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Phoenix Heart 27

"I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day."- Vincent Van Gogh

Comments ( 43 )

The Fresh Prince of Bel-air sequel I have been looking for.

6869610 Finally! Somebody got that hidden reference!:rainbowlaugh:

7005588 until my inspiration comes back (and as soon as my life becomes less hellish!!) the story is on hiatus.

7585647 ....yeah...that's what I said when writing the dang chapter.

This night and many more like it to follow would never be the same ever again, but in order to know how, let's start from the beginning...when it was just any other ordinary Friday......

Color me intrigued about the adventures that this young Thestral mare will get into:ajsmug:.

Keep reading...it gets worse!

"I...*pant*...made it!...*pant*....please tell me I made it?" Crystal Night panted and caught her breath.

Made it for what:applejackunsure:?

"Just barely. Hey! Do you have that paper Mrs.Skies forced us to write last week?" The pegasus asked slightly giggling.

Crystal had to think and try to remember where their writing assignment was. As she remembered she quickly snatched the black saddlebags over her leathery bat wings and off her back and dug into them to search for the papers. She eventually, after a bit of digging found the papers.

That must've been one hellish essay to write:rainbowlaugh:!

"Thanks a bunch Crys! Now my hide's safe!" Seasalt replied gratefully as she slipped the essay into her own saddlebags.

"Yeah...because it would be so terrible if you didn't get the essay in on time...I mean seriously! Since when did you suddenly give a flying feather about turning in homework on time?" Crystal Night asked in a sarcastic tone.

I'm guessing not at all...:derpytongue2:.

"Hey Silver. Hey Log!" Seasalt yelled as she trotted up to her friends.

"Hey 'Seapony!' How was your day at 'prison'?" Log roller joked as he nearly crushed her in a hug.

More or less hell I'm betting:applejackconfused:.

Noticing her friend would literally be crushed under the earthpony's weight, Crystal gently tapped him on his shoulder.

"Log! You're gonna crush her! Ease up please.?" She asked the massive colt.

I think little Lily Longsocks found herself a new power buddy:twilightsmile:.

Log finally got the message and let go. As Seasalt was catching her breath and making sure nothing was broken in her, Crystal Night happily trotted over to her coltfriend and nuzzled his side. Silver blade returned the affection as the four of them entered the café.


"Anyways, I'll have a grilled pulled pork sandwich with hayfries please." Crystal Night ordered.

"Alrighty hun!" The waitress said as she wrote down the three orders. "And for you?" She indicated to Silver blade.

I'm guessing Thestrals are carnivores as I've alway been thinking:ajsmug:.

After she left, there was an uncomfortable beat of silence. That is until Crystal Night decided to break it.

"Okay....is it just me or was that waitress being a bit rude asking about Log." She asked around the table.

Doesn't really look like it to me:applejackunsure:. Then again, you seem to have noticed it more or less Crystal so...it may have been that way:twilightangry2:.

"Yeah, now I'm not one to talk bad about somepony- oh who am I kidding? I'm ALWAYS talking shit about everypony!" Seasalt laughed. "But seriously though, she was kinda being a bit rude." She finished.

Well...best friends and other ponies tend to talk shit all the time, some good...some bad...some absolutely revolting:pinkiesick:!

They continued talking about their days' until the waitress returned with their drinks. She looked at Log roller and gave him a obviously forced smile as she turned to leave.

Oh yeah, totally not suspicious at all:facehoof:.

"She seems nice." Log roller said, this time in a normal indoor voice.

Oh log...:ajsleepy:.

"Hmmm....I wouldn't be so sure about that Log." Silver blade said.

Neither would I:ajbemused:.

"Yeah....on another note, is anypony coming to Vinnie's party tonight?" Crystal asked nonchalantly.

"Hay yeah I am! Girl you know I don't pass up a party...EVER!!" Seasalt replied excitedly.

Good, because Pinkie Pie would be so disappointed of you didn't:pinkiesmile::pinkiecrazy:.

"Excuse me, but where is the unicorn waitress that was just serving us?" Crystal Night asked confused.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but she just went on her break. She kinda left me to serve you guys if that's alright with you." The earthpony waitress said.

I see...:unsuresweetie:.

Everypony looked at each other in a knowing sense before Silver blade responded.

My Pinkie Sense says something is fishy...:twilightangry2:.

"Well...that's okay...at least we know what happened. Right guys?" He said to which the others nodded and began to eat.


The four teens ate, paid the bill, and left (but not before Seasalt had a few "words" with the manager/owner). They all went back to Crystal's house, where they proceeded to chill until close to when the party was to start.

Hmmm...I still think something is fishy here:twilightangry2:.

"Ahh! Wha-what the hell Seasalt!?! Why'd you come in here yelling?" Crystal Night groaned as she got to her hooves.

"I was yelling because you and Silver fell asleep and we've got 30 minutes to get ready for the party!" Seasalt replied loudly.


Crystal looked at her alarm clock and true enough, it said 7:30pm. She started scrambling towards her closet to find something both she and Sea could wear. As she tore her closet apart, her 7 year old sister, Moonlily came in to her room.

"Cryssie are you playing dress-up? Can I play too!?!" The excited batpony filly asked happily.

I bet that'd be cute:rainbowkiss:!!!

"No Moon, I'm not playing dress-up! I'm trying to find something to wear to a party that I'm going to soon." Crystal Night responded while grabbing a dress for Seasalt. "Here, try this on Sea!" She said to Seasalt.

"Awww! Every time you rip up your closet like that you never let me try on nothing!" Moonlily whined in disappointment.

It's okay Moon...better luck next time:pinkiesad2:.

"*sighs*...look Moon, tonight may be pretty busy because I'm rushing, but I promise you that either tomorrow or Sunday, I'll set aside some time to let you come in here and then....we can have a real fashion show. Sound fun?" Crystal said honestly, to which her sister responded with a squeal, hug, and running out of the room in that order.


"Hahaha! little sisters are something else!" Seasalt laughed.


"Finally! Time to PARTY!!!!!!" Log roller shouted.

"Got that right Log! Oh, before we forget Log, you got your band on?" Silver blade asked.

Log roller looked at his left forehoof and didn't see his special band. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his "special bracelet" and puts it on.

"Hehe! It's on now!" Log roller said as they showed their IDs and went into the club.


Okay, firstly in my headcannon, Thestrials are omnivores (much like humans).
Secondly, I wouldn't read too much into that one. The waitress was being kinda rude to outright ask something like that (even before it was explained to her that Log Roller is Autistic, then even moreso afterwards). So the gang's response was truly appropriate.

Yes...party indeed (also, did you notice the link in that statement?).


Okay, firstly in my headcannon, Thestrials are omnivores (much like humans).

Oops, my mistake:twilightblush:.

Secondly, I wouldn't read too much into that one. The waitress was being kinda rude to outright ask something like that (even before it was explained to her that Log Roller is Autistic, then even moreso afterwards). So the gang's response was truly appropriate.

I see...well, that takes care of that:derpytongue2:.

“Yeah I know, hell the whole block’ll know soon if you don’t shut up!” Crystal Night scolded.

“Awwww….C-Crys!!! Lighten Upppp!!!! *hic*...Th-The night’s still young!! hahahahahaha!!!!!!” Seasalt slurred before falling into a fit of laughter as they reached her house.

They are as drunk as buck:rainbowlaugh:!!!

‘Why did I “volunteer” to walk Sea home? Sure by the time it took for me to realize what the heck I roped myself into, Silver already had taken Log home and Vinyl was back at the table when I just had to open my muzzle and offer to take her home...at least I’ll give her credit for actually not being too drunk to not be able to remember where the heck she lived. Still...there’s something about this area that doesn’t feel right…’

I'm getting that feeling too...:twilightoops:.

Before she could finish her thought, she found herself unintentionally in a alleyway behind a Hayburger’s. Not knowing how she wandered in there, she decided to keep on going...that is until she felt a chilling sensation up her spine.

“Maybe I should...just turn back…” she said mostly to herself.

Go, quickly:twilightoops:!!!

Just as she turned around, she immediately regretted it because as she turned, she felt a knife softly press against her neck. In that moment she was shocked into silence aside from her near audible rapid heartbeats.

“Make one sound and your pretty flanks’ dead! GOT IT!!” a bone-chilling voice growled into her ear, knife still pressed up against her neck.


Crystal couldn’t make a sound in that moment, even if she wanted to! She was so scared she couldn’t even cry.

Just take it easy Crystal...keep calm and down freak out too much:fluttercry:!!!

“Now listen, If you’re a good little filly, I might not kill ya….but If ya so much as make a squeak I’ll slit ya throat, then fuck ya corpse!” The assailant warned, emphasizing his point by pressing the knife harder into her neck until he drew a bit of blood.

Good god, is this guy into nechrophillia:pinkiesick:?! Also, you harm a single hair on her precious little head, I will RIP YOUR THROAR OUT, STOMP ON THAT ALLEY WAY DICK OF YOURS, RIP IT OFF, AND FEED IT TO THE SEWER RATS:flutterrage:!!!

‘Sweet Luna!....I beg of you…..Please don’t let him do what I think he’s going to do!’ Crystal Night silently prayed as her assailant moved closer, to which she responded by finally screeching at a loud frequency.

No....no please no:fluttershbad:!!!

“Now listen!-” he said as he yanked her mane tight. “-make one more of those before I’m done, and it’ll be your last one ever!”he finished as he pressed up against her, his dick practically sandwiched against her stomach.

Hurt her anymore than you are and I'll make sure that the Eyes of Death are the last thing you ever see:twilightangry2:!!!

Crystal’s eyes nearly bulged out of her skull as she felt him roughly start to enter her still virgin marehood. She screwed her eyes shut tight as he began to roughly pound into her cunt, hard and forceful as if she were a blow up doll, each thrust only hurt just as bad as the last. Throughout the entire ordeal, Crystal’s mind automatically shielded her from the unbearable pain by playing this song to ease the blunt physical torture she was going through. Still he kept on thrusting and bucking his hips into the struggling girl's hips. Eventually he did climax and spilled his load deep into her unwilling womb right as she got the strength to sink her fangs deep into his neck, causing him to smack her head against the alley wall before he painstakingly slowly pulled out of her. He wiped himself clean of blood and then yanked her to her hooves by her mane.

Dammit, she almost had him:raritydespair:!!! SOMEPONY GET CRYSTAL TO THE HOSPITAL:raritycry:!!!

"Not a word about this to anypony. got it!" he threatened.

Oh it will be found out what you've done...soon...:pinkiecrazy:.

Crystal was trembling too hard to give a straightforward answer so she nodded rapidly as she saw him go through her purse and take her last 20 bits. Then just like that he took off, leaving the trembling and hysterical batpony to cry and wonder why.

Because he's a sick son of a bitch that's what:twilightangry2:!!!

After Crystal had some time to recover from the immediate shock that came from having just been raped and held at knifepoint, she did the only thing she knew how to do in a desperate situation like this. She slowly lifted her head and let out a special screech that was only loud enough for a batpony to hear and it was only to be used in an emergency situation. Well in this case, this was a real emergency so she only did what came natural and sounded the "sonar" multiple times throughout the rest of the night until her body finally gave out and she passed out.

I'm sure anypony nearby will be able to hear that, and the way it sounds:twilightoops:! Still, somepony had better get there soon:fluttershbad:!!!

‘...hmmm….judging by the frequency and slight pain cry to it, it might be a young one.’ Strata thought to herself as she followed it.


Strata flew around in the muggy night tracking that sonar down to a alley behind her favorite Hayburger joint. She lands and walks into the alley.

“Hello?....Is somepony there? I heard your call.” Strata called out before she nearly tripped over Crystal Night.

Crystal moaned in discomfort before she slowly rose up. Strata was shocked as well to literally run into a young mare.

“Sweet Celestia! Young fledgeling, are you okay?” Strata asked calmly.

No...not she's not:applecry:.

“P-please! Can you help me….a few hours ago...I was going home after a party and I...I took a wrong turn through this alley and then….” her eyes suddenly widened in realisation. “...Oh dear Luna!...” Crystal couldn't finish her statement due to hysteric crying.

Oh Crystal:raritycry:!!!

“Listen young one, I’m a police officer. I can take you down to the station and we can talk there.” Strata explained.

Crystal seemed to visibly relax slightly before another more deadly thought came across her mind. ‘What will Mom and Dad say when I tell them what happened?’ she thought. Crystal slowly got up on rather shaky hooves and managed to walk unsteadily towards the older mare.

No doubt they'll go on a major rampage:twilightoops:!!!

They arrive at the station right as two other officers are bringing in a yellow pegasus stallion with a very distinct fang mark on his neck and with a few cuts on his forelegs.

“Wait a second...that stallion...he looks familiar.” Crystal said.

Oh:pinkiegasp:! Looks like they caught that bastard, YES:pinkiecrazy:!!!

“Hey Lunar. We have a situation, standard 306 possible 308 currently in progress. Here’s the victim, her name is Crystal Night and I literally stumbled onto her in an alley behind a Hayburger.” She started. “Now hun, the detective here will help you out. I need you to describe the attack to him while I try to contact somepony to come get you.” She directed both Lunar and Crystal.

“You got it chief.” Lunar Star said as he directed Crystal to sit at a nearby table.

Good luck you too:pinkiesmile:.

Crystal did so with a rather uncomfortable motion until she finally managed to sit down and nearly screamed at the pain between her hind legs.

“H-H-Hospital!....p-please!....” Crystal begged before passing out.


That’s how her vision was when she regained consciousness. Blurry but then it cleared and she was greeted by the comforting face of her coltfriend. Then dread hit her like a ton of bricks as she saw her parents’ faces next. She really didn't want to tell them what happened...but she knew it was inevitable.

Dont worry Crystal...your friends and your coltfriend are here...just take your time:pinkiesad2:.

“Thank Luna Crystal! When I got the call from your mom, I flew down here as fast as I could….also...I know what happened Crys.”, Silverblade said rather dimly as he reached out for her hoof only for her to retract it in fear and shame.

“Silverblade...how did you know-” Crystal started.

“Sgt. Nightcrawler explained to myself and your parents what happened.”, Silverblade cut her off before grasping her hoof gently, “Crys I’m So SO sorry! I-I’m sorry I wasn’t there with you to walk you home. I’m sorry that scumbag hurt you. I-I'm just so sorry….”, Silver couldn't finish because he started crying.

Oh Silver...:applecry:!!!

“Silver, D-do my parent’s….*sniffle*...Do my parents know what happened?”, Crystal asked with a slight tremor in her croaky voice.

That's what I'm wondering too:applejackunsure:.

“No, though I’d imagine they’re waiting for you to tell them yourself. Don’t worry, I’ll be right here next to you.”, Silver said calming down a bit as he heard the sound of the door opening. Crystal’s parents almost ran in, frantically trying to see their baby.

Speaking of...:pinkiesad2:.

“Mama….Daddy…..” Crystal stopped to cry hysterically, “ I...I was walking home from dropping off Seasalt from the party….oh Celestia!” Crystal couldn't finish because she became hysterical with tears once again.

“It's okay baby...just take your time.”, Silver said in a soothing tone.

Crystal took a few minutes to calm down and take a few deep breaths. Holy Night suggested she get something to eat and they all agreed. Holy opted out for getting the food from the cafeteria while Diamond stayed to look after their eldest daughter.

Hopefully everything will be okay now:ajsleepy:.

*sigh*...okay….I was going home after having dropped my…’heavily influenced’ friend at her apartment. I took a wrong turn down an alley behind a Hayburger and….and...and then I felt a bad presence come up behind me.” she paused to make sure the pegasus was writing it down. “I turned around and there was a stallion with a knife. I tried to scream but he moved the knife deeper into my neck...H-he told me If I-I made another sound before he was done that….that...that he’d ‘slit my throat and fuck my dead corpse’- those were his exact words….then he….he….”, She couldn't finish because the very memory of what he did next was overwhelming and she nearly had a panic attack. Her mom rubbed her back soothingly as she whispered comforting things. Eventually Crystal calmed down enough to continue.

“It’s okay young lady, just take your time and explain what happened”, Officer Star said.

“Then...I saw...I saw his “privates” exposed before he grabbed me forcibly and...and he….He RAPED me! Oh stars above it hurts!”, Crystal broke down in tears of both physical and emotional pain while Silverblade stood there with Crystal’s parents wide eyed and shocked.

Oh Crystal:raritycry:!!!

“Baby bat…”, Diamond said as she tried to hug her daughter but only received a shrink and a scoot away.

“N-No! Don’t touch me...please!”, Crystal shouted before letting out a series of screeches and her wings fluttered sporadically. Her outburst was so out of control that the doctors and nurses had to come in and sedate her with “lullaby herb”, a special sedating medication. Sgt. Nightcrawler turned towards a doctor to ask him something.

Oh man, its worse than I thought:raritydespair:!!!

“Dr. Syringe, with the consent of the parents might I order a rape kit on the girl?”, Nightcrawler asked to which the doctor nodded before turning to the obviously shocked pair of Thestrials.

“Well...I suppose it would be the only right thing to do...on behalf of our daughter. Yes.”, Holy Night replied.

The doctor nodded and proceeded to usher them all out so that a nurse could perform the test.

Please help her:applecry:!!!

“Thank you Dr., now let’s see…”, Nightcrawler opened the folder and read the results and wasn't surprised to see they said positive. Nightcrawler sighed as the parents and coltfriend came into view.

*sigh*...I have the results. She definitely wasn't lying, the rape kit read positive for foreign fluids and vaginal tearing. I’m going to assume she was a virgin still at the time of the attack?”,Sgt. Nightcrawler said. Pointing the last part towards Silverblade.

Oh Crystal...:fluttercry:.

“Y-yes….she always said she’d wait until marriage before losing it...but I guess that can’t be...not anymore…”, Silverblade said in a cold almost deadly tone.

That bastard...:twilightangry2:.

“I’m sorry but visiting hours are now over for today. You officers are gonna have to leave. The immediate family and...significant other of the patient requested they stay overnight though.”, the nurse said in a nasally tone.

Nightcrawler and Star nodded and said their goodbyes to the family with Nightcrawler promising that she’d come back tomorrow to check on them. They left soon after to let the young mare rest.

Rest easy Crystal:ajsleepy:.

Ironically enough, that was even My reaction to that whole ordeal.

Okay, that comment was actually pretty fun to read.

Yes. Can't it be that an author can even be surprised by her own works?
Yes. It was amusing.


Yes. Can't it be that an author can even be surprised by her own works?

I guess it can:derpytongue2:.

Yes. It was amusing.

I bet it was:twilightsmile:.

“Hey, Sea! Any word from those ‘contacts’ of yours yet?”, Crystal asked her friend who was busy straightening her hijab and muttering something colorful in marabic as they walked.

“Somehow, not yet sweetpea. Though I promise that as soon as I get word, I’ll tell ya...before I go handle the situation...they’d better pray that whoever did this isn't near water...”, Seasalt replied with a sinister grin.

I'm getting shivers down my spine:twilightoops:.

Knowing that look on her Marabian friends’ face, Crystal stopped in front of her and whispered something in her ear.

It would not do so well for the princess to be arrested before she heads back to the home country for vacation. Got it?”, She whispered. The only response from Seasalt was an uncomfortable nicker before she once again rubbed against her hijab before swearing loudly in marabic.

“Language, Filly! There are young ones nearby.”, Cosmic Wave reprimanded his (currently) foul-mouthed friend as they stopped in front of the entrance to a shopping plaza. Quickly stating their agreed meeting spot, the gang split in pairs and went on with their shopping day.

Sorry Mom:ajsmug::rainbowlaugh:.

Crystal, who normally could be found at the weaponry shop, suddenly decided to not enter her 2nd favorite store, in favor of hitting up the food court instead. Unsure of as to why his girlfriend decided to switch location on them, Silverblade simply went along with it as they came across a vendor who sold roasted fruit kabobs.

“Welcome to Comet Tail’s House of Kabobs! How may I help you two fine Thestrals this afternoon?”, The earth pony cashier with a name tag that read ‘Daffodil’ asked the couple.

“Hmmm...do you guys sell Mango, venison and watermelon kabobs?”, Crystal asked while getting a strange look from her boyfriend.

One thing that Thestrals love is fruit:ajsmug:.

“As a matter of fact, we do! How many would you like?”, Daffodil asked with a smile at the recognition of the specific dish.

“Ohh...maybe 6? Yes. Definitely six please?” Crystal started before hearing her stomach growl. Sheepishly in embarrassment, she added “Uhh...can I also get an--no two orders of chilli cheese hayfries with that?”, She finished with an embarrassed smile.

“Sure thing. Trust me, you aren't the first mare around here that I’ve gotten a...dare I say ‘strange’ request from. Oddly enough, we have a funny way to call an order like that out to the chef!”, Daffodil chuckled good naturedly as she typed out their total and gave them the change and receipt. Turning about, she placed the order form in front of a tiny window that outlooked the kitchen and called out.

“Hey Comet! We got a preggers mare special! Make it a good one for the nice batmare.”, the cashier shouted as she dinged the bell. A quick shout of ‘on it’ was the only response from the back as the pair of Thestrals sat at the umbrella clad table in the gated off section near the stall.

Preggars Mare Special:rainbowlaugh:?! Okay, that was a good one Phoenix:rainbowlaugh:!

“Gee, I wonder why they referred to it as the ‘preggers mare special?”, Silverblade wondered aloud as their food was brought out to them 10 minutes later.

“No clue, but this all looks fantastic!”, Crystal gasped before losing all sense on how to act in public and began to wolf down her food. After the first kabobs though, she realized something was missing. So, she called over their server again.

Yes, I wonder why indeed:ajsmug:.

“Excuse me, but by any chance do you guys have any Tabasco sauce and lavender honey?”, Crystal asked as sweetly as she could with mango juice dribbling off her muzzle.

Jeez Crystal, wipe your mouth:rainbowkiss:.

The server, at first looked shocked, but after a quick analysis of what the mare ordered, smiled and said he'd be right back with that (he also made sure to ask if Silverblade needed anything, a simple order of a hayburger and fries was that response) before leaving to obtain the items.

“Okay...should I even ask on why you asked for those specific sauces?”, Silverblade said with a confused look.

“I dunno? It just feels like these kabobs need those!” Crystal paused as the server brought them their food and sauces “Ahh. Thanks so much!”, She finished as she proceeded to cover a kabob, first in tabasco, then in lavender honey. Messily scarfing it down with a satisfied grin on her face.

Noticeably concerned by his mare friend's behavior as of the past two months, Silverblade hadn't brought it up due to the fragility of the situation that had befallen his mare just 3 months prior. Taking note of her recent moodiness and odd cravings as of the past month, he had a theory of why she was acting like she was. Yet it was one he had prayed to the moon goddess, Serena countless times that it was untrue. Finally finding his courage, he decided to confront her about it.

“Crystal.Are you absolutely sure you’ve been feeling 100% recently? Like...well you’d tell me if...if you weren't feeling comfortable right?”, Silver asked. Worry etched across his face.

You're gonna find out soon enough:rainbowderp:.

Seeing the concern in her coltfriend's face, she sighed before admitting that for the past 2 months she's been feeling strange. However, before she could completely finish her admission, she suddenly bolted up from the seat she was in and all but flew towards the closest trash bin. Without preamble, she emptied her stomach into the bin. Thankful that her mane was pulled back into a low ponytail, so that it wasn't in her face. Suddenly feeling a strong pair of hooves rubbing her back, she was suddenly grateful for her future husband. As she knelt there, coughing and spitting out the bike, she couldn't help but know what could possibly be wrong with her.

Uh-oh, morning sickness:twilightoops:!!!

“C’mon baby, Let's gather the gang and head back to my place. From there we can just go your parents’ house and talk to them. If we need to, we can go to a clinic.”, Silverblade said gently as Crystal leaned up and staggered over to a nearby bench.

*pant* I don't care where we go, just get me out of here! Also, did ya at least pack the food in go-to containers?”, Crystal griped as she turned a pale color and leaned back against the bench.

“As if I wouldn't have! Darlin’ I have more sense than that.”, Silver chuckled as he held the bag up with their leftovers. Then her turned away to call the rest of the gang on his phone.


“Then all of a sudden, she springs up and goes in a deadbolt sprint towards the nearest trashcan. Nearly gave me a heart attack she did! I at least had some common sense to ask the server to bring me some to-go boxes and a bag, before I went after her.”, Silverblade finished his explanation to his friends. To which at least one of them had a thoughtful look on her face as the others looked puzzled.

“Hmmmm... unexpected nausea and vomiting? Along with the odd behavior and cravings she's been having...Oh Faust!”, Rosebud whispered to herself before addressing Seasalt in a sidebar.

“Sea. Imma need ya to fly to the drug store and pick up something for Crys. Make it discreet as possible ya hear me?”, Rose asked her friend.

“Discreet is my middle name!”, Seasalt replied with a confident smirk.

“I thought it was ‘Marisol’?”, Log Roller said in a confused tone.

“Log, remember what I told you what a ‘figure of speech’ is?”, Cosmic Wave asked.

“NOPE!”, Log Roller yelled with a happy shake of his hooves.


“What’s in the bags?”, Crystal asked.

“Snacks and something for you.”, Sea replied cryptically.

Immediately in tune with her best friend's tone, Crystal hopped off the couch and walked with her towards the small hallway.

“Here, take these into the bathroom and use them.”, Seasalt instructed.

“Wait--what?!? Why would I--”, Crystal started.

Wanna see if you're gonna be a mommy:rainbowkiss:.

“--No arguments! Look, Rosebud has a feeling and...I admittedly have the same. It won't hurt to just see? Besides I'm gonna lock you in there until you use every last one in this box.”, Seasalt replied in a semi-harsh tone as she pushed the box into her besties’ hooves and catapulted her into the bathroom. Locking the door for safe measure.

No ifs, ands, or butts:ajsmug:.

As she sat there in the dimly lit bathroom, the only coherent thought running through Crystal Night’s head was: “Maybe I am? Maybe I’m not?”. Soldering on, the 18-year-old opened the box and pulled out the 4 little white sticks. Being careful to open them from the plastic wrappings they rested in. Lifting up the toilet cover, she set about urinating on the sticks (and relieving her bladder at the same time). After completing this, she set the sticks on the counter and wiped herself before flushing and washing her hooves. Crystal did a sideways glance towards the box as it lay on the opposite end of the counter as she dried her front hooves. Picking it up, she read the instructions to wait 5 minutes for the results. While she waited, she picked up a random magazine she was sure she had left some time ago, and absentmindedly flicked through it.

When her watch said that 5 minutes were up, Crystal all but had a mini-heart attack.

Slowly, she picked up one of the sticks. The gasp she let out was one so sudden and quiet, that she barely even heard herself make it. Shaking, she picked up the other two and they too had the same red “+” sign. Feeling faint, Crystal slid down against the wall. The shock clear on her face.

“I’m pregnant….”, Chrystal whispered when she heard the door unlock and barely registered that her coltfriend had come in.

“What was that, my dove?”, Silverblade asked as even he couldn't hear what she said.

“Oh Faust! Silverblade...I’m pregnant!”, Crystal Night wailed as she collapsed onto her shocked boyfriend's chest.

And thus the cat is out of the bag:scootangel:!!! Or rather...the bat is out of the cave:raritywink:!

This was also expected, yet her reveal is absolutely NOT a good thing.

Given what happened, it really wasn't:ajsleepy:. Still, I just can't help but be happy for her, and I know she'll have her friends to help her:twilightsmile:.

Also, just for the hell of it, I kind of knew what the discover was going to be as soon as I saw the title:derpytongue2:.

Yeah, I was debating whether or not that was too on the nose.

I'm sure that it wasn't for a majority of the people reading this, but it kind of was for me:twilightsheepish:. Not that that's a bad thing, but it was kind of obvious:twilightsheepish:.

I expected so. Regardless, as far as Chapter X is concerned... haven't even started that yet

Well I dunno? At the moment, I'm not sure what's gonna happen.

Yeah...whenever it happens (hopefully it won't take me 2 years again...)

Don't worry, I'm sure the flames of inspiration will ignite from the immortal bird with you:raritywink::rainbowdetermined2:!

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