• Published 24th Dec 2015
  • 291 Views, 7 Comments

Bond of Magic - Dusklight Shadow

Earth has been thrown into an era where humans have magic, Ponies are falling from the sky, and darkness is spreading. Can a young man and his team save Earth from Corrupted, Dark Tyrants, and other monsters that want to have them for lunch?

  • ...

Chapter 1: Magic of... Magic?















“Hello? Is this on?”

A young man appears on screen. He has a thin build, spiky dark-brown hair (almost black) with a jagged streak of violet going through the center, and ice-blue eyes that seem to have a dull glow.

“Ok, good.” He says, “So… I guess I’ll start recording what’s going on right now. So, I guess I’ll start with introductions. *Ahem*, my name is…”

“Yo Chan-Chan whatcha doin’?” a voice calls from off-screen.

The young man looks behind him to an open space in the wall where another figure can be seen. He has short black hair, glasses, a bit of facial hair, brown eyes, and has a wider build than the one recording.

“If you must know Chance, I’m going to start recording the events of what’s happening.”

“Oh, ok. Well, me and Mark are going to get some snacks and order pizza. That is, if that’s alright with you.”

“Yeah, sure, go ahead.”

“Ight, be back in a few.” Chance walks from the opening before the sound of the front door closing can be heard.

The young man turns back to the camera while sighing, “*Sigh*, anyways… my name is Chandler, and some weird things have been happening lately.”

“And by weird, he means that Ponies, that’s right, technicolored Ponies are falling from the sky.” Another figure enters the camera’s view. He has light brown hair that reaches down to his lower neck, hazel eyes, and has a slightly thinner build than the one sitting in front of the camera.

Chandler proceeds to pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration for being interrupted again, “Thank you for elaborating the obvious, Keith.” He looks over at the one now known as Keith in a deadpanned stare, “Now can you please let me continue?”

“Oh, right. Sorry, brah”

“*Sigh*, thank you.” Chandler turns back towards the camera, “Now, as Keith has said, Ponies and other creatures are falling from the sky, and what I’ve gathered earlier today is that tears in reality are appearing in the sky before they disappear. I theorized earlier that something big has happened, and this is causing both our and the Ponies’ universes to start colliding with each other. What is causing this to happen is entirely unknown.”

A third figure enters the camera view, but this figure is a lavender color, dark blue hair with a pink and purple streak going down one side, violet eyes, and is equine in structure.

“Um, why are you talking to that, what is it called, com-pu-ter?” the equine asked, pronouncing the last word.

“I’ll tell you in a bit, Twilight,” the blue-eyed figure told the mare, “but, right now, I need to record this.” He turns back towards the camera before continuing, “*Ahem*, anyways, I should explain exactly the events that occurred yesterday…”

Date: June 16, 2015
Time: 1:05 pm
Location: Florida, Pensacola

I was walking outside back to my house from taking the garbage bin out to the street…, and talking to myself again, “I just don’t see why things have to be the same thing every, single day.”

Yes, I talk to myself often. Call me crazy all you want, but I only do it so that I can rant without people having to listen to me rant, “I mean, it would be nice to have some random thing happen every once –*BOOM!* SON OF A BITCH!!!!” I didn’t get to finish my rant before something made a crash landing in the field next to my house. The shockwave was powerful enough to throw me over the fence into my neighbor’s yard, and my senses were completely blurred for at least a minute.

I regained my senses not too long afterwards, but my ears were still ringing along with my blurred vision. I looked to my left to see that my glasses had been knocked off and completely shattered. I sighed as I picked them up, but they broke in half as soon as I grabbed them.

“Damn,” I cursed under my breath. I threw them back to the ground, knowing that they were completely useless. Luckily, I was only near-sighted on a minor level, so I can still make out large shapes from a distance.

I sat up as soon as I started to recover from the shockwave. I looked around to see that nobody had even come out to investigate, ‘Weird.’ I thought, ‘I guess no one around noticed something fall from the sky… idiots.’

I got back up to my feet and started to make my way towards the impact site. I hopped over the two fences dividing my house from the neighbor’s and the field. I had to move at a relative pace due to some minor injuries, but I managed to reach the crater that was in the middle of the field.

Once I got close to the crater, I could see there was this strange smoke that seemed to be prismatic emanating from the dirt. It was that kind of effect that you see when you look at a foiled Magic: The Gathering card in the sunlight, but smoke shouldn’t do that though… it just wasn’t possible.

As I started to walk closer, the smoke started to clear up so that I could see what impacted the earth…

And what I saw made me freeze with nothing but a dumbfounded expression on my face. Now, I’ll say that a lot of things can be possible, but there are some things in this universe that are so hard to comprehend that your brain needs to shut down and reboot in order to accept that some weird-ass thing is happening right in front of you. With the fact that I’m an open-minded kind of guy gives me the benefit of being able to accept that fact and move on faster than any other person would, but what was happening now caused my brain to reboot slower than normal (about fifteen seconds to my usual ten seconds) along with slight sanity and logic loss.

Luckily, I managed to gain enough sense to grab my phone and call one of my friends. Hopefully he’ll notice the urgency of the matter.




“Come on. Pick up, Mark.”



*Click* ‘Finally!’

“Hello?” Mark finally answered.

“Mark, it’s Chandler, I need you to get Chance and Keith over at my house pronto!”

“Wha- dude, what happened?”

“No time to explain, just do it!”


It only took them about four to five minutes to get to my house and notice me standing in front of the crater. As soon as they got close to where I was standing, Chance exclaimed, “Whoa, that is a big-ass crater!”

“Yeah, but what do you think caused it?” Keith asked before they looked at me in confusion. The only response I gave was to wave them over and point down into the crater.

They walked over so that they were standing next to me, and looked into the crater. What they saw caused them to do the same thing I did moments prior to their arrival. Down there, in the crater, was a lavender coated equine with a dark blue mane and tail with pink and purple highlights going down one side, but what really got us going was the fact that it had a horn and wings. I had to squint in order to confirm that fact, but I eventually saw the horn and wings.

“Um, is that what I think it is?” Chance was the first to speak. I had a good look at the equine from my vantage point, despite that I couldn’t see that many details. I noticed that this thing was smaller than a horse; probably half the size of one. If that were the case, then this thing had to be considered a pony.

“Yep.” I finally said, “That, my friends, is definitely a pony.”

“Dafuq!?” Keith exclaimed, “How the hell did a pony make such a huge-ass crater!?”

“How am I supposed to know?” I retorted, “The thing just crashed down to Earth from the freaking sky!”

“Well, whatever the case, one of us should go down there and see if it’s alive.” Mark interrupted me and Keith’s argument before it escalated.

“Mark’s right.” I agreed, “I say we decide who goes over Rock, Paper, Scissors.”

All three of them nodded to my suggestion, and we got into position.





Mark: Rock
Chance: Rock
Keith: Rock
Chandler: Scissors

“OH, COME ON!” I shouted to the heavens, “What are the chances of that happening!?”

“Welp, looks like Chandler gets to make first contact.” Keith said with a shit-eating grin.

“Yep.” Mark agreed simply.

“Good luck, dude.” Chance excitedly said.

‘Assholes…’ I gave them a deadpanned glare before conceding, “Ugh, fine. But if that thing kicks my head in, guts me with its horn, or fries my ass, then it’s on your heads.”

One thing I knew about horned equines, namely unicorns, is that they are said to have magic and grant wishes, or some shit like that. However, this thing was no normal unicorn that I’ve seen in mythology, and that means I’ll have to be careful. Hell, for all I know this thing could be some kind of eldritch being in a mortal form, and the pretty-purple-pony façade is a way to get your guard down before it blasts you into oblivion and devours your soul.

‘Alright, just go down, see if it’s alive without waking it, and get the hell out of there. Should be simple enough, right?’

With that thought I began to climb my way down into the crater, and almost tripped on some shifting dirt.

It took me about a minute or two to finally get to the bottom of the crater, and, not to my surprise, the pony was knocked out cold. Now that I was closer to it, I was able to look at it in more detail. Its mane and tail were clearly disheveled, the feathers on its wings were all jacked up, and minor scorch marks were only visible as far as injuries go. I also noticed that it had a sort of emblem on its flank: a magenta, six-pointed star with five white, smaller ones surrounding it.

As I was examining it from a safe distance I noticed the slow rise and fall of its body, indicating that it was breathing.

“Well, now I know it’s alive.” I muttered to myself.

Seeing that it won’t be waking up soon, I started walking towards it. As I slowly made my way to the unconscious pony, I started to get this weird feeling come over me. It wasn’t like the kind of feeling where the hair on the back of your neck and arms stand up, and you want to run away out of fear. No, this feeling was different. A part of me was wary, afraid, and anxious; while this other part of me just felt… drawn… to it.

This feeling almost felt like something had possessed me, and then put me in a trance-like state. I wanted to run, but my body just kept moving toward the equine. Oh shit, this is how it lures its prey. I knew this thing was an eldritch abomination in disguise! Now it’s got me trapped in some mind control bullshit, and, when I get close to it, it’s going to suck my soul out, eat my flesh, and then SKULL FUCK THE REMAINS!!!!!!

… Wow, I went to a really morbid place there. Damn, and I wonder why I haven’t gone completely mental for all of these years. My mind can get really dark sometimes.

Initial freak-out aside, I noticed that I didn’t have my soul devoured, or anything else of that sort.

By the time I regained my senses, I was already kneeling over the pony with my finger slowly moving toward the side of its horn. Of course, I still had no control over any of my motor functions. So, I was completely powerless under this strange influence until my finger touched the horn.

‘Huh, I thought something climactic was gonna happen after I…’


Aaaaaand there goes explosion number two of today. I was then thrown back into the wall of the crater like a bloody ragdoll, and I’m surprised that I wasn’t dead because I slammed into that wall at speeds that were equivalent to getting shot out of a cannon at point-blank range. Still, that didn’t stop it from hurting like a bitch.

As I sat there against the side of the crater, I felt this… energy… spread from my finger to my entire body. As soon as it spread to my head, I started to get this feeling of euphoria, and I also began to see different shapes and colors at random.

“Huh, so this is what it feels like to be tripping balls…” I slurred before the world began to darken.

About ten seconds later, I passed out.

I later woke up with a massive headache, and the sunlight coming in from my windows wasn’t helping either. Opening my eyes made things worse as well, seeing that everything looked like someone turned the saturation up to the max. Fortunately, everything started to fade back to its natural coloration, and my migraine seemed to fade away as well.

When my headache disappeared, I sat up noticing the soreness I felt all over my body, but it wasn’t as bad to what I’m used to during my Kyuki-Do classes. I looked around to notice that I was back in my room on my bed.

‘Wait.’ I thought, ‘Was it all a dream?’ I sat there for a bit to ponder the question I just asked myself, ‘If it was a dream, then why did it feel so real?’

I stared out of the window across from me, and noticed that the sun was pretty low in the sky. I looked to my left to see my phone charging on my nightstand, but took time to look at the stuff crowding the small table: my rough draft notebook for my stories, a box of drawing supplies, a sketchbook, a binder with some of my original drawings before I started using the sketchbook, a pencil sharpener, two pirate skulls, an old radio that I don’t even use, a landline that doesn’t work, my Kyuki-Do handbook, and a Sora figurine(KH II if you’re wondering).

I picked up my phone to see what time it was, ‘six o’ clock? Damn, must have stayed up really late last night.’

That was when I noticed something on my hand that wasn’t there to begin with. On the back of both of my hands was a magenta, six-pointed star with five white, smaller stars surrounding it, and what was weird was that it was the same mark as the equine in that dream.

‘What the hell?’ I questioned in my head, ‘When did I get these tattoos?’

I had probably been staring at my hands for about a minute before deciding to get up. I walked into the bathroom, and turned on the sink to see if I can wash them off. Unfortunately, they didn’t seem to be coming off, but what I noticed is that the marks didn’t seem to be raised up like a tattoo. I lifted my left sleeve to compare the marks to my actual tattoo, and, sure enough, the elvish script on my arm was slightly raised up and somewhat faded. The marks on my hands seemed to be part of my skin, and they weren’t faded either.

Things got even weirder when I look up into the mirror, and I stood there slack-jawed. What I saw in the mirror was me, but I looked different. My brown hair had become darker, spiked, longer, and had a jagged violet streak going down the center. My grayish-blue eyes were now a piercing ice-blue, and when I turned off the light my irises seemed to glow with its own light.

‘Ok, now I’m getting freaked out here. This has to be a prank, right?’ At this point, I started questioning my own sanity.

I stood there for, I believe, five minutes staring at my reflection, but I was soon brought out of my stupor when I heard foot…, ‘Wait, those aren’t footsteps.’

Indeed, the sound was not what footsteps should sound like, but, instead, it sounded like… the clopping of hooves? The sound soon became louder until it stopped… right behind me.

I slowly turned around…

… Only to see nothing, “Whew, for a minute there I thought something was behind me.”


The sound of someone clearing their throat made my mind freeze, but what was odd was that it sounded feminine.

‘Wait, my parents and sister are out of town,’ I thought, ‘but who made that noise?’

“Um, down here.” A female voice spoke.

I slowly look down to the source of the voice, but what met my gaze was the exact same lavender pony from what I thought was a dream.

“Uhhhh, hi?” I said, wearing the worst poker face have ever had in my life.

“Um, yes, hello.” The pony greeted, “My name is Twilight Sparkle, and what is your name?”

Now, I will say again that I’m an open-minded guy, but the fact that this pony just talked was something that caused my brain to reboot twenty times. I mean, it’s not every day that you meet face to face with a talking, purple, winged-unicorn… thing. Wish I knew a word to identify it, er, her as.

‘Hmmm, Twilight Sparkle.’ I thought over the name, ‘Interesting name.’

“Well, it’s not that interesting of a name.” Twilight suddenly said, “Although, I have met some Ponies with some weird names…”

“Wait, what? You actually heard that?”

“Um, yes…? You said that my name was interesting, didn’t you?”

Ok, right now, I was starting to lose more of what little sanity I had left at this point. Not only did this mare just now started talking, but she just now started reading my thoughts. On top of that, why am I so calm through all of this? I guess I’m already insane enough to embrace the weird. Oh well, sanity was boring anyways, and it should be interesting now that he’s on vacation.

We probably stood there in an awkward silence for about a minute before I shook myself out of my stupor and spoke, “Um, ok, we’ll come back to that subject later. Anyways, my name is Chandler, and it’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Sparkle.”

I held out my hand with Twilight doing the same with her hoof in a firm shake.

“You can just call me Twilight.” She said, obviously not the type for formalities.

She then took notice of the tattoos on my hands with a confused look before asking, “Um, if I might ask, why do you have my Cutie Mark on your hands?”

I lift up my right hand to look at the mark, “I’m not sure.” I replied, “I don’t ever remember having a mark like this.” I then turn back to my reflection, “Come to think of it,” I pondered, crossing my arms, “My hair wasn’t like this before, nor did I have ice-blue, glowing eyes.”

It was weird as I thought about it. A normal human shouldn’t have natural hair that looked like it came out of an anime. A normal human shouldn’t have eyes that had such an unnatural shade of blue that glowed without wearing contacts. A normal human shouldn’t have marks on their hands that seem to be part of their natural pigment.

“And I can guess you didn’t have a tail either?” Twilight asked.

I got a bit worried at what she said, and I turned around to see what she was talking about. Lo and behold, there was a tail with the same primary and secondary colors and style as my hair dangling behind me. As I stared at it, I decided on the oldest and most reliable scientific method to see if things are legit.

I began poking it, multiple times.

Sure enough, every time I poked it, I could feel my finger touching the actual tail under all the hair, and it twitched as well as I continued poking it.

I had a horse tail.



A horse tail…

I’m not human anymore…

I probably stood there staring at the foreign object that is now my tail for about three minutes. All in vain attempt to calm myself, ‘Ok Chandler, don’t freak out.’ Emphasis on vain, ‘Don’t… freak… oooooooouuuuuuuut.’

“Um, Chandler, are you ok?” Twilight asked, she was sitting on the floor and her face was full of concern.

“Yes Twilight, I’m… perfectly… fine…” I replied, my voice barely mumbling at the end.

“Um, you don’t look fine. Are you sure you’re alright?”

“Yeah, perfectly fine.” My right eye twitched, “I’m just… gonna go lay down for a bit.” I walked past Twilight and headed back into my room, my head hung low and my, now long, bangs covering my eyes.

I climbed into my bed, my face remaining stoic. I kept staring at the wall on the opposite side of my bed, and asking myself the same questions over and over. Who am I now? I’m not even human, so what does that make me? What would the others think?

My mind was going over one-thousand miles per hour, but things started to make less sense the more I tried to fathom what was going on. I guess you would say that this was the start of my descent into madness, but the bad kind.

I, again, hear the sound of hoofsteps come into my room and stop behind me. I knew it was Twilight being concerned about me, but I didn’t feel like talking to anyone.

“Chandler?” she called.

I stayed silent.

“Are you sure you’re alright?”

‘Why is she so concerned about me?’ I thought, completely forgetting that my thoughts are no longer safe.

“I’m concerned because you seem like that you’re about to have a panic attack, and, trust me, I think I know a thing or two about those.”

Seeing no way out of this conversation, I finally conceded to telling what was on my mind. I tried to find the right words to say without completely flipping out, “I just…” I took a deep breath to try and compose myself, “What am I now? I’m sure as hell not human. So what does that make me?”

Twilight didn’t say anything, but I knew she was listening. So I continued, “My whole life, in mere moments, has become this giant… cluster-fuck of events that’s making me question my entire existence!” I heard Twilight wince at my choice of words, but I couldn’t think of anything better to describe my predicament.

However, I was on a roll, “I mean, first you fall out of the bloody sky. I get blown up twice, TWICE! And to top it all off; I get turned into some human-horse hybrid that somehow has glowing eyes! I feel like that I just want to… to… RAAAAAAAGH!!!!!” I suddenly shot up after feeling this sort of… power… rise from within me. I shot my left hand forward, and a spike made of pure ice that was the size of a football shot forward and impaled my TV.

Me and Twilight were shocked after my outburst resulted in me skewering the TV. I looked down at my hand and saw that it was glowing with an ice-blue, aura-like mist with black particles swirling around. What I also noticed was that the elvish script on my arm was emitting the same color light as the mist, but Twilight was too focused on the Icy Spear to notice.

“Um… what the hell just happened?” I asked to no one in particular.

“I think… that you just used a level six Cryomancy spell.” Twilight answered nonetheless, still in shock.

“So…” I began, becoming excited over the fact I just used magic, “does this mean I can use magic now?”

“It seems so…” Twilight seemed to be deep in thought while studying the icicle as it slowly evaporated.

I started to feel dizzy and I flopped back down onto my pillow as I groaned from nausea. Now the room was spinning, and I felt like I was going to puke at any moment. On top of that, I started to get a minor headache, and this caused me to groan again. Twilight took notice and became concerned again.

“Are you ok?” she asked.

“Yeah…” I groaned, feeling like complete shit, “I think I’m getting magical backlash from using mana for the first time.”

She looked at me curiously, “What do you mean ‘for the first time’? You’ve never cast a spell before?”

I chuckled weakly, “No, our world doesn’t have magic. Well, not until today that is.”

Twilight became shocked at that, “Your world doesn’t have magic, but how does your kind even survive!?”

“Mainly technology and other things, but can we have this conversation later? I feel exhausted, and I think the backlash is causing a headache.”

Her ears became pressed to her head, and she rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof. She also bore a sheepish smile while blushing from embarrassment, and, I can’t help but say this, she looked fucking adorable.

No, that’s not in the sense you’re thinking about. I’m talking about the kind of adorable like… um… well I can’t think of anything as a comparison, but you get the point. She’s adorable in a different sense, and not what you were thinking! Weirdos…

Anyways, Twilight regained her composure after a few seconds, “Well, I’ll let you get some rest to get over the backlash. I’ll say, from experience, that magical backlash isn’t fun, believe me.”

“Thanks Twi.” I looked over to her for a second, “You don’t mind if I call you ‘Twi’, right?”

She shook her head, “I don’t mind. In fact, most of my friends call me that.”

I looked at her with a raised eyebrow, “Now we're friends? We only met just a few minutes ago.”

She shrugged while smiling, “You seem to be a nice enough person. Plus, now that you can use magic I can teach you how to use it properly.”

I smirk, starting to feel drowsy, “Fair enough. Well, I guess I’ll see you in the morning?”

She nodded before making her way to my door, “Good night.”

“Night…” I reply, already half asleep.

I heard my door close before I let sleep take over.

Author's Note:

Finally!!!! It's done!

So, yes, I do apologize for the delay on this chapter, but I have had a lot of crap going on. One being that I recently got a job, and the rest of my excuses is mainly due to procrastination and/or things out of my control.

But! I finally got this thing done, and it will be the start of an adventure that I am very excited about!

In other news: I'm still doing the OC Audition for later chapters in this story. So be sure to PM me if you wish to submit an OC. Just be sure to look on the blog post I made about the audition first. It has some important rules that you may want to look at.

Also, I have free spaces for people who want to make Infused for Applejack and Fluttershy. I just can't seem to figure what characters to go with them. So I thought, "Hey! Why not have the readers have a chance to join the adventure with the Elements of Honesty and Kindness as their partners?" So now you, the readers, have a chance to have an Infused of your creation become a member of Dusklight's team! Again, if you want to submit an Infused, look at my blog post for the OC Audition. The Infused character creation rules are there.

Well, that's it for now! It is currently 3:40 am, and I'm running on nothing but Kit-Kats and good feelings!

So be sure to like, favorite, or follow if you enjoyed!

Pinkie! Join me on the outtro!

Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reading!!!!!!