• Published 8th Jun 2012
  • 661 Views, 0 Comments

The Adventures Of Golden Mic & Friends - Golden Mic`

Join Golden Mic, commentator & his friends on adventures... Or just messing around.

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Episode 1: Introductory

"MOOO!!"A cow suddenly can be heard a house in Colt Springs, Equestria in the year of 2012.
"WHY THE HAY IS THERE A COW IN THE HOUSE?!" A mare, with a bright radiant yellow mane and bright pink coat demanded. "Why wouldn't there be?"
A bright yellow colt came from under a couch, holding a microphone in his mouth.
"Ever hear of 'Free Milk?' "
"What does that have to do with this Golden?!?!" His mother drenched in fury came crashing down the stairs of the house.
"I don't kn... COWS PRODUCE MILK!" He jumped up from under the couch to reveal his fuzzy royal purple mane and orange hoodie.
"SHUT UP! your going to wake the neighbors. Just.. Get this thing out of the house!" She furiously whispered, trotting back upstairs.
"And do hurry up to find a place! I've dealt with this for 18 years now, and this is getting to be to much."
She stopped halfway up the stairs. "And stop getting under the couch. It's unclean under there." Her fueled rage was now gone, and she gleefully skipped upstairs.
"I don't get it."


It was later in the morning when Golden finally left his house. Before he left the house he noticed that his tail was reaaally long.
'SO! ITS DECIDED!' he thought to himself as he went to the parlor.
A couple of hours later, he reached downtown.
He entered the parlor, which was somehow conveniently placed next to the local community shop.
After getting his tail cut shorter, he walked over to the shop.
"Herro~" he sang high and happily as he walked into the store.
The stores clerk was a sea blue pony with a nice lime green and yellow 'Marilyn Monroe' like mane.
" Do you know who Marilyn Monroe is?" Golden was already at the desk in front of the clerk, staring at her intensly with big turquoise eyes.
"N-no, who is she?"
"I have no idea. Where are your house handouts?"
"Wait a minute..."
The clerk turned around, looking in one of the boxes behind her.
Golden then suddenly made a 'Dat Plot' face before levitating a pair of purple rimed glasses out of his hoodie. Did I mention he's a Unicorn? Well yeah.
He put them on his fac-muzzle? Muzzle. And looked around the shop. It was quite large room, meant to hold more than just 2 ponies. There was various posters and boards through out the shop as well.

Then mare then turned around, placing a piece of paper on the desk.
"We have one house available, the price is cheap to! Just 150 bits. It's just that... It more like rent, But no-"The mare was cut off by a loud " I'LL TAKE IT!" from a excited yellow colt.
"But, It-" "I don't care, if it's cheap I'll take it." He smiled gleefully.
"Ok, your lost." The mare handed Golden a pen.
"So, what's you cutie-" Suddenly the colt was gone, the paper was filled out with a check of 150 bits.
The mare sighed.


The house was gargantuan in size and very vibrant in it's beauty. It had large, marble, Parthenonion pillars with a general exterior of a Greek gods home. It was a pale color with small spots of blue from the marble.
Golden stood, dumbfounded as he looked at the creative piece of architectural genius in front of him.
After gazing upon the building he noticed it had many windows. He suddenly remember'd he came for a house.
"Boss." Was all he uttered before trotting happily into his new, massive home.
Inside the building was a narrow, long hall, resembling to a hotel- oh yeah...
Golden had remembered that this was a room. He hit his hoof on his forehead in agony.
He then saw at the end of the hall was a forest green stallion with big aviator shades with a bright orange mane.
I as I tried to walk over to him... Suddenly- a tree popped in front of me.
"Wai- what? What is this, i don't even.." It suddenly disappeared again. 'Am I hallucinating?' the yellow one thought, putting a hoof to his head. The stallion held a hoof to his mouth. "What's wrong son? Something wrong?" He then held his head down with a hoof on his face. He was shaking all over. It looked like he had to scratch a itch on his body everywhere.
Golden shrugged and started walking over to the stallion. Then out of nowhere, the floor fell from under him.
Golden didn't even seem to notice and continued walking.
The green stallion now seemed... Annoyed? No, no... More... Disappointed. The stallion swore then his a button under his seat.
Gears and loud mechanical roaring sounds could be heard from the walls from the walls.
Golden stopped eyeing the walls for a second, thinking.
He then continued down the hall.
On his way he noticed a doorway, then he looked up and saw that there were more floors. being held up kinda like balconies, but they went on forever. Golden tried to count how meany floor and got to 23. His eyes suddenly opened widely as he noticed the building was larger on the inside. He then continued to the stallion.
The stallion was pouting when Golden reached him. "What's yer name kid?" Golden then took noticed in his Norris like beard.
"Nothing much. I came to get a room. Nice beard by the way." "Thanks. That'll be 150 bits." The stallion held out his hoof, while alternatively stroking his beard and leaning on the marble desk in front of him."The community mare hasn't been here yet?"
"Huh? Clear? That mare ain't get nothin' in on time, i swear."
The sound of hooves could be heard down the hall. Golden then wondered, 'Was I this loud when I walked in?'
Emerging from a small dot came the community pony.
"Hey I remember you!" Shouted Golden from a distance. "Hey kid, how 'bout yeh shut up!"Golden rubbed his head. "what? Is everyone asleep?" "No! Your annoyin'!" Golden laughed at the infuriated green pony. "So what're you guys's names?" The Marilyn Monroe pony was within hearing range now. "i'm-" The mare was suddenly cut off by the green colt. "I'm Superintendent, but the ponies call me S.I."
"And your's Missy?" "I was going to but you cut me off." S.I. and Golden both burst out laughing. As soon as they stopped they took in the annoyed face the mare was portraying. "I'm Clear Skies." She spoke in a English accent. Golden took noticed that she was a Pegasus with a eye on her flank. "Hmmm...." Golden put a hoof to his chin. "W-what?" The lemon-lime colored mane Pegasus asked, backing away. Suddenly a envelope fell out of her pocket. "Oh, yes, this is your stuff." She handed it over to the stallion.
He checked the envelope, smiled, then put it under the desk, and said "Let me show you to your room."

Author's notes:
My brain has been pouring in new ideas so its gonna be hard to filter it all. This is gonna be my spot to LOAD OUT CRAP
so don't read if you don't want to.
Thanks to Goopstir(Goop monster) on Rhett&LinkKommunity.com for the help!

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