• Published 8th Dec 2015
  • 605 Views, 2 Comments

The Beginning - fallen starr

The tale of how Celestia and Luna got their powers and came to rule Equestria.

  • ...

Moon Marked

The public soon caught wind of the recent happenings within the castle; namely, two young fillies being taken in, off the streets, by the King and Queen. Some called for the fillies to be cast out, while others supported the decision, though that wasn't what bothered the royals so much. With the news of Celestia and Luna, the prophecy had been spread.

The King and Queen set many groups to figuring out what the prophecy meant and finding the Mare of the Moon. Through the years, Equestria grew bored of the news about the mares; what did it matter anyway? No one knew what these mares would do. The sun and moon were cycling now, weren’t they?

Three years after Celesita had received her Cutie Mark, she was startled by her chamber doors being thrown open. Celestia looked up and grinned at her sister. "Hello, Luna."

"It's time for the Harvest Moon. Isn't this exciting, Celly? My tutors gave me all day off because of the celebration. And I know yours did too. Let's go play." Luna tugged on Celesita's tail with her magic. "You know, seize the day."

Celestia giggled. "What do you propose then, Luna? How do we 'seize the day'?"

Luna grinned.

"We're going to get caught," Celestia grumbled as she and Luna made their way out of the castle. "Someone is going to notice, we're going to get caught and in trouble. You know the King and Queen don't like for us to leave the castle alone, especially when it’s crowded like this."

Luna rolled her eyes. "That's so boring. What is there to do in the castle? We aren't even allowed in half the rooms. We haven't explored the city in ages. I mean, when we do get to come out, it’s with at least two guards, and that takes all the fun out of everything.” Turning to face her sister and walk backwards, Luna added, “And it's a festival, there will be so many different things to do. It is going to be so fun, Celly."

The sisters wondered the crowded streets of Canterlot, taking in all the sights. The sun shown bright as they looked around the festival. Pies and specialty treats were on booths everywhere to be bought and there seemed to be a minstrel on every street. Brightly colored signs vied for attention, some proclaiming to have the best carrot juice known to pony kind, others for rare items.

"Isn't it wonderful?" Luna asked. "Later, once we've all raised the moon, everyone is going to celebrate by staying up late and we'll all drink cider and celebrate the moon." Luna closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Oh, do you smell that? I think it's boison berry. Can we get some?"

"Well," Celestia said as her stomach rumbled, "I'd love to, but I didn't bring any coins. Did you?"

Luna's happy face fell. "No. Maybe if we promise to pay them later, they will give us some?"

Celestia shook her head. "I don't think it will work. I mean, we don't actually have any bits that are actually ours to begin with."

The pair settled for listening to the minstrels play their instruments and sing their songs. They were listening to one sing a song about a lone bird flying north when suddenly everyone around them began bowing.

Behind them stood the King and Queen surrounded by their entourage of guards. None looked happy.

"CELESTIA AND LUNA," the Queen said in the Royal Canterlot Voice, "WHAT A SURPRISE TO SEE YOU HERE."

Both fillies bowed before the King and Queen. "I'm sorry," Luna started, "It was my fault. I convinced Celly and—"

"No, I'm fifteen now. I should have said no. I should be sorry, it is only natural for Luna to want to explore the world at her age and—"

"We haven't done anything wrong, we were just listening to the music and enjoying the day—"

"So please don't punish her. I take all the blame."

The sisters finished their explanations at the same time, looking pleadingly at the King and Queen. Nothing was said, but with the flick of a hoof, the girls were surrounded by their own set of guards. The group began walking back to the castle. The ponies who had not given the girls another look moments ago were now bowing as they passed by, not daring to look up.

The trip back to the castle was short and silent. Luna's head hung down and she walked slower than normal. Celesita wanted nothing more than for her sister to be as she should be at that age—full of excitement and wonder for the world around her, as she had been earlier.

Celestia kept her eyes trained on the King and Queen. She couldn't be more thankful for what they had done for her and her sister. They had saved their lives, she knew. Still, she resented the fact that Luna was unable to express herself as she wanted to—as any young filly should be able to.

They were led into one of the meeting rooms, where the guards left to stand outside the doors. "Girls," the Queen started, "What did you think you were doing? You are important political figures now; you cannot simply go to the town whenever you feel the urge. You know this."

"I'm sorry," Luna said. Her voice was low and dull. "I made Celly go."

"As Celesita said earlier, she is more than capable of knowing when she shouldn't do something." The King shook his head. "I know this is a different life for you, but it has been three years. You know the rules. You will follow the rules. Is that understood?"

Celestia and Luna nodded their heads. "Very well. I am disappointed in you girls."

"We're sorry," the chorused together.

The Queen snorted. “I don’t believe you girls understand the gravity of the situation.” She sighed, pausing to gather her thoughts. “You are our wards now. That means ponies know they can get to us though you. That means any time you are out without a guard, your lives are under threat.”

Celestia and Luna glanced at each other. They had heard that speech before, but this was Equestria. Ponies were nice and everyone loved the King and Queen.

"Luna, would you excuse us for a moment? We have another matter to discuss with Celestia." The Kings smile was a little forced.

Luna glanced at Celestia, who motioned for her to go. She wanted to protest, to stay with her sister, but after what just happened, she didn't want to press her luck.

"Celly, hurry up. We're going to be late. We're going to miss it!" Luna was all but pushing her sister toward the door of her chambers. "We have to get to the moon raising. You know this is the best one of the year."

"More like the most difficult. Ponies have had much to drink and won't be able to pull on the moon."

"It's still the prettiest moon of the year," Luna grumbled. "And I think the stars know what a special night it is, they always shine brighter."

Celestia chuckled. "You and the night sky, Lulu. Honestly, If your cutie mark isn't stargazing, I don't know what it will be."

"I told you, remember. I'm joining the guard. Or I would if you guys would let me into the combat magic."

The playful atmosphere disappeared instantly. Celestia spun out of her sisters hooves, eyebrows raised to their full height. "You are not joining the guard. You could die. I'm not going to let that happen."

Luna didn't reply. She scuffed her hoof against the carpet. "Well, are you ready yet?"

With a sigh, Celestia nodded. "Yes, yes, come on. You really must learn to be more patient."

Together they walked through the corridors and onto the balcony. Everypony stood in their designated positions, with Celestia and Luna closest to the King and Queen. Just before the King began his announcement, Celestia cast a spell onto her and Luna's ears to protect from the loudness of the Royal Canterlot Voice.


As Celestia had predicted, many of the unicorns looked to be concentrating, but their horns weren't alight. Several of the unicorns who were successfully casting magic looked to be struggling, and very few were left that looked completely capable. "We gotta pull hard," she whispered to Luna as they light their horns to help.

Celstia's magic nearly failed her as she glanced at Luna. A light quickly faded from the dark fur on Luna’s flank, leaving a black patch with a white crescent moon. She pulled harder and soon the moon was in place.

Luna sat, smiling at the moon. "It's so beautiful," she said. "I just love it."

"I can see that," Celestia said.

Luna raised her eyebrows. "What?" Celestia pointed to Luna's flank. "Oh my…moon…moon…I have a moon on my flank…"

"It's called a Cutie Mark, Lulu." Celestia grinned. "You've received your Cutie Mark."

"No, you aren't listening. I have a Moon. Like…your sun."

Celestia's eyes widened. "I…you…oh."

They sat for a moment. A smile slowly grinned over their faces. "Mare of the Sun," Luna said, with a flourish of her hoof, "should we tell the King and Queen the Mare of the Moon has arrived?"

"Hmm…I do believe that would be the best course of action."

Unable to keep straight faces any longer, they broke out in laughter. "Did we miss a joke?" the Queen's voice sounded from behind them. They were smiling at the sisters, apparently unaware of Luna's newfound mark.

"N—No." Celestia was losing a fight with giggles. "Y-You see…"

Luna steeped in. "What my sister is trying to say is, your search is over, your majesties. The Mare of the Moon has been found."

The Queen raised her eyebrows. "Really? We hadn't heard, where is…" Her eyes glanced over Luna's flank. "Oh…oh my." Grinning, she wrapped both girls into a hug. "Come, we have much we need to discuss."

"You…you want to adopt us?" Luna looked from the King to the Queen and back, confused.

"Yes. We do not have any heirs, but watching the two of you grow the last few years has been a joy to us. We wanted to ask sooner but we thought tonight would be special." The Queen grinned. "We did not expect the night to already be special for Luna."


Everypony turned to look at Celstia. "Why, after three years, do you want to suddenly adopt us. After Luna is the other mare you're looking for."


"No. I want to know."

The King smiled. "It is a fair question. Here are the proper papers, if you would like to see the dates. We have been planning this for a while, as the Queen has said." He walked over to Celestia and knelt in front of her. "We do love you girls. We are giving you a choice; you can say no. Were it a matter of simply finding a successor, we would follow the old policies. Ambrosia and her family are next in line, and would make fine rulers." He sighed, shaking his head. "You know what we've had teams of unicorns working on, dear. You have been in those meetings. We…" Shaking his head, the King stood. "I do not know what else to say. I am sorry."

Luna's brow was furrowed. "What's wrong? Why don't you want to be adopted? We'll be princesses, Celly. We'll have parents again."

"We have parents, Luna." Celestia squeeze her eyes shut. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you." She put her face in her hooves. "I'm fifteen. I don't know what the right answer is. I…" She looked up at the Queen and King. "You've both been wonderful to us. I…I would like to be…related but I still don't know."

"Celestia," the Queen's voice was gentle. "Now that we know who the Mare in the Moon is, we can go forward with the plans we've been discussing. It makes matters easier that it was Luna, yes. But that has no bearing on what we had planned for tonight, dear. We've thought long about this." She took Celestia's hoof. "There will be outcry from the Equestiran people. There will be outcry from those in the council. We are prepared to defend our decision. We only want the best for you. We could go to the orphanage tomorrow and choose a child if we wished, but we aren’t. We want the two of you. What we are asking is, do you want us?"

"I—" Celestia looked from the King and Queen, to her sister, all with hopeful expression on their faces, and then at her hooves. "I just don't want to forget my mama and papa. But…I want to have parents again as well."

"Celly?" Celestia looked at Luna. "I miss mama and papa too. You know that. There are times I spend more nights in your rooms than mine. This” she gestured to the King and Queen with a smile, before looking back at Celestia, “This seems like an amazing thing. We aren't replacing mama and papa, we're just getting two more."

Celestia wrapped her hooves around Luna, a smile forming on her face. "Why is it my younger sister is wiser than I am?" She pulled back, though didn't completely let go. "You want this?"

"I would trade my Cutie Mark for it," she whispered.

Celestia nodded. "Okay…we accept…mom and dad?”

The Queen wiped tears from her eyes as she gathered the fillies into hugs. "Oh, you wonderful girls." She nuzzled each of them. "We do love you," she whispered.

Author's Note:

Again, any thoughts are appreciated, both positive and negative. I need to know what I do well, so I can keep doing it, and what I don't do well, so I can fix it. Besides, I love knowing what you guys think.