• Published 17th Jun 2012
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The Doctor and Whooves - Landpower

When the humanoid Doctor meets Doctor Whooves

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Episode 1 - The Oncoming Storm Part 1

The Doctor looked perplexed as he stared at the monitor saying he was on Gallifrey. He didn’t know what to think of this as Gallifrey was his homeworld, which had been destroyed and time locked so no one could ever travel to it again. He let out a sigh and twirled his sonic screwdriver around in his hand. The TARDIS was nearly destroyed and he couldn’t stay in it much longer or the gasses would build up to a toxic level.
“Right, I’m on a planet that doesn’t exist but five things that were impossible have happened to me today so why not add a sixth thing to it.” Grabbing his back up jacket the Doctor walked to the front doors before taking one final look at his TARDIS. “I know you will be fine old girl,” with that said he unlocked the doors and stepped out.

Adorning his new black jacket the Doctor took a breath of fresh air and looked around at his home planet. Trees dotted the landscape, their silver leaves shimmering in the sunlight. Red mountains glowed behind the valley the Doctor stared at.
“I thought I’d never see you again,” he said in wonder.
“Foul beast, how did you manage to get on Gallopfrey? Our shielding is the most advanced in the universe!” came from below the Doctor. He looked down to find a brown pony staring intently at him. It was about half his height and had its hair spiked backwards.
“You can talk? But you're a pony,” replied the Doctor.
“And you’re a giant hairless monkey coming to attack us!” accused the mysterious pony as it moved into an attacking position.
“I’m not invading anyone, this is my home planet and I know we don’t have any talking ponies.”
“Impossible. This is my home planet and my race, the mighty timelords, have ruled it while looking over space and time” claimed the pony.

The Doctor tried to contain his laughter but he couldn’t help let out a snort.
“You think you’re a timelord? I am a timelord and I look nothing like you,” said the Doctor with a smirk. I must have hit my head thought the Doctor. That would explain why I’m back on an impossible planet with a talking pony that thinks he’s a timelord. The pony look of anger intensified at this last remark.
“I’ll have you know that I’ve already sent out a signal that we have been invaded by an unknown race of monkeys. You won't be laughing when they get here,” the pony triumphantly said.

“Fine either I’m unconscious in the TARDIS and this isn’t happening or I am on my home planet and the only things that are coming will be timelords like me,” confidently said the Doctor. “So I’ll let your timelords come and arrest me. I’ll even surrender to make it easy for everyone.” The pony grinned at the Doctor.
“I’ve won? Ha, I knew I could save the world from you the moment I saw you,” the pony happily said. The Doctor sat down, leaning against his TARDIS. He waited there for ten minutes with the pony guarding him before something happened. In Front of them two balls of light appeared a foot above the ground. Electricity began to arch of the balls while wind started blowing around them like miniature tornadoes. Two stallions appeared out of the light with a slight thump as their hooves touched down onto the ground. Both were slightly bigger than the brown pony and looked like they were waiting for a fight. One had a dark navy coat, with a pitch black mane. A scar ran across his face which almost cut one of his brown eyes. The other had a red body with a green mane and tail that had been almost completely cut off. Both stallions wore a loosely hanging red robe with a gold trim. A circular metal device was attached just above their left hooves.

The navy pony raised the device to his mouth.
“Attention all forces! We have an unknown species captured,” he declared. He then turned towards the brown pony, “You will be required to come with us citizen. You must answer some questions.” With that done both stallions raised their left hooves at both the Doctor and the brown pony and fired a beam of light at them. Both the Doctor and the pony slumped over as they were knocked unconscious. The two stallions grabbed them before disappearing into the thin air with a flash of lightning.