• Published 16th Dec 2015
  • 297 Views, 11 Comments

Cutie Mark Magic Mystery - Amethyst ImagineBlast

Amethyst ImagineBlast is a young filly in Dodge city. When she gains and unusual cutie mark, she wants to find out why.

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Cutie mark Madness

I never thought a cutie mark would change my life. But it did, and at first, not in a good way. I was just a normal hyperactive filly. I am a sunlight yellow with bubble pink and green mane with a little bit of orange Pegasus, the tips of my wings were purple and I even had purple markings around my eyes, but flying was super hard to learn so I spent most of my time playing with the other foals in my village. My family always told me I should be trying to find out what made me special, my super special talent that would earn me my cutie mark. But, I didn’t mind not having my mark yet. Slowly all my friends found their talents and I was the only one of them with a blank flank, I would never have guess that me being me would make me earn it.

It start early on Tuesday morning at school. Almond breeze was taking the mick out of my blank flank, my friends tried to shut her up, but my teacher came over to speak with her.

“But miss, what sort if pony will grow up WITHOUT a cutie mark.” Almond said.

“One who doesn’t care about what others think of them. I don’t care if I have my cutie mark. I like being me, and if getting a cutie mark makes me like a pony like you. I wouldn’t mind going my whole life without a mark!” I told her, snorting, my teacher smiled. I smiled too. “I am happy with how I am now, and I will never let any pony change me!” A golden light began surround me. Every pony looked away, when it vanished, I shook my head.

“Oh my…” My teacher gasped.

“What? What is it?” I asked, panicking.

“Your cutie mark Amethyst!” My friends smiled.

“What?!” I gasped and looked down at my flank. But my cutie was unlike any I had seen on other ponies. On my flank was a quill and paintbrush that had painted a blue streak. But, on my left side of my body was a large collection of fire work patterns the same colour as my wing tips, but on my right was a swirling pattern. “Whoa, how strange…”

“You are a very unique pony Amethyst Imagineblast.” My teacher smiled. I giggled and smiled, everypony in my class came over to see my strange cutie mark.

“Mommy, Daddy! I have my cutie mark!” I cried after school, galloping towards them.

“Really, let’s look.” They smiled I showed them, they gasped backing off.

“that is not normal.” Mommy said snort in disgust. My school friends and teacher watched.

“But…” I began

“I don’t think you can even call IT a cutie mark.” Daddy added. They turned their backs and walked off. I bowed my head and followed after them.

That night I sat in my room, looking up at a map of equestrian. I put my hoof on my village. Dodge city. I then looked at Ponyville, where my fourth cousin twice removed Fluttershy lived. I rushed to my piggy bank and tipped all the bits into my bag. I packed a few things, including Mrs Pineapple. My teddy. I then snuck out of the window.

I was able to hide on a train, then got off unnoticed when it reached ponyville. I trotted through the dark town, I shivered, it was so scary, but I kept moving. I knew my cousin lived on the outskirts of the big forest, I found it easy enough. I trotted up to the cottage door and knocked.

“oh my, who could it be at this hour?” the kind voice of my cousin asked, the door opened and light pooled onto me.
“Fluttershy!” I smiled

“Amethyst! What are you doing here? You could have been hurt, come in.” Fluttershy said. She made me a cup of tea and I told her what happened and showed her my cutie mark.

“that is just horrible, I like your cutie mark.” Fluttershy smiled. “Now, you should get some sleep. Tomorrow I will take you to my friend
Twilight’s. She is trying to understand cutie mark magic.”

“Twilight? As in Princess Twilight Sparkle?” I asked

“the very same, now come on. I will also have to tell your parents you are here. But I will say you’re are staying with me for a while.” Fluttershy added.

“Thank you Fluttershy.” I smiled. She tucked me into bed, I fell asleep happy.

“I can’t believe I am going to meet Princess Twilight!” I smiled, jumping up and down as Fluttershy and I walked to the castle in ponyville.

“Hey, Fluttershy!” Three voice called, I gasped and hid behind Fluttershy’s tail. Three fillies came up, I noticed their cutie marks where the same, apart from the symbols in side if them.

“Good morning girls.” Fluttershy smiled “Amethyst, these are the cutie mark cursaders. Apple bloom.” The earth filly looked at me. “scootaloo.” The Pegasus stood tall “And sweetie belle.” The unicorn came over.

“Hi, You new here?” She asked

“Of course she is Sweetie belle. Nice to meet ya Amethyst.” AppleBloom smiled.

“I’m Am…Amethyst ImagineBlast.” I muttered. “Fluttershy’d my cousin…”

“So, you’ll be staying in Ponyville for a while?” The fillies asked excitedily.

“I guess so…” I nodded.

“Great, we will totally have to hang out!” Scootaloo grinned. I smiled and stepped out from behind Fluttershy, the fillies gasped. I froze.

“Your cutie mark is amazing!” They said

“Y-You think so?” I asked, they nodded.

“Will you join the cutie mark crusaders?” Applebloom asked

“Really? Can I Fluttershy?” I looked up at her, she nodded. “Yes, I will! But, we need to see Twilight first.” I added.

“We’ll come with you. Our sisters are friends with Twilight, and they went to see her too.” Applebloom said.

“Yay.” I laughed, I walked with the cursaders ahead of Fluttershy. I stopped before Twilgith’s castle. “wow, it’s big.” I said

“Yep, wait until you see inside.” Scootaloo grinned, they opened the doors and we trotted in.

“this way girls.” Fluttershy smiled and led the rest of the way to the throne room. I saw Twilight with 4 friends sitting around a map table.

“Fluttershy, you made it!” Twilight smiled.

“Hi girls, Twilight, My cousin came from dodge city and she would like you to look at her cutie mark.” Fluttershy said.

“Oh, okay.” Twilight stood up and looked at me. I trotted towards her and showed her. “you’re cutie mark covers more than just you flank… I have never seen or heard of a cutie mark like it…unless you count the time we rainbowed up with the elements.”

“Do you know what caused it?” I asked hopefully.

“No, sorry, but I am guessing you have quite a bit of magic in you.” Twilight smiled “I would like to study your cutie mark farther, if you don’t mind.”

“Okay.” I nodded happily.

“That may mean you’ll have to stay longer!” Sweetie stood beside me.

“Which means we can hang out more!” Scootaloo added

“We can have sleep overs, adventures and all sorts of cool stuff!” Apple Bloom cheered. I smiled

“That sounds great!” I nodded.

“Well, enjoy your time in ponyville.” Twilight smiled. “Can you girls show her around Ponyville?” she looked at the crusaders.
“Sure. Come on crusaders!” Apple bloom cheered. I laughed and galloped after them.