• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 955 Views, 14 Comments

A Hearth's Warming Carol - Little-Miss-Minty

Discord takes the place of Ebenezer Scrooge in this My Little Pony version of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol"

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Hearth's Warming is Humbug

It was cold. Very, very cold. Like, make-your-muzzle-red and make-your-hooves-frosted cold.

Discord hated this weather. And not just because his horns practically froze off.

Everyone loved this time of year. In fact, there was so much love, that some ponies older than him had created The Fire of Friendship with their love. Ridiculous. Simply ridiculous!

But if Discord was to be completely, totally honest with himself, he hated Hearth's Warming because he was lonely.

But heck! He was the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, and the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony couldn't be lonely! He wasn't like those commoner ponies! There was no draconequus tribe to help light the hearth, and he liked it that way!

No, actually, he hated it that way.

But he put his head high each year, and decided that Hearth's Warming was just a whole bunch of humbug.

Wonderful. Simply Wonderful. Discord rolled his eyes as he opened the door to the room that Celestia had always let him sleep in, whenever he wanted to. It was his room of the Canterlot Castle. His home away from home. And surprisingly, it was hardly chaotic. Just a melancholy room, with a small wooden desk and chair, a bed, and a dresser; all a old, sad, solid, oak color. This is where he would spend his lonesome Hearth's Warming eve. Fun.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Discord grumbled a "Come in..." and Pinkie Pie stepped in, her hair bounding with her.

"Hi-ya there, Discord!" Pinkie smiled, as she always did,

"Why hello there... Pinkie," Discord sighed. He didn't have the energy to put up with such a hyperactive pony.

"Merry Hearth's Warming!" Pinkie went over and hugged the sad draconequus, wrapping her forehooves around him.

He squirmed as she squished. "Pinkie... get...off...of..." he managed to get out; with a last twitch, he was out of her embrace.

"What?" She cocked her head. "I'm just trying to spread some holiday cheer!"

"Yeah?" Discord put his mismatched hands on his hips. "Well... this draconequus doesn't need any holiday cheer, thank you." He rolled his eyes.

"Discord," Pinkie looked sad. "Why... why are you such a grumpy-pants?"

Discord gritted his teeth. "Why? Why?! Because Hearth's Warming is humbug! Nothing! Pointless!" His left eye twitched.

Pinkie sighed. "Oh... I didn't know you felt that way."

He looked down, trying to get his anger level lower. "Now Pinkie, please, just leave me alone."

Dejected, Pinkie walked out. "Well... have a nice Hearth's Warming."

Just as Pinkie exited, somepony else entered. It was Fluttershy, and Discord suddenly became overjoyed. Was she going to invite him over for Hearth's Warming? That would be wonderful! Maybe he wouldn't be so lonely after all.

"Hello, Discord." Fluttershy smiled, and looked up at her friend.

Discord tried to smile, but it ended up more of an awkward growl-y gritt-y grin. "Hi Fluttershy."

Fluttershy blushed a little. "May... may I ask you a question?"

"Why, of course! Anything, Fluttershy!" He flipped and landed in the air on his stomach, so his head was level to her's. Discord was ready to accept her invitation.

"Would you like to donate a few bits to my Animals in Need Association?" She asked.

Nothing! No invitation to celebrate Hearth's Warming! She wanted him to give money to her poor, precious animals. She didn't think once about her poor, precious draconequus! What kind of friend was this Fluttershy?

"Donate?" Discord righted himself on his mismatched feet. "Donate?! You want me to donate to your animals?!" He couldn't help himself anymore. Fluttershy was kind, sure, but he sure wasn't feeling very kind right now.

Fluttershy looked down, slightly embarrassed. She tried to explain. "Well, it is the holiday season and all... it's the time of year to be generous." She then added, "It's okay if you say no..."

"It's okay if I say no? Then NO, Fluttershy, I will not donate to your pathetic little animals."

Fluttershy stared at him in disbelief.

"What? Do I need to spell it out for you?" Discord made two large red letters appear in the air. "N-O. No. The answer is no, Fluttershy!" Discord swatted at the letters and they disappeared to mist. "Maybe, you should go and bother Rarity, she's the Element of Generosity, after all." He rolled his eyes.

"Wh-wh..." Fluttershy ran out of Discord's room in tears.

Then, he started to feel regretful. He didn't mean to come across so snappy and mean. "Fluttershy!" He called, but she was already too far away.

"Bah, humbug."

One of Celestia's Guards knocked on Discord's door.

Discord grumbled a "yes?" He was face-flat on his pillow, currently annoyed at life.

"Excuse me, Mr. Discord, but Celestia and Luna would like you to come down and join them in their Hearth's Warming Eve feast," the guard said. His voice was deep and stern. The kind of voice that wouldn't ever waver in the face of danger.

"Okay, okay, whatever," He got up, and snapped his fingers to make the bed. Discord dragged himself to the door and opened it, only to be greeted by the guard.

"I will escort you to the dining hall." The guard nodded his head and started down the hall, Discord following mindlessly. He was not looking forward to this dinner.

Discord played with the lettuce leaves of his salad. He had hardly eaten anything of this so-called feast.

"Are you feeling alright, Discord?" Celestia asked, generally worried about him.

"Fine, fine. I'm fine." Discord continued to stab the lettuce with the fork and let go of it. He flipped it over and stabbed it again.

Luna looked skeptically at the draconequus. "It appears to me that you are sad. You are in need of being cheered up."

"Luckily," Celestia said, "the Young Yearling Choir is going to be here momentarily. I'm sure that will cheer you up, Discord!" Celestia smiled in her regal way. Boy, did Discord hate that.

"May... may I be excused?" Discord stood up.

Nodding her head, Celestia said, "of course."

Discord got up, and walked. He wandered the halls alone, hearing the angelic voices of the Young Yearlings from time to time. Eventually, he settled in his bedroom, and decided to go to sleep.

He flopped down on his bed, pulled the covers over himself, fluffed the pillow, and drifted off to dreamworld.