• Published 18th Nov 2015
  • 609 Views, 0 Comments

Deathrattle - MaritoEconomico

This story follows the course of history the original history. My intention has been to answer to the question: how would be the happy and colorful world of MLP if hidden inside it there was also a side dark, violent or perverse?

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A shadow upon Ponyville

Contrary to the expectation of Shadow the sun had already risen and sunk (and it was rising a second time) before he managed to reach the vicinity of Canterlot.

“We should be landed far enough.” commented Shadow “Let’s see if we can get something anyway.” he added thoughtfully

The sun had already set by few hours and Shadow was waiting in a room of the castle for some time when a young girl with the hair of the colors of the night entered slightly hurry with a nice smile; Shadow recognized her as Princess Luna thanks to her two visible light blue soul gems, one on the head, the other on the chest; before the princess could even say anything Shadow knelt and solemnly said: “Your majesty, it’s an honor to make your acquaintance!”

“There’s no need to be so formal.” said Luna surprised “Just call me Luna.”

“This seems to me a bit excessive, at least allow me to call you Princess Luna.” answered Shadow.

“We come to an agreement.” approved Luna “Can you repeat your name? I don’t remember that someone has announced you.”

“My name is Shadow Smoke; I’m, sorry but I don’t like such exhibitionism.” expounded humble Shadow.

“I see.” said Luna “Oh, I’m so excited! This is the first time that I meet a citizen of the kingdom…”

“I guess it is because for the accident of Nightmare Moon.” added melancholic “But you don’t seem worried.”

“I’m not someone who gives real importance to such legends.” commented indifferent Shadow; then frowning (as if a weight had suddenly laid on his chest) said composed: “But this led me directly to the reason why I’m here.”

“If you are able, and if it does not give too much hassle, could you talk about the Element of Harmony and how they freed you?” said Shadow with a sigh.

“I’d like to know the whole story of how we recovered our lost princess.” completed with a friendly smile.

“Yes, I suppose that there’s no problems.” answered Luna after a moment of uncertainty (which seemed a century to her) “Talk about that will help, I imagine.”

And so she did; Luna explained what happened two nights before and also about Nightmare Moon as far as she could, since she didn’t remember a lot (the memories were too vivid and sad to be shared) and most part of the story was told her by others; but she was right about one thing: when she finished the narration she really felt a bit better as if to share part of the pain could help to attenuate it.

“It has been very useful and interesting.” judged Shadow in the end “I appreciate the time you have given me, but it’s time for me to go.” he ended with a smile.

“I'm happy to have been of assistance.” said tired Luna as Shadow started to go towards the exit.

But before Shadow opened the door, he looked back and said: “If you allow me, I think it’s better that you don’t talk with your sister about this conversation.”

“What? Why?” asked Luna very surprised by his unusual request.

“During this period your sister will be busy handling the matter of Nightmare Moon for sure, so I believe that tell her about our speech will lead to nothing good, in fact the news could stress her out even more and make her worry about you in vain. But this is just a humble suggestion.” explained gentle Shadow.

“I think you can be right, I will follow your advice.” concluded uncertain Luna, who got worried by the idea of giving others concerns to her beloved sister.

“Good. Now if you allow me, I will leave; I hope to see you again in the future.” Shadow took his leave closing the door behind him.

“Nekuro what are you doing here? The hag could see you!” were the worried words of Shadow as soon as he saw that Nekuro was waiting just outside the room of the interview.

“Meow.” sentenced quite Nekuro, as if the concern of Shadow could not be less justified; “Meow?” he interrogated Shadow.

“I have to admit that she is better than I firstly thought, better than the hag surely, she seems to be a friendly person.” answered Shadow as they started to walk down the hallways (which were enlightened by torch attached to the walls) whit the confidence of who fells at home.

A worried “Meow.” convinced Shadow (who could not hold back an irritated “Dammit!”) to follow Nekuro in a side hallway (one of those so miserable that doesn’t even have a room).

To alarm Nekuro were two guards who were doing the night patrol; when they reached the hallway in which Shadow had hidden, the younger (a young boy who probably was in his first year of training) glancing in that direction could see only darkness.

“Isn’t a bit too dark this hallway in your opinion?” he wondered a bit worried to the older guard (a man who probably was his tutor).

“Probably some torch went out, keep moving.” he answered bored continuing to walk without paying attention to his subordinate.

“I tell you here is way too dark in my opinion. Maybe we should check.” persisted the youth who almost hypnotized kept observing that black spot, which was supposed to be a hallway and seemed to swallow any light only a meter from him.

“No! It’s not our business, keep moving; moreover, our turn is almost over. And now I just want to go to sleep.” grumbled the other; the young one in order to not contradict his superior decided to listen to him, but not before to have glanced at that event, which in his opinion was very singular.

After that the guards left the light of the torch returned to light the hallway, without making the slightest noise, as nothing strange ever had happened, showing that Shadow and Nekuro were just staying here motionless against a wall all that time.

“It’s lucky that the guards here are pretty sloppy, at least we didn’t have to take care of them.” asserted Shadow, with a grin promising trouble.

Afterwards, they didn’t meet anybody again and as expected, they could get to undisturbed a window facing west; and there Shadow jumped into the void completing the leap without any hesitation or sound and from there he and Nekuro left the city without being seen from either people or animals, as if the darkness would help him.

It was already the sunset when Shadow was finally able to see his destination: Ponyville home town of the Element of Harmony.

“So this is where the elements are.” was the first comment of Shadow examining the landscape before his eyes “This city is even too peaceful. Pathetic.” was the sarcastic conclusion.

“How should I introduce myself?” he asked at no one in particular “Blue eyes and short brown hair? Yes, I like how it looks.”

And so it happened that a blue eye equestrian with brown hair knocked at the door of the library of Ponyville, which by now had become the home of Twilight Sparkle.

“Come on in.” said a voice from inside. Entering Shadow saw the female mago with blue, violet and pink hair and the violet soul gem on the head, who Shadow knew to be Twilight Sparkle, who was putting in order the books of the library cataloging by topic and name.

“Make yourself comfortable, a moment and I’m going to end.” apologized Twilight, but after a few seconds she felt uncomfortable and turning toward the newcomer, she saw that he was staring her amazed “Can I help you?” could asked embarrassed.

“Are you Twilight Sparkle the most faithful student of Princess Celestia?” asked excited Shadow.

“Y-yes.” answered hesitant Twilight.

“I’m so excited!” exclaimed Shadow. “You have to tell me everything about Canterlot and our beloved Princess Celestia.”

Twilight caught off guard by so much enthusiasm was unable to refuse and so she started to speak, and the more she spoke and more she wanted to tell, she found out that she loved to recall and speak about the life that until a few days before she had lived in Canterlot and particularly she enjoyed talking about the personal lesson with Princess Celestia, enriching without thinking of particulars that a non-mago as her interlocutor could not understand, she thought later. Her story had involved herself so much that when the guy left she forgot even to ask his name or where he was living, a great lack of hospitality she blamed herself.

Shadow instead didn’t care about such formalities and ended the conversation he considered himself satisfied with what he heard, didn’t hear, said and didn’t say. So when he exited the library he was happy to see Nekuro waiting him nearby.

“Meow?” asked Nekuro smiling.

“I will tell you, even more proud than we imagined.” answered Shadow “I think that it will be fun to deal with her.” added.

Shadow decided that the day had been quite profitable and it was time to move away Ponyville, it was evening anyways. He chose that they were spending the night outdoors, they were used to that kind of situation, anyhow the summer was just starting and the nights were pleasant temperature.

“Now I have just to decide which one of the other five I will meet tomorrow.” said talking to himself again.

That evening the last things that Shadow saw were a beautiful starry sky, and also Nekuro; who for some unknown reason was watching him fall asleep with a strange smile on the face.