• Published 10th Jun 2012
  • 2,029 Views, 17 Comments

mother 3 meets mlp - wattwolf

lucas goes through a portal into the mlp universe after defeating tabuu with the brawlers

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lucas flew out of the vortex. gravity took hold, but so did instinct. lucas preformed a backflip and landed on the ground with his feet sliding about a meter and a half backwards. he looked up. he seemed to be in some sort of large building. maybe he was summoned here by destiny. and in order to get back to his friends, he had to beat some large boss. he decided to snoop around to see if he could find anybody, or anything. in the shadows, the princess of the night was watching this human infiltrate her sisters home. the gala was upon them, and luna will not have anyone or anything ruin this night.

lucas walked into a large room where there seemed to be streamers hanging from one end of the room to the other. it looked like a ball room to lucas. cake and other delicates were placed on a table in the back of the room. was a party going on, with ghosts? a flash of lightning broke lucas's concentration. and a black, winged unicorn appeared in the center of the room.

"human!, what is your cause of being here?!" said the unicorn.

lucas didnt know what to think. where was he? who was she? how could unicorns make cake. unless this was like lucas's "teleporter" game at home, in which the cake was a lie.and so was the pie, the cookies were real though. but this wasnt a time to think about cake or cookies right now.

"um, i dont know, i was put here throw some portal, or vortex." answered lucas "i have no idea where i am or even if this is my world. i need answers"

"well i cant answer those questions for you" said the unicorn "you will leave now, or i will make you"

lucas didnt want to cause violence, but he did need answers. and he thought that this black unicorn was lying about not having them. lucas gulped. he wished link was here. link had tremendous courage. thats what he needed right now. courage.

"i would like to see you try" said lucas "how do i know your not lying about my answers. so in order to see if you do, i wont back down from this challange"

lucas created psychic sparks with his fingers and pointed them at the unicorn. to ensure he was ready.

"very well" said the unicorn. "i will test your power aganst my own!"

the black unicorn some how summond blue-silver battle armour on her face and hooves.

lucas looked at his opponent. he could tell she bacame much stronger as before. but he used as much courage as he possibly could and charged at her with full force.

luna used her magic to teleport behind this human boy which shocked lucas causing him to trip and lose his balance. lucas fell on the ground hard and saw the unicorn above him with a smile on her face.

"HA!" said luna "pathetic. im sure twilight sparkle would have seen that coming. but then again, your a human. you have no powers. except for your opposable thumbs of course."

lucas rolled backwards onto his feet.

"ill show you no power!" lucas said.

lucas calmed his mind and summond some of his psychic power into this attack.

"PK freeze!!" lucas yelled. a icy blue ball came out of lucas's head and headed toward the unicorn. this attack shocked luna.she didnt know humans could create ice! the ball exploded and froze luna into a block of ice. lucas nodded with success. if only link were here to see his courage.

lucas walked over to the block of ice he created. the black unicorn was stareing at him. well, he should get her out of there.

lucas pulled back his hands. he didnt need to calm his mind with this attack. it was simple

"PK fire!" he yelled while thrusting his hands forward. a tiny ball of fire was hurdled to the block of ice. as it came in contact the fire ball exploded, causing the ice to explode as well in chain reaction thrusting the unicorn into the air.

luna landed on her feet. this human was differant from the others on the other side of the world. he was surely something.

"i seemed to underestemate your power human. however, you have seemed to underestemate mine as well!"

luna shot a purple-blue beam of magic at lucas. however lucas reacted quickly and jumped over the beam. he thought the unicorn could control this magic and move it upwards, as he came down. lucas ignited his psychic magnet in front of himself. he didnt need to say anything with this power. as he suspected the unicorn shot the magic beam directly at the big blue ball in front of lucas, protecting him from her attack. the psychic magnet also had a second effect. it gave lucas health. making him become more confident.

luna was sure her magic could get through that shield, but she was wrong. she stopped her spell. and lucas put out his defenseive manuver, ready for this unicorns next attack.

"luna, whats going on?" said a different voice that just came into the room. a white unicorn walked up to the black unicorn.

"im sorry sister" said the black unicorn, who was named luna "but this human infiltrated the castle. and i didnt want him to ruin the gala."

the white unicorn smiled at her sister. "i understand luna, but thats no way to treat a guest"

"yes sister, i apologize" said luna.

the white unicorn walked over to lucas.

"i am very sorry for my sister attacking you, my name is princess celestia, and this is princess luna"

lucas looked at this princess. what kind of world was this?

"um, my name is lucas, and your sister didnt attack first. i admit that i did. but she was the one who challanged me. and i accepted. im sorry. are you wounded at all princess luna?"

"a little cold" answered the princess. "but nothing more"

celestia smiled at this human. completely turning from foe to friend.

"im glad" said lucas "i was put here through some portal. i dont know where i am or even if im in the same world i came from"

"do talking unicorns come often in your world?" asked celestia.

lucas shrugged.

"well lucas" said celestia "allow us to be the first to welcome you to equestria"

"um....where?" answered lucas.

Comments ( 12 )

Dude, this has so much potential! A Mother 3 crossover? Hell yeah!
But your grammar is atrocious... Please try and find an editor or prereader who can try and help you through this one. You have a great idea here, but to have someone alongside who can help you with it would really benefit you.

yeah i tried to use much grammer as i could...ill be sure to check it over on the next chapter :)

yeah dude thanks for the feedback and support... and im gonna read it over on the next chapter...the basic goal for the first two chapters were to see if people would like the idea....check!

Hint: Use Google Chrome or type it up in a different program first. Otherwise, it's a good story.

thanks bro ill keep that in mind

All I can say is capitalization. Besides that I like it a lot!:yay:

in this its more about lucas. sorry if i disappointed you.
also sonic rules...nuff said

It looks good, but the grammar :ajbemused: .....Anyways, so far it looks like a Super Smash Bros Crossover instead of Mother 3.
Also, Fox has an Arwing, not an Airwing. You also had Fox call Lucas Luke.
And you can't use Final Smashes in Brawl's Boss Fights.

yeah i thought the name would be good though, mainly because its only lucas that goes through the portal.
and it kinda rhymes :)
thanks for the correction on the arwing...im not much of a starfox player.
i know you cant use final smashes in boss battles...but i thought it would be cool to add it in.

Well I must admit it was a rather dramatic way to end the battle with Tabuu. I do like the idea behind this story though I would like to see Lucas at least use some of his old skills as well as the Smash Bros ones. In all honesty most of Lucas's special attacks in Brawl were used by Kumatora alone with the exception of PK Magnet, though that would explain why he didn't need to focus as much for it.

So in short find Lucas's skill list from Mother 3 and take some notes. If Lucas can only use four skills you made a bad character choice which would account for the low rating. I can see the potential your just not using it.

Hey, Wattwolf, I have done a riff of this story for Carts' Unicorn Theater. What's a riff, you ask? Well, basically, I just took your story and inserted my lines of witty dialogue in-between the lines of the story. It's sort of like Mystery Science Theater 3000, but for Fanfic!

You can read the riff here.

And you can read my other riffs here.

Nice story! I'd have to say that the only problem is that it needs capitalization, but other than that, nice job!

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