The Beginning

by fallen starr

First published

The tale of how Celestia and Luna got their powers and came to rule Equestria.

Celestia and Luna are unicorn fillies struggling to get by, when Celestia gets her cutie mark and attracts the eye of the King and Queen.

Part One of The Sisters of the Sun and Moon trilogy.

Sun Marked

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Celestia blearily opened her eyes. The stars twinkled at her as she looked out the window. She nudged the sleeping filly beside her, though indistinguishable noises and a dark hoof waving in her face was all she got. Sighing to herself, she nudged the filly again. "Lulu, come on. It is time to raise the sun. We must begin training."

The younger filly sat up. "Can't I just help with the moon?" she whined even as she climbed out of their shared bed.

Celestia furrowed her brow. "It is our duty, as it is the duty of every unicorn that lives so close to Canterlot." Her anger disappeared quickly as her younger sister yawned. "Come. I will carry you."

Luna climbed onto Celesita's back, pressing her face into the pink mane. "I wish you had wings, Celly. You could just fly us then."

Celestia giggled. "You know nopony has both wings and a horn. Why, what would we even call them?"

The pair had made it out of the small house and walked down the steep mountain trail. The wind was cold and biting, as it often turned before the winter months were to set in. Feeling her little sister shivering, Celestia cast a protective shield to block the wind.

"Thanks, Celly," Luna said. It didn't take long for the shivering to stop. "How long until we get there?"

"Just a few more minutes. Can't you see the village?"

Luna was fully awake now. She gazed up at the stars, mesmerized by their beauty. She had even named a few of the brightest, though the only pony she told was her sister. She always hated being sent to bed so early. She knew it was so she would wake early enough to raise the sun, but the night was her favorite time. Night made a pony think.

"Can you walk now?" Celestia asked. They were entering the city proper. The gate was up to let the unicorns through. She stopped and lowered her body closer to the ground. "You never told me what you would name a pony with both a horn and wings."

"Well," Luna said, looking at the ground. "It would have the strength of an earth pony too. That way, it could just be called an all-corn, because it has it all."

"All-corn, hmm? That sounds good to me," Celestia said.

They joined the large group of unicorns who were in the center of the town. The King and Queen stepped forward. "IT IS TIME!" The King pronounced. Luna and Celestia both folded their ears down to lessen the loudness of the Royal Canterlot Voice. "LET US RAISE THE SUN!"

All the unicorns focused their magic on the sun as it slowly rose across the horizon. Celestia pulled with all her might, ignoring the burning in her flank. She would have a sore muscle for the rest of the day, she was certain.

Finally, the sun was up. She sat on the ground, ignoring the pile of dust that rose around her as she caught her breath. The sun would make its way around Equestria and somehow back to the east, where it would wait to be raised the next morning and charged with enough magic to make the trip again.

"Celly," Luna said in amazement, "you've done it."

"What?" Celestia looked at her little sister, who pointed to her flank.

"You're cutie mark. You've got it."

It was there, on her flank. Celestia's eyes widened in amazement. The sun, bright and yellow, was there. It shined against her white fur. "What's it mean?" Celestia asked. "The sun can't be a talent. The sun simply is."

The sisters sat there for a moment, simply looking at the new mark. Other ponies walked around them, a few grumbling about the fillies not getting out of the way.

An older unicorn mare stopped next to the fillies. "What seems to be the problem, my little ponies?" Her voice was fully of warmth as she looked down at them. Celestia and Luna simply looked up at her, mouths gaping. "Well now, I can't help if you don't tell me."

"C-Cutie Mark," Celestia managed to stammer out.

"Hmm?" The older mare's eyes found Celestia's flank. "Oh my. This is…astounding. The sun for a cutie mark…" The older mare moved her gaze to Celstia's face. "It seems you have a very special destiny ahead of you, child." With that, she left.

Celestia looked at Luna, shaking her head. "I don't…I don't want it Lulu. I want a normal mark, like everypony else. I don't even know what this means. We were just raising the sun with everypony else." Celstia started as she felt Luna nuzzle her.

"I think your mark is beautiful, Celly. Like that lady said, it makes you special."

Celestia smiled. Not saying a word, the sisters stood and began their trek back home. They walked out of the city and through the small village outside of the gates. "Why do we have to live so far away?" Luna asked as they passed the last house in the village. "I hate walking so far every day."

"I know, " Celestia said quietly. "Since mother and father are…away now, we have to. Otherwise we would end up in a foal's house."

"That might not be so bad." Luna looked up at her sister thoughtfully. "There would be ponies to take care of us then."

"No." Celestia's face darkened. "Those places are bad, Lulu. You're never going to one. They don't feed you or school you. If you get sick they don't care. They are not the place for you." Taking a deep breath, Celestia stopped and looked at the younger filly. "That is why it is very important we act like we still have our parents. No one can find out."

Luna looked a little confused, but she nodded. "Okay."

Celestia walked through the open doorway of the shack she had made. There wasn't much to it–a single room with hay covered by a blanked on one side and a small place to cook food on the other— but to the sisters it was home.

"Okay. You need to go into the wild field and find some breakfast for yourself, and bring some back for dinner. I'll go back to the village and see if I can find some work." Celestia sighed. There wasn't much work to be had in the village for a filly, especially one without a Cutie Mark.

She looked back at her flank and scoffed. The sun. What a useless Cutie Mark to have. She and Luna parted ways once they left their home. Once Luna was out of sight, Celestia galloped into town. She walked into shop after shop, even going to the blacksmiths, but no one needed the help of a simple filly.

Evening found her sitting on the edge of a shop's porch. Tears streamed down her face. She looked up at the sun, cursing the bright ball of light. If it wasn't for it, she could have gotten a proper Cutie Mark. She could have had a Cutie Mark that would feed and protect her sister. Instead, she had the sun on her flank. She had never felt so useless.

She wasn't paying attention to her surroundings, so when a hoof touched her shoulder, she jumped. A Royal Guard stood, looking down at her. She could only see his eyes from behind the black helmet, but the orange was soft and kind looking. "Why are you crying, filly?"

She tensed, unsure of how to answer. "I just…miss…my sister." She looked around evasively. If the guard found out, it would be to the foal's house.

"And where is your sister?"

She swallowed. "Um…playing."

"Hmm…well, I noticed your Cutie Mark. Care to tell me about it?"

She looked around, but there was no escape. There was a guard down the street behind and ahead of her. She hung her head, accepting defeat. "I got it this morning while we were all raising the sun."

"Yes, I heard. Can you take me to your mother and father? I need to discuss something with them."

Celestia's eyes widened. "Umm…of course…they're over here…" She laughed uneasily as stood and started walking toward the edge of the village. She had to think of something to get away from the guard before he realized she wasn't leading him to her parents. They walked pass the guard who had been standing behind her. She sighed in relief when he didn't follow.

The guard was quiet during the walk. She kept looking up at him, but his gaze never strayed from straight ahead. She turned down an alleyway and smiled. "Almost there," she said. Just ahead on the right." The guard took the bait and stepped ahead of her.

She turned began running. Her heart was beating fast, but she hoped she could out run the guard and make it back to Luna. She should have been home by now to fetch her younger sister so they could practice their magic.

"Hey!" the guard called when he realized what was happening. "Stop!"

Celestia ran with all her might. They had already been close to the edge of town, and by the time she passed the last house in the village, the guard had stopped chasing her, but she hadn't stopped her gallop. Celestia only stopped when she made through the door way. She gasped for breath as she sat. Luna looked wide eyes at her sister as she offered a ladle full of water. Ignoring the water, Celestia grabbed Luna into a tight hug.

"What happened?" Luna asked.

"Guard asked for our parents," Celestia said, still gasping for air. "Oh my stars. I think we're going to have to leave and find a different village, Lulu. Come on. Let's get our things."

"Now? But it's already past midday. It will be well past nightfall before we reach another village."

Celestia nodded her head. "I know. We can't stay here. They'll find us Lulu. And then it's to the foal's house." Finally accepting the ladle of water, Celestia drank greedily. Luna watched with worried eyes as her sister gathered what few possessions they had and put them into a threadbare saddlebag. "Do you have dolly?"

Luna held up a stuffed ragdoll. "She doesn't want to leave. She wants to stay here in our home. This is where her hooves were stitched and where she wants to stay."

"Oh, Lulu," Celestia said softly, setting the saddlebag down and gathering her sister into a hug. "I know you want to stay. I do, too. It just isn't safe anymore." Celestia pulled back and looking directly into the younger filly’s eyes. Luna nodded. "Now, come along." She picked up the saddle bag again, looking around one last time. The megar stores of food, the thin blanket, and their kettle, ladle, and water pot were all packed away. With a sigh, Celestia opened the door, looking out to the browning grass of the field.

Celestia felt a pair of hooves around her as she walked out the door, and her sister's screams let her know somepony had her as well. "Celly!"One of the guards from earlier had the filly by the barrel. "Celly! "

"Lulu!" Celestia bucked and thrashed, but the guard pony would not let go. "Get off of me. My sister needs me."

"Celly!" The guard pony that had her sister was walking away.

"No! Lulu!" Her efforts to escape doubled before somepony held her in a telekinetic grip.

"General, sir." The guard pony had a deep voice as he addressed the officer. Celestia could see the guard pony salute and stand at attention.

"At ease." The general looked at Celestia. "Yes, you are the one. Come along." They walked a short way, the officer keeping Celestia bound to him by a magical force. They met the guard who had Luna. The young filly was crying, trying to pull away from the guard who had captured her.

"Lulu," Celestia cried, again trying to escape and get to her sister.

The guard smiled. "Release the young one." Before anyone could move, Luna was next to Celestia and bound to the officer. Ignoring the other ponies, Celestia checked to make sure her sister was okay. "Thank you, guards,” the general said, as way of dismissal. The officer watched them leave before turning to the sisters. They sat in silence for nearly five minutes. The guard seemed to be waiting for the sisters to say something, but they didn’t speak. Celestia held her sister close, glaring at the officer whenever she looked at him, but she whispered comforts to Luna as the filly calmed.

"Normally, I would ask to speak to your parents, but it seems you have been orphaned," he finally said in a gentle tone.

Celestia stood, moving protectively in front of Luna. "We won't go. We aren't going to a foal's house. We'll just run away." Her nostrils flared and she narrowed her eyes.

The officer looked at Celestia for a moment. With a small shake of his head, he said, "No, you aren't going to a foal's house. You are going to the castle. The King and Queen wish to speak to you."

"The…castle?" Celestia said, eyes wide. She sat, surprised. "Why? We’re noponies.”

"All will be explained there. It would have been much easier had you not put up a fight.” The guard chose to ignore Celestia’s scoff. “Is there anything from that…house you'll need?"

"No, we have everything," Luna offered. She smiled up at Celestia. "We're going to the castle. Isn't this so exciting?"

Celestia sighed. "I suppose." Pushing a stray bit of mane out of Luna's face, she smiled. "Do you want me to carry you? It’s an awfully long walk."

Luna nodded and climbed onto Celestia's back as she had just that morning. She wrapped her hooves around Celestia's neck and snuggled into her mane. With a sigh, Celestia set out at a trot next to the officer. He didn’t use magic to keep her bound, but she knew better than to try to run.

Try as she might, Celestia could not think of why the King and Queen themselves would want to see them. While Luna had fallen asleep, she looked over at the guard. "What did we do wrong? I've never stolen. We always do our duty to raise the sun and moon. We've done what we're supposed to do." She swallowed, afraid. “We’re good ponies.”

"Nothing.” The guard gave what she supposed was meant to be a reassuring smile. “You are not in trouble, young one. The king has interest in your Cutie Mark."

Celestia swallowed and looked at the ground. She had heard rumors of the king taking common mares off the street for…things, but she had never expected her to be one of them. "I see,” she said quietly. Getting a Cutie Mark was the sign that a pony was growing up, after all, and ready to leave childhood behind. She dreaded the day Luna would have to leave behind her the happiness of youth. She breathed in and out quickly as the current situation caught up with her. “And why does he want Lulu. She is much too young for such things." She couldn’t stop her voice from quavering as she said the last few words, or the tears that had decided to spring to her eyes.

The officer gave her a curious look, stopping and looking at her properly. "Such things as what?" He looked expectantly, but Celestia could not force herself to speak the words. She turned her face, but he could still see the tears. "What do you fear, young one?" His tone was gentler this time.

With a couple deep breaths and swallowing the lump in her throat, Celestia answered, her voice not above a whisper. "The King has many mares, does he not? Just as the Queen has her stallions?"

The officer's face softened. "Celly, is that your name?"


"Ah. Celestia." He picked up a foreleg and reached out to her, before thinking better of it. Instead, he took a breath. "Celestia, the King and Queen are faithful to each other. There are no others. No mares or stallions or anything. And you are barely out of fillyhood yourself.” With a sigh, he shook his head. “The king has a very important matter to discuss with you. When I said he had interest in you cutie mark, I meant exactly that." The guard paused for a moment before nodding to himself. "There was a prophecy, long ago when our nations combined and Equestria was formed. A prophecy about the mare with the sun mark. No one knew what it meant, until we heard of you."

Celestia looked back at her Cutie Mark before nodding. "Lead the way." She contemplated what the officer had said as they walked. Obviously, an important pony had seen her mark yesterday, but the unicorns were numerous and with the other ponies out and about, there was no way for her to know how the news had reached Royal ears.

The rest of the trip to the castle was in silence. The officer offered to carry Luna, but even without the no he received, he could tell he shouldn’t have asked. Instead, he walked calmly, glancing at Celestia and Luna every few moments, slowing his pace when he saw Celestia was tiring. Just as they were walking under the gates, Celestia woke Luna. The young filly sighed as she raised her head. "It's beautiful," she whispered as they walked toward the doors. "Celly, it's really the castle. The real one."

Celestia chuckled. "Yes, it is, Lulu." The courtyard was the same on where choice unicorns were allowed to stand as the raising and lowering ceremonies were performed.

The passed by guard ponies, their armor sparkling in the setting sun, as the doors opened, revealing a large room. Celestia looked around in amazement, her mouth agape. Candles adorned the walls, giving off enough light to see into every corner. The ceiling was so high Celestia was certain the blue was the sky. The floor had been shined to show her reflection as they walked. She looked at her dirt covered feet and suddenly felt every bit of her peasantry.

Luna pressed her head closer to Celestia’s, her eyes on the stairs ahead of them. Celestia followed her gaze and saw the King and Queen. Celestia lowered herself hastily as Luna dismounted, and both fillies quickly fell to their feet in a bow. "Rise, young ones," the Kings booming voice called out. It might not have been the Royal Canterlot Voice, but he was still loud enough to cause Luna’s ears to pull back.

Stealing a glance at Luna, Celestia rose. The King and Queen began walking, and the officer motioned for them to follow, though he remained where he had been. They followed the King and Queen up the stairs and through corridor. The path seemed a maze to Celestia, but she stayed close. Finally, they arrived in a room with four chairs. Luna happily jumped into one.

"Luna, get down. You do not sit before the King and Queen have." Celestia’s admonishments earned her a scowl, but she was more worried about not being thrown into the dungeon.

The wide-eyed filly jumped out of the seat. The Queen smiled at the sisters. "It is alright, dear. Have a seat, both of you."

Celestia incline her head before she took the seat next to her sister. She watched the King and Queen carefully, afraid of making the wrong move. She knew very little of the proper way to interact with any sort of nobility, other than being polite.

Finally, the King spoke. "How long have you had that mark?"

"J-Just today, your highness." She winced as her voice shook, but it couldn't be helped.

"What do your parents think?" he asked.

"Our parents died in the new season," Luna answered. "I think it's beautiful though." She looked at her sister, admiration shining through her eyes.

"Indeed, it is," the Queen answered. "I am sorry for your lose. It does make our offer easier though."

Celestia hesitated. "Offer?"

The King nodded as the Queen spoke. "There was a prophecy, nearly three hundred years ago." The Queen closed her eyes and spoke, nearly as if reading a fairy tale. "The Mares with Marks of Sun and Moon will come and with them they will bring the Sun and the Moon's eternal cycling." Opening her eyes, the Queen smiled. "We aren't entirely sure what it means, but you do have the mark of the sun. We only need to wait for the Mare of the Moon to come. Until then, we would like for you to stay here, in the castle. You will be well cared for and schooled, of course."

Celestia looked at her younger sister, biting her lip. That all sounded so wonderful, to be able to live in the grandure of the castle. A glance at her sister showed the foal shared her excitement, but none of her worry. "And Luna?"

"You will not be separated, if that is what you fear. She is welcome to stay and have the same provided for her,” the King said. “The prophetess has given many predictions, all of which have been proven true. We have been preparing for this situation for quite a while.”

Celestia smiled and looked at her sister again. They would have food, and proper schooling, and a real roof over their heads. Luna nodded enthusiastically. "I'll stay."

"I can't believe you said that, Luna," Celesita said as they were escorted down the hall.

"I am hungry. They said they would care for us." Luna looked at her older sister, shrugging. "Now we can eat. Besides, they laughed."

Celestia smiled, unable to be cross with her . "True." They stopped in front of a set of large doors. Celestia's eyes widened as she saw the large table. Her sister ran forward to sit in a chair while Celestia stood, stunned.

"Come on, Celly. Aren't you hungry?" Celestia shook her head as she ran over to her sister. The pair giggled at the grandeur of it all before settling on sitting across from each other at the end of the table. Then they noticed the most important aspect. "Where's the food?"

"I don't know, Lulu." Celestia looked around. "Maybe the guard brought us to the wrong room?"

She was about to find someone to ask when a different set of doors opened and the King and Queen walked in. The royal pair took the seats next to the sisters, the Queen next to Celestia and the King next to Luna. "Are you ready?" the King asked the dark blue filly.

"Oh yes. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast."

Celestia frowned. "I told you to eat lunch before coming back."

"Grass gets boring," Luna said, her voice low, looking down at her plate. "Besides, you didn't eat anything."

"I—That's beside the point, Lulu. You need to eat and stay healthy." Celestia kept a concerned eye on her sister, forgetting the King and Queen entirely for a moment. “I don’t get you enough as it is. Don’t skip meals.”

Celestia noticed movement as the King and Queen share a concerned look, but neither of them said a word. She wanted to apologize for the outburst, but she wasn’t sure what to say. Not a moment later, yet another set of doors opened as four silver platters were brought out and uncovered. The serving ponies placed the plates down and pulled the lids away. The sisters gasped.

Abandoning all thought of manners, the sisters seemed to attack the food. Roasted carrots, grilled onions, and a variety of other things. Luna and Celestia cleaned their plates in a matter of minutes, their parent's lessons on manners finally kicking in to stop them from licking the plates spotless.

Celesita grinned at her sister, who grinned back. It was nice to have a hot meal in their bellies that didn't consist of grass and water. "That was amazing," Luna said.

"Yes, thank you."

The King chuckled, patting Luna on the back. “I am glad you liked it,” he said. The King and Queen continued to eat. Celestia glanced at the Queen's plate. She hadn't even ate half of her food. Celestia swallowed, feeling slightly ashamed.

She should have paced herself. What sort of ponies was she presenting her and her sister to be? Certainly not the kind who deserved to stay in the castle. "I'm sorry," she said, eyes trained on the table.

"For what? Eating." The Queen put a hoof across Celestia's shoulders, and she tensed. "Don't be." Celestia looked up at the smiling Queen. "I am sorry you were so hungry in our land. It should not have been that way. We have foals houses for that very reason.

"Celly is always hungry," Luna said quietly.

"Lulu." Celestia threw her sister a warning glance, but Luna ignored it.

"She acts like she isn't, but I can tell. She always gives me the most when we get good food. She doesn't eat anything but dinner either. She thinks I don't notice, but I do." Luna looked at the King and Queen.

Celestia shook her head "You need to eat more." She looked at her sister, at the ribs she that were visible, at how she was smaller than a foal her age should be. "A foal your ages shouldn't be so thin. You need it to help you grow."

“Well, if we’d gone to a foal’s house, like I wanted to, then—“

“No!” Celestia stamped her hoof onto the table. “I’ve told you before, Luna, we’re better off on our own than in one of those places.”

"Girls," the Queen said, bringing their attention back before Luna could reply. "You need to never worry about having a meal again." She looked between the sisters and shook her head. "And maybe I should venture out of the castle more often and ensure our foals are being treated correctly."

After that conversation, the sisters were shown to the bathing chambers. The guard pony tried to show them to separate rooms, but Celestia insisted they share one. "Luna is still a young filly, she may need help. I would prefer her help be me."

After that, the guard had allowed them to share a washing room. Celestia walked over to the washing tub that was built into the ground. It was already full of water, and there were several soap cakes lying around. "Okay Lulu, ready for a nice warm bath?"

The filly giggled as she and Celestia stepped into the tub. "This feels so good," Luna said. She held her nose and dunked her head. "Do you think we could wash every day here? In water this warm?"

"I believe so," Celestia said as she levitated a cake of soap over. "Now come here, I need to make sure your mane and coat get clean before you play too much."

"Aww," Luna pouted, but she still scooted closer to her sister. Celestia worked the soap into a lather before applying it to her sister. "Will you sing to me? Like you normally do?"

Celestia smiled. "Of course." Settling on a song, Celestia sang the words softly to her younger sister. The younger mare bobbed her head in time with the song, even joining in on the chorus. "And that ends out happy, happy song," she sang as she rinsed the last of the soap from Luna's coat. "And you're all clean too."

Luna giggled before plunging her head under the water again. Celestia shook her head and smiled at her sister as she set about cleaning her own body. After she was finished, she stepped out. "Okay Luna, time to dry off now."

"Okay," she sighed, following Celestia. "Water was getting cold anyway."

Celestia picked up a thick white towel and began drying her sister's coat of excess water. Luna yawned loudly as Celestia dried herself. "I wonder where we will sleep," Celestia said. "I bet the beds are made out of clouds."

"Really? Oh, that would be lovely. To sleep on a cloud." Luna smiled. "Just floating along under the stars."

Celestia laughed. "Or to nap with the sun as your blanket." She sighed before ridding her mind of the thoughts with a shake. "Come, I'm sure the guard is worried about us by now, we've taken so long."

Luna giggled again as she followed her sister. "I am tired, Celly."

"I know, sweetie. It has been an eventful day." Celestia pushed open the door to find the guard gone. No one was in the corridor at all. "Hmm…I guess we are to find our own way." She looked back at her sister with a shrug.

"Celly, will you carry me?" Luna looked up at her sister pleadingly. "I'm just so sleepy," she said, covering her mouth with a hoof as she yawned.

Celestia smiled and nodded. "Come on, then, sleepy head."

With Luna securely on Celesita’s back, they wondered the halls for a while. Celestia was hesitant to open any doors, but she would check in as they passed through the corridors. Finally, they made it to a staircase. It was well worn, though still very clean. She thought it was strange that she had not ran across anypony, but she continued to walk. No one seemed to be on that floor, and most of the doors were locked. "What are we going to do?" Luna asked.

Celestia looked around the hall. "I don't know…" She bit her lip. They had made it to the end of yet another corridor with no sign of anypony. Perhaps she should have stayed by the baths. She sighed and looked out the window. "Hey, Lulu, want to go onto the balcony?"

"Yeah!" The filly wiggled in excitement, leaning her head forward with Celestia’s. “It’s already dark out, so we can see the stars!”

Celestia opened the door and allowed her sister to climb from her back before stepping out with her. Most of the town lights were out now, the stars and the moon the only source of light. "Aww, we missed the moon raising." Luna looked around. “I hadn’t thought of that.

"We can go tomorrow," Celestia said, letting Luna off her back to run around the small expanse of the balcony. "And every other night for the rest of our lives. The moon will always need rising."

While her sister was stargazing, Celestia turned to go inside and see if she could find a guard. It was strange for none to be on that floor. She turned the handle and pulled, but the door wouldn't move. "Oh no."

"What?" Luna asked, turning to look at Celestia.

"We seem to be locked out." To show, she wiggled the door handle again, though it didn’t move.

Seemingly unworried, Luna turned back to look at the stars. "Oh, okay. So, can we sleep out here then?"

Celestia smiled. "We don't have a choice."

Luna curled up into her sleeping position and smiled at her sister. "Aren't you going to lay down too?" Celestia nodded, and curled herself around Luna so the foal would be warmer. After they had snuggled comfortably together, Luna sighed. "Will you sing me a lullaby?" Her voice was muffled by sleep.

"Which one?" Celestia asked.

"The one mama used to sing. My favorite one. Mama used to say her mama sang that to her when she was a filly."

Luna closed her eyes and smiled as Celestia began singing.

"Moonlight… starlight…darkness falls,
From the shadows owls call,
All these shall be yours one day
'Til then, sleep.
Dream the night away."

Celestia smiled at Luna, leaning her head down to kiss the sleeping filly’s her forehead. "Goodnight, Lulu."

First Day at the Castle

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Celestia jerked awake. Muffled shouting came from inside the castle and the grounds below. "Lulu," she whispered, prodding her younger sister, "Get up. It's time to raise the sun."

Luna groaned but got to her hooves. She yawned before blinking at Celestia. "We're still at the castle." A smile spread across her face. "It wasn't a dream!"

"No, it…it wasn't." Celestia grinned back at Luna. "I wonder if anypony could let us in now."

Luna walked over to the door and peered in. "I think something is wrong. The guards are all running around and shouting." Luna raised a hoof and waved. "One of the guards saw me. He's coming."

Celestia stood behind Luna as the guard opened the door. "Thank goddess we've found you. What are you doing out here?"

"We came to look at the stars last night, but we were locked out." Celestia bit her lip. "Was…all of this just for us?" she asked as they followed the guard inside.

"Indeed. When neither of you were in your chambers, their majesties were worried you had ran off after all." The guard led them to the same room they had been taken to when first meeting the King and Queen. "Just wait here."

Once the guard had left, Luna walked over to Celestia and wedged herself between the white unicorn's front hooves. "Are we in trouble, Celly?" she asked worriedly.

"I don't know," she answered. "I'm sure it'll be okay." She reached down and stroked Luna’s mane comfortingly.

Moments later, the King and Queen walked in. Luna shrank back against her sister's chest. "We're sorry. We didn't mean too," she squeaked. "We just got locked out and there was no pony around to help us."

The King's expression softened as he looked at Luna. "It is alright, child. You are both safe and here, and that is what is important."

"Where were you, though? Why did you not stay in your chambers?" the Queen asked.

Celestia lowered her head. "As Luna said, we were locked out of the castle. We stepped onto a balcony to see the stars and the door locked behind us. We’re sorry we caused such a fuss.”

The Queen furrowed her brow. "You slept outside last night?"

"It isn't so bad," Luna said, peeking out from her hiding spot now that she felt nothing bad would happen. "I mean, normally we have a roof and our blanket, but Celly kept me warm." She looked up at her sister with a smile.

Celestia smiled back as Luna nuzzled under her neck. "The guard woke us up. We heard them searching and Luna caught the attention of one who let us in."

The King looked puzzled. "Why didn't you simply stay in your chambers? Were the windows provided not satisfactory?"

"We never went—" Luna started before Celestia's hoof clamped over her mouth. However, the damage had been done.

Celestia shook her head, her eyes wide as she looked up at the King and Queen. "Please don't punish him. I'm sure it was an honest mistake. The moon had already risen and—"

"Do not worry, child.” The Queen placed a hoof on Celestia’s shoulder. “We shall take care of this. Now, I do believe the sun is set to rise soon. If you would follow us…"

Luna glanced nervously at Celestia before following. They walked through the set of doors the King and Queen had entered from and out onto a different balcony. "Celly, looks, it's the nice lady from yesterday." Luna pointed her hoof at an older mare standing on the other side of the balcony. "I bet she told the King and Queen about your Cutie Mark."

The sisters were in the back, out of view of the crowd just feet below. Celestia looked around the balcony. Several guards stood watch as everypony waited for the King to call sunrise. The mare from the day before caught her eye and winked, and her words came back to Celestia. The lady had known what the Mark meant, and that’s why she had asked about it.

The King cleared his voice. "IT IS TIME," he called in the Royal Canterlot Voice. Celestia wasn't sure how the other ponies could stand to be near the King as he used this voice, especially so close. With her ears pressed as flat as they would go, he was still very loud. She put her hooves over Luna’s. "LET US RAISE THE SUN."

As one, the group of unicorns turned and focused their magic on raising the sun. Though she pulled with all her magic, Celestia couldn't help but grin as she caught a glimpse of her younger sister. Luna had a look of determined concentration on her face as she used what little power her magic held at that age to help.

Once the sun was up, everypony began walking away. "And so another day begins," the King said. "Now, I do believe it is time to break fast, is it not?"

Luna grinned.

There were more ponies at breakfast than there had been at dinner the previous day. Celestia and Luna did not have the freedom to sit where they chose—cards with their names on them had reserved seats, though thankfully they were still next to each other. The room was different, and the table smaller, but the sisters felt this was grander simply because of the amount of ponies present.

A few guard stood around the room, looking straight ahead. At the table sat ten ponies, though the only one the sisters recognized was the older mare from the previous day. A couple of ponies gave the girls curious looks, but did not speak to them. No pony sat, until a set of doors opened and the King and Queen walked in.

After the King and Queen sat at the opposite end of the table from Celestia and Luna, everypony else took their seat. The kitchen staff entered at precisely that moment, almost as if it were a trained task done every day. Once the breakfast had been revealed—buttered toast with preserves and fresh apple slices—the King spoke.

"I am sure many of you are wondering why two fillies have graced us with their presence today.” Celesita saw a couple of ponies nod their heads, while one stallion looked around, surprised to see them sitting there. “Some of you may remember The Prophecy that we speak of from time to time." A few of the ponies nodded their heads. "Celestia, if you would stand."

Celestia paused, her mouth already firmly around a slice of toast, before quickly swallowing and nodding. She stood, unsure of what to do this.

"Please, present your Cutie Mark." Gasps and mutterings greeted the Sun mark. She looked back at the ponies, an uneasy smile upon her face. "Thank you, you may sit again."

Attention turned back to the Royal couple slowly. Celestia pointedly focused on her breakfast, refusing to meet anyone's gaze. "I think they like you," Luna whispered beside her. Celestia looked at her sisters smiling face before nodding, though she felt it was her Mark they were impressed with.

"Yes, something like that." Celestia noticed her sister glancing the second piece of toast on her plate. Seeing Luna's was already empty, she smiled. "Are you still hungry? I do not believe I want this one." After Luna gave her a look that said ‘are you serious’, Celesita pushed it toward her. “Truly. I ate an awful lot last night.”

"Yes, please," Luna said, never taking her eyes off the toast.

A stallion next to Celestia cleared his throat as Luna took the toast. When he saw Celestia looking at him, he leaned over to her. "We do not eat off other ponies plates."

Celesita raised her eyebrows. "Ah, I see." He turned his attention back to whatever the Queen was now saying. Celestia looked at him. Middle aged, with both a brown coat and mane, and something of a pudge around his middle. He obviously had never been hungry enough to understand, and the King and Queen did not seem bothered by the sisters behavior. She looked at her sister, who had already eaten half the toast. "Is it good?"

Grinning, Luna nodded.

"Now, does anypony object to these?" the Queen asked.

The stallion who had admonished Celestia spoke."They are but commoners, my Queen. Surely you cannot be serious. They would not blend well with the ponies of your stature."

The older mare from the previous day spoke up. "I believe it to be an excellent point. They are peasants. Two young fillies without parents who, I must say, appear to be very well mannered and are very respectful.”

High Rule took a breath. "They eat from the same plate, your majesty. They continued eating, even when you had stopped. They know nothing of manners. They do not belong here. Imagine the embarrassment had it been more than just the council at this meal. Why, I would say that that particular mark is not even genuine."

Celestia watched the exchange. It sounded like staying in the castle might not be the sure thing she had thought it was.

The Queen gave High Rule a level gaze. "High Rule, pardon the slip of memory, but your position is over ensuring the foal's houses are running smoothly, correct? And all orphaned foals are there, being taken care of?"

"Yes, milady. My position also heads our relations with the…" he stopped here, struggling to find the correct word, "…lesser ponies." He glanced over at Celestia and Luna.

"Ah, I thought so. Please, tell me, why it is these two fillies were brought here yesterday after being found living on their own for months just outside of the village. Or why they were so adamant about not going to a foal's house?"

"I—I do not know. There are kinks in my system and the royal police may not be—" his stammering was cut off by a hoof slamming the table.

"Enough," the Queen said. "I have plans to visit every foal's home in Equestria. We are built on trusting and taking care of each other, High Rule. Some ponies, it seems, have forgotten this. Some ponies, it seems, believe themselves better than others. I sent a guard just last night to check the Canterlot foal's home. Do you know what he found, High Rule?" The stallion swallowed, but said nothing. "Filth. Sickness. Do you know what those foals ate for dinner? Wild turnip soup."

"Oh, Celly is good at making that."

"Luna," Celestia said, using her sister's proper name to reprimand. "This is not our business."

"No, go on child," a mare said. “The Queen is right. We don’t know the conditions of our charges lives, it seems.”

Casting a glance at Celestia, Luna continued. "We don't have it a lot, because she said we needed to save them for when the grass dies in the winter. She made me some for my birthday, though. There was grass, too, because grass was there and it was at least something else to add, she said. But it was a great birthday present." Luna grinned, pleased with what she had said to defend her sister.

The mare raised her eyebrows. "Birthday present?"

Celestia looked at the table. She hated how ashamed all these ponies made her feel. "It was nothing like mama and papa would have given her. But…we are low on coins. It was the best I could do."

"It was perfect, Celly," Luna said, putting her hoof on Celestia’s. "I loved it.”

Celestia closed her eyes against the tears that threatened. "I know, Lulu."

"Celly," Luna whispered, though now that no one in the room was speaking, the words were clear to everyone, "please don't cry.” She was looking directly at her sister, thinking she was only talking to her. “I really did like it. I know you wanted to get me a new toy, but you worked hard on that. Besides, I have Dolly that you made me. I don't care what that snooty pony thinks, you are the best big sister ever."

Celestia took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. She couldn’t bring herself to look at the other ponies in the room, and she couldn’t stop herself from feeling their judgemental eyes, but she would not let her little sister be ignored. “I know you liked it, Lulu.” She did her best to smile at the filly next to her.

"The worst part, dear High Rule," the Queen continued after a moment, "was the foal's spirit. What kind of Equestria are we building, when our youngest have the bleakest outlook on life?" High Rule remained silent.

The meeting took most of the morning. Afterward, a guard was assigned to show the sisters around the castle. Luna walked around with a constant look of amazement on her face, as did Celestia. Their home with their parents had been much better than the small shack Celestia had managed to cobble together, but it was nothing compared to the castle.

Four floors made the structure, with four towers that rose higher than the rest. The bottom floor was the dungeon, though the fillies were forbidden from ever going there. The first floor was where the entrance to the castle was. It held several different sized ballrooms and dining areas, as well as the castle kitchen.

The second floor had the washing rooms and staff sleeping quarters. The third floor was where the guard took his time to show the girls where they were and weren't allowed. This was where the King and Queen's chambers were. After forbidding the fillies from ever entering those rooms, he led them to the opposite wing and showed them their chambers.

"This is yours." The guard flung the door open, a small smile on his face. "Go on, look around."

Slowly, Celestia and Luna walked into the room. A large bed took center stage, though there were dressers and bookshelves around the room as well. The entire room seemed to be centered around a golden theme. "Celly, isn't our room amazing," Luna said as she ran for the bed.

"Actually, this is only Celestia's room. If you would follow me, I will show you to Luna's."

Celestia raised her eyebrows as she nodded for her sister to follow the guard. Luna had caught up to him before he took three steps. "My own room? Really? Oh wow. I've never had my own room before."

Celestia followed behind her sister. The young filly seemed to vibrate with excitement. "I don't remember a time when I didn't have to share a room with you either, sister."

"You had your own room for five whole years before I was born. I've shared a room for seven." Luna giggled. "I get my own now."

Luna's room was at the end of the hall. It was nearly identical to Celestia's, but Luna focused on one thing first. "Dolly!" She leapt onto the bed and hugged the stuffed toy to her chest. "I missed you!" Luna made sure her toy was in top condition before hugging it again.

The guard cleared his throat. "If you will follow me, it is time for lunch."

Luna jumped from the bed and, careful to levitate Dolly to her back, happily followed the guard and her sister to where they would eat lunch.

They were in the same room they had been in that morning, except only the King and Queen were eating with them. "Did you enjoy your tour?" the King asked as they waited for lunch to be presented.

"Oh, yes. Our rooms are lovely. And Dolly was on my bed," Luna said, gleefully holding the toy up.

"Yes, thank you, for all of this. The rooms are astounding," Celestia added.

A small silence settled into the room. Celestia was certain she should say something, but nothing came to her. She sighed with relief when the door to the kitchen opened and their lunch was presented to them. Luna began eating as soon as the lid was lifted from the tomato soup.

Celestia thought back to that morning. "I am sorry about our folly this morning, your majesties. We were not aware of the dining customs in the castle and Luna…" she trailed off, lowering her head. "We did not mean to embarrass you."

"Celestia." The King's voice was gentle as he spoke. She looked up to meet his eyes. "We do not expect you or your sister to know all the proper customs. We understand where you are coming from." He smiled. "High Rule, I'm afraid, is not an exception to what the higher class believes. I was pleased when Ambrosia stood against him, giving the Queen opening to say what she did. Do not worry. You will learn and be trained, in time."

"If you girls are any indications of the state of Equestria, I believe the King and I need to work hard to make it a better land for our people. A safer land where fillies such as yourself do not need to fear a foal's home or go hungry." The Queen smiled at Celestia's shocked face. “We care deeply for our subjects. It is time we acted like it, I suppose. We have already been busy with plans for you this morning. I have arranged a tutor for both you and your sister, starting tomorrow."

Celestia looked at her sister, who was still busily sipping her soup. "Did you hear that, Lulu? We're going to be learning from real teachers again."

Luna sat her spoon beside her bowl now that her soup was empty. "Aww, I liked it when you taught me. I didn't have homework or anything. It was like a game."

"I can only teach you what I know. These tutors know so much more than I. And maybe we can work on getting you a cutie mark."

Luna's eyes grew big. "Really? That would be amazing, Celly." Luna smiled as her mind thought of the various things she could have for a Cutie Mark.

Celestia turned her attention back to the King and Queen. “Thank you, your majesties.”

“We want the best for you girls,” the Queen said.

"We have, however, arranged for the two of you to dine in your rooms tonight. I'm afraid we have a few serious meetings with the Griffins, and they would not take well to foals being present," The King said. "We will see you come sundown for the moon rising.”

The moonrise went just as sunrise had gone; Celestia and Luna were not in view of the public, but they were there to help. They weren't able to talk to the King or Queen after the raising, since a guard led them to their rooms.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Celly! I'm going to go sleep in my room." Luna took off at top speed, running to her room, giggling like crazy.

Celestia shook her head and walked into her room. She looked around, still amazed at how the last two days had turned. She and her sister had gone from living in a small shack she had built with her own hooves and horn to living in the castle with the King and Queen. She still believed it was a dream, except for the part where the fear felt all too real.

Supposedly, she was one of the mares in a prophecy about the sun and moon. When this happened in the bedtime stories her parents would tell, it always meant grave danger. Still, as she looked around at the thick blankets and soft, fluffy pillows, she decided not to question it. After all, she and her sister were being fed well and kept warm. She looked out the window at the moon, wondering who the other mare was and what she was doing at that moment.

Celestia yawned. She looked at the bed with a smile. Turning back the gold colored duvet, she snuggled between the sheets. The bed was soft and warm compared to her previous sleeping arrangements, and felt just as she imagined a cloud would. She was asleep in seconds.

Luna sighed as she looked out the window. She knew she should go to sleep, she had even already pulled the blankets and sheets back, but she couldn't pull herself away from the night sky. She'd never had a chance to just look at it like she could now. The moon was only half-full and headed for the new moon.

Most ponies were asleep now. She had even blown all the candles out in her room, though it was simply to better see the stars. Her eyes danced over the sparkling lights, connecting dots and making figures. She had told her sister her names for a few of them, but Celestia didn't know how greatly she loved the night sky. She saw it as a masterpiece of art.

Only when her blinks began taking a surprising amount of effort to finish did she turn to the bed. She snuggled between the sheets, holding Dolly close to her chest. With one last gaze out the window, her eyes closed.

"Luna, get up." Celestia stood over her. "Hurry, we must get out." Confused, Luna got out of the small bed. Her sister's pink mane was streaked with grey. "I can't find mama and papa, they're probably out already."

Smoke clouded her view of her sister and she stopped. "Celly?"

"Luna, come on." Luna looked around for her sister, but she wasn't there. She looked to the left where her parent's room was. Celestia had said they were outside, but it looked like they were still lying on the bed. She took a step toward the room.

Then she was jerked back by Celestia's magic. "No, Lulu, come on." Celestia's voice sounded strange, but Luna followed her to the door and outside. Celestia kept Luna her in magic until they made it far away from the house. Finally, she sat her down. "Are you okay? Are you burned or anything?"

Luna shook her head before looking around. "Where are mama and papa?"

"Are you sure you're okay?" Celestia's voice was shaky as she examined Luna. "Did you breathe in much smoke?"

"Celly," Luna said, afraid now, "where are mama and papa?"

Celestia stopped and looked at the ground. "I tried to wake them up. I…I tried so hard, but they wouldn't wake up. They wouldn't breath. I…they are in their bed, Lulu."

Luna heard her sister's sobs. She felt her sister pulling her close and holding her. The warmth of her own tears and Celestia's coat as she pressed her face into it was familiar. But all she could see was their house fully engulfed in flames.

Luna's eyes snapped open. She was covered in sweat and fresh tears as she scrambled from the bed and out the door. She ignored the guards who tried to stop her as she burst from her room and into Celesita's. She was on the bed before either guard could blink.

The sudden arrival of the filly in her bed woke Celestia. "Luna? Luna, what's wrong? What’s happened?"

Luna sat trembling on the bed with tears streaming down her face. Celestia pulled her close, nuzzling her. Luna pressed her face into Celestia's neck as she cried, unable to speak. The guards, who had came into the room, slowly backed out and closed the door.

After a few minutes, Luna pulled away. "I wanna go home, Celly."

Celestia shook her head. "Did you have the dream again?" The sniffling from Luna was answer enough. "Remember what I told you, Lulu? Keep Dolly close and she'll keep us safe." Celestia touched Luna's chin so the filly would look up. "And I'm always here for you. Never forget that. I'll be here whenever you need me."

"I know, Celly." Luna sniffed and snuggled closer to Celestia. "Can I just sleep in here tonight?"

Celestia smiled. "Of course."

Luna situated herself comfortably, pressing close to Celestia. "Celly?"


"I'm really happy you’re my sister." Luna yawned before sleepily adding, "I love you."

"I love you, too, Lulu." Placing a kiss on Luna's forehead, Celestia wrapped her younger sister in her hooves as they drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

Moon Marked

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The public soon caught wind of the recent happenings within the castle; namely, two young fillies being taken in, off the streets, by the King and Queen. Some called for the fillies to be cast out, while others supported the decision, though that wasn't what bothered the royals so much. With the news of Celestia and Luna, the prophecy had been spread.

The King and Queen set many groups to figuring out what the prophecy meant and finding the Mare of the Moon. Through the years, Equestria grew bored of the news about the mares; what did it matter anyway? No one knew what these mares would do. The sun and moon were cycling now, weren’t they?

Three years after Celesita had received her Cutie Mark, she was startled by her chamber doors being thrown open. Celestia looked up and grinned at her sister. "Hello, Luna."

"It's time for the Harvest Moon. Isn't this exciting, Celly? My tutors gave me all day off because of the celebration. And I know yours did too. Let's go play." Luna tugged on Celesita's tail with her magic. "You know, seize the day."

Celestia giggled. "What do you propose then, Luna? How do we 'seize the day'?"

Luna grinned.

"We're going to get caught," Celestia grumbled as she and Luna made their way out of the castle. "Someone is going to notice, we're going to get caught and in trouble. You know the King and Queen don't like for us to leave the castle alone, especially when it’s crowded like this."

Luna rolled her eyes. "That's so boring. What is there to do in the castle? We aren't even allowed in half the rooms. We haven't explored the city in ages. I mean, when we do get to come out, it’s with at least two guards, and that takes all the fun out of everything.” Turning to face her sister and walk backwards, Luna added, “And it's a festival, there will be so many different things to do. It is going to be so fun, Celly."

The sisters wondered the crowded streets of Canterlot, taking in all the sights. The sun shown bright as they looked around the festival. Pies and specialty treats were on booths everywhere to be bought and there seemed to be a minstrel on every street. Brightly colored signs vied for attention, some proclaiming to have the best carrot juice known to pony kind, others for rare items.

"Isn't it wonderful?" Luna asked. "Later, once we've all raised the moon, everyone is going to celebrate by staying up late and we'll all drink cider and celebrate the moon." Luna closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Oh, do you smell that? I think it's boison berry. Can we get some?"

"Well," Celestia said as her stomach rumbled, "I'd love to, but I didn't bring any coins. Did you?"

Luna's happy face fell. "No. Maybe if we promise to pay them later, they will give us some?"

Celestia shook her head. "I don't think it will work. I mean, we don't actually have any bits that are actually ours to begin with."

The pair settled for listening to the minstrels play their instruments and sing their songs. They were listening to one sing a song about a lone bird flying north when suddenly everyone around them began bowing.

Behind them stood the King and Queen surrounded by their entourage of guards. None looked happy.

"CELESTIA AND LUNA," the Queen said in the Royal Canterlot Voice, "WHAT A SURPRISE TO SEE YOU HERE."

Both fillies bowed before the King and Queen. "I'm sorry," Luna started, "It was my fault. I convinced Celly and—"

"No, I'm fifteen now. I should have said no. I should be sorry, it is only natural for Luna to want to explore the world at her age and—"

"We haven't done anything wrong, we were just listening to the music and enjoying the day—"

"So please don't punish her. I take all the blame."

The sisters finished their explanations at the same time, looking pleadingly at the King and Queen. Nothing was said, but with the flick of a hoof, the girls were surrounded by their own set of guards. The group began walking back to the castle. The ponies who had not given the girls another look moments ago were now bowing as they passed by, not daring to look up.

The trip back to the castle was short and silent. Luna's head hung down and she walked slower than normal. Celesita wanted nothing more than for her sister to be as she should be at that age—full of excitement and wonder for the world around her, as she had been earlier.

Celestia kept her eyes trained on the King and Queen. She couldn't be more thankful for what they had done for her and her sister. They had saved their lives, she knew. Still, she resented the fact that Luna was unable to express herself as she wanted to—as any young filly should be able to.

They were led into one of the meeting rooms, where the guards left to stand outside the doors. "Girls," the Queen started, "What did you think you were doing? You are important political figures now; you cannot simply go to the town whenever you feel the urge. You know this."

"I'm sorry," Luna said. Her voice was low and dull. "I made Celly go."

"As Celesita said earlier, she is more than capable of knowing when she shouldn't do something." The King shook his head. "I know this is a different life for you, but it has been three years. You know the rules. You will follow the rules. Is that understood?"

Celestia and Luna nodded their heads. "Very well. I am disappointed in you girls."

"We're sorry," the chorused together.

The Queen snorted. “I don’t believe you girls understand the gravity of the situation.” She sighed, pausing to gather her thoughts. “You are our wards now. That means ponies know they can get to us though you. That means any time you are out without a guard, your lives are under threat.”

Celestia and Luna glanced at each other. They had heard that speech before, but this was Equestria. Ponies were nice and everyone loved the King and Queen.

"Luna, would you excuse us for a moment? We have another matter to discuss with Celestia." The Kings smile was a little forced.

Luna glanced at Celestia, who motioned for her to go. She wanted to protest, to stay with her sister, but after what just happened, she didn't want to press her luck.

"Celly, hurry up. We're going to be late. We're going to miss it!" Luna was all but pushing her sister toward the door of her chambers. "We have to get to the moon raising. You know this is the best one of the year."

"More like the most difficult. Ponies have had much to drink and won't be able to pull on the moon."

"It's still the prettiest moon of the year," Luna grumbled. "And I think the stars know what a special night it is, they always shine brighter."

Celestia chuckled. "You and the night sky, Lulu. Honestly, If your cutie mark isn't stargazing, I don't know what it will be."

"I told you, remember. I'm joining the guard. Or I would if you guys would let me into the combat magic."

The playful atmosphere disappeared instantly. Celestia spun out of her sisters hooves, eyebrows raised to their full height. "You are not joining the guard. You could die. I'm not going to let that happen."

Luna didn't reply. She scuffed her hoof against the carpet. "Well, are you ready yet?"

With a sigh, Celestia nodded. "Yes, yes, come on. You really must learn to be more patient."

Together they walked through the corridors and onto the balcony. Everypony stood in their designated positions, with Celestia and Luna closest to the King and Queen. Just before the King began his announcement, Celestia cast a spell onto her and Luna's ears to protect from the loudness of the Royal Canterlot Voice.


As Celestia had predicted, many of the unicorns looked to be concentrating, but their horns weren't alight. Several of the unicorns who were successfully casting magic looked to be struggling, and very few were left that looked completely capable. "We gotta pull hard," she whispered to Luna as they light their horns to help.

Celstia's magic nearly failed her as she glanced at Luna. A light quickly faded from the dark fur on Luna’s flank, leaving a black patch with a white crescent moon. She pulled harder and soon the moon was in place.

Luna sat, smiling at the moon. "It's so beautiful," she said. "I just love it."

"I can see that," Celestia said.

Luna raised her eyebrows. "What?" Celestia pointed to Luna's flank. "Oh my…moon…moon…I have a moon on my flank…"

"It's called a Cutie Mark, Lulu." Celestia grinned. "You've received your Cutie Mark."

"No, you aren't listening. I have a Moon. Like…your sun."

Celestia's eyes widened. "I…you…oh."

They sat for a moment. A smile slowly grinned over their faces. "Mare of the Sun," Luna said, with a flourish of her hoof, "should we tell the King and Queen the Mare of the Moon has arrived?"

"Hmm…I do believe that would be the best course of action."

Unable to keep straight faces any longer, they broke out in laughter. "Did we miss a joke?" the Queen's voice sounded from behind them. They were smiling at the sisters, apparently unaware of Luna's newfound mark.

"N—No." Celestia was losing a fight with giggles. "Y-You see…"

Luna steeped in. "What my sister is trying to say is, your search is over, your majesties. The Mare of the Moon has been found."

The Queen raised her eyebrows. "Really? We hadn't heard, where is…" Her eyes glanced over Luna's flank. "Oh…oh my." Grinning, she wrapped both girls into a hug. "Come, we have much we need to discuss."

"You…you want to adopt us?" Luna looked from the King to the Queen and back, confused.

"Yes. We do not have any heirs, but watching the two of you grow the last few years has been a joy to us. We wanted to ask sooner but we thought tonight would be special." The Queen grinned. "We did not expect the night to already be special for Luna."


Everypony turned to look at Celstia. "Why, after three years, do you want to suddenly adopt us. After Luna is the other mare you're looking for."


"No. I want to know."

The King smiled. "It is a fair question. Here are the proper papers, if you would like to see the dates. We have been planning this for a while, as the Queen has said." He walked over to Celestia and knelt in front of her. "We do love you girls. We are giving you a choice; you can say no. Were it a matter of simply finding a successor, we would follow the old policies. Ambrosia and her family are next in line, and would make fine rulers." He sighed, shaking his head. "You know what we've had teams of unicorns working on, dear. You have been in those meetings. We…" Shaking his head, the King stood. "I do not know what else to say. I am sorry."

Luna's brow was furrowed. "What's wrong? Why don't you want to be adopted? We'll be princesses, Celly. We'll have parents again."

"We have parents, Luna." Celestia squeeze her eyes shut. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you." She put her face in her hooves. "I'm fifteen. I don't know what the right answer is. I…" She looked up at the Queen and King. "You've both been wonderful to us. I…I would like to be…related but I still don't know."

"Celestia," the Queen's voice was gentle. "Now that we know who the Mare in the Moon is, we can go forward with the plans we've been discussing. It makes matters easier that it was Luna, yes. But that has no bearing on what we had planned for tonight, dear. We've thought long about this." She took Celestia's hoof. "There will be outcry from the Equestiran people. There will be outcry from those in the council. We are prepared to defend our decision. We only want the best for you. We could go to the orphanage tomorrow and choose a child if we wished, but we aren’t. We want the two of you. What we are asking is, do you want us?"

"I—" Celestia looked from the King and Queen, to her sister, all with hopeful expression on their faces, and then at her hooves. "I just don't want to forget my mama and papa. But…I want to have parents again as well."

"Celly?" Celestia looked at Luna. "I miss mama and papa too. You know that. There are times I spend more nights in your rooms than mine. This” she gestured to the King and Queen with a smile, before looking back at Celestia, “This seems like an amazing thing. We aren't replacing mama and papa, we're just getting two more."

Celestia wrapped her hooves around Luna, a smile forming on her face. "Why is it my younger sister is wiser than I am?" She pulled back, though didn't completely let go. "You want this?"

"I would trade my Cutie Mark for it," she whispered.

Celestia nodded. "Okay…we accept…mom and dad?”

The Queen wiped tears from her eyes as she gathered the fillies into hugs. "Oh, you wonderful girls." She nuzzled each of them. "We do love you," she whispered.


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Celestia's stomach churned. She looked around the room. The unicorns all looked back, awaiting her reaction.

"Y-you're sure?" Her voice shook despite her efforts. "You're positive this will work?"

A yellow mare nodded. "Princess, this has to work. There is no other way."

Celestia looked at the papers before her. It was full of equations she didn't understand and words she didn't know. The Royal Researchers had been working on this since she and her sister had stepped into the castle, though she hadn't know until her eighteenth birthday three years ago. The King and Queen had seen fit to include her then.

"And if it fails?" she asked quietly.

Silence. Nopony spoke. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Mother and Father will not like that, you know. Do you have fail-safe's in place?" Again, she was only answered with silence. "It is good you brought this to me first, then." She looked up, taking another deep breath. "I say we try it." When no one replied to that, she narrowed her eyes. "Do none of you have anything to say?"

"Princess," a green-coated stallion said, his eyes not quite meeting hers, "please, are you suggesting we not tell the King and Queen? They would have us put to death."

She swallowed, looking down at the papers. "That would only happen if it fails, Runescape. If you bring them something you don’t believe in, you aren’t going to succeed anyway.”

The yellow mare from before cleared her throat. "There is one other thing, Princess. If we are to do this…we would have to change both you and Princess Luna at the same time. There is no way of knowing if we could manage it a second time."

"I see." Celestia narrowed her eyes at the table. She didn't understand much of what these equations were about. All of these ponies had dedicated their lives to their research and were much older than her. She had turned twenty-one not long ago, and while that was old enough to make decisions about her life for herself, it wasn’t old enough to understand deeply theoretical magics. "And…what is the predicted success rate?"


Eighty percent. It was close to one-hundred, but it still had a ways to go. Still these unicorns had been working on this for nine years now. They had been perfecting this one spell for nine years to get it to the correct specifications. If they said it was the closest they could do, then it would never get better.

There was a twenty percent chance of failure. She wanted to tell them failure was not an option, to work until they had a perfect success rate. But they would need to practice first. To do that, they would need live ponies, and that wasn't an option.

She sighed. "I will leave it up to you to present it to the King and Queen when you see fit. I…I approve. We should not advance without their permission."

The research team had gone to the King and Queen almost immediately. To Celestia's surprise, they had agreed. Now the King and Queen sat with Celestia and Luna. After having explained everything to Luna, she had not spoken. Celestia watched her closely.

"So…you want to give us the power to raise the sun and moon on our own. No other ponies to help?"

"Yes," the Queen said. "If you want it."

"How…how does this even work?" she asked, looking at the three of them.

Celestia swallowed. "I'm not sure. The research team has done so much work on this. I'm sure they've accounted for everything. Imagine, Luna. The night sky would be yours. The stars and the moon…all yours."

"What good does this do? We'll die in a few decades and no one will know how to raise the sun or the moon." Luna shook her head. "I just do not understand. Have they made a spell to give us eternal life?"

"Indeed," a voice said. The four ponies turned quickly, looking at the yellow unicorn who had answered most of Celestia's questions. "Though it is a little more complicated than that. You will be connected to your celestial bodies. There are still many ways for you to die, Princess. Illness, unnatural causes, and the fading of the celestial bodies you will be tied to."

Luna's eyes were wide when she looked at Celestia." What if I do not want this?"

"Then just say no."

After a moment, Luna closed her eyes and nodded. "If you are willing, so am I." She opened her eyes and smiled. "Besides, I can't let you have all the fun, Celly."

The yellow-coated mare gave the sisters a grim smile. "Then it is time. Runescape has everything completed."

The castle courtyard was completely empty, save for the research team. The King and Queen had been asked to stay within the castle walls, so the two sisters walked to the center where the other ponies were, alone.

Clearing his throat, Runescape stepped forward. "You understand once we begin, we cannot stop."

The sisters nodded.

"There is still time to say no, to turn back now."

Celestia looked at her sister. The younger mare squared her shoulders and took a deep breath. Looking Runescape in the eyes, she nodded. "We are ready."

"Very well." Runescape motioned for them to follow him. Celestia's hesitated before taking the first step, but followed when she saw Luna walking forward with her head held high. Her heart beat frantically against her chest as she and Luna stopped in the middle of the intricate markings on the ground.

"Lulu, are you sure you want this? It isn't too late to stop. They haven't begun yet," she asked as she faced her sister.

Luna leaned in and nuzzled Celestia. "I am afraid too, sister. But you said yourself, these researchers know what they are doing. You were very supportive before, from what I've heard."

"Yes, I was. I just…this can fail. If something happens to you…"

Luna smiled and shook her head. "Nothing bad will happen. I trust in your judgment, sister."

Celestia leaned in and hugged her sister, closing her eyes. The unicorns around the runes they were standing on began chanting, their horns glowing brightly. Celesita moved away from Luna so she could look into her eyes. Neither of them said a word as the runes under their hooves lit up. The magical aura from the unicorns slowly rose from the runes and onto their hooves.

The aura pressed uncomfortably against Celestia's skin as it made its way higher up her legs. She heard Luna's pained gasp and looked over to her sister. The magic had already engulfed Luna to her neck. Her teeth clenched against the pain as the magic pooled around a spot on her barrel.

Celesita couldn't hold in her own gasp as the magic began doing the same to her. She bit her tongue to stop from crying out as wings slowly protruded from her back. The burning was nearly more than she could bear. Tears and sweat mingled into streams, running down her face.
She was forced to her knees as the magic pushed into her and pressed out. Her eyes squeezed shut as the magic reached the tip of her horn.

Suddenly, magic was gone. She took a few deep, panting breaths before looking over at Luna. The dark coated mare slowly raised her head, her breathing heavy. Neither of the sisters said a word to each other as they took in the sight of wings.

Ignoring the murmurs from the unicorns around them, they scooted closer to each other. They didn't dare try to stand for fear their legs would give out. Instead, they leaned against each other, sharing a small smile.

Runescape rushed to them. "How are you feeling? Can you move the wings?"

They looked up to see Runescape's worried expression. "A bit sore, but I think we'll be okay," Celestia said.

"Sore how?" He walked around them slowly, examining them with his eyes.

"Just from the wings growing and our bodies changing to accommodate the strengths of all three races. I'm positive we will be fine once we adjust." Celestia stood and shook out her pink mane. "In the mean time, I am famished. Luna?"

"I could do with a good meal as well, sister. Shall we?" Luna stood and nodded. "I believe the kitchens would allow us a pre-supper snack, would they not?"

"Wait," Runescape called. "You can't just leave. The healer team needs to ensure you're healthy."

Luna sighed. "Runescape, we are fine." She turned to take another step forward, but her hoof seemed to miss the ground as she fell.

Celesita ran to Luna's side. "Lulu, are you okay?"

Luna blinked slowly, squeezing her eyes tight and opening them. "Don't you feel that? It's like the plants are calling to us. As if the grass beneath our feet is trying to speak."

"I do."

Shaking her head, Luna stood. "I was simply disoriented for a moment. I am fine now." She stood shakily to her feet.

"You need to see the healers. Please." Runescape moved quickly to Luna's side as she stumbled again.

"I do not want—"

"Okay, we'll go," Celestia interrupted. "We can always sup later." Moving closer to her sisters other side, the three ponies made their way into the castle and to the infirmary. They were given many strange looks from the staff in the castle. Ponies seemed to stare at the wings on the Princesses back. Wings that hadn't been there that morning.

The healers rushed to the small group immediately. The sisters were ushered to beds, where a small group of unicorns began poking and prodding them with different types of magic. After what felt like forever, the tests ended.

"You seem to be in good health," the lead healer said. "You need much rest for the next few days."

Though Celestia and Luna had yet to be presented to the populace, the King and Queen had a few citizens bring up the rumored changes during the day of court. Normally this day was used to petition the royals for various needs, but that day the only topic brought up was the two sisters.

It had been three days since their transformations. They had taken the healers advice to heart and slept for a majority of that time, only leaving the room when driven out by hunger or other natural necessities. The rumors, coupled with their sudden disappearance from raising the sun and moon, led to the questioning during the court.

Celesita awoke to late evening sun shining through her window. She attempted to set up before a sharp pain made her yelp. She glared at her new wing as best as could. Learning to live with the new appendages would take some getting used to. Slowly, she stretched them.

How she hadn't been mesmerized when they first appeared, she didn't know. Reaching out a hoof, she delicately stroked the feathers. She couldn't believe the spell had worked. She had wings. She had earth pony magic. She would raise the sun by herself.

Her throat constricted at that thought. As it were, the task took every able-bodied unicorn in the city to do. How was she supposed to do it with no help at all? With a sigh she got out of the bed and opened the door to the hallway. She made her way to Luna's room, wondering if her sister was awake.

It worried her how the spell had affected Luna more that it had her. She hoped it hadn't made any negative permanent effects. She knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in," called Luna.

Celestia walked into the room and grinned. Luna was standing in front of a mirror, lifting her wing and looking at it. "They are so strange, but I like it all the same. When do our flight instructors arrive?" Luna flapped her wings a couple times. "I want to learn soon."

"I'm not sure."

Luna shrugged, turning to face Celestia. "Are you excited about tonight?"

"Tonight?" Celestia asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.

"Yes, we were left notes. Did you not read yours?" A scroll dangled in front of Celestia as Luna moved closer. "I am to raise the moon tonight."

Taking the scroll in her own magic, Celestia read. Unconsciously, her mouth dropped open.
"Tonight? Are you ready? We've only just recovered from the spell."

Lung took the letter back with a giggle. "You worry too much, Celly. Everything will be fine.”

Luna and Celesita stood before the citizens gathered in front of the raising balcony. Celesita could tell the smile on her face was fighting to turn into a grin as the King spoke. He told his subjects of the research and planning that had led to Celestia and Luna being presented as they were. "TONIGHT, WE SEE IF OUR EFFORTS WERE TRUE. TONIGHT, PRINCESS LUNA SHALL RAISE THE MOON ON HER OWN."

The crowd murmured at the revelation. Luna simply smiled and stepped forward. "WE ARE PLEASED TO BE ABLE TO SERVE EQUESTRIA IN THIS WAY. IF YOU WOULD LOOK TO THE EAST, WE SHALL NOW BRING THE MOON."

Almost as one, everypony looked to where the moon always rose. Luna took a deep breath and closed her eyes, pulling magic from deep within. Celesita watched with rapt attention as her sister began pulling the moon. Every muscle Luna had tensed and her wings clutched tightly to her side.

Just as Celestia was about to suggest she give up, the moon crested the horizon. Celesita watched, eyes wide, as the moon slowly traveled through the sky and to the release point. Once Luna had let go, Celestia rushed to her.

"You did it," she told Luna as she wrapped her hooves around her sister, "you raised the moon."

Luna was panting and obviously tired, but she smiled. "I did it."

The King was speaking again, so the sisters turned to listen. Luna leaned on Celestia for support, her eyes never leaving the moon she had put in the sky.


From down below, a young foal's voice called out. "What kind of ponies are they, your highness?"

The crowd murmured again. "THEY ARE…" The king faltered, looking about.

Luna straightened up and looked down at the crowd. "WE ARE CALLED ALL-CORNS. FOR WE POSSESS THE BEST OF ALL THE RACES. WE ARE ONE WITH ALL OF YOU."

Celestia stirred awake as the door to her room opened. Smiling at the silhouette outlined by the moonlight, she sat up. "Something troubling you, sister?"

Without a word, Luna climbed onto the bed. "I can't sleep. I am tired, so tired, from raising the moon. Yet sleep eludes me." She lay down on Celestia's bed, stretching her limbs and closing her eyes. "It was fantastic. I am the Princess of the Night. The Night, Celly." She yawned. "Everypony is going to see the night sky and see the beauty of it now. They do not have to be awake at sunrise anymore, so they will have time to revel in the night."

"Of course they will." Celestia smiled as she pulled the duvet over Luna and herself. She draped her wing over her sister, who subconsciously snuggled closer, resting her head next to Celestia's.

"The night will be grand," she murmured. After a moment, her soft, even breaths reached Celesita's ears.

Smiling, Celestia kissed Luna's forehead. "Ponies will love the night. Just as I love you, little sister."

Closing her eyes, Celestia drifted into a contented sleep.

Author's Note, from Twilight Sparkle

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Hello, dear readers. I know this isn't this history of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna that is well known. This is about the times before Equestria was truly Equestria. The three tribes were still separate. Discord ruled much of the land known as Equestria today. The King and Queen in this story have been lost to all but the sisters memories.

Since Princess Luna's return, she and Princess Celestia have felt the need for the Equestrian people to know their story. So many questions and rumors fly around about their origins and their lives. This foal's book is the first step the sisters have made in telling their story. The major points of their lives growing up were in here, and they will continue their life story in a second book, to be released sometime within the next year.

They feel that shedding some light on their mysterious past will allow Equestria to better understand the laws of today and to better understand how glorified events of the past happened. The Princesses have planned three books. This one, chronicling their childhoods. The second one will be about Princess Luna's departure and the millennium Princess Celestia spent awaiting her sister's return. Finally, the last book will be about their plights from the time Princess Luna returned to the present day.

While it would be more historically accurate to write in the language of the time, Princess Celestia has decided all dialogue should be in modern Equestrian, so that everypony can read and understand the books. I know five mares who are rather grateful for that, even if some authenticity is lost.

Any questions or concerns can be mailed to Royal Print of Canterlot.

Princess Twilight Sparkle