• Published 18th Jan 2016
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World War 2: Never Surrender - Silver009

1941: As World War 2 rages on Adolf Hitler has defeated France. Nation after nation fall to the Nazi war machine. In the Atlantic, the appearance of a new nation will change everything.

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Appearance of a Nation

Berlin Germany 1941 POV: Führer of the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler

It was nearly time. It was time to make history. Time to make my fatherland proud. It was time for me to moralize my people and to bring Germany to the glory and victory it deserved.

"Heil, Hitler!," shouted a SS soldier who saluted as I passed by to deliver my address to my people.

I walked up the stage unto the podium, my people cheering as I prepared my speech.

"My great people," I started making hand motions as I spoke, "today we have defeated the French and proclaimed our righteous vengeance upon them,"

"Today our brethren marched through the Arch de Triumph in Paris, and marched past the great Eiffel Tower...Today we have begun our revenge upon the Allies for their mistreatment of our people, MY people!"

"Today we have taken France, and very soon our people will march proudly upon the streets of London!"

Loud cheering erupts from the crowd. Shouts of "Heil, Hitler" and "Glory to the Third Reich" are shouted by the crowed.

I look at them and thought that nothing can stop us, nothing can ruin this moment of glory.

Unfortunately, something can and will.

"My Führer," says my trusted SS leader Heinrich Himmler.

"Yes?" I say.

"Something of great importance was discovered by one of our patrols in the Atlantic," said Himmler

"What is this matter that warrants my personal attention?" I say in response.

"It is a island that appeared out of nowhere, 3/4 the size of Germany, and..." said Himmler looking quite uncomfortable.


"It is populated by talking, sentient, multi-colored, equine ponies" said Himmler which was, in my opinion, the stupidest thing that had ever to come out of his mouth.

"......HAH!, " I laughed for 3 minutes, for this was truly the stupidest, most absurd thing, I had ever heard in my entire life.

"This is no joke," said Himmler, "There is really a island of multi-colored horses that talk."

"Himmler, I suggest you take a few days off, maybe see a doctor as well for I am seriously concerned for your mental health," I said slowly backing away from the clearly delusional man.

"Ask Admiral Dönitz if you don't believe me," said Himmler, "He's the one who told me."

I walked up to the head of the Kriegmarine, Admiral Karl Dönitz, who was fortunately located right on the other side of the city square where I had given my speech.

"Admiral, what is this about multi-colored horses that you have told Himmler?" I asked.

"Well, my führer," Dönitz replied, " a report from one of our U-boats came in and told us about a new island in the Atlantic. They reported sightings of strangely colored equines and request permission to land and make contact."

" Very well give them the go ahead," I said, "and prepare the Bismark, I wish to see this island myself."

"As you wish my führer."

Author's Note:

Yes Hitler seems a little out of personality, but it's not like I actually knew him so I have almost no references to go off of.

This is my first story hope you enjoy. - Silver009