• Published 24th Dec 2015
  • 290 Views, 7 Comments

Bond of Magic - Dusklight Shadow

Earth has been thrown into an era where humans have magic, Ponies are falling from the sky, and darkness is spreading. Can a young man and his team save Earth from Corrupted, Dark Tyrants, and other monsters that want to have them for lunch?

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Prologue: Magic of Insult

Date: November 15, 2017
Time: 10:05 pm
Location: North Dakota, Mundane settlement

“You Infused are nothing but a bunch of softies. You and your so called ‘partners’ are giving us humans a bad name.” The man in front of me was standing up; to the point he was towering over me. He seemed to think he could intimidate me, but I had one thing that humans don’t.

I have magic.

“You and your kind don’t belong here. Now get out before I throw you out myself” he growled, failing at his attempt to get me to run with my literal tail between my legs. There are a lot of things that used to scare me about humans, but ever since The Great Pulse I failed see how people like this guy could be intimidating. However, I’m not here for a fight, and I don’t plan on getting into one either.

“Look, I’m not here for any trouble” I said as calmly as I could, “I’m just here to pick up some food and supplies for my team. After I get what I came for, I’ll be out of your hair.”

This seemed to piss him off further as he growled and leaned to get within inches of my face, “We don’t serve any of you Pony loving freaks” he growled, “Now get out of here before I deal with you myself.” I was starting to get extremely angry with this guy blatantly insulting my kind like this, and at this point my mana was starting to flare through my blood. There are a lot of things I don’t like: Corrupted, Changelings, Behemoths, and an Infused hating human is one of those things.

‘That’s it, I’ve had it!’ I charged the man with the speed of five combined cheetahs, and pinned him to the wall with a strength that my thin figure shouldn’t have against the burly idiot. I looked up to see his terrified face as I held him by the throat, and gave him the most intimidating scowl I could muster. I stood there with rising anger before speaking, “How dare you insult my kind like that. Just because we have bonds with ponies that are normally peaceful doesn’t mean that we’re gonna let you step all over us. We’ve seen what our partners can do if they their minds to it, and I would be damned to say that mine is somepony helpless. Do you even know that kind of shit I have to go through to keep this damn world from collapsing!?” My voice was starting to rise in tone as I spoke through my anger, “I’ve had to fight tyrants from another dimension (that have been affected by Nega-mana no less) in order to protect your sorry asses, and this is the thanks our kind gets when you lowlife MUNDANES just sit around and do nothing!?” I emphasized the word “Mundane” as an insult. See, the Mundanes are what you would expect: normal humans that haven’t bonded with a Pony. They are people who don’t have any magical abilities, and this makes them rely on the magi-tech that the Infused have developed. However, a large majority of Mundanes blame the Infused for the loss of technology on Earth, and this led to an uproar toward the Infused.

The Infused are humans that actually have bonded with a Pony, and with this bond we have developed Earth, Sky, and Arcane abilities. The first time a human became an Infused it created a magic pulse that spread across the world, and this allowed us to draw mana from the ambient surroundings. Unfortunately, at the same time that this happened, it also disrupted all of Earth’s electronics, machines, and it somehow made our firearms useless. This caused a massive chain reaction that sent most of the planet into panic: hospitals were losing patients, governments collapsed, everything led to an age that we know as The Fallout. When the world started to hear about the Infused they figured out that it was the magic pulses that we produce when we create a bond with the Ponies that came to Earth, and this led to humans blaming our kind for what happened back then.

The Ponies are what you would expect: they’re Ponies. However, compared to the ones native to Earth, these are sentient with a variety of shapes and colors. There are four types: Earth Ponies that have incredible durability, stamina, and strength; these created the Terra-Infused. Pegasi that show outstanding speed, agility, and have the ability of flight; they created the Aero-Infused. Unicorns that possess marvelous magical capabilities through spellweaving; they created the Arcana-Infused. Finally, the rarest of them all: Alicorns that wield the attributes of all three; they create what is known as a Meta-Infused.

The man in my grasp continued to struggle, but was incapable of escape due to my Terra-Infused strength.

“Screw you and your damn Ponies.” he gasped, struggle for air in my death grip, “It was your kind’s fault that we lost our technology with that pulse. *gasp* Why should we do anything for you after your kind screwed us over?”

At this point I was charging my Shock spell to teach this lowlife a lesson for insulting my kind and our partners, but was cut off when I noticed that my spell cancelled out. I looked down at my hand to notice a magenta glow surrounding it.

‘A Mana Block spell.’ I thought, ‘There’s only one individual I know who is capable of doing that.’


I looked up to see the source of the mana block, and, to my displeasure, there stood a lavender Pony with a horn and wings. Her horn was glowing with the same magenta aura as the spell on my hand, and her face showed signs of anger, disappointment, and worry. Angry that I would attack another person, disappointed that I couldn’t keep myself in check, and worried that seeing her friend like this would cause lasting damage to everyone in this room, including myself. With an irritated sigh, I addressed the Alicorn, “Twilight, I thought I told you to stay at the inn.”

Twilight Sparkle, she was one of the first of many Ponies to arrive on Earth two years ago, and was also one of the first to experience The Pulse that caused us to become bound to each other. From what gathered over the past two years, I found out that the phenomenon known as The Pulse is what caused us to become infused with pony magic, but it also, for reasons unknown, caused us to become magically bound to each other through first physical contact.

The Unicorns gave us the ability to draw in mana from our ambient surroundings, and taught us how to manipulate it through our very being to create spells. The Pegasi granted us enhanced speed, agility, and reflexes; along with the ability to glide for periods of time. The Earthbounds gifted us with inhuman strength, durability, and, due to the legs becoming stronger, the ability to negate fall damage and increased jump height.

As you can tell I’m an Infused, but, as you can see, I’m bound to Twilight who is an Alicorn. So yeah, that means I’m a Meta-Infused, but I’m also the only known Meta in existence so far.

You’re probably wondering how I became an Infused. Well, it all started about two years ago…

Author's Note:

So, here it is! My new story that I'm going to write while SOTM is on hiatus. I hope that this story will get farther than I did with my first one, and I'm also excited for the whole storyline that I have for this universe. I've also decided that I want to get some OC's in here for side characters; whether it be Infused, Pony, Changeling, I don't care! Send in your OC's and I'll try to get them into the story later on!

On a side note: I am open to questions that you people might have pertaining to the story, or things related to it. If you have a question, please PM me or put it in the comments. Also, I'm going to be making posts pertaining to the profiles on the lead characters, so look out for those.

I hope you enjoyed the start of my next creation, and be sure to like if you did!

Thanks for reading!