• Published 1st Jan 2016
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Equestria Girls Ghostbusters - Wildcard25

A ghost haunts CHS, and Sunset and her friends call upon their Princess friend who sends them experts in the field of supernatural, or rather their successors

  • ...

The Origin of Grogar

After the failed attempt to subdue the ghost haunting CHS, Princess Twilight, her friends, and the Ghostbusters went to Sugarcube Corner to regroup and come up with a new plan.

They were sitting at a booth enjoying an ice cream or a milkshake, while Slimer was ordered to keep a low profile and not go on his usual food gorges every time he sees food. Princess Twilight and Twilight had to deal with a lot of stares from the various students from CHS staring at the two of them.

"Man, this stuff is good." Garrett said, as he had his milkshake.

"I'll say." Eduardo agreed, as he drank his fast.

"Be careful, or you'll get brain freeze." Kylie warned him, but he took no notice.

"Ok, yall. So we know the ghosts name at the school, but now we gotta find out what it's doing there." Applejack said.

"Like we found out he said it was his school." Princess Twilight explained.

"Which means he must've had some ties to the faculty at some point." Twilight added.

"Anyone we can talk to who might have some idea about him?" Roland asked.

"Our school's principal and vice principal." Rainbow answered.

"If anyone knows everything about the school it's them." Rarity added.

"I sure hope they do." Fluttershy said.

"Only one way to find out." Twilight said, as they finished their treats.

Eduardo took a last big sip of his before clutching his head and groaned from the brain freeze. Kylie smirked, "Warned ya."

"Come on, come on! Let's go!" Pinkie bounced, as she skipped off with the others following her.

Later the group walked to a house not too far from the school. Twilight knocked on the door. Soon enough Principal Celestia answered it and saw the group, "Girls, what a surprise. Oh, Princess Twilight, what brings you here?"

"I've heard the school was having some trouble I came to investigate and I brought some friends with me." Princess Twilight explained,

The Principal looked and saw the college students, "Oh, well it's nice to meet you all. I'm Celestia, Principal of Canterlot High School."

"It's nice to meet you too, ma'am," Garrett began, "My name's Garrett, this is Roland, Eduardo, and Kylie."

The other three greeted her, while Eduardo was hiding an amorous smile a from her. Applejack spoke up, "We're sorry to bother ya, but can we talk to ya and Vice Principal Luna?"

"Of course. Please come inside." Celestia showed them in.

Once inside, the group took a seat in the living room, as Luna brought in a tray of tea for them, "So what brings you all here?" Luna inquired.

"Well, first off there's something we wanna ask you two ladies, if you don't mind?" Roland asked.

"Not at all. What is it?" Celestia asked.

"Does the name Grogar ring a bell to you two?" Eduardo asked.

At the mention of his name, the two sisters were in shock, as Celestia asked, "Where did you hear that name?"

"Please, answer our question and then we'll tell you." Kylie insisted.

Celestia was unsure, until Luna spoke, "Sister, we can't keep this secret bottled up forever."

Celestia taking her sisters word to heart knew she was right, "Well, everyone, many years back CHS was different. Back then Luna and I were just teachers instead of the positions we have now. Among our fellow faculty members there was Grogar."

Luna took an old album out and opened it to a page of old CHS teachers. The group scanned through it and saw a picture of the ghost Grogar as a human.

"That's him?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

Luna nodded, "That's right. Grogar was one of the best teachers. He was nice when he needed to be, and firm when he needed to enforce it. But then something happened that pushed him over the edge."

"What was that?" Pinkie Pie asked.

Celestia answered, "The last Principal of CHS, Starswirl, was set to retire from his position and needed to pick a successor. Grogar and I were his top two choices. So both of us had to prove ourselves to him and show which of us was more responsible and deserving of the position. I mostly went about how I normally acted as a teacher. Helping my students and sharing my wisdom to guide them on the right path, but Grogar however took it too seriously and felt that the position as principal would grant him more respect than he had."

"So egotistical." Kylie said.

"Quite so." Rarity agreed.

"Grogar abandoned any kind of sympathy and mercy he had on students and proceeded to severely discipline any student no matter how big or minimal their misconduct or rule breaking was."

"How severe are we talking about?" Twilight asked.

"One time a student was one second late to his class and was given a few days detention."

"Whoa. Just for being a measly second late?" Rainbow asked in disbelief.

"Harsh." Eduardo added.

"The worse part of it was the student was half way inside his classroom." Celestia noted.

"Now that's just wrong." Applejack scowled.

The principal continued, "When it was the election day, the whole school was there to witness Starswirl make his choice. After he went over all our highs and lows that he'd been keeping track of he made his final decision. As you can see the end results."

"Congratulation!" Pinkie applauded, only to be shushed by Princess Twilight and Applejack.

"So how did Grogar take it?" Fluttershy wondered.

Celestia and Luna looked down, as the principal answered, "I'm afraid he didn't take it all too well. Starswirl told Grogar it isn't enough to punish students to make them behave. But a true principal must also show kindness and sympathy as well. He called Starswirl out accusing him that he always considered me his favorite teacher, and that his age blinded him from seeing Grogar would make a better principal than myself. In anger he stormed off stage not wanting to face defeat like a man. We went after him, but saw he ran into the street blinded by his anger didn't even realize a speeding car was coming right for him. When they collided the impact and crash onto the pavement left him in a state of comatose. But eventually the comatose led to his death." she looked down.

The group gasped at the cause of death, and Rarity spoke, "How tragic."

"I know. I felt as if it was my fault seeing how he wanted it more than I did." Celestia said in guilt.

"Principal Celestia, it wasn't your fault," Sunset Shimmer spoke up, "Grogar was obsessed with power and authority so he let himself get corrupted by it which led him to his fate. I know exactly what that feels like."

"Except you had a more happier ending." Pinkie reminded her.

"Yeah," Sunset smiled, "I consider myself the lucky one."

"So now that we told you the story, how did you all come across Grogar's name?" Luna wondered.

The girls seeing it was time they came clean explained it, with Princess Twilight speaking, "Well, you see Grogar's ghost is haunting the school."

"Grogar's..." Celestia began.

"Ghost?" Luna finished.

"That's right." Sunset Shimmer confirmed.

The two sisters were confused at first, and suddenly to the groups surprise, they burst into laughter. Celestia leaned back in her armchair laughing, "Oh, that's a good one, girls!"

"Ghost. Oh, you really had us there." Luna laughed.

The group scowled at their reaction, as Celestia noticed their serious expressions, "You're serious about this?"

"In the words of my big bro, eeyup." Applejack answered.

"Girls, you can't honestly expect us to believe that." Luna said.

"I agree. While we may have accepted the existence of magic. But ghosts is another story." Celestia agreed.

"It's the truth, Principal Celestia," Princess Twilight spoke up, "I've dealt with them before in my world twice."

"And what kind of proof do you have?" Luna inquired.

"Well, we got this from the security footage." Twilight showed them the image they caught on printed paper.

"Now don't tell us that isn't Grogar." Rainbow said.

"The resemblance is uncanny," Celestia admitted, "But a picture alone isn't enough help us believe."

"Then perhaps a real ghost might change your mind?" Garrett asked.

"What do you mean?" Luna wondered.

"Slimer!" Princess Twilight called.

Suddenly popping out from the ceiling was Slimer, "Hello!"

Celestia and Luna shrieked as they fell out of their chairs and looked up at the green blob. Fluttershy calmed them, "It's ok. Slimer's a good ghost."

"As good as a ghost can get which isn't much." Eduardo mumbled.

"Now do you believe us?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yes, we do." Celestia answered, as she and Luna recovered from their shock.

"So Grogar is haunting the school for real?" Luna asked, and they nodded.

"Why is it his spirit is arising now of all times?" Celestia wondered.

"I'm not sure it's quite that easy as it is in my world or theirs," Princess Twilight motioned to the ghostbusters, "Since there was never magic in this world until Sunset Shimmer brought my crown here, and since then the girls have shown the ability to pony up."

"Then there was the battle of the bands and the Friendship games incident." Pinkie counted.

Twilight spoke up, "You don't think all the magic that's been surrounding the school and such since those incidents have been feeding his spirit that's been bound there allowing him to resurface as a ghost?"

Princess Twilight nodded, "That's exactly what I think."

"And how do we combat such an entity?" Luna asked.

"That's where we come in, ma'am." Garrett answered.

"We're the Ghostbusters." Roland explained.

"Ghostbusters?" Celestia asked.

"Yeah. If there's a ghost in town. Just give us a call." Eduardo stated.

"We're gonna train the girls here how to use our equipment so we can catch Grogar and contain him." Kylie explained.

"That sounds very dangerous, girls. Are you sure you should be getting involved in this?" Luna asked in concern.

"I agree. Shouldn't you let the professionals handle this?" Celestia added.

"No offense, ma'am, but we've faced a power mad she-demon, a trio of sirens, and magic crazed Twilight," Rainbow began, as Twilight and Sunset Shimmer felt sheepish at the memory of when they went crazy, "I think we can handle a ghost."

"And me and the Ghostbusters are going to walk them through it." Princess Twilight added.

The two ladies looked at the Ghostbusters, before Celestia spoke, "Can my sister and I count on the four of you to keep our students safe?"

"You have our word, ma'am." Garrett promised.

"We'll see to it, they come out of this unharmed." Roland added.

"Think we should really make a promise like that?" Eduardo asked, only to get elbowed by Kylie.

"Ignore him. We'll keep a close eye on these girls." Kylie promised.

"And I'll help too." Princess Twilight promised.

"And I'll do what I can as well." Spike finished.

"Then we wish the best of luck to all of you." Luna said.

"And be extra careful." Celestia warned them.

"We will, Principal Celestia." Sunset Shimmer promised.

"Come on, girls. All our tech is back at Twilight's garage." Garrett began.

"Good thing Dr. Spengler asked us to bring extra packs." Roland added.

"Well, what're we waiting for?" Rainbow asked.

"Come on." Twilight said, as the group left the house.

Celestia and Luna watched from their window, as Luna spoke, "Are you absolutely sure we should be leaving such a task to them? They're only children."

Celestia shook her head, "No, Luna. Those girls are growing up whether we see it or not. And they're proving they can handle any assignment given to them. Even ones like this." she said, as she watched the group take off.