concentrating on the Doctor and walked over to a console.
“Attention this is President Romana of the High Council. All warships report your status. I want to know what is going on out there.” Only static played on the radio with no pony answering Romana. “Come in anypony, I repeat come in anypony.”