• Published 8th Jul 2016
  • 1,362 Views, 36 Comments

End of the Beginning: Darkness Falls - NerdyByrd

So far Equestria's is moving along just find. So why is Rainbow Dash constantly looking over her shoulder? Why is she suddenly afraid the shadows are going to come and get her? That's crazy! Right?

  • ...

Dream Walking

Rainbow Dash had already given the description of the colts, and had told Princess Luna and Rainbow Dash's friends about what had happened in her dreams. Even when there was still awkwardness between them, they were terrified for her. Twilight was interested by how Rainbow Dash's dreams worked.

"So you're awake while you're dreaming."

Rainbow Dash shrugged," Yup, and I can remember every detail too."

Twilight shook her head," Sounds like a lucid dream."

Rainbow Dash couldn't shake a strange feeling," It has to be more than that. It's to vivid and it feels so real."

Twilight took out a spell book," Well, if you're correct about the dream being something more, maybe this spell can help. If you really did visit the Dream Realm, you'll go back to sleep and revisit."

"Okay", Rainbow Dash said nodding her head

"So, lay right there on that sofa", Twilight said pointing at a blue couch," and I will cast the spell when you're ready."

Rainbow Dash propped herself on the couch, staring back up at the ceiling. Got a little nervous about the spell. She worried that Twilight might mess it up. So instead, Rainbow Dash focused on the shadows. She tried making figures out of them. When Rainbow Dash was calmed, she nodded to give Twilight the signal.

"This may feel a little like a pinch", Twilight cautioned.

As Twilight's magic aura began to glow, Rainbow Dash felt a slight pull on her brain. At first, sleep didn't come. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash's eyes began to get heavy as she return to the dream world for the hundredth millionth time.


"Rainbow Dash, what you doing here."

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes, and found Color Streak standing before her. His mane and tail was ruff and wild looking, and his wings seemed battered. He was scarred from head to hoof.

"Are you okay", Rainbow Dash asked terrified.

"I'm fine", Color Streak insisted," I may appear injured, but I'm not in pain. The Dream Realm does this sometimes. Outward appearances mean nothing here."

Rainbow Dash watched as his scars disappeared, his wings returned to perfect condition, and his mane once more became scruffy, but retained to a certain level neatness. Color Streak gave her a smug look.

"Although, you naïve ponies of this era wouldn't know that."

Rainbow Dash scowled at him, angry that Color Streak tried to belittle her, but her smile returned. After all, he did it very smoothly. Color Streak smile widen, then disappeared completely.

"Seriously though, why are you here", he asked suspiciously.

"Princess Luna found out about you and my dreams and... wait," Rainbow Dash stopped, thinking about what he said," What does 'of this era' mean, huh?"

"You know. The Age of Friendship", Color Streak said nudging her. Then after a moment or two, his smile disappeared," You don't even know what time period this would be consider."

"No, not really. We don't keep up with things like that."

"You are pathetic."


Rainbow Dash's smile quickly turn into a frown. How dare he call her pathetic! But before she could say a word, her vision started growing dark. She watched as Color Streak began to say something to her before all went dark. Sadly, she couldn't hear the words.


Rainbow Dash opened her eyes. She sat up, rubbing her throbbing head. Geez, why didn't Twilight tell me it was going to give me a headache? Rainbow Dash stood up notice one thing that was wrong.

The room was empty.

"Hello? Twilight? Princess Luna? Somepony", Rainbow Dash called out, but nopony answered.

Rainbow Dash slid off the couch. She began to leave the room when she notice a paper on a table in the corner of the room. She picked up the paper, and read the title.

The Story of The Tamed

Rainbow Dash stared at it. Why does this title seem so familiar? She continued to read it.

Once upon a time, there was two princesses. The ruled over the land and brought peace and harmony. Princess Lucy was the younger sister. Everyday she brought forth the sun, and kept the ponies, or the Day Dwellers, happy. The elder sister, Princess Moon, brought forth the moon every night, keeping peace with the Night Dwellers. One day, Princess Lucy declared that she would take in the Night Dwellers; the creatures of the dark. The Changelings, the Werewolves, the Bat Ponies, and the Halflings. She would Tame them. It meant that she would make them civilized, like ponies. Princess Moon did not agree with this. She claimed the Tamed would only be Tamed for so long. Soon the wild in them would resurface only more terrifying. Princess Lucy insisted, so the Night Dwellers were introduced to the Day Dwellers. At first the Day Dwellers were frighten by the change, but soon grew accustomed to it. But then, as Princess Moon predicted, some of the Night Dwellers lost it. Princess Lucy was baffled by this. She later asked her sister way the Night Dwellers became this way. Princess Moon simply looked at her replied," They are ponies. They may looked different, but they are just like you and me. And sometimes, hiding what you truly are can drive a pony mad." From that day forth, the princesses allowed only the Night Dwellers to come out at night, so they could let their true self free. So could let what they really were be seen on the outside. Because in place like this, to ponies, looks only matter. And some can't see past them.

Hey, I remember this, Rainbow dash thought. This was a short version of one of the many stories her dad use to tell her. She loved this story as a filly. It made her wonder about the Night Dwellers. It made her sad, knowing that ponies didn't like the Night Dwellers' true selves. She knew how it felt, hiding who she really was. Sometimes, she felt like she couldn't do it anymore. Then fear kicked in, making her feel like there was no choice. Rainbow Dash pushed the thoughts away. She looked down at the bottom of the paper.

That is one of the stories you asked for. The others will come soon. I still do not know why you want to know about our history. It never interested you before. After all you said they were just fables; stories. Nothing more.


TD? Whose TD?

Rainbow Dash put it back down. She walked to the door and cracked it open. She looked around for her friends, Princess Luna, or any guards. Left, nopony. Right, nopony. The hall was empty, and not voice could be heard. Rainbow Dash walked down the hall, passing room after room. It was as if everypony just... disappeared. Finally, she reached the throne room, but... Princess Celestia wasn't there. No guards, no Princess Luna, and no friends. She open the doors to leave the castle.

Nopony. Empty. Canterlot was abandon. It frighten Rainbow Dash.

Come Rainbow, stay sane, Rainbow Dash thought to herself. There has to be reasonable answer to this.

I know! We were attacked, cried the reasonable part of Rainbow Dash's brain cried.

Why did your friends leave you, huh, the rage part growled.

Maybe they couldn't get to you in time, Reasonable answered back.

They were in the same room, Rage yelled.

What if something happened to them, a lost voice know as Fear trickled into her mind.

Rainbow Dash began to sink to the floor as her brain began to argue with itself. She hated when this happened. There was so many voices, so many thoughts, but it only left her confused. And when this happened, there was only one way to make them stop.

"I don't know", Rainbow Dash whispered. They all became silent, not saying a single word. She stood up and continued walking down the lonely path to the train station. Hopefully, she will find the somepony who would tell her what was going on.


"A true, true friend helps a friend in need", sang at the top of her lungs.

She been singing every song she knew, from lullabies to songs she hadn't heard in six years. There was an eerie quiet that hung over the town. There was nopony in Canterlot, so she traveled to Ponyville. Just like before, there was nopony, but it wasn't the only thing that frighten her. There was no noise. No birds chirping, no distant chatter of ponies, and no soft call of any animals. Just Rainbow Dash's voice, the soft sound of the clopping of her hooves, and the whistling wind.

It was too much to take.

"No. No, no, no, no, no, no. This isn't real. This is not real. This is a..."

Rainbow Dash stopped.

"This is a dream", she whispered.

Suddenly, the ground broke beneath her. Rainbow Dash fell, and a scream ripped through her lungs, probably damaging her vocal cords. She felt a warm sensation from the bottom of her hooves to the tips of her ears. Then, the warm sensation felt like fire, burning through her skin and melting her insides. Her head pound as she grew dizzy. She continue screaming, praying to wake up.


Rainbow Dash shoot up. She was pouring sweat. Her head throbbed, and her chest felt as if a knife was slicing her lungs. After a moment, the pain eased out of her chest. Then she felt somepony place their hoof on her shoulder. Rainbow Dash turned her head around, and found Twilight standing behind her. Twilight's wings were slightly unfolded, and she wore a worried expression.

"Rainbow Dash, are you okay?"

"No. Not really", Rainbow Dash said shaking her head.

"What happened?"

"I saw one of the colts again. Color Streak. Then, I went to this place. It was Equestria, except nopony was there. It was...", Rainbow Dash paused as a shiver went down her spine," It was scary."

Twilight shook her head," I don't understand. The spell wasn't supposed to that."

"It is part of the Dream Realm."

Rainbow Dash and Twilight's looked at the doorway and found Princess Luna standing there. Princess Luna carrying a stack of papers with her magic. She walked towards a table that sat in the corner. And picked up a piece of paper, putting it in the stack with the other papers. Princess Luna looked at Rainbow Dash and Twilight, and gazed out the window.

"You must leave now. I have to have a talk with my sister."

"Yes Princess Luna", Rainbow Dash and Twilight said at the same time.

They left the room, and the guards lead them out of the castle. To Rainbow Dash's surprise she saw Twister and Lightening standing at the gates waiting. Oh crap, I forgot about them! I am the worst friend/sister ever, she thought as she ran to them. Rainbow Dash immediately tried to explain.

"Oh, Twister I am so, so sorry! I didn't mean too leave you behind! I just was trying to hurry and get to Wonderbolt practice, and then Princes Luna came, and then she wanted me come with her, and the-"

"It's okay", Twister said with smile.


Rainbow Dash sighed with relief. At least Twister wasn't mad at her. She knew if she gone and done that to A.J., she never would of been forgiven that quickly. Rainbow Dash gave him smile. She looked down at Lightening and ruffled his mane.

"Hey squirt."

Lightening laughed," Dashie, where we going now?"

"Well...", Twilight began," Rarity had new ideas for our knew Grand Galloping Gala dresses."

"Cool", Rainbow Dash said flatly. Rarity made nice dresses, it was the fact that Rainbow Dash didn't like trying on clothes. She never had. She remembered her mom trying to get her into some cute outfit, and then Rainbow Dash would just pout and whine.

"Come on Dashie! I want to see you in a dress," Lightening said excitedly," I bet you're pretty."

"Aw, thank you Lightening", Rainbow Dash said as Twilight let out a snicker.

"Okay everypony", Twilight said smiling," Off to Rarity's we go!"

Rainbow Dash followed Twilight, Twister, and Lightening to Rarity's, but a haunting thought in her head kept her from joining their laughter. She didn't know why, but she always had that feeling that her mom and dad were hiding something. And today, that feeling was stronger than ever. And tonight was the Grand Galloping Gala. Whatever was, going on was going to happen tonight. Whatever it was... it was bad. Very, very bad