• Published 18th Jan 2016
  • 5,077 Views, 164 Comments

World War 2: Never Surrender - Silver009

1941: As World War 2 rages on Adolf Hitler has defeated France. Nation after nation fall to the Nazi war machine. In the Atlantic, the appearance of a new nation will change everything.

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A Brief History Lesson

Canterlot Castle POV: The Solar Diarch, Princess Celestia

Once the human, Heinz Orbeik, had told me that they, Applejack and Rainbow Dash, would likely be shot out of the sky by the who he called the "British" I rushed to take action. I quickly wrote a letter to my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle.

My Faithful Student,

I am worried about the safety of your friends, the Elements of Honesty and Loyalty. A human who arrived here earlier said that they were flying over a country called the UK. He believes that the British who live there will think that their carriage is one of, Heinz's (the human) people's "bombers" and will shoot them down. Please send confirmation if your friends arrive in Berlin where you have likely arrived


Princess Celestia

I used my magic to teleport the letter. The teleportation spell surprised Heinz who asked how I had teleported the letter. As I was about to explain, another human entered the throne room with two other humans, who were dressed a lot like Heinz, following behind him. The first human looked like the leader as his stance seemed to display authority and pride. He was in a brown coat and had a red band around his arm with a black X looking symbol on it. He had short black hair, and a small mustache. His aura felt as though it radiated feelings of fear, evil, and authority. Heinz immediately jumped into a salute raising one of his arms and pointing upward and shouting "Heil, Hitler!"

"Ah...Lieutenant-Admiral Orbeik I presume?" Hitler asked.

"You are correct in that presumption, my führer."

Hitler then turned to me, "You are this...Princess Celestia that the Lieutenant-Admiral described in his reports?

I was surprised by the lack of respect in his voice, but I answered none the less, "Yes, I am. And you are the leader of Germany, Adolf Hitler?"

"Yes I am. New is the time for negotiations to begin then. How big is your military?"

"Excuse me?"

"How big is your military?"

"I'd say it's of a decent size it has 3,000 soldiers, mostly Royal Guards."

"Only 3,000?," said Hitler in disbelief. Even Heinz looked shocked.

"Why how big is yours then?"

"8,200,000 soldiers. We expect around ten million next year." My jaw almost dropped

"Well seeing how your army is minuscule, you are obviously not a superpower. You're country is weak."

"We are..."

"You're army is one of the smallest, if not the smallest, military forces on this planet. Well that's not what I came to talk about. You see...I want your country to join the Axis Powers."


" I want your country to join us. I have seen your country. It is full of natural resources that have been sucked dry in Europe. It also would be a perfect base to use to attack the British colony of Canada, and could be used as a refueling station for the Kriegmarine."

"Well...actually I wanted to see if our country could negotiate peace between the Axis and the Allies."

Hitler laughed, "Nothing could make me make peace with them, after what they did to Germany."

"Why what did they do?"

"First you must know the story of the Great War in order to understand what I'm about to tell you. In The June of 1914, the Archduke and his wife of, our ally, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was assassinated by Serbia, a ally of the Tsar in the Russian Empire. War broke out. Russia declared war on the Austrians just because they were trying to right the wrongs done by Serbia. My predecessor declared war on the Russians to help our ally. We also attacked the France and Belgium, both of whom we thought were planning to attack us. Britain rushed to the defense of Belgium. There was a revolution in Russia that knocked them out of the war, and the USA entered on the side of the UK. We were outnumbered and forced to surrender. Then we were forced to sign a the Treaty of Versailles, which we didn't even get a say in, and the Japanese and Italians who were on the winning side got nothing and were ignored. My people were subjected to poverty and criminal activity rose tenfold. When I showed up Germany was a shadow of what it used to be. Now I have restored it. I will never except peace with the Allies. They will demand we follow the Treaty and go back into depression. I will not let that happen!"

I absorbed the information Hitler had given me, while Heinz gave the führer sympathetic looks as he had gone through this tragedy himself. If what Hitler said was true than his war was completely justified. His people, according to him, had gone through an unspeakable tragedy because of the allies. It made sense that he did not want peace, because he thought that the same thing would happen to his people again. However there is always two sides to every coin.

"I understand now that you do not want that tragedy to befall your people again. But is you agree to negotiate peace I promise I will not let that happen again."

Hitler seemed to contemplate this, "Very well, if the Allies do not impose sanctions and Germany gets to keep its war gains then I see no issues over coming to the negotiation table."

"Yes!" I thought. I will restore peace and harmony in this world, if it is the last thing I do."

Author's Note:

I'm sure you all know enough about Hitler to know what he will demand from the Allies (Britain, Canada, Australia, etc.) Celestia's promise to herself will be hard to keep.

Next: The USA and USSR (I hope you didn't think I forgot about them. ;) )

- Silver009