• Published 3rd Jun 2016
  • 225 Views, 2 Comments

What is Reality? - Lunarpony

My world changed just like that... Now I don't know if this is real or if it's all a dream. What I do know is...If it is a dream... I can't wake up

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Chapter 2: Split

"So let me get this straight you come from a world where you walk on two legs and are referred to as a human?" Twilight asks. I nodded. After the little incident that brought me to this place I sat down with Twilight and she began asking question after question... Which now that I think about it makes complete sense. She would be the one to squeeze information out of me like a lemon. So I told her everything I knew. From our technology all the way to the questionable things. “Wait so humans will kill other humans over stupid things like that? Don’t they have someone like Princess Celestia?” Twilight questions after I mention some of the wars we have fought. Truth be told… most of the recent ones are kind of questionable.

“Well the groups of people live amongst themselves and formed their own government. As like a goddess, deity of something of that matter different people believe in different things.”

“Ooo please tell me more!” Twilight says.

“Well there is God for one group, Allah for another, Budda, A flying spaghetti monster… the list goes on and on.” I answered “I would love to sit here and talk about it but it would take hours if not days to cover everything.”

“This Earth sounds like an interesting place.” Twilight inquires. Interesting? Yeah she’s got that right our lovely little sphere in the cosmos is interesting alright. All the insane stuff we do we’re lucky there isn’t some intergalactic law system. If there is we are unaware of it. Besides I am pretty sure the stuff the human race has done is enough to ‘destroy all humans’ as they say.

“I guess.” I replied with a heavy sigh. Twilight looks at me with a confused face,

“Do you not like Earth?” she asks me. “Is there something wrong with it?” Why did she have to ask that question? It was the one question I wanted to avoid. Oh well… too late now.

“Not completely.” I sigh “A lot of people on Earth fight amongst each other to the point of war. Countries don’t get along. Religions and other ideals cause massive issues from war to just people killing other people for what they believe in. As much as I hate to say it, I hate living on Earth… it’s nice in some places but living and knowing that other people are suffering or not living as well as you isn’t easy.”

“Oh… I see.” Twilight nods. “So you don’t want to go back then?”

“I…don’t know to be honest.” I reply. Not go back? It sounds awesome but… Then again I would be staring over in Equestria. Besides how could I live like this and not be a problem? So many questions flooded my mind. I wanted to stay in Equestria but… could I really just leave Earth behind?

“Why don’t you go get some rest and think about it?” Twilight offers. Take a rest…. That is a good idea. If I can get some rest and clear my head, I can make my decision a lot easier. I nodded to show her that I agree and she leads me up to a guest bedroom. I thank her and she smiles before leaving me. Happy to be alone I get into the bed and lay down. Soon the grasp of sleep catches me and I fade off into sleep.

When I wake up I look at the ceiling above me. Wait…a whitish gray tone? This isn’t Twilight’s castle! I am… back in my own room. What is going on? I already know that I wasn’t dreaming but… then how did I end up back hear in my room? What could be happening? I am not going crazy am I? No! I can’t dwell on this. I stand up and get out of bed. I walked to the door of my small house and noticed there was mail sitting on the ground. I pick it up and look at it. A letter from the developer head of that company I helped… May as well see what it is. I open the letter and read it

‘Dear Joseph,

I cannot thank you enough for your work! Your code had worked flawlessly for the game and we have not found a single bug or glitch. I was right in hiring you for this. In fact I am so happy that I am giving you an extra $100 bonus. You should receive the money in your bank account shortly. I hope we have the pleasure of working again on another project. I know I for one will look for you again if I need help.

Ryan A. Lorman
CEO Monosoft’

I smiled at the letter. I was happy that my work was so well done. I take pride knowing my work was exceptional. I close my eyes and smiles. That got my mind off of what had happened for a bit before a voice scared me.

“Are you okay? Crimson?” I turned and opened my eyes. I could not believe what had happened! Right in front of me was…Twilight?! How could she be here?! Okay I am going crazy now. There is no possible way that she is standing here right now! I have to be imagining it! I look around and notice…I was back in Twilight’s Castle? What happened? Did I go back somehow?

“Crimson?” she asks again and I look at her dead on.

“Oh sorry…I am fine Twilight.” I reply “Why do you ask?”

“Well you vanished in a puff of energy and I was worried. After I located you I brought you back.” Twilight says.

“I am fine…” I answer. Was she serious? Could it be that the spell she used that brought me here in the first place is responsible for that trip back to Earth? Wait… I think I might know what’s going on… better check first though. “Twilight…that spell you used can I ask you something about it?”

“Sure thing.” She answers looking puzzled.

“Is it possible that your spell didn’t work completely and that one of the objects could be caught in between something?” I ask.

“Well I guess it is possible for one of the objects to be caught between dimensions. But it’s unlikely. Why?” she asks me. I look at her for a second and sigh.

“Twilight just now I briefly returned to my home. I know it might sound crazy but I don’t think that whole spell of yours worked right.” I reply.

“Don’t be silly you probably just teleported back.” Twilight disagrees “There is no way that spell could have gone wrong.”

“I don’t-“ I stop as suddenly the room once again gives way and I am back in my house where I had read the letter. Then in nearly an instant I am back again. “-know how to teleport.” I finish with a groan.

“Oh this is bad…” Twilight says putting a hoof to her head thinking. “If you are stuck between dimensions until we can fix you in one or another permanently then it is likely you will keep hopping between the two at random. As long as you don’t appear anywhere…unsettling for anypony they will think you are just teleporting.”

“Meanwhile if I do it on Earth I will literally have the whole planet freaking out and going ballistic because there are people who see a man appear out of nowhere.” I sigh.

“Excuse me but ballistic?” Twilight asks “What do you mean by that? Is that a word from Earth?”

“Yeah, it means to go crazy or something similar to that.” I answer. Though truth be told it has other meanings but I think it would be best not to mention them since then I would have to explain to Twilight what a gun is and since they don’t have them here in Equestria I think it is better that I keep that kind of stuff away from them. “Anyways.” I say to get Twilight’s attention back since it was clear she had spaced off

“What do we do so that we can anch-“ I stop as I am flashed back to my world and then once again back to Equestria “anchor me in one of the two dimensions?” I finish.

“Well since you seem to remain here longer than your world. So it would be easier to anchor you here. If we do that you will be here in Equestria forever but the thing is…I don’t know a spell that can do that.” Twilight replies. I was afraid of that… So that means I am stuck randomly hopping between here and my own world until we fix all of this…great…

“So what do I do until then?” I ask, to be honest I was worried and my face showed. Twilight walks up and puts a hoof on me to reassure me. Suddenly we flash back to Earth. This time though she was with me. Not only that but we were somehow in the middle of a tropical rainforest now!

“Is this Earth?” Twilight asks.

“Y-yeah…” I reply. I try to get up but I fall back down. I was still a unicorn this time! This was getting weirder and weirder by the second! “We need to fix this soon.” I say as a growl causes Twilight to leap on top of me as a Puma prowls up to us. “Now we’re done for!” I shout in fear as it leaps. For whatever reason I guess luck was on our side as we were teleported right back to Twilight’s Castle.

“It’s not just you.” Twilight pants. “I think it will take whoever is in contact with you!” she starts to worry.

“You’re acting like that’s worse.” I say a little worried by her tone.

“It is worse!” Twilight screams. “It’s not like I thought where your body was the problem it’s the whole area around you! If that’s the case then any magical tracking pony or creature could use the special distortion to make their way here to Equestria! From any time or place!” She panics pacing around the room mumbling to herself.

“Twilight calm down. That just means we need to fix this before anything does use that as a doorway to get here.” I say calmly. Oh who am I kidding this is a whole lot worse! But then again…I am right too, right? Oh well that just means I am going to have to be really careful from now on. It’s going to be a long few days ahead isn’t it?

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