• Published 6th Jun 2012
  • 565 Views, 19 Comments

The Tails of The Scribble Family - Novi Zemog

A line of ponies that non would've known, and then Fate got invovled

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Gravity Check, AKA: Falling

Three days, three agonizing miserable days! Cerulean was read to slay the dragon slayer. “Do you have anything to eat?” Azazel asked for the hundredth time in what Cerulean assumed was the last five minutes. Cerulean refused to answer, again. Despite being blatantly ignored Azazel continued to complain, not whine, they had that argument a day ago and Cerulean almost ripped off his own ears. Uther seemed to be immune, and Azazel didn’t antagonize the dragon. Apparently he was still fearful of the baby dragon. “Come one we must have something to eat! And I want meat, I don’t eat grass like a sissy pony.” He said as he pathetically collapsed onto the floor and pretended to starve. “Food! I need food!” he groaned.

Cerulean executed a perfect about face (a bit hard to do with four legs) and stared into the gryphon’s green eyes. “I swear on the green earth beneath my hooves, I will personally end you if you open your beak. Rest assured, It. Will. Be. Slow.” He hissed. The three days had begun to take their toll. Cerulean ran out of food the day before and Azazel refused to eat anything Uther…um…offered. The blue earth pony desperately missed his travel pack that he was sure was crushed between two boulders in the gorge. The pack had enough food and rations to last him another month. The gryphon gave a whimper and seemed to get a bit smaller. Cerulean stood back to full height, his neck stiff as a board and muscles tense.

As he continued to walk away the little dragon watched the gryphon and ran a claw across the width of his own neck.
The gryphon’s eyes filled with terror. There was a distant roar and he quickly ran off after to the duo. Though seeing as they wanted to kill and the monsters wanted to kill, Azazel wondered which one was a better choice. Seeing as it was dawn and the canopy of the trees made it dark he’d rather not be alone. “Cerulean wait up!” he called as he continued to run.

Cerulean didn’t stop but he did slow down his pace. At least he used his name and not ‘Scribs’, a nickname that the gryphon had deemed better that Ceruelan’s real name. When he had first introduced himself to Azazel officially, the gryphon had a fit similar to Cerulean’s out burst when it came to the gryphon’s ‘phobia’. Eventually the gryphon caught up and was slightly out of breath. Cerulean took pity and stopped as well.

Azazel’s feathers were ruffled in the literal sense and he had twigs and pieces of the native flora in his fur. Cerulean’s appearance appeared to be in disarray; his coat, mane and tail were matted and covered in bits of the surrounding forest. Cerulean’s mane was also knotted to an extreme from Uther grabbing at it. Uther was covered in a bit of dirt but looked no worse for wear. “Do you even remember where the river was?” Azazel panted as he rested.

“O-of course I do! I found it once before didn’t I?” Cerulean said, his voice growing unsteady. The gryphon slowly turned to stare at him.

“We’re lost aren’t we?” he asked, his voice sound accusing. Cerulean avoided his eyes and dug at the ground.

“No.” he said stubbornly, the gryphon glared.

“We’re lost. And it’s all your fault.” said the gryphon, his tone caused Cerulean to snap. Cerulean calmly turned to Uther and got him off his back. He turned back to the gryphon, his anger burning cold.

“That’s it! I’m tired of you complaining and tailing me like a scared filly! We’re lost, meaning me and Uther. You followed us, it’s your fault you’re lost; not mine! You’re absolutely useless! Three days of pure torture, that’s what being in your company has been. You’ve insulted me and treated Uther like an insect. We may not be the same race, but he is my son. You are nothing, not to me and not to anyone. You’re a dragon slayer who’s afraid of dragons. Your value as a living being has officially expired.” Cerulean said coldly. Azazel glared back at the earth pony, anger burned in his eyes along with something Cerulean didn’t recognize. The gryphon stood up and stared at them.

“You know that that last thing was the same thing my father said to me when I finished training. The thing is, I never really cared for my father.” said Azazel, his voice more serious than Cerulean had ever heard it before. Cerulean was confused by the statement but just brushed it aside. “I’m outa’ here.” The gryphon said before he launched himself through the canopy of the forest.

The rant seemed to take all of Cerulean’s energy and he slowly sank to the floor. Though the rant was slightly therapeutic and relieved the pressure on Cerulean’s shoulders, the pressured was replaced with a weight in his stomach. Cerulean chose to ignore it and settled for collapsing. Sunshine poured through the hole Azazel made in the forest canopy and Cerulean felt it on his back. Despite how much Cerulean wanted to lie down in the sun, he still had the whole day ahead of him. The soft sound of steps approached and a small clawed hand tugged on Cerulean’s ear. “Papa?” questioned the little dragon. Cerulean groaned and picked himself off the ground.

“It’s alright. I’m fine.” Cerulean said as he gave a stretched and heard the satisfying pops of his joints. Uther clambered on and they were on their way again.

It was the wind in his eyes, he wasn’t crying. At least that’s what Azazel said to himself as he flew over the vast forest. Sadly he wasn’t that good at lying to himself. Azazel gave a sniff and wiped a few not-tears from his eyes. Cerulean’s words still stayed with him. “Your value as a living being has officially expired.” Except it wasn’t Cerulean’s voice who spoke them, no it was his father’s voice.

To gryphons bravery, honor, and family were the most valued things. Sadly he had none of those things. He didn’t even have friends; well he thought he did until…he didn’t want to think about it anymore. He felt the lump form in his throat. He cursed that stupid earth pony and his stupid dragon. Azazel especially blamed that dragon. He bet that if the dragon wasn’t there keeping his enchantments or whatever on Cerulean, the pony wouldn’t have snapped at him. The burn of anger seared through his veins. Azazel was sure that if he showed Cerulean the dragon’s true colors he would break from whatever spells the little dragon had him under. He just needed an opportunity.

Cerulean felt the ache of hunger gnaw at his stomach, and the weight that also rested in his stomach didn’t help. He needed to find the river soon, but he didn’t know where he was. He could be going the opposite direction at this point. He heard Uther’s snoring and sighed, the little dragon’s talent for sleeping on his back while Cerulean walked was amazing as it was slightly irritating. Then again as a baby, Uther must need a lot of sleep. Most babies no matter what species needed sleep.
As Cerulean began walking he began to notice odd carvings on the trees. They were circles with X’s through them. Hope washed through Cerulean as he began trotting faster, following the markings. Cerulean guessed they were the markings were made by a traveler who used them to navigate back to a camp, or even a village. Suddenly there was an itch in his throat and he began coughing. His throat felt dry and sore. Suddenly it felt wet and a coppery taste filled his mouth. He raised his hoof to wipe away the spit on his mouth. When he looked at it the crimson of his blood had stained his deep blue coat a purple color. Cerulean began to grow worried, thinking he may have the dreaded plague that killed entire villages.
A sharp pain came from his mane and he looked back to see Uther shaking with wide eyes. Cerulean wanted to ask what was wrong, but he couldn’t speak. With another hack more blood flew from his mouth. He felt weak but tried to move, hoping to find the river. As he walked he began noticing the same signs of the river as before. The softer soil, moss, and livelier plant life were all the signs of a river. Uther still hadn’t calmed down and Cerulean hoped it was nothing bad, maybe it was just a nightmare.

He galloped to the river and practically drowned himself trying to get to the water. The river’s clear water gained a red tint as he washed off his coat and drank. Uther had to be pried off of Cerulean’s back with force Cerulean didn’t think too much of it and began passing the clinginess off as the result of a night mare. Suddenly a black figure moved out of the corner of his eyes. Uther gave a bird like screech of fear and Cerulean raised his head from the water. Nothing was there. He turned back to Uther and nuzzled him. “It’s okay Uther nothing’s there. No reason to be afraid, I’m here.” He said softly. Uther clutched onto his muzzle tightly, making it hard for Cerulean to open his mouth.

“Papa!” the little dragon whimpered, Cerulean gently pried the little dragon from his face and tried comforting him.

“Shh, don’t worry we’re safe.” He said, though it wasn’t necessarily true. Uther didn’t seem helped by it much but Cerulean couldn't really do anything to help. He turned back to the water and began to wash himself. He was focused on his task and a tiny shriek pierced the air. Cerulean’s head snapped up and across the river was the oddest creature he ever had the displeasure of seeing. It was tall and thin with strange clothing. It had no face and long arms stretched out from its torso. Cerulean let out a shriek of his own.

Azazel was trailing after the earth pony and his dragon for a while. But he lost them, the gryphon circled the area a couple times and was almost about to give up on finding his chance. Then a scream pierced the air. He immediately flew towards it and found the river, he guessed it was Cerulean and hoped he wasn’t too late to save him from whatever was attacking. And Azazel felt it wasn’t the dragon baby attacking.

Azazel dove into the river with a splash and saw a creature that he couldn’t even begin to describe in any other way than, simply evil.

Uther began walking into the creature’s embrace and Cerulean raced over. With a head butt Cerulean flipped Uther over his head so Uther was on his back, gripping onto his mane tightly after snapping out of the creatures trance. The monster sent a long black limb at them like a whip and Cerulean barely dodged. “Hold on tight.” He told the little dragon, and he felt Uther’s claws tighten in response. Another limp came at them and before it came to close, another black figure barreled into the monster.

Azazel gave a roar and slashed at the monster with his talons, but it didn’t seem to be in pain. Soon the long outstretched limbs attempted to close on him, Azazel escaped from the monster’s grip before he could be captured. He looked at Cerulean with a desperate gaze. “Run, now!” he urged. Cerulean nodded before he attempted to gallop away, then a large black limb snapped at a tree and sent it landing on Cerulean’s long cyan tail. Cerulean was stuck, but Uther wasn’t.

“Uther I need you to run as fast as you can and leave. Don’t even look back understand?” he said. Uther’s eyes began to water and he gripped Cerulean tighter.

“Papa!” the baby dragon cried. Cerulean shook his head and pushed Uther off.

“Go!” he yelled. The little dragon nodded and ran into the forest. The monster, who was fighting the gryphon again, noticed the dragon running off and began to follow.

“Oh no you don’t.” Azazel said as he chased after the monster. He stopped at Cerulean and quickly cut his tail before rushing after the monster. Once Cerulean was free he raced after Uther, the monster, and Azazel.
The monster loomed over Uther who slipped in and out of the monster’s trance. Suddenly the monster was tackled by Azazel, who clawed at the monster with renewed vigor. The monster bled mist and soon the area began to grow foggy. The creature was in ribbons but an arm shot forward and pierced Azazel’s shoulder. The gryphon gave a cry of pain and slashed once again swiping the monster’s head clean off. Azazel jumped back and witnessed the creature writhed and its limbs shot about. Two of them head straight for where Cerulean and Azazel now stood. Uther panicked and opened his mouth, releasing an emerald flame that engulfed the creature. Then it disappeared with the flame, not a scorch mark or ember inside.

Azazel looked out the sight and let out a chuckle. The chuckle grew and soon the gryphon was laughing hysterically. “I did it! I did it! I slayed the monster! And you helped!” he yelled out as he rushed to Uther and hugged the baby dragon, who was confused. But none was more confused than the spectator Cerulean. Then Azazel seemed to come to his senses and realized he was hugging a baby dragon. He didn’t drop Uther. But he did put him on the floor and back up quite a bit.

“Thanks for the um…help.” The gryphon said nervously. The Cerulean began laughing, and Uther trilled.

“ ’zazel!” the little dragon chirped. A deep blush grew on the embarrassed gryphon’s face, and he absently thought about how adorable that sounded. Though not completely over his fear, Azazel realized Uther might not be as bad as he imagined.

Once the excitement died down Cerulean watched Azazel guiltily. He yelled at him, called him useless and then had his life saved by the very one he insulted. He shuffled his hooves guiltily and he heard a sharp trill. He looked up to see Uther giving him a reprimanding look. He averted his eyes but still felt the dragon’s eyes on him. Cerulean gave a sigh and walked over to the gryphon, who was practically buzzing in happiness. “Azazel,” he started but his mind couldn’t come up with words. He tried again “Azazel , I’m so sorry. I don’t even know how to fix this.” He said as he hung his head.

Azazel stared in shock. The ache he felt lessened but he was still hurt. He put a claw on Cerulean’s shoulder and Cerulean looked up. Azazel smiled at him. “I forgive you, I mean what are friends for?” he said. Cerulean gave him a smile back. “But you still owe me big time. How about we head back to the river and you can try to catch me some fish?”

Cerulean laughed.