• Published 9th Jan 2016
  • 333 Views, 0 Comments

Peace and Quiet - BlackHole_TimeLord

There was a human that lived a normal life. Until his own theories catched up with him.

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Now then. Where do I start? First, my theories turn out to be true. Then ponies, ponies everywhere! I might as well start off from the beginning of the week. Hello, my name is Josiah. I'm the son of a farmer. Anyway to the story of my week so far.

It was a Sunday, I was at the funeral of my cousin, James. I was sitting there listening to the music my cousin made. Then out of nowhere, the scenery changed. I was standing by a tree made of some form of quartz. Yet the quartz looked almost alive. On the tree, I saw six gemstones a diamond, an apple, a six-point star, a butterfly, a balloon, and a lightning bolt. I walked around the tree to find two empty spots on the back of the tree. One hole was in the shape of two birds connected at the beak and the feet. The bellies of the two birds stuck out toward the middle not quite touching to make what looked like an hourglass symbol. The other looked like a circle. A ball, bubble, pancake, I didn't know. But then I blinked, big mistake. I found myself sitting in my seat as though nothing ever happened.

Then two days later in the middle of science class, the same thing happened only, this time, I was in a console room much like the Doctor's TARDIS from Doctor Who. Only it seemed newer, more complexed, and certainly more high classed then the old type forty. Then back to science. Altho I had theories about the universe and dimensions. Now was a time I could put them to test. I decided to save it for when it was Saturday to prevent anything awkward from happening at school.

So, after three more days of strange visions including something that looked like a centaur. It was finally Saturday afternoon. I lay down on my bed. "Well here goes nothing." I closed my eyes and brought up the vision of the console room. I concentrated on my sense touch and soon everything I touched I could feel. But then out of nowhere, there was the sense of a change in my position. I felt like I went from laying down to standing up. I tried to open my eyes but it seemed as though my eyes were open. I blinked, then again. I was standing up in the room. Not my room but the console room. I could smell freshly brewed Canadian Red Tea. Then I felt a strange beating feeling develop slowly on the left side of my chest as it seemed my heart began to beat.

I walk over to a nearby door and opened it. To my shock, I was on top of a tree. The TARDIS seemed to be a tree house. It had a platform with a railing. I walk over to the railing and looked down. I instantly got a feeling of dread as I looked down. I slowly got on all fours. I was about thirty feet off the ground. I never liked heights. "Come on Josiah you can, at least, figure out where you are." I slowly stood up to see a town not far away. I stuck my hand in my pocket and felt something cold and hard. I pulled it out to find a pair of binoculars.

"How did that fit in there?" I reached my hand into the same pocket and pulled out a well-sized sword. 'How is this possible,' I thought to myself. I enthralled by my endless pockets until my hands started to shake vigorously. I looked up to see a rainbow colored blur heading straight for me. It yelled out at me, "Get out of the way!" But by then it was too late and we collided with a smack.

The force of the impact sent us flying back inside the TARDIS, literally. Luckily both I and my glasses made it out without to much damage. I wasn't sure about the thing that hit me. I slowly got up, brushing my long hair out of my eyes. I walked around to the other side of the console. What I found dumbfounded me. There laying there was a pony. I didn't need to be a farmer's son to know that this was different. The mane was a rainbow of color all there except blue which was the color of the coat. She had a pair of wings the same color as her coat, and she had a mark on her flank the same as one of the gemstones on the tree. But even more surprising was the fact that she was in one of my memories, not visions. 'Maybe I can finally know why I have that memory,' I thought to myself.

I walked over to her and picked her up. Finding her to be quite lightweight. "Wow out cold. Let's see if I can get you to the nearby town," I said and then my stupidity dawned on me. "Oh, well I'm officially the biggest idiot here. We're in a tree house stupid." After saying this I remembered that the tree house we were in was a TARDIS. "Thank god I'm the only one conscience in here." So I set the pony back on the ground and walked over to the controls. It felt like I knew what things to do.

I walked over to the monitor and selected the location to land. A box popped up on screen. 'The area that you have selected is not on a tree. Do you want to land on the ground and change form, land on the ground and don't change form, or land on the nearest tree?' I selected land on the ground without changing form. Another box popped up saying, 'are you sure yes or no.' I selected yes and walked over to the time router and flipped it. The TARDIS came to life. Although it didn't make the whooshing sound. "Hmmm, at least someone remembered to turn off the brakes. Aaaaaaannndddd, we've landed." I turned around, slinging the mare over my shoulder and walked out the door.

There was a cool wind blowing. It felt and looked like spring. The smell of the flowers. It was such a nice feeling that I had to remind myself what I walked out to do. I ran into the town. "Someone, get a Doctor," I shouted at the top of my lungs. Then I stopped and looked around. I was surrounded by ponies. They stood there looking at me. Then when they noticed the what I was carrying they started to run toward me. I set the pegasus on the ground and tried to walk away before anything bad would happen, but I was completely surrounded.

A voice yelled over the crowd, "What's going on here?" There was a shadow that was gradually getting bigger on the dirt. I look up to see what looked like a purple pegasus. But soon found that to be wrong. It was a purple unicorn with pegasus wings or was it the other way around, I don't know. The pony walked up to the Pegasus then looked at me. "What happened?"

"Well, she fell on me and is out cold. She must have hit the ground hard. I wonder why I didn't get knocked cold."

The pony's horn started to glow a purple light. I look down at the pegasus and see a purple aura form around it. Next thing I know the pegasus opened her eyes. "What the hay am I doing on the ground for?" She got up and turned around to look at me. "Who the hay are you?"

"I think I should be asking you that. If you want to know then you can call me the guy you used as a landing pad."

"Wait I crashed into you?"


"How would that be possible you were on top of a tree house how would you get me down?"

I turned around and walked toward the tree house. "One of the many mysteries of the world. Now then can you please let me pass." The ponies parted to let me pass.

"Wait can I help you with anything? I mean my friend did hurt you and you did bring her back here when you could have just left her there. It's the least I can do," said the purple unicorn. Pegasus. Thing.

I kept walking through the crowd of ponies. "No thank you. Thanks for asking. What I really need is someone like me to talk to." I walked into the tree house. I looked down at my watch it read '8:59 AM'. 'At least I know where the bedrooms are,' I thought to myself.

I'm writing this from a bed somewhere in the TARDIS. A Strange day was not going to lie. Anyway, long days must end for another to begin. Hopefully, my new second heart doesn't make things more complicated tonight.

Author's Note:

The bird thing is something that one of my favorite fanfic writers does. I would seriously go check his stories out. If you want to find him. His name is Humanity.

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