• Published 23rd Jan 2016
  • 387 Views, 5 Comments

Scootaloo & Apple Bloom, Summer belongs to you - Macmeg13

We need to create the biggest, longest, funnest summer day of all time!

  • ...


Last night, Rarity tossed and turned in her bed, talking in her sleep.

"Maris... French mares and... Spike... Iguana playing an oboe..." she woke up with a start, early in the morning. She quickly grabbed her phone and dialed for one of her friends. She sits up from her bed, waiting for the her to wake up.

"ugh what?" a tired voice answered.

"Rainbow dash? I am freaking out here!" there was a small pause before a long, tired sigh was heard from the other end.

"Ugh...Fine! I'll be right over." Rainbow said. Rarity squealed.

"Excellent! Thank you! And could you bring some breakfast?" Rainbow hung p. "Hello?"

In the back yard, the two fillies were working hard under a tarp, the sun slowly rising in the distance. A group of their friends arrived and their best friends Sweetie Belle, Babs Seed and Twist. Sweetie sighed wistfully as she stared at Scootaloo, a couple of her friends giggled at the sight of the love struck unicorn. Its been known that the white filly has a huge crush on Scootaloo since they were little. Of course, Scootaloo was oblivious to the whole thing. Snapping herself back the the present. She flashed Scootalooa smile.

"So Scootaloo, whatcha doin'..." she looked at the sky, "Up so early?" Scootaloo buzzed her wings excitedly.

"Today is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year! And Apple Bloom and I are gonna make it even longer." Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow at the tarp.

"So you built the Statue of Liberty?" Scootaloo looked very confused.

"No... " But paused as she saw that her invention actually looked like the Statue of Liberty. "Oh, wow. That is weird." She removed the tarp to reveal a medium sized jet. "Behold! The Amazing Sun-Beater 3000!"

The group ooed and ahed at the jet.

"Wow! Amazing!"

"It's a name followed by a big number!" Babs said, impressed.

"It's fast and it runs on vegetable oil, so it's environmentally friendly. In this ship, we will travel around the world as the sun does, making this, the longest day of summer, even longer! That'll give us twenty-four hours of continuous daylight; and add the extra fifteen hours we would've had anyway, that's almost a forty-hour day!" Scootaloo exclaimed excitedly, Apple Bloom nodded in agreement. However, Babs scoffed.

"It can't be done! There's only twenty-four hours in a day and that's that!" she said. Scootaloo smirked smugly.

"Well, yes and no. You see, Babs, if you define the day by the passage of the sun, and we follow the sun by travelling around the..." she started but got inturrupted by Babs.

"Nah, nah! Don't try to confuse me with your technical ways. There's nothin' I've ever seen that would make me believe you could pull this off. Except for that time-machine thing, and oh, and the rollercoaster! But other than that, nothin'! Oh, and the time you played that song when the alligator came back, oh... Man, nature just bends to your will, doesn't it?" Scootaloo chuckled.

"Yeah, nothing's impossible if you believe you could do it." Babs crossed her hooves stubbornly.

"Well, I don't believe and therefore it's impossible. And what's more, I bet you can't do it!" Scootaloo raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"You bet us?" Scootaloo asked. Babs nodded her head, smirking herself.

"Yeah, I bet you! And if you lose, you're gonna have to stand up in front of everyone and say that you are governed by the laws of physics and summer's not whatever you want to make of it. And what's more, you've gonna spend the rest of your summer doin' nothin'!" The friends oohed.

"And what happens when we win?" Scootaloo asked. Babs thought for a moment.

"Hmmm... I'll eat a bug." Every pony snickered slightly.

"Babs, you'd eat a bug right now if we asked." Scootaloo said. Babs raised an eyebrow.

"Are you asking?" Scootaloo rolled her eyes.

"No." Babs sighed, then smirked once more.

"All right. How about I give you back your scooter I took when we were little?" Scootaloo gasped.

"My scooter!" Scootaloo remembered her scooter, it was her most prized possession before Babs took it when they were young. But, she also remembered she wasn't the only one who got something taken.

"How about this?" she said, "When we make it back here before the sun sets, you gotta give everyone their bikes back." The crowd cheered, agreeing with the wager. Babs marched up to Scootaloo and looked her right in the eyes.

"I still get to eat the bug though, right?" Scootaloo sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Sure thing, Babs." Babs glared her down.

"I want the bug." However Sweetie Belle intervened, looking worried.

"Scootaloo, what are you doing? You're putting your entire world view on the line. And for what? A bunch of bikes?"

"And a bug!" Babs added.

"Sweetie Belle, it isn't about the bikes. It's about my world view. You see, we all gotta ask ourselves just one question." A smoke bomb appeared and a blue unicorn with a silver mare started singing.

♪ What is a summer really ♪
♪ But a tepid month or 3? ♪

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow at Scootaloo. "Trixie Lulamoon?" she asked. Scootaloo shrugged.

"Yeah. I hired a stunt singer, what do you think?"

♪ If you agree with Babs ♪
♪ That's all it will ever be ♪
♪ And we don't need to break the laws of physics ♪
♪ To make a day that's longer than a day ♪
♪ We can follow that old sun 'round the circumference of the globe ♪
♪ And stop all the naysayers from nay-say... ing ♪
♪ 'Cause I believe we can ♪
♪ And that's the measure, the measure of a man ♪
♪ It may sound far-fetched, this thing we've got planned ♪

Then another smoke bomb exploded and Countess Coloratura appeared singing with Trixie.

♪ But I believe we can ♪
♪ I believe we can (Ooh, I believe we can) ♪
♪ And that's the measure, the measure of a man (Oh, that's the measure of a man) ♪

Scootaloo nudge Apple Bloom lightly. "Countess Coloratura. Nice."

♪ We'll make it back here (We'll make it back here) to where we began... (Oh...) ♪

Then one of the jets wing fell off. Scootaloo groaned.

♪ Or at least that's the plan! ♪

Everypony laughed.

♪ Of course, first you're gonna have to fix this wing, yeah! ♪

Countess Coloratura sang before looking around.

"Hey, where's Gummy?"

Some where in the house, the small alligator was sound asleep, WAS. Until the floor gave out and he fell. Only, he didn't fall in a hole, but in a tube. He rolled his eyes, aligned them, sighed and put on his trade mark fedora. He arrived at the end of the tube and landed directly on his chair in his headquarters. A huge monitor was in front of him and he expected to see his boss, Major Celestia, telling him why she called, only to see Luna, Major Celestia half-paid intern.

"Uh, hi, Agent G. Major Celestia isn't here right now, but she left this note."

She cleared her throat, trying to sound like her boss.

"'Dear Luna, I haven't been kidnapped so don't come looking for her... I mean me.'"

Luna shrugged.

"Kinda weird, though, that she took the time to cut each letter out of a magazine. Anyway, Discord is on vacation with his daughter in Tokyo right now which is where the Annual World Good Guy convention is being held, and Major Celestia is the keynote speaker. Coincidence? 100% yes! So I guess you got the day off!"

Gummy rolled his eyes as he was about to go back up the tube. Yeah right. He thought.

Back at the house, Rarity and her friend Rainbow Dash, a rainbow maned pegasus, were finishing their breakfast that Rainbow have brought in the kitchen.

"All right," she said, " you got your breakfast. What's eating you?" Rarity sighed.

"Well, you know how Spike's in Prance for another week?" Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, so?"

"Do you know what they have in Prance?" The blue pegasus tilted her head in thought.

"The pyramids?" Rarity gave her an incredulous look.

"No! Prench mares!" Rainbow groaned.

"Come on, Rarity. Everybody knows that you and Spike are an item." Rarity shook her head.

"Not officially..." she sighed, "He's never even called me his marefriend. We've never even kissed! That means Spike's single, in Maris, and surrounded by Prench mares. I'm no fool, Rainbow, I've seen the oil paintings." Rainbow rolled her eyes once again at her friends dramatics and patted her on her back.

"Rarity, you got to believe in yourself. What do Prench girls have that you don't have?" Rarity whimpered slightly.

"At the moment, Spike." Rainbow sighed.

"Rarity, if you want him to call you his marefriend, maybe you should call him your stallionfriend." Rarity gasped dramaticly.

"I can do that? I can use the S-word first?"

"Sure, why not?" Rainbow said shrugging. Rarity sighed once again, having a lot to think about.

"Oh, and Rainbow, pyramids? Really?"

"Oh, right. That's Belgium, isn't it?" Rarity face hoofed.


Discord and Twilight were at the airport, waiting for their luggage. Twilight was reading a book about Tokyo, getting more excited as she read on.

"Look at this, it says that the tallest structure in Tokyo is the Tokyo Tower. And it even looks like the Eiffel Tower!"

Discord smirked slightly at her, keeping his eyes on the conveyor belt.

"See? It's just like we're in Prance! Oh, here's my bag now!" Twilight looked up and groaned, slamming her book shut.

"I can't believe you brought work with you!" she exclaimed, glaring daggers at Discord. The 'bag' Discord talking about was his arch-nemesis, Major Celestia. She was currently going down the conveyor belt in a burlap sack, with her head sticking , glaring at Discord. Twilight was actually surprised no one was freaking out at the moment. A halo appeared on top of Discords head as he reached for his 'bag'.

"What do you mean?" Twilight sighed as she rubbed her face with her hoof.

"Dad, you've got some mare tied up in here." Discord placed Major Celestia on the floor and wrapped an arm around Twilight.

"No, no, Twilight. We've got some mare tied up in here." Major Celestia sighed.

"I've got a name, you know." Discord rolled his eyes and groaned.

"All right. Twilight, Major Celestia. Major Celestia, Twilight. There, you happy now?!" Celestia rolled her eyes.

"I've never been happier." Discord chuckled as he took Major Celestia and threw her over his shoulder.

"Come on, let's go get a taxi." Major Celestia groaned.

"I'd prefer a town car." Discord snapped his fingers and a muzzle appeared on her.

"Quiet, you!" Twilight blushed embarrassingly, sticking her nose closer and closer into the book, hiding her face completely in shame.


Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were looking at their extra huge map.

"Okay, we're getting a slight late start because of the broken wing, but here's the whole route. With stops in Tokyo and Maris to refuel." Sweetie Belles ears perked up and immediately rushed over to the orange pegasus.

"You're going to Maris?" she asked, excited. Scootaloo shrugged.

"Yeah, wanna come?" Sweeties eyes bulged, cheeks flushing.

"To the City of Love?" Scootaloo was examining the huge map, oblivious to the love sick unicorn beside him. Apple bloom rolled her eyes.

"That's what they call it." Sweetie shook her head.

"You're asking me, to go to the City of Love, with you?" Her heart was pumping fast. Scootaloo turned to look at her, flashing her a grin.

"Yeah, it'll be fun." Her heart just burst. However, just to be sure,

"Now, let me see if I got this straight..." she couldn't finish because of Babs.

"Hey Scoots! I'm goin' with you to make sure you don't cheat." Sweetie sighed sadly, Apple Bloom patting her on the back. Again, oblivious to it all, Scootaloo shrugged.

"Okay. So Twist, you wanna come too?" the small earth pony shrugged as well.

"Well, naturally--" Once again, Babs inturrupted.

"I get one carry-on."

"All right. Carry on, then." she snickered to her own joke, Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. She turned back to the both singers from before who were fixing the wing. "Did you get that wing fixed yet?" Trixie shrugged.

"Trixie guesses so. We pretty much used up all the packing tape." Scootaloo nodded her head and clapped her hooves together, getting everyponys attention.

"Okay, the clock is ticking, everypony!" Rarity ran outside, ripping the extra huge map slightly.

"Scootaloo! What's going on here?" Scootaloo smiled, wings buzzed excitedly.

"We're flying around the world to make the longest, funnest day of summer ever." However, Rarity was having none of it. She shook her head vigorously.

"Oh, no, no, no. Mother left me in charge, and I say you and your little friends are not going anywhere--" Rainbow interrupted her.

"Hey, Rarity, check out this giant map!" Rarity rolled her eyes and groaned. She turned around only to stop as she saw the trajectory they were going to go.

"You're going to Maris...? Prance?" Scootaloo nodded

"That's the plan. We'll have to stop and refuel." Rarity stared at the map, deep in thought. Then a brilliant idea popped into her head.

"Like I was saying, you and your little friends are not going anywhere...without me!" Rainbow eyes widened, shaking her head in protest.

"No, no, no, no, Candace! This is a bad idea! About as bad as you've ever had in a long line, and I love you when I say this, really, really bad ideas." Rarity grabbed Rainbows cheeks, squishing them close together.

"Rainbow, they're going to Maris! Where Spike is!" Rainbow pulled her face away.

"You promised your mom you'd keep your sisters out of trouble." Rarity giggled.

"What better way to look after them than by going along and keeping them out of trouble along the way?" Rainbow couldn't help but face hoof.

"You realize that's a massive rationalization, don't you?" Rarity nodded, still giggling

"Oh yes, totally." Rainbow stared at Rarity for a good long second before chuckling, shaking her head slightly.

"Well, say hi to Spike for me! And hey, you should stop by and see my cousins in Tokyo!" Scootaloo looked at her sister.

"Apple Bloom, did you get the giant map packed?" Apple Bloom patted a small pocket on her saddle bag. Scootaloo nodded, impressed.

"Wow, mad folding skills." she said, while bro-hoofing her. "You guys all ready?" Rarity and Rainbow hugged before she climbed inside. Twist clumsily climbed inside, she almost lost balance but didn't, until Babs pushed her inside.

"Ready for you to lose!" she said. Both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo climbed in the jet and strapped in their seat belts. Scootaloo started the jet, but paused.

"Uh, Apple Bloom?"

Apple Bloom looked out and saw their house is blocking the way. Apple Bloom clicks a button on the jet, lowering the house down into the ground. Scootaloo nodded and turned around to the other mares.

"All right, everyone, make sure your tray tables are stowed and your seats are in their full and up--" but couldn't finish because the airplane takes off in fast speed. The house rises again and the backyard is a mess from the take-off. Dinky, one of the friends of the crowd clapped her hooves.

"Okay, everypony. We have roughly forty hours to get this backyard in line and set up for the party. Let's go, go, go!" Trixie rolled her eyes.

"Who left her in charge?" Dinky marched up to the singers, a rake in her magic.

"Here, make yourself useful." she said as handed them a rake. Trixie looked at the rake, to Countess, then back to the rake, then at Dinky.

"You know, we're only booked for the hour!" she shouted. Countess giggled before grabbing a rake herself.

Author's Note:

Boom! #2! Heyo!:yay: They're going on a trip, in a special rocket ship, going through the sky... :twilightsheepish:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNDD I'm done... :heart: Good luck getting that song out of your head!:rainbowdetermined2: