• Published 13th Dec 2015
  • 270 Views, 0 Comments

An Equestrian Adventure - Trainboy

Well, this isn't great. One minute I'm a perfectly sane human... Next I'm here in Equestria... And a pony. There must be some way to get home. But what? What!

  • ...

2: Wait... What?!

Ow! My head was killing me. Maybe it was a hangover, maybe it was the fact that I landed on my head. But whatever it was, it was downright agony. I opened my eyes slightly. My ears rang louder than ever before, but when I finally managed to open my eyes, I found the grass under me wasn't natural looking at all. As a matter of fact, it looked almost animated.

I looked at the back of my hands, and found that I could barely keep my eyes open. Something was going on. Was I dying? I could hardly breathe. It was then that I felt the change.

For a brief second, it was slow. I felt my legs and arms become longer and close together. But it then happened all at once. With an outcry of pain, I felt a muzzle sprout almost instantaneously, along with my ears reappearing at the top of my head rather than each side. Then, a long tail sprouted out from behind me and my hair curved down into a mane. Before I knew what had even happened, everything went completely white, and only the echo of that ear ringing stayed in my head.

When I was finally able to see again, all I saw were bookshelves. Lots and lots of bookshelves. But, like the grass I landed on, these books looked 2D and animated. As if I was a crummy character in a cartoon.

At first, I could only see black and white, but gradually, the colours got more and more rich, and my head finally stopped ringing. I decided I felt better at once and attempted to get up.


I looked around.

"Hello?" I asked "A... Anyone there?"

"Yes" came the voice again "But shhh. You need to rest. That was quite a nasty fall you took back there"

I lay on the floor, rubbing my head.

"Oohh" I groaned "Wh... Where am I?"

"Welcome to my library" said the voice proudly.

"... Yeah" I said pointing to the books "I figured. But what part of town?"

"Well" said the voice "We're just to the East of Sugarcube corner and about 30 feet north of the town hall"

"Town hall?" I said "We have a town hall?"

"Of course we do silly" laughed the voice "This is Ponyville after all"

I stopped dead.

"... Wh... What was that... Name?... Again?" I asked slowly.

"Ponyville" the voice answered "Well, technically, I found you out of town, quite a relief for you if I do say so myself"

It was then that I first had a look at my arms. Well, you could hardly call them arms. But they were legs, with hooves on the end. I looked behind me and saw my fur and tail. Staggering up, I looked for the nearest mirror. Looking into it, I saw a cream pony with a brown mane and brown eyes looking at me back.

I'm not the kind of guy that gets scared easily. But boy did I scream. I ended up running around the library shouting and screaming.

"This is just a nightmare!" I shouted "This is all just part of the hangover!"

"Good gracious" said the voice. I turned around. Looking at me was a purple pony with a pink stripe running down her mane. I noticed her horn and wings.

I flew over onto my back.

"G... Get away!" I cried "Get away from me"

"Hey, hey" said the pony "Calm down. You're obviously in shock. Just take a rest on that armchair, and tell me more about who you are and where you came from"

I looked at her suspiciously

"W... Why?" I asked

"Well, how else am I supposed to get you home" the pony laughed "I'm Twilight by the way. Twilight sparkle"

"Uhhh, hey there" I said sceptically "I'm... Samuel"

"Just Samuel?"

"No" I said sarcastically "Samuel Sunshine"

"Pleased to meet you Samuel Sunshine!" Twilight beamed.

"Wait... What? No... I didn't actually mean..."

"Now" said Twilight "Where do you come from"

"Uhhh" I said, trying to think of a name "... Dinglesly?"

Twilight looked up suspiciously. I felt a terrible dread come over me.

"Okay then" she said "Let's see"

She pulled out a map of what seemed to be a fantasy land. I couldn't believe it. I was still trying to get over the whole changing into a pony thing, and now I had several puzzles to sort out.

"Why does this always happen after a night at the clubs?" I asked, hiding my face in my hooves.

"A night at the wha?" Came the confused reply.

"Uhh, just don't worry" I said quickly, she returned to the map.

I looked around the room. There had to some way that I could make a quick getaway.

"Uhh" I said "I've uhh, I've gotta go check on something... I won't be long"

Twilight didn't even look up. This was my chance. I darted out the door and ran down a street with my eyes closed. Everywhere I looked, all I could see was technicolor ponies. Pink ponies, red ponies, green and blue ponies. This was turning into a nightmare. Quickly, I raced up to what appeared to be a barn.

Once there, I dived behind a bail of hay.

"Okay, okay. Keep it together man, keep it together" I said, trying to calm down "Let's look at the situation. I find a toy that's possessed, I find a light coming from the oak tree. I get pulled into the light and next thing I know I'm in this world of technicolor ponies... And I'm a pony"

"Good exposition sugarcube" came a voice "But would you mind if I was to get this hay out the way"

I looked behind me and saw an orange pony with a blonde mane and a country hat on. I'm not someone who gets easily attached to girls, but boy am I a sucker for blondes. Without even thinking, I swooshed my new mane, and walked up to her.

"Perhaps you could join me behind here.... Sugarcube" I smirked

"Ugh" She said, before I felt an incredibly strong force against my face, sending me flying out from behind the hay bail and into some trees behind the barn.

"What was that?!" I cried

"Oh nothin'" the pony smirked "Just a lil buckin' is all"

"You did that with your legs?!?" I said, walking up to her again, then another pick-up line crossed my mind "With legs as strong as those, you must be brilliant in the hay bail if you know what I'm saying"

It only took a second before I landed in the trees again.

"Perhaps flirting with a pony isn't the best idea" I decided, before heading back

The orange pony looked at me, as if I was going to continue flirting with her. She got into a position where she could easily make me go flying again if need be.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" I cried, trying to calm her down "Look I'm sorry if flirting's not your thing. I'm just a kinda sucker for blondes"

"Well perhaps ya ought ta think before flirtin' with folk" The orange pony said, before throwing another bail of hay onto another.

"I know. Sorry about that" I said, stroking the back of my neck "I'm Samuel"

She looked at me with the most suspicious look.

"I'm Applejack" She said "Nice to meet ya"

"Yeah" I smiled awkwardly "Nice to meet you too"

"Sure" Applejack said, the suspicion still on her face "Now, if ya don't mind, I have work to do?"

"Oh sure" I said, standing aside.

Applejack walked over and continued stacking hay bails. I thought perhaps she wasn't the right pony to be mucking around with. Suddenly, I heard a familiar shout.

"Samuel! There you are!" It was Twilight coming up the hill.

'Oh here we go' I thought, rolling my eyes.

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