• Published 1st Jan 2016
  • 4,765 Views, 30 Comments

Equestria Girls Ghostbusters - Wildcard25

A ghost haunts CHS, and Sunset and her friends call upon their Princess friend who sends them experts in the field of supernatural, or rather their successors

  • ...

First Attempt Fail

In Twilight's garage lab, Twilight was at a computer typing away like crazy. The girls and the college students watched her, as Applejack asked, "What exactly are you doing?"

"Hacking into the school's security cameras so we can get some footage of went on last night." she answered.

"You can do that?" Pinkie asked in surprise.

"It's easy one you know the right codes." the brainy girl answered.

"Awesome!" Rainbow cheered, "Think you can use that hacking to book us box seats at the playoffs?"

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight gasped, "That'd be a crime. And I am not willing to go to federal prison just to get you good seats at a sports event."

"Just a thought." Rainbow replied, as the girl continued working.

Fluttershy, Rarity, and Sunset Shimmer meanwhile were speaking with the ghostbusters, "So you were literally the only students in Dr. Spengler's class?" Sunset asked.

"That's right." Kylie confirmed.

"I was in it for the easy A." Eduardo answered.

"I wanted to see one of the real ghostbusters up close." Garret said.

"And I wanted to learn more about the tech they use." Roland finished.

Kylie sighed and spoke to the girls, "Basically I was the only one there who wanted to take the class for what it was meant to teach."

Fluttershy spoke to Garret, "Garret, forgive me but are you sure you can be a ghostbuster given your..." she motioned to his wheelchair.

"Hey, don't worry about it. Despite my disability I'm more than capable of getting the job done." he answered.

Rarity inspected them, "Pardon me for noticing, but you all don't look like you're properly well dressed to take on ghosts. Don't you have hazmat suits or something?"

"Hey, these duds are all we need." Eduardo answered, while motioning to their attire.

"Plus the uniforms the former team wore just isn't my style." Kylie added.

Princess Twilight walked up, "Maybe, but I kinda liked the old teams outfits. In fact, Rarity, I think you can help us with that."

"How so?" she wondered, until Twilight called.

"I'm in!"

They went over and saw her playing the security footage of Mr. Greenhooves running around the school before stopping as a spectral being appeared and scared him. It was a bit distorted to see what it truly looked like, but it was still something.

"It really is a ghost!" Pinkie gasped.

"So the school truly is haunted." Applejack added.

"So let's go to the school and bust the spook." Eduardo said.

"Fine with me." Garret replied.

"I'm coming too." Princess Twilight said.

"I don't know, Princess," Roland said, "This is some heavy duty tech."

"I've used this kind of stuff before as a pony, I think I can handle this as a human." the Princess argued.

"Let her come, Roland," Kylie said, "After all she knew Dr. Spengler like his old team knew him."

"Yeah." Slimer confirmed.

"All right, but the tech has been upgraded so it may be more powerful than you're used to." Roland warned her.

"So walk me through it."

"Hey, what about us?" Rainbow asked.

"You're not gonna just leave us here are you?" Pinkie asked with a pout.

"Sorry, girls. This is ghostbuster business." Eduardo said.

"Eduardo," Princess Twilight spoke up, "They can come as long as they stay outside the school can't they?"

"I don't see why not." Garret answered.

"But you'll have to remain at a safe distance." Kylie warned them.

"We can do that." Sunset promised.

"Then let's go." Garret said, as they headed back to the school.

They stood outside the school seeing while the entrance was taped up, there were no cops around, "Strange the place isn't guarded." Twilight noted.

"Must be on a coffee break?" Rainbow suggested.

"Or maybe they're dead," Eduardo replied. The girls looked at him in shock, before he answered bluntly, "What?"

"Come on, let's go in and check it out." Kylie said, as the group proceeded with caution, while the students of CHS stayed back.

They went inside the building and looked around the foyer, "Everything looks normal." Princess Twilight said.

"It isn't always what it appears." Kylie replied.

Roland pulled out the PKE meter and checked the readings, "We got a live one here." they started following the trail until it led them to the Principal's office.

"Principal Celestia's office?" Princess Twilight asked.

"That's where it is." Roland assured.

"Let's do this." Garret said as he busted the door open and they went inside armed and ready.

They looked around seeing the place was clear and no one around, "Nothing here. Disappointing." Eduardo sighed.

Slimer started stuttering nervously, as Princess Twilight spoke, "What is it, Slimer? Something still here?"


Suddenly everything in the office from papers, cabinets, the desk, and the chair started levitating up and swarming around.

"What now?" the princess asked.

"Throw it!" Garret called, as they opened fire around the room to draw the specter out.

They heard a ghostly cry as something came into view. It was a ghostly man with glowing red eyes, had a blue ghostly aura surrounding him, and had hair done up like he had goat horns.

"There it is!" Roland called.

"Kylie, the trap!" Garret called.

Kylie grabbed the trap off her back, but the ghost called, "You poor foolish children! There will be no violence in my school!" he levitated the cork board and launched it at Kylie who fell to the ground.

"If you don't tolerate violence, then what do you call what you're doing?" Kylie groaned, as she got the board off her.

The ghostbusters continued to open fire on the ghost, until it levitated more office supplies to pelt them with making them back out of the office.

"That thing's strong." Roland gasped.

"No kidding." Eduardo replied.

"I don't think all of us combined can take this one on." Garret added.

"Why're you haunting this school? And why do you say it's yours?" Princess Twilight demanded.

"I am Grogar, and this school was meant to be mine to run!" the ghost declared.

"Speaking of run? I think we should do the same." Eduardo spoke.

"Right. Time for a tactical retreat!" Garret called, as they made a break for it.

They ran out of the school where the girls saw them, "Did you see it? What was it?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"No talking, run!" Princess Twilight called, as they ran down the block to get as far away from the school as they could. The CHS girls quickly followed them.

When they got as far as they could they stopped to catch their breath, "So what did you see in there?" Rainbow asked.

"We saw the ghost." Princess Twilight answered.

"Was it scary?" Pinkie asked.

"Aren't they all?" Fluttershy asked her.

"If yall are ghost experts, why'd ya run from it?" Applejack inquired.

"This one's too strong for just the five of us to handle." Roland answered.

"Please tell us you found out something about it?" Rarity hoped.

"We got a name." Kylie answered.

"What is it?" Spike asked.

"It was Grogy, Grog, Grunt?" Eduardo tried to remember.

"It was Grogar." Garret cleared it up.

"Grogar?" the girls asked.

"Ever hear of him?" Princess Twilight asked.

"I got nothing." Applejack answered.

"Name doesn't ring a bell." Rainbow admitted.

"Even I never heard of that name. And I know everyone here." Pinkie finished.

"Looks like we may have to do some research." Twilight said.

"He also said he was meant to be Principal of the school." Kylie added.

"Principal of the school?" Fluttershy asked in confusion.

"Then he must've been part of one of the old teaching staffs at CHS." Sunset deduced.

"Maybe Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna might know about him?" Twilight suggested.

"Worth a shot." Applejack admitted.

"In the meantime, let's grab a drink. I could use a little something." Pinkie said.

"Yeah. That running got me thirsty." Eduardo added.

"And we could use the time to tell you all about the fun things that happened at the school when Princess Twilight was visiting." Pinkie beamed.

"Then let's go." Rainbow said, as they walked on.

As they walked, Princess Twilight spoke to the ghostbusters, "I got to admit the proton packs are just as powerful as they were back then."

"They needed some tweaking to take on the ghosts of this century." Roland explained.

"And you guys said us alone couldn't take him on, so maybe we can add additional support?" she eyed the rest of the girls, who looked curious.

"Hey, no way. We can't let them get involved." Eduardo said.

"They can be of help," Princess Twilight argued, "If my friends from Equestria can handle the training then so can these girls."

"You really have a lot of faith in them." Garret noted.

"They share the same qualities as my friends back in Equestria. And among them is the need to help others no matter what the risks or dangers," she looked at the girls, "Would you girls like to learn how to catch ghosts?"

"Really?" Pinkie asked in excitement.

"It would be good to have back up," Kylie admitted, "But it should be your decisions. Not ours."

Sunset spoke up, "I'm game."

"So am I," Twilight spoke, "I just transferred here and I don't want this school to be haunted. Plus this'll be perfect for research."

"Count me in. It sounds awesome!" Rainbow cheered.

"Shucks, yall can count on me." Applejack offered.

"While it sounds like a messy job, I'll gladly do it for the school." Rarity answered.

"You want me you got me!' Pinkie grinned.

"Well, I don't know how much help I can be. But if you're all going to be right there with me, then I'll help too." Fluttershy smiled.

"Great. But it's gonna be a lot of work. So you'll have to learn fast." Roland warned them.

"Don't worry, we can handle anything you can throw at us." Rainbow said confidently.

"For the sake of your school, you better." Eduardo hoped, as they continued on.