• Published 26th Dec 2015
  • 178 Views, 0 Comments

The Rarer of Encounters - Ponyess

A group of three people had entered Rarity’s Boutique, one of which inquired and then promptly made an extensive order from her. With explicit detail and exact and intimate details; the question is obvious, even when the request is unusual.

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Encounter: 1 (1)

Author's Note:

Rarity's POV

I had just had a cup of tea, as I was taking a short break; as I hear the chimes from the door, when someone was entering the Boutique.

As I hastily finish what I had for my hands, before I walked out of my small kitchen; facing what I had heard, the three girls. At first, there is nothing special about them; from what I could see; but the eye can be wrong.

“You are Rarity, the owner and Mare running this fine establishment?” the first of the three inquired courteously.

“Yes, I am Rarity; how can I help you?” I responded.

“You see; we need a set of a dozen suit, with special accessories. If you can create what we need; I am prepared to pay for both time and materials, to the full extent. There is a Bonus in the deal, for you; but we can go into that, if you choose to accept the order. Here are the specifications and details!” she prompted.

“Let me see?” I inquired, looking over the fine sketches and all the measurements.

“Certainly!” she merely responded, pointing out what was involved.

“I could craft these; all according to the specified details, on the sheet you gave me!” I responded.

“Then we shall take up no more of your valuable time. Just call me, when you have the full set ready for delivery. We will be here within a day, from the instant you call!” she prompted.

“I am looking forwards to see you, by that time!” I responded.

“Good day, and I will see you shortly!” she responded, as she walked out the door.


I had called her late, last night. As expected, she had been thrilled to extatic to hear the good news of the order. The core of the suit is basically just a cat suit; made out of black, seamless rubber, just with a zipper all the way along the spine. Visually; there is nothing special to it, short of a three foot tail. The suit will just cover the wearer from the neck, down.

The second part; the accessories, would be a very different matter altogether. Each set will include a pair full-length of gloves and stockings respectively; with Pony hooves, Cow hooves, Deer hooves, Cat paws and finally; Human hands and feet. A very curious suit; if I am permitted to say so, myself. Yet, I will not make any remarks; I have crafted what she asked of me, which I am now ready to deliver when she is coming over to pick it up.

The door to my Boutique swung up, with the merry sounds of the chimes; and the same girl who had ordered the suit eagerly entered the room, beaming a wide grin at me.

Naturally, I had packaged all the suits for her to carry out with her upon delivery. A large, light beige and innocent looking outer box; with individually packaged suit and accessories.

“Greetings, I take it you have my order ready for delivery!” she prompted; as I came out, into the store.

“Greetings. Certainly, all packaged and ready for you to pick up!” I responded.

She afforded a careful glance for the last of the suits, and the accompanying accessories; before handing me the cash for the entire order in full.

“Thank you, Rarity. These are quite satisfactory. One small detail!” she added, as she slipped me a card.

“You are quite welcome. I hope to see you in my Boutique, any time you need anything; privately, or for your group!” I prompted.

I glanced at the card, originally expecting a regular to expensive calling card; but what I find is a bland to inconspicuous members card to some exclusive group. Most likely the one she had ordered the suits for in the first place.

No idea as to what it would cost to acquire, if it was even possible to pay for a membership in cash in the first place. Going by the style of the suits she had ordered, these are not something you wear on the street, or even like to outsiders to see you wear.

On the front of the card, I could easily read my own name and address; right along with a few other details. Nothing too private or intimate, so I guess I don’t need to worry. First the back of the card looks like ordinary white paper, if expensive; but nothing out of the expected. Once the card came under special light; I can see the address to the club of which I had been granted membership, and a few other details like a phone number. Of course, as a member; I may need to call them on occasion, for various reasons.

Curious, I made the effort and crafted a suit for myself; just on the off chance I wanted to go there, and see the place for myself. I imagine the people could be interesting. People in this kind of secret organization are known to be eccentric, powerful and rich; at least, that is the general image of them, on the outside. If I am a member, I could as well find out, just who they were, and what they are all about.

The only question is; do I go along, or am I permitted to take a guest with me. In the end; I chose to go alone, while wearing the suit under my regular dress. I had chosen one set of accessories, carrying that in my saddle bags. I may have picked the wrong set, if there was a rule on an order in which to wear them. On that note, it could simply have been up to me which set I am wearing. I expected them, not to look particularly kindly to mixing the sets up; so I had chosen the equine set, pure and simple.

As I arrived at the address, I see what looks like a regular residential entrance. I open the door and step right in, only to face the choice between an elevator and the staircase. I chose the elevator, expecting a long and challenging climb to the top floor. Once inside; I can see what looks like a card reader; aside from a dial, like on the mobile phone in my pocket. I slip the card in; and is greeted by a cheerful, courteous effeminate, voice.

“Greetings, Ms. Rarity! Welcome!” came over the unseen speakers.

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