• Published 11th Dec 2015
  • 3,381 Views, 42 Comments

More Country Than a Polecat on a Hickory Stump - MythrilMoth

Applejack makes a friend who's as country as she is.

  • ...

Oh mah swirls...

It was late afternoon at Sweet Apple Acres, and Applejack had a guest. A very unusual guest.

He'd wandered onto the farm a little while after lunch, just as she was getting ready to start bucking her way through the golden delicious trees. He was some kind of strange dog...bear...creature with a wide head, huge round eyes, big flaming blue eyebrows, and a green kerchief slung around his neck. He introduced himself as Komasan, and he looked hungrier than a hound dog in a butcher shop, so she offered to share some of Granny Smith's fresh-baked apple pie with him.

"Oh mah swirls," Komasan said, eyes wide as he set down his fork. "Why this here pie...this here pie's better'n a Louisiana fiddle in a Mississippi riverboat band!"

Applejack chuckled. "Eeyup, Ah reckon Granny Smith done outdid herself. Why, she can bake a pie like a squirrel can run up a tree after a nut!"

"Why, Ah ain't tasted nuthin' this good in so long a snake coulda done shed a whole pair o' boots all by itself!" Komasan exclaimed.

Applejack tilted her head. "Y'know, Ah done met some mighty strange critters round these parts, but you're about as outta place as a Sunday suit at a square dance."

"Last time Ah met a talkin' horse was when Ah drank some cactus juice that went funnier'n a dog chasin' a cat through a pig waller," Komasan said.

Applejack laughed. "More pie?"

"Much obliged." Komasan looked out over the orchard and sighed. "It sure is mighty peaceful here. Ah miss th' days when everythin' was all quiet-like, afore Ah moved t' th' big city."

"Ah hear ya, sugarcube," Applejack said. "Ah tried t' make it in th' city when Ah was a filly. Ah felt more lonesome than a coyote in a canyon."

"Ah just wish mah brother Komajiro didn't make it look easier'n shuckin' corn," Komasan said. "Why, he took t' city livin' like a cow t' grass."

"Mah li'l sis knows all this citified stuff she picks up from her friends," Applejack said. "Why, sometimes, she gits t' talkin' 'bout things, an' Ah feel like...like..."

"Like a three-legged polecat chasin' a prairie dog?"

"Exactly!" Applejack sighed. "Ah git worried, like one day she'll need me about as much as a turkey needs a belly full o' buckshot."

"It's hard bein' th' one they gotta look up to," Komasan said, nodding sagely. "Harder'n gittin' a goat away from a box o' paper."

"Harder'n plowin' a field o' rocks with a fryin' pan," Applejack agreed.

"Ah still ain't got no idea how Ah got here," Komasan said as he finished his second piece of pie. "Why, Ah'm more confused than a sheep dog in a saddle shop!"

"Well, don't you fret none," Applejack said. "Soon as mah friend Twilight gits here, she'll have you home quicker'n a rodeo pony gittin' thrown off a bull."

"Ah'm just glad Ah got t' meet somebody Ah can have a real conversation with," Komasan said. "Why, you're more country than a polecat sittin' on a hickory stump!"

Applejack laughed. "Well, you know whut they say. You can take th' pony outta th' country, but you can't take th' country outta th' pony."

"Wish that was true about Komajiro," Komasan said with a sad sigh. "Ah'm afraid he's gone all citified an' forgot his roots."

"Now, don't fret none," Applejack said. "Ah'm sure he'll always have some giddyup in his spurs. You just gotta remind him that th' rooster don't crow where th' corn don't grow."

"Ah know, Ah know."

Applejack looked up at the sky. "Ah wish Apple Bloom'd hurry up an' git back with Twilight," she said. "Ah swear, sometimes that filly's slower'n a—"

In a bright magenta flash, two ponies appeared: a lavender alicorn and a small yellow filly with a red mane topped with a pink bow. "We're here!" Apple Bloom called.

A few seconds later, a blue pegasus with a rainbow mane swooped down from above. "Whoa!" she cried. "What th' heck is that?"

"Rainbow Dash! Be nice!" Applejack called. "Sure, Komasan here might be funny-lookin' as a rattlesnake tryin' t' wear boots, but he's good people."

"Oooooh mah swirls," Komasan said. "A flyin' pony? An' here Ah thought city folks was crazier'n a possum playin' peekaboo in th' middle of th' street..."

"Hey now, Rainbow Dash is mah best friend," Applejack said. Then, with a laugh, she added, "even though sometimes she's got about as much sense as a frog eatin' bees."

"Ah saw a girl wearin' a shirt that looked like your friend th' other day," Komasan said. "She was jabberin' away like a monkey in a tree, walkin' around with one'a them fancy ear warmers..."

Rainbow Dash scratched her head. "Uhh...Apple Bloom? A little help?"

"—grinnin' like a dog eatin' hornets—"

Apple Bloom tilted her head. "Y'got me," she said. "Usually when Applejack starts with th' countryisms, Ah jes' start hearin' banjo music in mah head until she shuts up."

"—might as well be fishin' in th' clouds—"

"Seriously?" Twilight asked.

"—makes about as much sense as slingin' a hammock between two cornstalks—"

Apple Bloom waved a hoof at Applejack and Komasan. "How else d'you reckon Ah stay sane livin' with that?"

"—an' church ain't over till the choir stops singin'!" Applejack and Komasan laughed heartily, slapping their knees. Applejack wiped tears from her eyes. "Boy howdy, Ah could git t' like havin' you around. Sure you don't wanna sit a spell? We was gonna churn us up some homemade ice cream later on."

"Ice cream?" Komasan asked, eyes wide and glowing. "Ohhhh mah swiiiiiirls..."

Komasan ended up staying in Ponyville for a week.

Rainbow Dash can't hear anything but banjo music anymore.

Author's Note:

Written after watching one too many Komasan skits in the Youkai Watch anime.

Comments ( 41 )

I literally just bought Yokai Watch like an hour ago. I shall stick this in my RIL for a time after I encounter the yokai in question.

Poor Rainbow Dash. I suggest a week of listening to Rarity talk about fashion. At the very least, the banjo will get some harpsichord accompaniment.

This went from 0 to 10 likes in the time it took me to read this.

Oh my swirls, indeedy.

Mr. Gumby: "My brain hurts!"

I can't say I have ever seen Yokai Watch, but I can easily picture this with Sandy Cheeks instead. Nice, silly fic.:ajsmug:


I can understand half of this. I blame my dad's side of the family tree.

6723428 I'm not anywhere near "Country" and don't personally know anyone who is, but I could understand just about all of it through context...

I only had the faintest idea who the heck Komasan was when i read the author's note at the end of the piece. Very disorienting.

I found this to be very hilarious! :rainbowlaugh:

OK, so, I was raised in the south. Not The South but, well, I've actually heard stuff like this before. I came into the story expecting to maybe understand a few of the sily saying and, well... I understood them all. I, I don't really know how to respond to that.

Apple Bloom tilted her head. "Y'got me," she said. "Usually when Applejack starts with th' countryisms, Ah jes' start hearin' banjo music in mah head until she shuts up."

That line made me give one of those high wheezing laughs, where it doesn't really come out as a laugh and you just have to stop all other bodily functions to breath. I can just see the mental image and hear the 'dinga-dang-ding' of stereotypical banjo playing.

Rainbow Dash can't hear anything but banjo music anymore.

Poor Dash, go talk with Pinkie, add some accordion. Or maybe some theremin, bit split on that one.

Fun little story, had no idea who Komasan was so I ran a Goggle search, saw "Yo-Kai Watch" as the first result and went "Oh, OK" then went back to reading. His saying is interesting. How many swirls does he have?

I've always thought of Rarity more as a harp kind of pony, but harpsichord fits as well.
Dash would probably be a bass drum, or a temple bell. Something that was loud and rang clear through the air.
Twilight is a violin, able to go from slow classical pieces to manic-motion hurryhurynow pieces to quick, but not frantic, little diddies, she's got good coverage.
Fluttershy is a triangle, subtle, playing in the background, but a key piece of some accompaniments when used right.
AJ I don't really see as a banjo though, more of a bass guitar, or maybe a snare drum, something that keeps rhythm and the others in line but not in an obtrusive or bullying way.
Pinkie is... hard to place. I learn towards theremin but, well, she's Pinkie.

6722915 You can find him in the Hills occasionally. as a character, not as a recruitable yokai.

EDIT I know you can have him join, I just don't know when.

Okay, this was just hilarious. I'm also adopting it as headcanon now that Appplejack is so country that not even her family always understands her all the time.

If I had to pick the single funniest thing in this, t was either Apple Bloom's comment about banjo music or the last line with Rainbow Dash.

HiddenMaster out.

6725512 Okayama, actually. At least, he uses the Okayama dialect. Lots of places in Japan are "the country", and the Kansai region actually is not one of them. It's just common to use the Southern dialect for Kansaiben because of its tonal quality, certain shared traits with US Southerners, etc.

(And occasionally, Kansaiben gets translated into a Brooklyn accent instead of a Southern one...)

This fic is so country I had to Google most of these and still fell short. Thumbs up.

Should I be proud or disappointed that I understood all that perfectly?

I have no idea why, but I get the distinct feeling that I'm going to hell having read this.

That story was as tasty as a plate of long creek catfish. :pinkiehappy:

I am entirely unfamiliar with the other character in question, but this was short and I needed something to kill five minutres with (and I recognised the author...)

"Usually when Applejack starts with th' countryisms, Ah jes' start hearin' banjo music in mah head until she shuts up."

This made it entirely worth it.

Hey! Nobody said anything about a spread natter! :applecry:

This story had me grinin' like a fox in the hen-house :eeyup:

Apple Bloom tilted her head. "Y'got me," she said. "Usually when Applejack starts with th' countryisms, Ah jes' start hearin' banjo music in mah head until she shuts up."

:ajbemused: "That dog don't hunt."
"Bless her heart" :ajsmug:

Woah nelly...
That's mighty impressive.

Boulevard of Broken dreams, Y'all.




And now I definitely see where this story came from.

6738042 here's his debut, if you wish to watch it.

This was absolute fun to read. :pinkiehappy:

Oh mah swirls indeed.

Georgia man here. This is legit. Good work, Myth.

Only played the video game. Oh mah swirls, that character is cute!

6738033 Interesting. I forgot a dub of this existed.

Reading this after getting into You-Kai Watch...

Oh mah swirls...

I legitimately had no idea that Komasan was country until I saw MunchingOrange's playthrough of Yo-Kai Watch on Youtube.

I just took him for a regular Yo-kai most of the time.

By the way, why was I kind of expecting Whisper to be in this story, too?

Ah jes' start hearin' banjo music in mah head until she shuts up.

*starts dueling banjos*

"Ah still ain't got no idea how Ah got here," Komasan said as he finished his second piece of pie. "Why, Ah'm more confused than a sheep dog in a saddle shop!"

As am I. But not necessarily for the reasons you are.

"Usually when Applejack starts with th' countryisms, Ah jes' start hearin' banjo music in mah head until she shuts up."

Can we just take a moment to appreciate the best line in the whole damn fic?

You hav got to make more stories like this. Maybe a collection of chapters where you pair up every pony with a yo-kai that matches them like you did for Applejack?

(bangs head against the table) STOP THE BANJO'S!!!!!!
(ps) :rainbowlaugh: I can't stop laughing at this!! this is more funny the seeing a cat trying to fish in the clouds. ............................... :twilightoops: oh snap!

Yo Kai watch. Yo Kai watch! Yo Kai Watch! YO Kai watch! YO KAI WATCH!!!

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