• Published 8th Jul 2016
  • 1,363 Views, 36 Comments

End of the Beginning: Darkness Falls - NerdyByrd

So far Equestria's is moving along just find. So why is Rainbow Dash constantly looking over her shoulder? Why is she suddenly afraid the shadows are going to come and get her? That's crazy! Right?

  • ...

Crossing Enemy Walls

Author's Note:

Sorry for such the long wait. I had holiday business and other stuff to deal with. Also, if you haven't, you might want to read my latest blog post. That is if you really starting to like this story. :applejackunsure: BUT ONWARD WITH THE STORY! :yay:

Rainbow Dash awoken in the woods, far from here campsite. She picked herself off the ground. What the hay am I doing in the woods? She didn't have to wonder for long. The memories of last night came flooding back to her. She sighed. Why can't anything be normal? Then overwhelming sorrow sunk into her heart, making her sick. Twister's sick, dying even. If I can't save him or Fractured Light can't find the cure, he'll-

Alarms went off in her head.


She ran off back to the campsite, trying to remember the way she came. Her heart began to pound, but she found her way back... and unharmed. There were dangerous plants, and dangerous creatures like Shadow Wolves on the prowl, and if she happened to run into them, she... well, she couldn't even bare the thought, let alone, imagine it. When she came stumbling back to camp, she found Spark sitting on a large boulder looking straight at her.

"Glad your here Dashie", Spark laughed," I was about to wake everypony up and send them looking for you!" He slid down the boulder and walked towards with a giddy expression. "Today's a big day! I can feel it!"

Rainbow Dash open her mouth, but a thought came to her," Did you call me... Dashie?"

Spark immediately lowered his head," I didn't mean to offend you."

"No! It's not that", Rainbow Dash quickly said," I... I just didn't expect it... coming from you."

Spark's ears perked up," Well I thought, your family calls you that, why can't I?"

"Yes of course", Rainbow Dash said looking down at her hooves. She then felt Spark's hoof lift her head back up. He stared at her with an intensity. It didn't seem like an angry glare, but a curious gaze, like a young foal looking at a pony he never saw before.

"You seem different", Spark whispered.

"I don't know what you mean", Rainbow Dash replied.

"You just seem more comfortable. More like... yourself."

She stared back into his eyes for moment. "How could you know that? You don't even know me."

He pulled his hoof away. "Call it a hunch." Then his usual childish smile return. "I also notice you got something stuck in your teeth!"

Rainbow Dash gave him a hard blow in the shoulder, but he just laughed like there was no tomorrow. But his words still echoed in her head, and still gave her a fright.

More like... yourself. What could he mean by that!

What could he mean.


After a few hours, the campsite came to life. Everypony was moving, packing, preparing for the long journey ahead of them.

All except Twister.

Rainbow Dash was worried. Could it be possible that Twister really did have Nightmare Sickness? Part of her believed what Fractured Light had said, but another part argued and hoped he was wrong. But Twisted moaned in his sleep, and he tossed and turned. He didn't even come close to waking up. Rainbow Dash felt her heart break, but she hid her feelings away. Should I tell them about Twister? No I can't. If I do, they would all think I lost my mind! But Twister's life might depend on it. As she thought, she became distant from everypony else.

"Dashie", she heard Pinkie Pie's voice chirped. Rainbow Dash looked up to see her friend. While Pinkie Pie kept a smile on her face, she saw great concern in her eyes. "Are you okay?"

"Yes Pinkie I'm fine", Rainbow Dash answered.

Pinkie Pie nodded but she still seemed worried. She quickly ran off back to Twilight to help her pack.

"Alright everypony were going to go see three of the most smartest, and most scariest, kids you will ever meet in your lifetime. But in order to get there, we need to get inside the Lunar Capitol", Spark shouted," Any questions?!"

"Yes", Soarin said frown," Isn't the Lunar Capitol the place we are suppose to avoid?"

"Very good question Soarin", Spark congratulated him like colt in a classroom," I'll answer that question after we go there and possibly die."

"Why not now", Flash asked utterly confused.

Spark stood there, and then shrugged," I don't know. I just feel like it."

"What kind of answer is that", Shining Armor demanded.

Spark leaned towards him and whispered," An honest answer." Then he gave Shining Armor a wink.

Shining Armor growled at him, but said nothing else. They quickly packed the rest of their belongings, and headed towards the Lunar Capitol even though there was a crippling amount of dread. When they finally came to the walls of the Lunar Capitol, Rainbow Dash felt her stomach dropped. The walls were like the ones that separated the Shadowlands and Equestria, but bigger. The gates was made out of a silver metal, and the design of them reminder her of vines. Two guards stood at each side, wearing silver armor and a dark blue crescent on the front. Rainbow Dash was about to walk up to them when Spark jumped out in front of her.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa", Spark said, waving his hooves at her," As silly as this my sound, your gonna have to put this on." He walked over to a hollow log, and pulled out a black mass. It took Rainbow Dash a moment to realize it was a bunch of black cloaks similar to Spark's. "Here", Spark said, giving Rainbow Dash one. Flash on the other hoof, frown at this idea.

"Why do we have to put this on", Flash asked.

"Yeah! Why can't we go in just like this", Soarin agreed," It's not like anypony's gonna recognize us."

"Why, why, why, why, why", Spark mocked," You two asked too many questions. But if have to know, the ponies here feel that it's inappropriate not to."

"Why that", Rainbow Dash asked, but as soon as she asked it she bit her tongue. Great! He's gonna yell at me!

But Spark didn't. Instead, he just sighed and replied to Rainbow Dash in a sweeter tone than what he did with Soarin and Flash. "Because they feel that they're more sophisticated and civilized than we are. And besides, every town, city, empire, and so on has their own laws, rules, and government."

"Oh", Rainbow Dash said, nodding her head. It's strange that every place had it's on way of life, but it was all part of the same country. But who am I to complain.

"Now", Spark said with a smile," Who's ready to walk into enemy territory!"

"Wait", Rainbow Dash called to Spark before he approached the gates," What about Twister? Wouldn't it be strange to see an unconscious pony being carried through out the capitol."

"Hmmm", Spark hummed thoughtfully as he put his hoof on his chin. Then he quickly ran back to the place he got the cloaks, but this time, he went deeper into the forest. When he came back, he was pulling a white sled behind him. On closer inspection, she realized it was a dog sled.

"This is Snowy", Spark said with pride. Rainbow Dash looked on the handle to find 'SNOWY' craved into it.

"Snowy?", Flash laughed.

"Dude", Spark said, suddenly upset," I had this since I was six. Don't be a jerk." Spark picked Twister up, put his cloak on, and sat him down in the sled. "Okay. Anypony have any other complaints?"

Nopony said anything.

Spark put a huge grin on his face," Good."


Echo watched as they entered the gates of the Lunar Capitol. The guards just let them in just like that. Didn't even check them for weapons. How foolish of them. If they had been somepony else with evil intensions, they would of put the entire capitol in peril, Echo thought irritably. He couldn't understand why the Lunar Capitol would hire such careless ponies as guards. Echo sighed and waited for a moment and walked up to the gates. The guards blocked his path, and they looked down on him. At first they remained impassive, but then wicked smiles appeared on their faces.

"Well look what we have here", one of Guards jeered," It's another pathetic Bat Pony!"

"Listen I don't have time for this, so could you please allow me to be on my way", Echo said in a clam voice, trying to slip past the guards. But one of the guards pushed him back.

"Like heck we are", the other Guard growled," What kind of universe do you live in? Unless somepony else is traveling with you, you can't enter. And we mean actual ponies! None of your kind!"

"Yeah! We don't need monsters like you around here", the second Guard shouted, agreeing with colleague.

Echo sighed, and tried not to show the hurt that he felt. Instead, he placed the piece of cloth that dangled from his neck over his muzzle. Then he took out a small bottle filled with blue dust. The guards looked at each other in confusion, then back at Echo. Echo poured some in his hoof, and blew it in their faces. The guards flinch and coughed as they breathed in the dust, but slowly began to relax. They began to look extremely tired and slumped to the ground. After a moment, their coughs turned into soft snores. Echo carefully stepped over them, and slipped into the capitol. He caught a glimpse of a rainbow tail disappearing around a corner. He went in the same direction, leading him to a small bed and breakfast. He looked around until he came upon Rainbow Dash and her group who were heading inside the bed and breakfast. He followed them in, and tried to act natural. Echo watched Rainbow Dash carefully as an idea came to him.

There's a good chance she doesn't remember me from Canterlot. Maybe I could gain her trust and take her to Princess Moon that way.

Rainbow Dash's eyes met his, and he watched as fear filled her eyes. She quickly looked away, pulling her hood further down over her face. Echo looked down at her friend who was curled up in her hooves. Then he saw a dark mark on his shoulder. The stallion had Nightmare Sickness. A plan slowly began to form in his head.

Maybe I could.


Rainbow Dash glanced back at the Bat Pony. He didn't look like the Bat Ponies that attacked Canterlot. He wasn't wearing armor or an uniform, but instead, was wearing a thick coat and a piece of cloth that hung around his neck. But, still, he seemed familiar. His grey coat and his dark blue mane slightly covering one of his lavender eyes. The Bat Pony's eyes studied Rainbow Dash closely before looking away. A shiver went down her spine. She looked down at Twister who slept silently except for a few grunts and whimpers. Then her eyes came upon his shoulder. It was a dark swirl kind of pattern. It covered a small part of his shoulder, but it looked like it was slowly expanding. She reached down and tried to wipe it off, but it stayed put. Rainbow Dash looked away.

Is this one of the symptoms of Nightmare Sickness?

Rainbow Dash watched as Spark talked to the mare at the desk. The mare acted casual at first, but then slipped Spark a key under the desk. Then, she pretend as if she didn't do anything at all. Spark came back to them waving the key joyously around in the air.

"What was that about", Rainbow Dash asked.

"What", Spark asked confused. Then he looked back over to the mare," That? Oh. We, technically, can't stay overnight because we weren't born here. But she owes me a favor."

"Oh", Rainbow Dash replied, looking back down at the mark on Twister's shoulder. It seems bigger than last time she looked at it.

"Whatcha looking at", Spark asked.

Before Rainbow Dash could hide the mark, Spark saw it. Spark's eyes widen... then let out a nervous laugh. "Okay everypony! All of you, go look around town... enjoy the scenery... don't go too far. Me and Dashie... we are gonna... um go to our room... and look for the scary kids. Okay?"

"Yeah... about that", Soarin said rubbing his chin," How can kids be scary?"

"You do not wanna know", Spark said with a huge smile on his face. He stood there for a moment just smiling. Rainbow Dash started to wonder if he was broken or something. She stuck her hoof out and slightly tapped him. He jumped and turned around looking at Rainbow Dash," Grab your coltfriend, we gotta go!" He grabbed her and Twister and started dragging them up the stairs into their room. Spark locked the doors and turned around with a serious look on his face.

"Twister has Nightmare Sickness", Spark said in a dark voice.

"Really", Rainbow Dash said looking down. So he found out.

"But don't worry", Spark said, suddenly happy again," I know somepony who might be able to help. But first, scary kids. They know where the guy lives sooooo that would help... a lot."

"Are you sure he'll be fine", Rainbow Dash asked as Spark laid Twister on the bed.

"Oh course. We have a week... at the least, and if I wrong you can... you can..." Spark stopped for a moment, searching his brain for the right word. "You can punch me! In the face!"

"Okay... but I punch pretty hard", Rainbow Dash warned.

"I know that's why I'm hoping it doesn't comes down to that", Spark said laughing nervously.

Spark quickly ran out the door, and down the hall. Rainbow Dash followed. Only after she looked at Twister for one last time. I hope he's right, Rainbow Dash thought as she left their room and shut the door behind her.


Princess Moon sat on her throne. She watched through her window as the Canterlot ponies trembled with fear as the Bat Ponies marched to the castle with their princesses. Almost all the princesses have been taken prisoner. Almost. One still got away. Lucky, lucky, Twilight Sparkle.

"Not lucky for long", Moon hissed under her breath.

"Your Majesty", a guard called out, running into the throne room. He stopped in the center of the room, and gave a quick, awkward bow. She couldn't blame him for his awkwardness. None these Bat Ponies were like the ones in her time. The ones in her time were proud creatures with majestic abilities, and knew how to address royalty. Today, Bat Ponies were uncared for, and have forgotten to nurture their talents. The thought of a Bat Pony meeting royalty was consider a fantasy.

"Night Whisper, state your business", Princess Moon said looking back at the window.

"The prisoners are here."

"Good. Anything else."

"In order to keep the Crystal Empire from fighting back, we promise the return of their princess."

Princess Moon look back," I can do that. She isn't exactly needed."

The guard began to bit the inside of his cheek. After a long time of dealing with nightmares, she has been able to detect signs of distress.

"What is it", Princess Moon asked.

"We were unable to... find the stallion", Night Whisper said lowering his head," The one who tried to stop you on the night of your return."

"It is okay", Princess Moon sighed," Just keep an eye out."

"Yes your majesty", Night Whisper said nodding and turned around to leave.

"And bring in the prisoners", Princess Moon quickly added," I need some answers."

"Oh course your majesty", Night Whisper called back as he ran out of the throne room.

Princess Moon glared at the door impatiently. I hope that stallion isn't afraid of me because if he is, he's gonna have a bad time. She watched as the door flung open. Two guards walked in and revealed Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, and a couple other ponies that she didn't recognize. Then the memories came to her. These were Rainbow Dash childhood friends. Fireball, Eon, Crash, and Nutmeg, and the two colts and filly were Lightening Bolt, Colby, and Shadow. The Princesses were chained and had magic locks on their horns they were completely defenseless. And this brought her joy.

Or maybe it was that foal Cadence was carrying. The same foal she heard so much about.

Princess Moon used her magic to levitate Flurry Heart to her. Princess Cadence was ready to charge, but the guards stopped her in her tracks.

"Hello little Flurry Heart", Princess Moon whisper," Are you the little destroyer I heard so much about. Nearly dooming the Crystal Empire at such a young age is quiet impressive."

"If you so much hurt a hair on her head-", Princess Cadence began, but Princess Moon interrupted her.

"I would never do such a thing", she said passing Flurry Heart to one of the guards. "Now you? That's another story." Princess Moon walked down the line stopping at Lightening Bolt.

"Lightening, is it", she asked, lowering herself to his eye level.

"Y-yes", the young colt manage to get out. He was trying so hard to be brave, but Moon knew he couldn't do it much longer.

Princess Moon stood back up.

"I'm taking this colt to the dining hall. Lock the others up. Me and Lightening are going to have a little chat."

Princess Moon watched as they were dragged away. "You monster", Celestia shouted before the doors slammed shut. Moon turned back to Lightening Bolt. She watched as the colt shook with fear.

"Come. We have much to talk about."