• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 565 Views, 19 Comments

The Tails of The Scribble Family - Novi Zemog

A line of ponies that non would've known, and then Fate got invovled

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Once the fish was caught (with much error and little trial), Uther and Azazel ate happily while Cerulean wrinkled his face in disgust. He was perfectly fine with the berries he found on a nearby bush. Cerulean then noticed the giant wound on Azazel’s shoulder and winced. Knowing it was his fault the gryphon was injured was not the best feeling. While the dragon and gryphon were eating Cerulean walked off to find herbs, rocks and leaves. Despite living in a frozen wasteland most of his life, Cerulean was taught about plants that could help with illnesses, wounds, and anything else really. As he wandered around he found several familiar plants from his books. He gathered them up, ignoring the taste of earth that went with the plants and managed to find some leaves that would make good bandages. When he got back the two carnivores were finished eating and rubbing their stomachs lazily.

Cerulean walked over to the gryphon and dropped the herbs. “Azazel, can you make me a bowl?” Cerulean asked as he began to sort through the plants he gathered to find the ones needed for the healing salve. The gryphon scratched his head in confusion.

“How do I do that?” he asked as he sat up, with slight difficulty. Cerulean lifted his head from the plants and scanned the area around them.

“See that fallen tree? You can carve a bowl from the log.” He explained as he went back to his work on the plants. Azazel looked at the fallen tree and back at Cerulean.

“So why do you even need the bowl?” he asked as he stood fully. His eyes darted to Uther and saw he was asleep. Azazel was a bit jealous that the little dragon hardly did anything but sleep, he wished he could do that.

“I found these herbs and if I use some water and a bowl I could easily turn this into a paste tho heal your wounds close to instantly.” Cerulean exclaimed as he held up some plants for Azazel to see. Azazel stared at the earth pony’s hoof in curiosity.

“How are you holding those without claws or fingers?” he asked as he continued to stare. Cerulean looked down at his own hoof and realization struck.

“I…don’t know.” He said. He put the herbs down and picked them up again. “You know I made a basket out of branches earlier, I don’t know how I did that either.” He said as he placed a hoof on his chin as he tried to remember, but the memory was conveniently blank.

“Man this author sucks.” Azazel said. Cerulean gave a horrified yell.

“Ahh! You broke it!” he yelled in panic as he held onto Azazel’s shoulders. He then stopped and stared at his hooves.

“How am I doing that?!”

“Broke what?” Azazel asked confused by Cerulean’s panic. Cerulean grabbed ahold of Azazel again.

“The fourth wall, we’re not allowed to break the fourth wall!” Cerulean said as he began to shake Azazel. The gryphon simply pushed the pony off of his person.

“Who says I can’t. Hey readers look what I can do!” said Azazel as he pulled a keyboard out of nowhere and began typing.

Azazel the received the sword of awesomeness made from dragon scale that, if used correctly, played awesome music by Linkin Park. Uther then woke up from his nap and pledged to be Azazel’s servant because he was just so awesome…and Cerulean did the same!

What? Who gave you control of this story? And since when do you listen to Linkin Park, I don’t even listen to Linkin Park?

“I can’t hear you!” Azazel the awesome said. Then a harem appeared and-


“You’re not the boss of me!” Azazel said as he began to type once again. Suddenly the keyboard disappeared with a poof and the world was once again normal.

Story error. It seems we are experiencing TECHNICAL difficulties

“I found these herbs and if I use some water and a bowl I could easily turn this into a paste to heal your wounds close to instantly.” Cerulean exclaimed. Azazel then felt a headache bash into his skull mercilessly.

“Ow!” Azazel groaned as he pressed the pads of his claws to his temples to alleviate the pain. Cerulean looked worried for his friend.

“Are you okay?” he asked the gryphon who nodded despite the pain.

“Yeah but I feel like I’m being punished for something and I don’t remember what!” Azazel groaned. Cerulean handed the gryphon a little plant and Azazel opened his eyes to see a little green herb in front of his beak.

“Eat this, it’s usually supposed to be a tea but since we don’t have cups or hot water…” he trailed off. Azazel quickly ate the plant and almost immediately his headache began to disappear. Uther awoke and glared at Azazel for being loud and ruining his map. With a little smile Uther crept up next to Azazel and breathed a small flame next to him. Azazel gave a high pitched scream and darted away.

“Fire!” Azazel screeched as he jumped into the river with a splash. A minute later he realized there was not actually fire and he got back on to dry land sopping wet and looking like a drown cat. He glared at the laughing dragon. He then turned his glare onto Cerulean who looked like he was going to explode any minute. “Not. A. Word.” He growled out as walked a few feet away and plopped down on the ground waiting to dry.

“So are you going to do the bowl or what?” Cerulean asked the angry gryphon, Azazel gave him a glare in response.

“No need I’m already healed look for yourself.” He said as he turned away. Cerulean approached and saw the spots where Azazel had been stabbed were completely healed. Only a bald spot was left behind, the wounds didn’t even scar.

“How is that even possible?” Cerulean asked as he marveled at the missing wounds. Azazel gave a snort.

“Gryphons are different from ponies on almost every way. We happen to heal at a rapid pace, that’s what makes us ideal warriors.” He said as he put his head down. Uther watched as Azazel’s mood headed south and a pain entered his heart. He didn’t know why the pain was there or that it was guilt, b with he knew it had something to do with the gryphon. Uther wandered off to find a gift for the bird thing.

“So that’s the reason why gryphon’s are so violent, because they heal faster?” Cerulean asked as he sat. Azazel shook his head, whipping water everywhere.

“No, gryphon’s are very honor bound and they believe that bravery strength and family is what earns you honor. My father thought I lacked the strength and bravery to survive and said I brought dishonor to the family. So with that my weapons were taken from me and I was disowned by my family.’ He said in a suddenly emotionless voice. Cerulean looked horrified at the gryphon’s statement.

“And I thought my family was bad.” He said as he shuddered at the thought of his dysfunctional mess of a family. Azazel raised an eyebrow at the pony.

“What do you mean by that?” the gryphon asked. Cerulean gave a sigh.

“Well I come from a land that’s trapped in an eternal winter. The ponies there were always fighting, and their hearts are almost as cold as the weather. My father is constantly drunk yet acts as though he were a king among peasents. My mother would never look me in the eye until I left and she did so just to tell me I’d die without my family if I leave. My grandmother is a crotchety old mare who always told me how I would never survive past colthood. They also have the amazing talent of convincing themselves things are fine, even though the windigows destroyed the land and our neighbors began dying off from a strange plague.” He said bitingly. Azazel stared and blinked at the look in Cerulean’s eyes.

“Well I guess we both have some family issues huh?” he said as he tried to break the tense silence. Cerulean nodded and the awkwardness once again blanketed them. Salvation came in the form of Uther who warbled in his normal birdlike manner. In his claws he clutched two blue flowers that made an odd chiming noise when moved.

“Pappa!” Uther chirped as he put the flower in Cerulean’s mane, much to the amusement of Azazel.

“You really do look like a mare now!” he snickered; Cerulean glared and kicked Azazel, knocking the wind out of him.

“ ’zazel!” Uther chirped and handed the gryphon the other blue flower. Azazel tensed slightly but accepted the flower. He gave the small dragon a smile and Uther seemed to brighten. Uther climbed onto Cerulean happily now that the bad feeling was gone. Azazel sniffed his flower curiously.

“Doesn’t really have a smell. I’ve seen these flowers all around Equestria but never had the chance to see them up close.” Azazel admitted as he began to study the flower.

“I’ve never seen a flower like this in my books before, maybe it’s only native to Equestria. Do you know what it’s called?” Cerulean asked Azazel as he examined the flower in his friend’s claws. Azazel shook his head as tucked the flower under his wing for safe keeping.

“No I don’t but let’s get moving. It’s midday and we’ve already been attacked once. I don’t want to wait for the next beast to show up.” Azazel said, both Uther and Cerulean nodded in agreement and they began their journey as a trio.