• Published 14th May 2016
  • 1,894 Views, 72 Comments

Safer in open hooves - Elemental Fury

Troy is an abused, kid, when he wakes up in Ponyville hospital with the mane six, he honestly couldn't hope for anything better

  • ...

9: nonono*

“Ughh…You sure this is safe Twi?” I asked the purple unicorn as she strapped the final set of wires into whatever the weird sucker things on my arm were.

“Well, I’ve never done a test like this on a human before for obvious reasons. A pony success rate survey was taken recently about ‘Magical Restoration or Integration’ scans and it achieved an 86.82% success rate.” Twilight rambled on about the different methods used in the test and how they affected they result. I just sat there and tried to take comfort in the fact that it was unlikely that I would be hospitalized for the third time in two weeks.

A series of jagged lines started appearing on what seemed like a never-ending piece of parchment being dispensed from one of the many machines. Twilight's eyes scanned over the readings I could never hope to understand before running off to another machine that seemed to be printing even more readings.

Twilight was studying the papers while the girls conversed and I sat silently, in case talking could set something off in a machine.

“…Unbelievable…” I heard Twilight mutter as her eyes widened in shock. “But that should mean…”

“Twi? Are you okay? You look like you’re about to-” Before I could even finish as if on cue Twilights hooves gave out from under her and she toppled to the ground. “-faint…”

It took mere seconds for the collapsed unicorn to wake up again, though as if she had merely fallen though she would have got up faster had that been the case.

“We…I…” Twilight struggled to find whatever words she was looking for before finally figuring out what to say. “You’re impossible.”


“So, what you’re saying is that I managed to contract magicitus?” I asked with a smirk despite the serious nature of what Twilight had just revealed to me.

“TROY! This isn’t a joke, the magical Laylines haven’t been open since Celestia and Luna were born! I don’t know how you set them off but their constantly open and flowing straight into some rift that opened when you appeared here.” Twilight ranted at first before just becoming quiet while a grimace appeared on her face.

“Hang on a minute, Twi, ah’m a little lost here with all your fancy lingo and whatnot.” Applejack told the Alicorn

"Right...The magical laylines are, obviously, magic." The girls and I all shared the same unamused look. "Or to be more accurate, it is the source of magic."

"OH, does that mean you and Rarities fancy light show thingies when you use magic are it drawing power or something?" Pinkie asked in her usual peppy tone.

"Actually, that's not too far from the truth. Like I said, the last time the laylines were open was when Celestia and Luna were born and just like Troy they had the energy flowing into them. That is how they became Alicorns" Twilight explained as she took a quill and started jotting down notes on the readings.

"Oh oh, does that mean we will get an Alicorn troy?!" Pinkie asked.

"No, Celestia and Luna were born in Equestria-"

"-Thus we are able to withstand magic in our bodies." The familiar soothing voice of Luna appeared from behind me, as the night princess stood in the doorway.

"PRINCESS LUNA, come in!" Twilight immediately started into her routine for the royal sisters, starting to bow while the girls followed suite as Luna raised her left hoof.

"Calm, such formalities should not be required in the privacy of another’s home. Personally, I feel it would be immensely rude to force you too." Luna said, her calm and serene smile never leaving her face yet her eyes...

"But your Highness, the reason we have to call you that in public is..." a dark blue hoof placed itself upon Twilight's lips, a soft 'shh' following.

"You and your friends are my saviors, do not worry yourselves with that which puts yourself into a rank. You are my friends, know that you need not treat me as anything more."

"I...If you insist princess." Twilight finally gave in as Luna made her way up to me, I offered her the empty set beside me and she gladly took it. Twilight trailed behind Luna then took her previous seat again.

"Now, as you were saying, Twilight Sparkle?" Luna implored the purple Alicorn to continue.

"Right, because the princesses Equestrian-born, they could contain the magic but still it changed them-"

"-And we became what you see before you now." Luna finishes for Twilight.

"Right, though I have a question." Rainbow spoke up. "If you and princess Celestia were made Alicorns by the laylines, and that was the last time they were active, then how in the hay is Twi an Alicorn?"

"She is connected to my sisters own magic force. Should my sister, due to unforeseen circumstances, come to lose her magic or...Well, twilight would as well." Luna informed us.

"Right, okay then but I’m still not seeing how this is a negative thing." I told them and the looks that met me sent chills down my spine.

“You haven’t started to feel the effects yet because the dimensional transposition you experienced tore a rift in the fabric of reality.” Twilight started. “It’s been pocketing all the magic but the rift has been closing as you adjust to the forces in Equestria so soon that energy will either implode in on itself hitting you full force with all the stored magic… or it will explode, which will more or less just be a tiny light show however the laylines would still be open and as they cause of the rift it would latch onto you causing the same effect as what would occur had it exploded, albeit over a longer period of time.”

“So, when I’m hit with the magic, what happens?” I asked, starting to dread the answer I would get.

“The best case scenario is that if your body could handle the magic then, while temporary, your body would go into a comatose state for ten years at least yet no hospital would accommodate you for that long, another thing those bastard nobles refuse to change.” Luna said, eyes narrowing as she recalled the most annoying ponies in Canterlot if not Equestria itself. "of couse, to sustain it would require some sort of magical connection." I scratched my side as it started to itch, forgetting the mark was there.

“And the worst case scenario?” I asked.

“Your body wouldn’t be able to sustain the vast amounts of energy flowing to you and you would not only erase yourself from existence but it would be quite likely you would turn at least half of Ponyville into a place where magic would only be corrupt, killing any who ever try and use it.”

“…Shit…” Rarity looked ready to reprimand me about my language but it was too late to stop it. “Shit shit SHIT!”

“TROY, calm yourself.” Luna demanded.

“Calm myself? How the fuck do you expect me to be calm, you just told me I’m a living time bomb!” I yelled at her.

I SAID CALM THYSELF!” Luna yelled in the royal Canterlot voice, her language from her younger days slipping through, getting my attention. “You should still have more than a year before there is anything to worry about in regards to this development.

“However there is one thing you should worry yourself about. There are some very xenophobic laws in Equestria that my sister and I have been desperately trying to abolish yet those annoying nobles have stopped us from abolishing. At first, it was just because they could not stand change but now that the nobles know you and hate you, they are fighting tooth and nail to keep every law that could harm you.

“One such rule is that any new creature found to have magic MUST be pitted against a knight of Equestria. Most have died now, in fact, only one remains…my sister.”


Author's Note:

sorry about being a bit late. word crapped itself.

in other words, for the next three weeks on Friday, if you want a sneak peak at the upcoming chapter, just check my patreon page, I'm putting everything up without locking it to patrons so you can all get a taste of the patreon page and decide whether or not you want to donate.