• Published 26th Dec 2015
  • 1,532 Views, 10 Comments

Sugar Coated Pie - Hop3l3ssRomantic

Pinkie Pie never expected to meet someone who didn't want to be friends, but during the Friendship games she met many. She also never expected to find someone who could do the same weird things as her, Sugarcoat can. This is their story.

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The second round. Oh boy was the second round fun! First there was Applejack, who nailed the arrow perfectly! Then Fluttershy let out arrow after arrow as the tension rose more and more until she finally landed a bullseye! And then ZOOM! We were off! Rarity and I skated around the field as Twilight tried her hardest to hit the arrow on the target. Then Sugarcoat yells that Twilight was really bad, and Applejack gets so fed up that she marched right across the field and helped Twilight! And ZOOM! The Crystal Prep students were trying to catch up.

They get closer and closer and closer and pass us! Then out of nowhere the vines started growing out of the ground! No one else noticed yet, but that's when it started. Yeperoony! Any who then Rarity pushed me along the track with her foot and I pass the Crystal Meanies! It was so thrilling.

The buzzers at the derby click green and Rainbow and Sunset burst forth with the Crustal Prep students not far behind. Not far at all! The vines cause all the students trouble, though, and begin trying to eat them! Rainbow was neck and neck with a competitor, but the moment she saw that Sunset needed help, she was there. Rainbow ponied up and saved Sunset and the competitor over and over until Sunset cinches the win!
Then we all got accused of cheating, which is a big bummer, but whatever, it's just a game.

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

“Uh, Pinkie Pie, what exactly are ya thinkin’ bout?” Applejack asks as I drool a bit onto my empty plate. I already finished eating, but the fruit salad made me think about different fruits. So I ended up thinking about cherries, which somehow led me to my current train of thought.

“Chimicherries...I mean Cherrychangas! No, Chimicherrychangas!” I exclaim with a jump. Everybody else gives me strange looks or roll their eyes.

“Wouldn't the cherries be a tad too sweet for a Chimichanga?” Rainbow asks. I giggle at her. There's no way the superbaty of the cherries would contradict with the crunchy munchy perfection of the chimichanga.

“Of course not silly!” I say, popping up next to her before anyone even blinks. “The cherries would be the perfect sweetness for the chimichangas.” I add, starting to drool a little from the thought.

“Ah agree with Rainbow, seems like they would be a bit too surgery.” Applejack says. I gasp dramatically and start giggling. Sugar is completely different from sweet. Sweet is a flavor and sugar is a cause of the flavor...I'm about to tell her that when Trixie's voice booms across the cafeteria. Everybody turns to look at her. Harmony and Lavender are hurriedly trying to shush her, which only lowers her voice a few octaves. I giggle at the sight and bounce back to my seat.

“Ah ain't seen anybody so enthralled with sweets as Pinky is,” Applejack says, interrupting me as I reached ‘Lemon Meringue Pie’ in the list of sweets. I nod my head in agreement.

“I have,” Rainbow counters smugly. I give Rarity a look and we both look at Rainbow. Rarity winks at me.

“Might this be another interesting tidbit about your newest friend?” Rarity asks. Rainbow immediately catches on and crosses her arms.

“Which one?” Rainbow asks.

“Harmony. You know, the one who's been to every one of your games.” Rarity replies, one hand going to her hip.

“And the one you chased out of the cafeteria and confronted about avoiding you before hanging out with her!” I add hyperly. We both look at her and she shrugs.

“Maybe...” Rainbow replies, drawing out the word. She's so fun to mess with. Everyone starts laughing. “What? Didn't any of you see her face when the Crystal Preps came fell?” She asks. We all shake her head.

“Most of us were trying to actually finish the round.” Applejack says with crossed arms. Which is funny cause her cake was baaaad. Real bad.

“And your poor partner had to do most the work on her own because you were too busy staring.” Rarity accuses, pointing towards Sunset. I'm not so sure that Rarity is focusing on the effect we're trying for at this point. I have to distract them before the whole plan is ruined. RUINED!

I look around and my eyes lock on the back of Harmony’s head. The rest of the group is too busy teasing each other to notice as I skip away.

“Harmony, hey! We were all just eating our lunch, having a super-rific time and Rarity mentioned how you went to all of Rainbows games and Rainbow mentioned how you guys hung out together so I thought we should all go out to get dessert together,” I ask, stopping quickly in front of Harmony, Trixie, and Lavender. Before she can answer, though, I smile widely and lean in close. “It would make Dashie super duper happy!!” I add.

“Sure Pinky, I'd love to…” She agrees. Yay!! I knew she would. I grab her arm and run her over to everyone else. She stumbles a bit when I suddenly stop moving and let go of her.

“Uh, hi…” She says nervously with a half wave. I try not to laugh at her hair. One bun has completely fallen out and the other is a complete wreck. Rarity is the first to notice, and let's out a super dramatic gasp. Harmony asks for a brush, and Rarity nearly attacks her at the chance to fix her hair. We all laugh as she gives a look of distress.

When Rarity finally finishes with Harmony she takes a few steps back and looks at her work. Harmony looks super pretty with her hair like that, Rarity really is good at perfecting someone's image.

“Rainbow was right, your hair is prettier down.” Rarity comments. I fall to the ground in a fit of laughter as both Harmony and Rainbow blush. Rainbow protests and tries to save her image, though no one seems to believe her.

~~ ~~ ~~ ~~

“Since the score is tied, the final event will determine the winner of the Friendship Games.” Dean Cadence announces. The crowds cheer and we all look at each other. Sunset is clearly still upset over totaling exploding at Twilight, and I wish I could make her smile. I hate seeing my friends so down, but there's something bad in the air, and I'm too nervous to do much of anything. Even I'm having a hard time smiling, ME!
“Somewhere on campus a pennant from each school has been hidden. The first team to find their school's flag and bring it back wins.” Luna explains over the mic.

“And as soon as our teams are ready, we'll begin.” Cadence adds, bordering on an interruption.

Fluttershy rubs her arm nervously. “I don't feel like playing these games anymore.” She says. I could hug her forever with how quiet and precious she is. I don't, but I could!

Rainbow responds immediately with, “But we have to play! It's the final event!” She points at the field.
Rarity waves her hand dismissively. “It's a little hard to focus with all the magic stealing and portal opening.” She says, waving her arms mockingly as she does so.

“And I feel awful about what I said to Twilight…” Sunset adds, guilt lacing her voice.
“Especially since she obviously didn't mean to do all the stuff she did. She's actually really nice.” Fluttershy agrees. Sunset hides her face in her hands in shame and guilt. I really wish I could think of some way to cheer them up, but I'm more worried about whatever bad is going to happen. This feeling is not good, not good at all.

Applejack steps forward. “Let's jus’ get through this last event an’ prove we're not a bunch of cheaters.” She suggests. She places her hand on Sunsets shoulder, “THEN you can go over an’ apologize.” They smile and we reside ourselves to waiting for the event to start.

Across the field I can see the Crystal Prep team getting some sort of pep talk, but it looks more like they're surrounding Twilight. I watch curiously for a bit, and even a bit of a tune catches my ears. Soon Twilight walks out onto the field and Fluttershy points at her, causing Sunset to run out onto the field. I realize shockingly that Twilight's going to unleash the magic, and gasp at the thought. Oh I hope Sunset gets there in time.
“The last round of the Friendship games begins,” Cadence announces. Twilight holds the pendant out and places her finger over the center. I bite my lip as my body is filled with fear.
“NOW!” Cadence and Luna yell together. Twilight opens the pendant and the magic explodes in a brilliant blinding light before shrinking to a floaty sphere of light that slowly engulfed Twilight as she stared at her Principal in fear. Twilight reaches out and yells for help as most her body is engulfed. The ball closes over her fingertips and the sphere floats for a few seconds before turning black. Not good.

The magic explodes again and I'm blinded by another brilliant light. When my vision clears Twilight is hovering in the air with big, scary wings, and crooked horn, and a new outfit. She begins to laugh maniacally.

Her focus turns immediately to Sunset. “You were right, I didn't understand magic before. But I do now!” She exclaims maliciously. Her horn lights up in a nasty shade of green and blue as she shatters the Wondercult statue. A rift opens where the statue once stood, and Sunset gasps at the sight of her homeland. Homerealm? Decide that later, raging demon Twilight on the loose now.

The ground begins to crack towards us and I look down at it in terror. She shoots the ground in front of us and it splits into a super duper large rift opens at our feet. We all scamper backward to try and avoid falling in. Twilight starts forming rifts everywhere, and each one grows larger the longer it exists.

“Twilight, you can't do this!” Sunset yells.

“Why not? There's a whole other world right there! A world filled with MAGIC!” Twilight yells as she opens another rift. The large ground rift inches closer to us. I swallow nervously and watch the exchange.

“But you're destroying this world to get it!” Sunset replies with a gesture to the many rifts surrounding us.

“So what? There's more magic there, and I want to understand IT ALL!” Twilight exclaims as she opens another portal nearly and our feet. Sunset jumps out of the way and lands next to the pendant. The ground around us cracks and breaks more, and people start falling in. Applejack jumps forward to help someone, and the rest of us follow suit. I end up leaning almost completely into the rift in an attempt to save someone. Rarity’s hand slips and she nearly falls before Lemon Zest and another student pull her up. I feel myself get pulled up by my legs and almost sigh in relief, you know, if there wasn't a raging she-demon about. Like usual.
Suddenly I feel the magic flow through me. A glance around tells me that Rainbow, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy are all beginning to pony up as well.
Sunset turns to Twilight. “This isn't the way! I know you feel powerful right now, like you can have everything you want! I've been where you are, I've made the mistake you're making!” Sunset yells, catching Twilight off guard. “i put on a crown and just like you I was overwhelmed by the magic it contained. I thought it could get me everything I wanted.” She says.

“Oh you're wrong,” Twilight replies confidently. “Unlike you, I can have everything I want!”

“No you can't. Even with all that magic and power, you'll still be alone.” Sunset retorts. She holds the pendant in the air. “True magic comes from Honesty. Loyalty. Laughter. Generosity. Kindness.” Each of us relax and let our magic wash over us as she calls out our elements.

“I understand you Twilight. And I want to show you the most important magic of all.” Sunset lifts into the air and throws the pendent onto the ground. Magic surrounds her and she grows golden glowing wings and a horn. “The magic of friendship.”

With a few simple bursts of golden energy Sunset closes all the rifts. Twilight starts to look genuinely worried I know, I just know that Sunset will win! Twilight attacks Sunset and they trade a few blows. Eventually their magic is matched and the energy goes to either side. Suddenly Twilight's magic gets dangerously close to Sunset. Twilight laughs dangerously.
Spike jumps into view and calls out her name. When Twilight sees him it's like she loses all will to fight. Sunset takes this chance to overwhelm Twilight with her magic. I'm once again blinded, and the sound of Twilight’s ‘Noo!’ echoes.
Finally the light dies down and Twilight and Sunset are standing together, back to normal.
“I am so sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happen.” Twilight says, her eyes filling with tears. My own eyes fill just from watching, and it takes a lot to not run up and hug her.

“I know, and going by my own experiences, they'll forgive you.” Sunset says reassuringly. AWW! It's just so sweet!