• Published 18th Nov 2015
  • 610 Views, 0 Comments

Deathrattle - MaritoEconomico

This story follows the course of history the original history. My intention has been to answer to the question: how would be the happy and colorful world of MLP if hidden inside it there was also a side dark, violent or perverse?

  • ...

A common start?

The next day Applejack, with everything she needed, got to the edge of the Everfree Forest, where she would help Shadow to repair the old building that was going to be the house of Shadow; probably the building was what was left of the home of the warden of the forest, if ever there was one.

Applejack and Shadow had already been working on that for some hours, and Applejack was keeping glancing towards the forest, which was a few meters from them, when she couldn’t hold on anymore and said: “I still can’t believe that you want to live in a place like this.”

“I’m happy that you are worried for me;” said Shadow understanding Applejack’s concerns “but I can assure you that I slept in places a lot worse than this one; and, as you can see, nothing has happened to me so far.”

“I don’t think that searching old items can be so dangerous.” said perplexed Applejack thinking that the fragile Shadow couldn’t face a real danger.

“I may actually be exaggerating.” joked Shadow; then after reflecting for a while said: “I must admit that I am a bit disappointed; I hoped to meet the Apple family today.”

“I will be honest with you.” said Applejack, who, as soon as she heard the name of her family, stopped working and got extremely serious, “I still consider you a suspicious man and I don’t trust you so I think that is not a good idea that you meet my family.” Applejack, partly, really believed what she had just said but she used that kind of words because she was interested in Shadow’s reaction at the moment, so she could understand what kind of man he was.

“It seems reasonable to me.” was the peaceful answer of Shadow.

Such genuine and quiet answer shocked Applejack so much that for several seconds she was unable to say anything until, almost to apologize for her words, she said: “Anyway, there’s the possibility that you will meet them at the party, this evening.”

“Party? Which party?” asked Shadow not less surprised than Applejack was a few moments before.

“The one that Pinkie is preparing for your arrival to Ponyville, evidently.” explained Applejack, as it was the most obvious thing.

“A party, for me?” Shadow whispered embarrassed to no one: “I forgot that she throws one for everyone.”

Then, after calming down at once, she said: “There’s something that surprises me anyway.”

“What?” inquired Applejack; who, in the meanwhile, had started again to work on the house.

“Before you said that you don’t trust me.” said Shadow repeating Applejack’s words “And still you come here alone, isn’t that a contradiction to your words?”

“It would be if you could hurt me in any way.” answered Applejack confident of her own strength.

“Isn’t it a bit too cocky an affirmation like that?” asked Shadow smiling politely.

“What about a nice challenge in this case?” suggested Shadow peaceful.

There was no way that Applejack could refuse a challenge proposed so directly; but before she could accept it, she was interrupted by Nekuro, who from the inside of the forest yelled: “Miao!”

“It seems that I’ve been called.” said Shadow diverting immediately his attention from Applejack “Would you be so nice to wait a moment for or little challenge?” he asked Applejack smiling.

“Sure.” answered Applejack.

After a little Shadow found Nekuro, who was waiting for him a few meters inside the forest, and annoyed Shadow asked: “What is the problem now? Things were getting interesting back there.”

“Meow.” explained Nekuro looking towards the inside of the forest.

“Five.. No six timberwolves.” counted Shadow looking where Nekuro had shown to him, despite the fact that the creatures were still too far to be seen by a common equestrian, “And so?” he asked bored and not worried at all.”

“What’s the matter? Shall we call Cheshire to give you a hand?” asked Shadow mockingly Nekuro.

“Meow!” exclaimed offended Nekuro.

“I was joking, just joking.” laughed Shadow; then after reflecting a few seconds, before going back to Applejack said: “Yes, why not, capture a couple of them for me, there is a couple of things that I’d like to test.”

Back to Applejack, who in the meanwhile had already finished repairing the old house which was almost complete, Shadow said: “Sorry to keep you waiting.”

“What was the matter?” inquired Applejack who still couldn’t realize how Shadow could enter and leave the forest with no worries at all.

“No, no he just wanted to show me the last mouse he caught.” answered Shadow a bit hasty “He thinks he is a great predator.” he added laughing.

“Weren’t we talking about a challenge before?” asked Applejack trying not to give the impression of not accepting the idea of a challenge “What were you thinking about?”

“Nothing special: just an arm wrestling challenge.” explained Shadow with a smile “But we gamble your pay.” she added just to give Applejack a reason to be serious.

“Whaaat? And why on earth would you choose that?” said loudly Applejack who didn’t understand why someone like Shadow would challenge a terrestre like her to a strength competition.

“It was you who stated to be stronger than me; and so I decide to challenge in a strength competition to prove that you are wrong.” explained Shadow serene, “What’s the matter now? Don’t tell me that you are afraid to lose.” he provoked Applejack.

“Lose? Against someone like you? It will never happen!” replied Applejack who now really didn’t want to lose for any reason in the world.

And so the two found a stump of a tree, tall and wide enough to be useful for their purpose, Applejack gave Shadow the honor to start the challenge, who was very happy to accept it.

“Three, two, one...” Shadow started counting down “...Go!”

Even before Applejack could move a single muscle the challenge was already over, Shadow with an outstanding speed had already beaten her without any trouble.

“What’s the problem?” Shadow asked with a mocking smile “Was it too fast for you?”

Applejack shocked was not able to respond to the provocation, instead she said: “Another one! I wasn’t ready!” and, thinking that Shadow was using some kind of trick, she added: “And this time I’ll count.”

But contrary to Applejack’ expectation’ the same identical scene repeated.

“At the best of three!” yelled Applejack who at this point had no more ideas of what thinking about that absurd situation and forgetting also that Shadow had already won two matches.

“Fine, you can have it.” said Shadow bored, repositioning himself again for another challenge “But, at least, try to be a bit more serious.”

“Damn, I heard that you are the best of your family, for sure, if the voices are correct, I must conclude that the rest of the Apple family is just a punch of complete losers.” Shadow thought out loud without even looking at Applejack.

“Don’t dare to insult my family again.” Applejack raged, hearing such offensive words towards her beloved relatives.

“It seems to have worked pretty well.” thought Shadow; finally Applejack would have taken the challenge seriously after all.

“Three, two, one...” Shadow, started to count since Applejack was too focused to win the match to count.

At the “Start” the soul gem of Applejack lit up of a bright orange light, the sign that she was using the typical spell of her clan, and with all her strength, that she was able to impart to her arm, Applejack slammed the back of Shadow’s hand against the stump with such a strength that the stump was not able to bear it and it split in half with a loud ‘CRACK’.

As soon as Applejack realized what she had done, she yelled worried: “Sorry! I didn’t think that, no what I mean is I didn’t want to…”

“Damn Applejack, that could really hurt.” joked Shadow drawing swiftly back the hand as soon it hit the stump.

“..Do you mean that it didn’t hurt you at all?” asked Applejack stunned from the face of Shadow serene despite what had happened just in that moment.

“Meow?!” yelled worried Nekuro appearing from behind the house.

“Don’t worry, just a little challenge.” answered Shadow.

“Sorry for what I said earlier.” he apologized to Applejack “But I just didn’t want you to lose your pay.” explained.

“And about that, here it is.” Shadow said to her, throwing the two gold coins promised to Applejack with his left hand” he greeted her.

Applejack feeling guilty and too confused was able to say only: “Sure, thanks.” before leaving with a bitter taste in her mouth.

After Applejack left, Shadow affirmed: “It seems that almost every information that we were able to gather is correct.” then massaging his right hand, which was starting to bleed, probably there was some micro fractures also, added: “I’m optimistic about the success of the mission.”

Soon Nekuro approached Shadow, and after a couple of friendly licks at the wounds of Shadow they disappeared healed.

Pinkie Pie organized the welcome party for Shadow at Twilight’s home; since it was the only available place, big enough to receive all the guests “Are you having fun?” Twilight asked to Shadow after a while the party had started and realising that he didn’t seem really interested to know the other guests.

“More or less.” Shadow answered.” I don’t feel comfortable surrounded by all these people.” explained.

Understanding his feeling Twilight said “Pinkie enjoys organizing this kind of things as big as possible.”

“Shadow, come here!” suddenly Shadow was called by Pinkie “There’s still a lot of people that I want to introduce to you!”

Shadow was not really in the mood to meet other people, but he didn’t want to contradict Pinkie so he headed towards her; but he was intercepted by Rainbow Dash who said determined “Hang on a moment! We must have a drinking contest!”

Shadow surprised and confused at the same time said “O-ok? I guess.” and so he was dragged by Rainbow, who could not wait much longer to show once again that she was the best, to a table with a lot of beer mugs on it, where Applejack was already waiting for them.

Applejack, who didn’t forget that she had lost temper that morning, asked a bit embarrassed “Hi, how is your hand anyway?”

Shadow, sitting at the table, noticed the puzzled look of Rainbow and so said “I’ve hurt myself working on the house this morning.” without revealing anything more; “But now I’m all right.” he answered to Applejack showing his right hand.

Rainbow was not interested to know more and so she enthusiastically exclaimed “Good, so... let’s start the!” drinking her first mug at the same time.

The three of them were still equal, there was someone starting his fifth mug someone who was finishing his fourth, when Shadow stood up and left the table without even saying a word; seeing that Rainbow, who was starting to feel the first effects of the alcohol, exclaimed “What? Quitting already, loser? And you call yourself a man?!” then she got on drinking her mug, without thinking of any possible provocation caused by her words.

Anyway Shadow, in his opinion, had nothing to prove and so he approached Twilight asking, not without a little embarrassment, “Could you tell me where the free burp area is?”

“What?!?” exclaimed Twilight surprised by that bizarre question.

“Beer causes me a lot of air and this could lead to some little problems.” Shadow explained worried.

“Ah, yes sure.” Well, I suppose that you can go there.” Twilight said, pointing to a door that leaded to a still unused room; thinking at the same that the request of Shadow, even if a bit silly, showed some kind of respect towards the others.

“Thank you.” Shadow answered walking towards the door.

Shadow was outside in the street looking at Twilight’s house, where the party was still going on, when he heard “Meow?”

Without looking back Shadow said “I stayed enough, anyway I don’t think that they will notice my absence.”

“Nobody ever notices that.” whispered turning back with the intention to go away.

Nekuro melancholic said “Meow.” understanding also what Shadow didn’t want to say; and so he started to follow him, but suddenly jumped away disappearing in the night.

“So that’s where you disappeared!” said a voice coming from behind Shadow; turning back, he saw that the voice he had heard was Fluttershy‘s, who was coming towards him, so,confused ,Shadow asked: “What are you doing here?”

“I was looking for you.” explained Fluttershy as it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“You were looking for.. me?” Shadow answered.

“Obviously!” Fluttershy exclaimed almost indignant for such a question; and now already close to Shadow he added “Where are you thinking to go ? The others are waiting for you.”

At that thought Shadow turned back to the library, and then he suddenly felt a strange sensation: something was lying on his back exercising a slight pressure. Looking back Shadow saw that Fluttershy was trying pretty hard to push him towards the library.

“Are you trying to tickle, massage or push me?” Shadow asked unimpressed not understanding if Fluttershy was really so weak or was just faking.

“I’m pushing you towards the party!” Fluttershy who was starting to turn red for the effort exclaimed embarrassed.

“Oh!” exclaimed Shadow “In this case I suppose I should move towards that direction, right?” said pointing the library.

“If you don’t mind.” Fluttershy said smiling.

“Fine.” sighed Shadow faking that Fluttershy really could push him with her miserable strength.

As soon as Shadow entered the house, Rarity went to him and she said snickering. “So that’s where you are! You almost lost the end of the challenge.” pointing the table where Rainbow Dash and Applejack, both of them almost drunk, were keeping drinking beer in order not to give the satisfaction of the victory to the other one.

Suddenly Shadow was grabbed and dragged away from Pinkie Pie who exalted, as usual for her, exclaimed “Come on! There are still a lot of people that want to know you!” Shadow could not help not to crack a happy smile.

Walking away from the party already over , Fluttershy and Shadow together went down the street that excited from Ponyville and, at the moment to separate Fluttershy said happly “It has been a really good party, right?”

“Right.” answered Shadow not knowing what to say more.

“It’s always a pleasure to spend some time with friends; am I right?” Fluttershy added

“Sure.” Shadow replied.

After that Fluttershy left Nekuro approaching Shadow who melancholy whispered to himself “Friends, eh?”

“Meow.” Nekuro said serious.

“I know it!” Shadow answered irritated “And go to tell Cheshire not to worry, I will complete the mission.” then he continued bitterly “It has been years since we have worked on it why can’t he wait some months longer?”

The next morning Shadow went to Twilight’s home and he knocked on the door.

“Hi, please come in.” said Twilight opening the door “Why are you here?” she asked since she was waiting for no one.

“I’m here to offer my help to clean the mess after yesterday night.” Shadow explained.

“But there’s no reason for you to do so!” Twilight said gently.

“The party was thrown for me, it’s just right that I help to clean.” replied Shadow “I don’t have to do anything anyway.”

“Ok, in this case thanks.” Twilight said accepting the help of Shadow.

“Twilight where do these go?” they heard yelling from upstairs.

Once Shadow reached the upper level, accompanied by Twilight, he found out that a baby green and purple dragon had yelled.

“Thanks Spike, they should be the treaties on the Western wildlife, so…” Twilight started to explain, when she was interrupted by Shadow who enthusiastic yelled “But that’s a baby dragon!”

“I’ve never seen a baby dragon before!” continued, running to see Spike closer.

“Please, not this again.” Twilight sighed because she remembered that a similar situation had happened not long time before.

“Hi Spike, I am Shadow Smoke, talk me about yourself.” Shadow said in one shot for the enthusiasm.

“It seems that around here everybody likes dragons.” Spike replied to Twilight, evidently pleased with that situation

“What would you like to know.” Spike asked gently to his new fan.

“Absolutely everything!” Shadow said smiling.

“This will take a long time.” Twilight rumbled “It means that I’ll have to clean everything alone.” she ended resigned.

“And that’s the story of all and entire life, up to today.” Spike said ending his long long story, in which he hadn’t left out any particular.

“So you act as intermediary between Twilight and the princess?” Shadow asked smiling extremely interested.

“You are right.” responded promptly Spike “Thanks to my green flame I can send and receive letters directly from Princess Celestia.” explained proudly.

“And from what I’ve understood..” Shadow started to say giggling “you have got a crush for Rarity!” exclaimed mischievous.

Spike caught off guard, faltered “W-what?! No, I mean it’s not as it seems, no sorry what I mean is…” then resigned said “would you mind not to tell it to anyone?”

“Do not worry; your secret is safe with me.” Shadow said comprehensive “On the contrary, I think that we could reach an agreement.” proposed.

“Agreement? What are you talking about?” Spike asked as he didn’t understand what Shadow could talk about.

“Well, I have only thought that a dragon and an equestrian are a strange couple.” said thoughtful Shadow “I could do some researches and see if something like that is possible, or even if it has already happened.” Shadow explained to Spike.

“Would you really do something like that?” said Spike surprised and happy for the unexpected request; considering also those thoughts like that had worried him in the last days.

“Not for free obviously,” Shadow pointed out “as payment for my work you could let me study these flames of which you are so proud and that charm me so much.” said Shadow with the eyes shining for emotions.

After a moment of uncertainty Spike answered “Sure! Why should I say no?” not finding any good reason to refuse the proposal.

“Excellent!” said Shadow concluding the agreement; then starting to go downstairs yelled loud “Twilight we have finished here, do you still need help?” since Shadow didn’t know if she could hear him from where she was that moment.

“You two have been talking all the morning!” Twilight exclaimed irritated “At this point I have already finished.”

“In this case I will leave.” Shadow said goodbye happily.

After Shadow left Twilight’s home he met Nekuro, who was waiting for him, and together they headed towards their new home leaving Ponyville.

“This is a true damn problem.” Shadow said worried “How long do you think it will take to understand how the baby dragon works?” he asked gloomy to Nekuro.

“Meow.” Nekuro answered calm.

“In this case we are going to lose one or two letters, at least.” observed Shadow not happy at all “We can only hope that Twilight will not write anything compromising about us to the hag.”