• Published 26th Dec 2015
  • 1,532 Views, 10 Comments

Sugar Coated Pie - Hop3l3ssRomantic

Pinkie Pie never expected to meet someone who didn't want to be friends, but during the Friendship games she met many. She also never expected to find someone who could do the same weird things as her, Sugarcoat can. This is their story.

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I observe the SPECTACULAR perfection of fun amazing news that I have created. Two schools, complete and unequivocal rivals, having FUN! TOGETHER! I nearly bounce in joy, well no. Actually I start to float as the indubitable amazing awesome magic from Equestria grows my wild yet still controlled hair even longer. I also grow a pair of pony ears, but the hairs cooler. More hair = More places to put stuff.

Nobody ever understands that. At least their not following me around totally bent on figuring how I do stuff I do and getting hurt every few minutes. Though, that would be PRETTY funny, huh? I chuckle a little to myself.

I hadn't noticed it before, but some things not right, and the time it took me to notice just adds to the weirdness. It's like my energy is draining or something. Before I can even go around greeting everyone in my super amazing magically-ness it's gone. I ponied up and back down within a matter of minutes. I wonder if it has anything to do with the whatever-ma-jig this Twilight is wearing. I'm too tired to ask, though, and lean against the wall.

I'm party pooped.” I say with a sigh. Principal Snotty Head takes the stage and destroys all my hard work. My eyes do a sweep of the room and notice Rarity walking away from Rainbow Dash's super secret crush. Well she never actually said it's a crush but she talks about Harmony as much as about herself! Rarity and I are totally in on getting them together. Maybe I can even trick Rarity into getting a bit closer to HER crush along the way.

I walk over to Applejack who places her hand on my shoulder. “Ah’m sorry Pinkie, ah thought yer party additions were really swell” She says.

“They really broke the ice.” Fluttershy adds.

“Yes. If only that Principal Cinch hadn't frozen it again.” Rarity agrees.

“Yeah, she's awful.” I reply tiredly. Sunset and Rainbow walk over and we discuss Twilight some, only for me to realize she'd disappeared. While I looked around for Twilight, I notice Harmony leaving. I look at Rarity and she winks. We move to either side of Rainbow, and begin pulling her into the hall.

Rarity and I lead Rainbow away from the party. Well we more of push and pull her. Who could have guessed that a girl like Rainbow would be nervous about anything.

“Gah, Rainbow! Just. Talk. To. Her.” I say, pulling her through the hall as Rarity pushes her.

“What would I even say?” Rainbow asks, stubbornly refusing to cooperate.

“Anything!” Rarity exclaims, giving another shove. Rainbow sighs and gives in. Rarity falls on her face when Rainbow finally starts walking forward of her own will. I giggle at her and she looks up and gives a glare from the floor.

We finally reach the door leading to the front of the school, and Rainbow stops. We I've her a glare and she sighs before walking out. Rarity and I watch for a few minutes, but soon head back to the party.

When we get back I leave Rarity to her own devices and head out to mingle. I skip over to the food table, which is back to boring vegetables. I don't understand why Principal Meanie Pants had to ruin everything. I scan the crowd for anyone who doesn't look happy, which is almost everyone. There's more fighting than smiles here.

I go from person to person handing out cupcakes and smiling kindly to everyone. Anyone I don't know, I introduce myself to and attempt to befriend. I get mixed results as almost every student from Crystal Prep refuses to be my friend. I don't give up though, I can't. I push my smile even wider and skip over to the next person.
She's a bluish purple with beautiful light blue hair. Her multiple pony tails are eye catching, though Rarity would probably gag at her glasses. I smile at her and hold out my hand.
“Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie!” I say, she looks at my hand and then at me before turning to walk away. I appear in front of her again, and she narrows her eyes at my speed. She doesn't gasp or freak out like most people do though. Weird.
“What's your name?” I ask, only for her to scowl at me.
“You're annoying.” She says. Her voice is like, like...huh? I can't describe her voice, but I like it. She turns to walk away again, but I get in front of her.

“I'm competing in the games! You are too, right?” I ask leaning forward in anticipation of her reply. I rock back in forth on my heels, but she just keeps scowling. Why doesn't anyone want to be my friend?
“Go away.” She says, sidestepping and walking past me. I try to stop her again but she avoids my antics, something that even Rainbow has trouble with. This girl is infuriating! I just want to be her friend. These Crystal Prep students need to learn how to smile. I walk over to Applejack with a huff.

The first round of the friendship games go splendidly, and we come the closest we've come to winning EVER! All of us are super duper proud of Sunset, even though the portal disappeared and she's nowhere near figuring out magic. During lunch Rainbow follows Harmony into the hall, and Fluttershy goes to give her animals some air.

“I'm going to go get some sweets, come on Applejack!” I exclaim suddenly as soon as I finish my food. Sunset, Rarity, and Applejack look up at me in surprise. Within a second of saying that I grab Applejack’s arm and pull her halfway across the gym. We slow down and she pulls her arm away.

“Whoa, what is this all about Pinkie?” She asks. I smile and continue to skip to my destination.

“Don't you think the other competitors would appreciate some sweets? I'm sure it would bring a biiig smile to their faces!” I reply, avoiding her question. She gives me an odd look but seems to file this event under ‘Pinkie being Pinkie’. I'm fine with that, it means there will be less to explain.

We hurry to Sugarcube Corner and Mrs. Cake quickly pulls out a box of cupcakes that I had texted her to have ready. I thank her and wave at everyone as we exit. Applejack and I discuss farms on our way back to the school.

We make our way to the building being used as dorms for the Crystal Prep students, and look around for people to give cupcakes to. I spot a girl with dark and light green hair rocking out with her headphones. I point her out to Applejack and we walk over. She's sitting in a grassy area outside the building.
I sit down across from her in a flurry and hold the box of cupcakes open in front of her. She pulls down her headphones and looks at me, then down at the cupcakes. I can hear her music blasting from the headphones.
“Dude, these look awesome! Don't mind if I do.” She says, pulling out a cupcake and digging in eagerly. “This cupcake is amazing! Where'd you get it?” She asks. Applejack come over and sits by us.
“We got them at Sugercube Corner, Pinkie here works there part time.” Applejack says, gesturing to me. I smile and pull my own cupcake out of my hair.
“Yeperoony! Mrs. Cake is super duper nice, and is the best baker in town!” I say before taking a bite of my cupcake.
“That's rad. So what brings you guys over here, ya know most students from the academy aren't going to be friendly.” She asks. She licks some frosting from her fingers.

“I know! I was hoping some of these cupcakes would help to bring some smiles to their faces!” I reply cheerfully. The Crystal Prep student laughs at that.
“Well it's brought one to mine, but I doubt those dudes will even touch them. They aren't as laid back as me.” She says. She flicks her headphones back up and lays back with her hands behind her head. “I'M LEMON ZEST BY THE WAY! HIT ME UP IF YOU EVER WANNA CHILL!!” She yells, waving us away as she closes her eyes and loses herself in her music.

“Well that went well.” Applejack says as we walk away. I nod very much, very fast, and skip ahead in search of another academy student. I balance the cupcakes on my head as I skip.

Next I see a familiar bit of hair turn a corner and disappear. I speed up and follow her, the cupcakes never once losing balance. I hear Applejack ask me something, but can't make out what, so I continue.
The girl stops and turns around to face me. I stop almost as quickly, not losing balance in the least. Ooh! She's going to talk to me! I hope she'll take a cupcake.
“You shouldn't be here.” She says matter of factly. I pull the cupcakes off my head and hold them out to her. She doesn't take one. I hear Applejack skid the corner and stops next to me.
“Technically this is our school,” I retort. She snorts at that. I smile widely at her and push the cupcakes closer to her. She sighs and takes one.
“Do you like it?” I ask hopefully. She takes a bite. She doesn't smile but she keeps eating it. My smile grows wider and wider.
“It's not bad.” She replies. I nearly jump in excitement. She finishes her cupcake and wipes her hands on a napkin. Where did that come from? I've never been the one to wonder that before! “Thank you, go away now.” She says. I nearly frown but stop myself.

“Why aren't you smiling?” I ask her.

“Because you're still here.” She replies. She crosses her arms and scowls at me. Applejack lets out a huff of anger.

I smirk. “We'll leave you be if you tell me your name!” I offer in my best sing song voice.

“Sugarcoat.” She says. My smile spreads from ear to ear and I turn around and begin to skip away with a wave. Before I turn the corner, though, I grab a cupcake and toss it towards her. She catches it, because I don't hear the splatter.

“Her name's ironic, ain't it Pinkie?” Applejack asks rhetorically as she walks alongside me.

When we get back to the main building we see Twilight running into the school and Fluttershy leaning against the statue with Rarity and Sunset fussing over her.

Author's Note:

I finally got this out! Idk when I'll update, probably soon, but I hope you like it! For anyone who hasn't read the first one, Harmony is the girl in the marching band from Rainbows Pep Rally song.
Happy Hearthswarming!