• Published 20th Dec 2015
  • 230 Views, 0 Comments

A gift, Compliment of Diane Pi - Ponyess

Pinkie Pie had found herself with a few too many gifts on her hands, as she woke up before the sun hit her face. If the straight mane is an omen or a disguise is for the next recpient of the gift to worry about. Yet, do smile, she giggles.

  • ...

Compliments of Diane: 2


”Speaking of friendly, I do have a few items I would love to give the two of you as a small token of my friendship!” Diane expressed.

“That does sound friendly to me, I have a weakness for gifts too!” I responded.

“Not everyone does love gifts; but I did have the impression, you would be one to appreciate it!” she responded.

“I may not have a gift readily prepared, but I guess it is the guest who offers gifts; while it is the host that offers all the entertainment, such as food and snacks. We do have these, so if you have the gift; I guess that would make us even, on the trading department?” I suggested.

“Much more fun to stay, where you are welcome; I can’t feel overly welcome, if my belly is empty to void!” she responded, with a giggle.

“I know that feeling only too well. You can’t be counted upon; to be your happy self or anything, when you are hungry!” I responded.


Diane reached a hand into her suitcase; from which she withdrew a nail polish, a lip gloss, a set body lotions and what seems to be some kind of a lubricant, aside from a small package of curious looking accessories.

“I hope you will enjoy these!” Diane expressed, as she had lined up the items on our table.

“From what I can see, I am sure I will. My sister may be thrilled; if they are, what I think they are!” I prompted, looking over the small pile of gifts she had lined up on the table.

“A new nail polish? I had just been looking for that, but never quite found the one that goes with my nails!” my sister exclaimed.

“Maybe I could double the gift, by helping you apply it now?” Diane offered.

“Thanks, it never is the same to paint your own nails, you know!” she responded; as her face lit up like a sun, her eyes beaming with joy.

“Guess I do have a knack for predicting things like this!” Diane pondered; with a wide grin all over her face, in reaction to my sister’s joy.

Of course, there is a small image of a semi square inch long nail on the vial; depicting the crystal clear nail, with a high gloss and glistering lacquer on. Even if I had expected this to be a mere image to demonstrate the type of lacquer, more than anything else. How wrong I was, but I’m not about to complain; I still do like the effect it has on the individual nails.

“That is why the salons and SPAs still are in business; because we prefer the service, and the difference it makes to us!” Diane explained, with a sly wink.

“I guess that does make sense. Most of us, just like me; sucks at manicure, and any such handiwork!” she responded with a giggle to her voice.

“One major problem to apply your own lacquer, is that you have a left hand; when you are right handed, and a right hand if you are left handed. That is no problem, when someone else is extending the treat!” Diane explained.


“If you place your hands flat on the table, palms down and your fingers spread out comfortably?” Diane instructed her.

“Sure, that is easy enough!” she responded, following the instructions.

Diane examined her fingers and nails, as she uncapped the vial of clear gel lacquer. Then she picked up her right hand in her left, while holding on to the cap with the inserted brush; before she started.

I could see how she started from the center, and the root of the thumb nail and drew the brush all the way down over the tip; then repeated the stroke, right and left, right and left. Now she apparently painted under the nail in the same manner, before lining the right and left edge of the nail; before finishing by sealing the nail in as she lined the tip. From there, she continued and repeated the process, nail by nail.

Naturally, she placed the hand on the table; before she picked up her left hand and repeated he entire process all over again. Once finished, she placed the left hand on the table; beside the right hand.

“Oooh!” my sister cooed, as she was looking ecstatically at her fairly short nails.

Of course; her nails still glister as if covered in a fairly thick layer of liquid, the wet-look effect overly obvious. Only the effect never mated down; as it use to, as the polish is drying up. The effect of mating lacquer is a matter of degrees, from barely noticeable to completely mate; once the polish had dried up.

“You have to try this, Sis!” she then exclaimed.

“I think your nails have cured completely by now!” Diane pointed out, after about a minute from applying the lacquer to the last of her nails.

“Since you said it, Sis. Would you mind extending the treat to me, too?” I responded, hopefully.

“If you enjoy the treat, Qharmen; then I will love to help you right now!” Diane expressed vehemently.

“Then I will graciously accept the treat, while you still are here!” I responded; placing my hands on the table before me, just as my sister had a moment before.

The next few minutes, I enjoyed looking at how our new guest and friend applied the treat she had just extended to my sister, as she was extending it to me too.


“Am I imagining it; or has my nails grown a millimeter, since you applied the lacquer?” my sister inquired with a mix of anxiety and excitement.

“I can’t say that it is an entire millimeter, but I guess it does look longer than it did before I applied the lacquer to your nails. Some of which is certainly the lacquer, I applied to the edge of your nails. Not to say that they looked bad before; but I guess the lacquer does compliment your nails and hands, the way it came out!” Diane responded.

“No mere polish could save bad looking nails; no matter how exclusive, expensive, or glorious the lacquer may have been, Sis!” I pronounced with finality.

“Yeah, that does make sense, Sis!” she responded.

If it is thanks to the quality of the lacquer Diane gave us, or if it is a compliment to her handiwork; but the lacquer is covering exactly the entire nail on all sides and nothing but exactly the entire nail, which in and of itself is no mean feat, from what I could say. She had even managed to repeat this on not just my sisters ten nails, but also my very own nails as well. I can only imagine she is good at what she is doing, and that she enjoys doing it; when she saw how my sister brightened up, just by the mere look of the gift.


“Is it too much to ask, if I asked you to help me and my sister with the make-up; while you are here, Diane?” I inquired.

“Sure thing; I just need you to smile at me, while I am applying the make-up for you!” she explained.

“I certainly can do that, considering how good you are at this; I am enjoying the gift immensely!” I responded; beaming at her with joy, and a little bit of anticipation as well.

“Here we go!” she put forth, as she uncapped the lip gloss and slowly applied it to my lips; from the right to the left on the upper lip and back on the lower lip.

“Your turn!” Diane exclaimed, indicating for my elder sister to take my place before her.

“Thanks, you certainly do brighten up the day, and put a bright smile on my face!” she responded, beaming her brightest smile at Diane.

“Am I imagining it all, but it looks as if your hair is curling up tighter?” I inquired.

“If you put it like that, I guess it is because I enjoy seeing you smile!” Diane explained; matter of fact, while her smile remained just as bright as before.

Of course, this is one part of herself she could not expect to hide from anyone, or any Pony for any length of time. Not if she has happy people, or Ponies around. She guesses she had known it, even before she went out on her little mission of spreading joy to people.

“Excuse me, I will be back in a minute or two!” I put forth, leaving the table for a moment.

I walked out to the girls’ room, where we have a mirror. Once I had turned the light up and closed the door, I turned to examine my face. Of course, everything is exactly where I had expected it. Just that my lips glister in the light, almost like my nails.

In a moment; I tentatively bit down on a single nail, but to no avail, there isn’t even as much as a mark. I could see the otherwise natural looking nail, even though I guess it is much too shiny to feel as a natural nail; it is also too even, even if it isn’t different from before.

I put the tip of my right index finger on my lower lip, only to feel the smooth and rubbery surface of my now highly elastic lip; but with the added effect that my lips instinctively and instantaneously contracted on contact.

As I push the finger just slightly forwards, I have the notion of my lips being wet; while there is the impossible notion of my lips making a contraction as if, but that is entirely impossible. I should have been screaming in panic, but it all felt too good.


Naturally, I could not wash my face, or come back with wet cheeks, so I simply returned to the table where they are still siting, even if I imagine my cheeks should be red like stop signs right now.

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Author's Note:

Qharmen's POV

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