• Published 20th Dec 2015
  • 231 Views, 0 Comments

A gift, Compliment of Diane Pi - Ponyess

Pinkie Pie had found herself with a few too many gifts on her hands, as she woke up before the sun hit her face. If the straight mane is an omen or a disguise is for the next recpient of the gift to worry about. Yet, do smile, she giggles.

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An Unexpected Visit: 1


I am happily bouncing up the flight of stairs, still affording the framed images of past parties on my way up to my room. After a very late night party; I feel spent, yet excited; with a tightly curled up mane and ears eagerly and pronounced perked up ears as a signal of how I was feeling.

Slowly opening the door to my room and quietly closing it after me in order not to wake any Pony up: I don’t need to announce my arrival by disrupting the sleep of the Cakes’, knowing full well just how early they are going up tomorrow, and the twins are way too young to wake up at this late hour.


As I enter my room, I afforded the blue and yellow balloons in the ceiling a cursory glance; while paying close attention to the pink balloons now swarming the floor, at the late hour.

Sending a few glances left and right, scanning the empty room; no pony is here, just the items I left here before the party. I had not expected any Pony to be here and wait for me, not this late.

Folding the quilt up against the wall, before I quietly slump down on my bed and fold the quilt back over myself. I lie on the bed, quietly; pondering the day, and the latest party I had just enjoyed. It had been a blast and yet another roaring success, just as expected; compliment of just how intimately I know my friends of Ponyville, aside from the lingering recollection of events like when Twilight Sparkle’s failed attempt to perform a spell that was later to ascend her to princesshood, and turned her into an Alicorn. When I finally had returned to town; and fully back to myself, the Ponies had been furious as if Discord himself had been paying them a visit while I was at the Apples’ farm at the Sweet Apple Acres.


As I fell asleep, my mane is still as tightly curled up as it had been as I left the party. The quiet room, promising a restful sleep. Only this night, it wouldn’t last quite as long as I would have expected. Slowly I had been drifting out of sleep, finding myself back in my bed.



I had been wide awake, for a short while; that was starting to feel like forever. No point in turning around, in the hope of turning in.

As I open my eyes; the room is pitch black, with just the white halo of Luna’s moon, in the middle of the floor. I fold up my quilt, knowing there is no turning back.

Turning to the right and slipping by hooves right out of bed; before carefully slipping down onto the floor and standing to my full height, with panicking pink balloons scurrying madly right and left, screaming.

As I saw the balloons calm down and slip back in under my bed, where they could find safety; I could step out onto the floor; under the blue and yellow balloons flooding the ceiling, and reflecting the few rays of light in the room; this way and that.

With precious little time, I step into a tight short skirt; before pulling the matching top down over my head and pulling my hooves through the short black leather jacket.

From here I slip my hooves into a pair of shiny red boots; while picking up what appears to be a common suit case a businesswoman may carry to work, containing all her important, precious documents.


With the boots on, a drastic shift to my features came over me; I now look like that woman, not just as if I had been wearing her suit.

My mane still is pink and straight, hanging down over my shoulders; and my eyes still are the same innocent blue, while my skin is a somewhat light pink.

Rarity and Twilight Sparkle had both helped me in creating this guise for me; for when I had an urge to see the other side of someday, living among humans as they are, where they live.

I now wear a shiny, black vinyl skirt and matching top with the leather jacket over. I had specifically chosen this jacket to go with the suitcase, as silly as that may seem in the eyes of some people.

My general built is that of Twilight Sparkle, as she visited her friends at Canterlot High. Only I have longer, semi square manicured nails; I chose shiny, more to reflect my personality, than being practical or authentic. I guess I made that a bit of a pun, right there; but that is also me.


With the suit case in my left hand; I spread my fingers wide as I push forwards and probe the air before me, feeling the fabric; before pushing through and thus opening a rift to where I had intended to go.

There are a few legal documents and other documentations of the products I am showcasing, with intent to offer sales to any and all who show a genuine interest in the products I have available. Naturally, I do have a catalog available; in case any of them would like to see the full range of the products I could present to them.

The majority of the space in my suitcase, is taken up by the products themselves. Most of what I have to offer comes in tubes, vials, bottles or cans, all packaged neatly in innocent, noncommittal white to light beige cardboard boxes. These boxes are mainly for my convenience, they are easy to stack; while they are convenient on the people who choose to accept my offers.


I had appeared in an area with small cottages or villas, from what I could see. I had chosen this area, due to the light population.

After but a short walk taking me just over a minute, I approached the first house on my list; the home of two girls I predicted to be very interested in what I had to offer. Their respective profiles placed them on the top of my list, of excited and excitable individuals; to tempt with my products.

I walk up to the door with a measured gait, stepping up the short flight of stairs to the outer door; where I waited momentarily, before promptly giving the door a serene, measured knock. Just once, twice and thrice.


“Hiya, and welcome in!” the girl exclaimed.

“Hiya, I am Diane Pie; and thanks for inviting me in!” I offered openly, as I entered the hall and closed the door after myself.

“Could I by any chance tempt you with a cup of tea?” the girl continued, as she is leading me towards the kitchen.

“Yes, please; that would be quite nice!” I responded, as I followed her into the kitchen where her friend is sitting.

“Diane Pie, this is my sister Qharmen Harmz; Qharmen Harmz, this is Diane Pie!” she introduced her sister.

“Hiya, Qharmen, nice to meet you!” I responded.

“Hiya, Diane. Is it acceptable, if I call you by your first name, Diane?” her sister inquired.

“By all means, please do; all my friends already does that!” I explained openly, smiling at her.


I had just sat down, while the older sister placed a cup before me; in which she soon poured boiling water over the gathered tea leaves.

“I was just worried, some people are a bit old fashioned; and do not take too kindly to be addressed by their first names, by anyone they do not know!” Qharmen expressed.

“I have heard of that tradition, but your sister just introduced us. Shouldn’t that be enough?” I inquired.

“To me, that is; but I don’t like the old fashions all that much. Too strict and restrictive to me!” she responded.

“Sounds about right to me!” I prompted, cheerfully with a wide grin.

"Then you prefer the friendly, and informal? Something I can agree with wholeheartedly!" I pressed on.

“Strict and formal isn’t very friendly; at least, it doesn’t feel like it to me!” Qharmen expressed with a firm nod, as a grin slowly started to spread out over her face.

“If you like friendly, I guess I did get the right address; besides, sharing a cup of tea is always enjoyable!” I put forth.

“Can you ever have too many friends? Sharing a cup of tea, something my granny taught me!” the elder sister explained.

“Too many friends? You are not joking right. Of course, you can’t. Sounds as you have a wise Granny too!” I prompted seriously.

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Author's Note:

Pinkie Pie's POV