• Published 30th Jan 2016
  • 512 Views, 4 Comments

Sweetie Belle Tries Pop Rocks and Cola - lordnyan

A Filly, some Cola, and a box of Pop Rocks. What could possibly go wrong?

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Chapter 1

“Oh my Celestia, it’s FINALLY finished!” Sweetie Belle sighed with relief, saving the important essay she had been working on for the past two weeks, and shutting her laptop closed. “Man I never knew school work could be so hard.” A rumbling sound from her stomach reminded her she hadn’t had anything to eat in three hours. Lifting herself out of her chair, she gave a long stretch and set off to the kitchen in search of something to eat. Upon reaching the kitchen she found a pile of groceries in bags stacked around the middle isle, with a note in Rarity’s hoof writing laid in the middle.

“Dear Sweetie Belle,

Had to step out again to help Pinkie Pie with something, probably something stupid. If it’s not too much trouble could you please put the groceries away, and be sure to place the empty bags in the trash afterward? Be back soon

Love Rarity”

Sweetie put down the note and started rummaging through the bags. “Eggs, Carrot’s, Oatmeal, Fig Newton’s, drat!! Figures she would mostly buy DIET stuff again!” she whined as she started putting the food away. “The problem with living with Rarity is she almost NEVER buys anything fun!!! Just boring bland stuff. Wish Pinkie was my sister instead, I can’t even imagine how much sweet’s the Cake twins get from living with her!!”

She carefully placed everything away, being careful to put them in their EXACT place so as to avoid the wrath of Rarity’s OCD. As she reached the last bag however, she saw something that made her pause. “Hello, what’s this?” Inside the bag was a large two liter bottle of Cola, and a box of Pop Rocks. “NO WAY!!” she gasped, gaping at the delectable’s levitating before her. “Rarity’s NEVER let me have soda or pop rocks before.”

Throwing the bag aside carelessly, she quickly grabbed a tall glass, and filled it to the brim with Cola. After that, she opened the box of pop rocks, carefully dropping a few into her mouth. Then she picked up the glass with a glow of her horn. She hesitated for a few moments, and then took a small careful sip. The reaction was instant as the pop rocks starting exploding with in her jaws. The sensation lasted no more than a few seconds, she jumped off the chair she had been using to reach the isle, and stomped in place as the tingling sensation continued, until at last it died down, and she swallowed with a loud gulp.

“That…..Was……AWESOME!!!!” she cried jumping up and down in place. “Just like Scootaloo and Apple Bloom described it!!” Jumping back on the chair, she picked back up the box and paused. Scootaloo had made a joke about if you put too many pop rocks in your mouth, and combine it with soda, the combination would make your head explode. Apple Bloom had disagreed saying that was ridiculous, but Scootaloo insisted it was true because Rainbow Dash had told her.

Sweetie Belle cocked her head to the side, staring at the box. Part of her was curious to try and see what would happen, however another part of her really didn’t want to have her head explode incase Scootaloo was right. Then a lightbulb lit up in her head, and a smile crept across her face. Taking the bottle of soda, she carefully re opened the cap and placed it down on the table. Then she placed the bottle on the floor, picked up the box of pop rocks with her magic, took several cautious steps back, and poured the entire contents into the bottle. Again the reaction was instant as the cola immediately began bubbling up and exploded in a rush out of the bottle. It reminded her of those films Miss Cheerilee had showed them of exploding volcanoes. Only slightly less violent. The reaction cause the bottle to fall over, and soda immediately sprayed all over the kitchen floor, and all over Sweetie Belle’s face causing her to cry out in surprise, as she jumped back away from the bottle rubbing the fizz out of her eyes.

The reaction ended almost as soon as it started. The kitchen floors and lower cabinets, as well as Sweetie’s face was now covered in fizzy sticky soda. Looking around Sweetie become worried about what Rarity would say when she found the mess she had made, however then another thought crept into the filly’s mind and pushed her worries aside. Remembering back to the films Cheerilee had showed them, she couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if a giant size box of pop rocks was poured into a mountain sized bottle of Cola. Cracking a mischievous grin, she slipped and skidded her way out of the kitchen, and out the back door to find Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Apple Bloom asked, a hint of worry in her voice.

“Of course it is.” Sweetie Belle assured her “I mean what’s the worst that could happen?”

“I’ve read enough books to know anything that follows that sentence is NEVER anything good!” Apple Bloom deadpanned.

“Oh stop being such an egghead, this will be fun!!” Scootaloo said jumping up and down on the tips of her hooves in excitement.

The three of them were standing in the middle of an open field. A giant bottle of Cola measuring roughly around eighty feet, magically enlarged by Apple Bloom with the help of her new prowess at potion making thanks to Twilight’s lessons standing in the middle. An equally enlarged box of Pop Rocks was dangling from a chain, attached to a crane Apple Bloom had somehow managed to borrow. Apple Bloom jumped into the cranes control’s, and moved the hanging box till it was just hanging over the open bottle. They imagined it would have been large enough to be seen from Ponyville, were it not for the cloud cover caused by Rainbow Dash, who apparently lazily decided to move the clouds out of town rather than clear them out. “Ok, it’s all set!” Apple Bloom called out. “I still think this is a bad idea though!”

“Oh come on, the worst thing that can happen is we all get soaked in soda!” Scootaloo called back “Have a backbone would ya!!”

“Annnd we are recording!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed, checking the viewfinder of her camera.

“Why are we recording this again?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Becaaaaaaaaaaaaaaause, that way I can show this to Rarity and use it as black mail whenever she asks me to clean my room!!” Sweetie shouted with glee. “Albert Einstein and his Atomic Bomb can kiss my ass!!”

“Yea, I don’t think soda and pop rocks are nearly as much of a threat as an Atomic Bomb!” Scootaloo pointed out.

“To normal ponies maybe, but you don’t know my sister as much as I do.” Sweetie said, turning the camera lens toward her, and making a sassy face. “To Rarity, something as small as a spill of grape juice ANYWHERE in her house is as bad as a Tsunami cause by oil infested water that’s been lite on fire.”

“You’re all heart Sweetie Belle.” Apple Bloom deadpanned.

“That’s rich coming from a ginger” Sweetie shot back “Now pull the trigger already!!”

Apple Bloom shook her head, covered her eyes with her right fore-hoof, and pulled the lever. The giant box tilted down and enormous pieces of pop rocks fell out of it pouring into the bottle. Not surprisingly the reaction was yet again instantaneous. This time however a low rumbling sound followed the fizzing soda, and the ground below them started to vibrate. The bottle itself began tittering from side to side, and Apple Bloom swore she could hear the sounds of plastic cracking amid the rumbling.

“Um, is the ground supposed to be shaking?” Apple Bloom asked nervously from the crane, her hoof still covering her eyes.

Then with a very audible bang, the bottle exploded from the mid-section up. A small tsunami of cola immediately down poured onto the three fillies, picking up all three of them and the crane, and began carrying them toward Ponyville. “WHAT’S HAPPENING???” Apple Bloom screamed still cowering within the crane.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo however were taking an entirely different point of view of their situation. “THIS IS SO AWESOME!!!” Scootaloo cried waving her fore arms in excitement as she bobbed up and down the flowing current of cola.

“I’VE NEVER FELT SO ALIVE!!! Sweetie Belle added, still clutching onto her camera, trying to capture on film as much of it as she could.

The soda tsunami carried them down the hill they were on and immediately went back uphill, before breaking into a giant wave as it reached the top, and fanning out toward the outskirts of Ponyville.

“WERE GOING TO DIE!!!” Apple Bloom screamed in terror.

“I REGRET NOTHING!!!!!!” Sweetie Belle added at the top of her lungs.

Below on the ground, ponies had begun taking notice of the approaching tsunami, and taking cover as fast as possible. Amid screams of “THE HORROR, THE HORROR!!” and “I JUST DON’T KNOW WHAT WENT WRONG!!”, and even “WHERE ARE MY PANT’S??” the panicked citizens began ducking into ditches, digging themselves into ditches, or taking cover among any available hanging cloud Rainbow Dash had neglected to clear. Twilight Sparkle quickly attempted to form a magic shield around the village, but hadn’t gotten it much more then around two feet before the tsunami barred down upon them. The Tsunami met the ground with a resounding smack, and immediately spread throughout the outskirts of Ponyville. Carts, hay barrels, various furniture, and of course the various citizens of Ponyville were swept up in its grasp. After a while the Tsunami thinned out being absorbed into the ground, leaving behind a wake of chaos and destruction that would have left Discord in 7th heaven. Ponies were left hanging of rooftops, clinging on top of boxes, or lying dazed on the ground trying to figure out if they were lying face up or down.

As for the CMC, they had been swept into Ponyville town square. Apple Bloom was still cowering inside the crane, which was now lodged into a wall outside of Sugarcube Corner, Scootaloo hanging by her stomach around a tree branch, and Sweetie Belle had fallen into the water well. Pulling herself out, she bore witness the scene around her, her emerald eyes wide with amazement.

“That…..Was….AWESOME!!!!” she cried, jumping up and down in excitement.

“More like BEST DAY EVER!!” Scootaloo chimed.

“ARE YOU TWO INSANE, WE NEARLY GOT OURSELVES AND EVERYPONY IN PONYVILLE KILLED!!!!” Apple Bloom screamed in disbelief, clambering clumsily out of the crane and observing the damage around her.

“Oh come one it wasn’t that bad” Sweetie Belle dismissed her with a wave of her hoof “Wait, where’s my camera? I hope I got all of it on film.”

“Not……Bad?” Apple Bloom muttered watching the cake family gather their belongings that had been swept out of the shop.

“Ah here it is!” Sweetie Belle said gleefully picking up her camera. Checking to be sure it didn’t break, she quickly hit the stop recording button, followed by the playback button. “This looks even cooler on camera, haha look at that face you were making Scoots!!” she added, showing Scootaloo the camera.

“GIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRLLLSSSS!!!” a loud angry voice broke Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo’s attention away from the camera. Coming toward them was a soaking wet, and very angry Twilight Sparkle. “WHAT THE HAY WERE YOU THREE DOING THAT CAUSED THAT MASSIVE TSUNAMI? THAT SHOULDN’T HAVE EVEN BEEN POSSIBLE, PONYVILLE IS NO WHERE NEAR THE OCEAN, OR LAKE, OR ANY BODY OF WATER LARGE ENOUGH TO CAUSE A TSUNAMI!!!!”

“We were testing out what would happen if you put a bunch of really big pop rocks into a really big bottle of cola!” Sweetie Belle answered innocently.
“WHAT??!” Twilight stammered confused. “And just where in Equestria did you get a bottle of pop and a box of pop rocks big enough to cause a Tsunami?”

“We didn’t, we just had Apple Bloom use one of those enlargement potions you taught her to make.” Sweetie Belle answered proudly. Apple Bloom quickly bowed her head in embarrassment at the mention of her name, quickly turning her full attention to Pinkie Pie who was trying to drain the remaining soda with a large bendy straw.

“WHAT WERE YOU THREE THINKING?? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH DAMAGE YOU HAVE CAUSED??? YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED, YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN OTHER PONIES KILLED, YOU COULD HAVE….” But whatever Twilight was about to tell them they could have done was cut short, as Twilight noticed something about the three fillies. Something she hadn’t noticed before.

“Girls…Wha, what’s that?” she asked, pointing at their flanks. The three fillies all looked at their flanks in union and gasped. All three flanks now bore a brownish wave emblem with little multi colored rocks around the edges.

“NO WAY!!!!”

The End.

Comments ( 4 )

I'm... kind of indifferent to the story. It was not bad, but not exactly good for me either. The "for a ginger" joke was a full miss. Felt like a bad attempt at South Park style humor.

Two things from a more technical point. First is the size of the soda that Rarity bought originally.

Inside the bag as a large twenty liter bottle of Cola, and a box of Pop Rocks.

Are you sure you don't mean something like two liter? Because I have never seen anything that went above three when it came to liters.

And second:

“ARE YOU TWO INSANE, WE NEVER GOT OUTSELVES AND EVERYPONY IN PONYVILLE KILLED!!!!” Apple Bloom screamed in disbelief, clambering clumsily out of the crane and observing the damage around her.

Pretty sure you mean "nearly."

6886732 Thanks for the comment. I've never really watched South Park, the ginger jokes just sort of been around forever and the idea of Sweetie Belle calling Apple Bloom a ginger simply popped into mind while writing the scene. As for the other things, yea those were spelling mistakes and i have gone back and fixed them. Weird that my spell check didn't catch them though.

This sounds more like mentos and cola reacting not pop rocks and cola. Pop rocks pop as soon as they hit the tongue

6889596 Well when i tried pop rocks and cola as a kid it had the same reaction as Mentos and Cola.

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